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Thanks Sue Ann, it's good to have a bit of guilty bear making time bear_original I don't get much now that I'm teaching full time, so I'm glad to see some familiar faces!

Here's the finished (almost) product of my WIP...

Squirrel Face 3 by Je Suis Lugly!, on Flickr


I like to post WIP pics too, although they're usually iPhone photos on my Facebook page:

I like the 'sneak peek' feel of these posts and don't mind showing my work halfway though... I like seeing other peoples work this way too!


Awww, your little hare is just the right mix of substantial and lanky  bear_wub


I love how leathery his face looks  bear_wub


Thanks Becky bear_original Can't believe how long it's been!



Hi everyone!

It's time to celebrate five years of Je Suis Lugly!

A lot has changed in those five years, but I hope you'll agree that the majority of changes have been in the right direction. I really want to mark the occassion by hosting a big giveaway. The rules are pretty simple and you could win sweet Earl shown on the left here: he's one of my little bears from the Teddies Worldwide Tea Party, and he needs a new home.

All you have to do to have a chance at winning is be a member of my mailing list. Simple, right? I only use my mailing list to let people know about new pieces or really exciting news and you can unsubscribe any time after the competition closes, I won't be offended... people who're already members are already entered.

To sign up just put your email address in the box below or on my blog

Competition closes in two weeks (May 6th) and I will pick a winner using an online random number generator: good luck!

Chloe and the Lugly's


Great photos, Jane! Wish I'd been there, hope you're healing fast x


I don't mind jackets, dresses or shirts on bears but I don't like to see them in trousers... is that weird?!


I love him Lisa! Can't beleive his teeny feet bear_laugh

bearlady13 wrote:

Very Cute Love it

Thank you  bear_flower


Darjeeling-Boards.jpgHi all, Just wanted to add some pics of my latest new creature Darjeeling. He's a first for me, with a bendy loc line trunk and spine.

He's available now at look for Je Suis Lugly!


Wedgwood-Small.jpgYes indeedy, it's a bear!

Wedgwood is one of my newest bear designs: I hope you like him bear_original His faical pattern is similar to my BBAA winner Bombardier from last year. He has three siblings in the show too.

I'm very excited as this show marks my fifth year of bear making bear_original Thanks so much to the place that started it all!  bear_flower

Chloe x (PS!)


There's one in Jennifer Laings book... called something like 'Making Teddy Bear and Friends'?


I make a lot of my bears/creatures with a flat disc, just because it's easier to design a pattern that way using my way of going about things bear_tongue I don't use felt though, as I worry about it deforming?


Thanks Conni and Lynn! I'm glad you like him, I'd like to find him a new home before Christmas bear_original


Moreno-Face.jpgHello everyone, please meet Moreno!

Moreno is looking for a new home. I know I'm a bit late for Chrismas but I'm going to make him a red and white hat and he can hang out with my flat mates and I until he finds his special someone bear_tongue He's 14" tall, with a double neck joint, poseable limb armature, epoxy claws that mean he can LITERALLY hang out and his own rose quartz heart sewn into his chest.  I made him with a lovely fluffy hand dyed mohair, and as always I've needlefelted his face (this boy's got a 'what will the New Year bring?' expression, I think!)

Sadly my University room has a limited capacity for good photography, hence the fetching quilt background... Maybe Father Christmas can bring me some new daylight bulbs and a big light tent this year bear_tongue

Cheers, have a Happy Christmas!


I love them so much Joanne! Awww, such Christmassy cuties!


All fabulous, well deserved.... I'm specially loving Bombadier's slumpy realistic pose, and Pakak's cheeky playful pose. Well done all

Thank you very much bear_original I was so pleased that I managed to get that slouch right finally!

SueAnn wrote:

Huge congratulations Laurie, Chloe, and Sue!  All of your creations are wonderful!!   :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:

Chloe, are you still making sloths?

Thanks so much Sue Ann! I am still making sloths, but not as much... had a bit of a bad experience so I lost my sewing buzz for a while... now I want to try and get back to the reason I started this hobby: lovely bears!


Congrats Laurie! I love your guys, they definitely deserve their places bear_original Especially love that classic bear...

Here's my two winners:

Bombardier came first in his category, medium modern bears:

Bombardier Side by Gantaeno is teaching like mad bear_original, on Flickr

And Jack came second in Furry Friends:

Jack in the Woods by Gantaeno is teaching like mad bear_original, on Flickr

I'm dead proud bear_original I've never had higher than third before!


I am nominated too bear_original For Bombardier and Jack:


Jack is nominated in the friends category.


Bomb is nominated in the modern bear category.

I'm really excited to see how they do as they're both completely new patterns and designs for me: I really hope they do well  :pray: I want a big shiny first place trophy to go with my 3rd's  bear_tongue


Those are some seriously glam eyelashes!  bear_thumb


Awww, thanks so much everyone  bear_wub  I started work on another bear, slightly smaller last night. I'm so grateful for your compliments as they make me want to keep creating!


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Past Time Bears - Artist bears designed and handcrafted by Sue Ann Holcomb
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