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Tedsby - Handmade teddy bears and other cute stuffed animals. Hundreds of teddy artists from all over the world and thousands of OOAK creations.
Teddy Bear Academy - Online teddy bear making classes


Eddie.jpgThis is Eddie...he's waiting for his forever home. He'll introduce you to his two of his friends who are waiting for new homes too. I've listed them in my Etsy shop. … _shop_more

Please stop by if you get a chance.  bear_wub

P.S.   Hi my ol' TT friends.  It's been awhile.



I've just made Andy & his little Annie doll available for adoption.  You can find all his personal information in the Available section of my blog  Please stop by and visit them.


:clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:

The next one will be a huge hit!!!!


Thanks Brenda!  I feel like a stranger here.   bear_flower    It's been so long since I visited.


Cotton2.jpgHi Friends,   It's been a very LONG time since I've been here.  I've been busy recently with some new Apple Dumpling designs.   

Craving some Pink Cotton?   You can find her and a few of her friends at the Blooming Bear Show.


Just thought I'd send a little reminder that I'm having a blog giveaway.  I will draw a winner on Saturday, February 28.

Thanks for peeking!


PurpleAnnie.jpgIf you are so inclined...pop on over to my blog for a visit (see link on left side).


You can add me to the crowd...Shantell Whitney


Congrats to all the winners and to those who entered but didn't make the list.  Too much cuteness on one post.  LOL


I'm all clockwise...which I wasn't surprised about.  I never could get it to look anti-clockwise no matter how relaxed I was.  Interesting...

But, then I never can see those pictures within a picture.  You know the ones that look like a bunch of colorful dots and there's suppose to be a picture in them.  I can't do matter what.


Yes, it's the same sealer.  Although, I did go to and looked up some of the sealers to make sure I picked one that I felt would work okay with fabric.  I thought it would save me from trying to figure it out AT the store.


I have a couple cloth doll books and nothing in them says you need to actually prepare the fabric ahead of time so I haven't.   When I'm finished with the face I do spray it with a matte finish sealer.   The brand I'm using is Krylon (mostly because that's what they had).

I've used Primscolor water color pencils and acrylic paints and seal them both the same way.  It works great.

I can't wait to see what you create.  I have an entire sketchpad with face drawings...some are quite scary.  :P

Edited:  I also have an online tutorial and they don't have you prepare the fabric ahead of time either.


I finally opened my Lollishop this afternoon.  You can find me at

I have two little Annies posted there now if you are interested.


Thanks for peeking!!


It's cut off for me too...but I'm sure it's just my little ol' puter.   bear_flower


Here's another (brief) post on this topic...

I scanned through the Etsy discussion and it seems like ANYTHING can be perceived as "to be used by children under 12" whether intended for a child or not.    bear_wacko 

Thanks for posting this information.  I'm going to read more on this and I'll post anything I find of interest.


Barnes &  Noble sells least the one here does.  I purchased several of their magazines from there and a local art shop now that I think of it.

I should just get a subscription to the ones I really like...instead of buying them at the stand. Silly me.


I better avoid this magazine because I've been wanting to do some redecorating of my entire house...I don't think this will help.   :crackup:   :crackup:


Hi Brenda,

She's beautiful!!!  You can see she's a ham in her eyes... :O)   My friend, Kathy, current has EIGHT of these beautiful puppies about 2-1/2 weeks old (born on XMAS eve).  I keep telling myself I DON'T NEED ONE...they grow up to be monsters dogs (in size).

She's just lovely.



Thanks Daphne.

It's a new marketplace for handmade items except it's juried.  I applied before they were actually open and was accepted almost the same day.  I wanted to try something new and well Lollishops is new.   bear_grin   I've been holding off actually "activating" my store until I had something to put in that wasn't something I'd already had on Etsy and now I need to work on having a new banner made.  It's always something, isn't it?

Check it out!!!



AnnieinYP.jpgAnnieinDots.jpgHere are my first two Annie of 2009.....yes, I'm planning bears too!  :O)  I'll be listing these but I haven't decided where...Etsy, Lollishops (which I need to get busy on my store) or just on my blog. 



My friend Kathy received the best little present(s) from her Burmese Mountain Dog, Sue....NINE little puppies born on Christmas Eve and early Christmas Morning.   Here is the first six...Angel, Bell, Snowflake, Halo, Holly and of course, Nick born Christmas Eve.   Several hours later on Christmas morning (after they thought Sue was finished with birthing and had gone to bed themselves), they were joined by Noel, Joy (who didn't make it...poor thing) and Bow.  That makes 6 little girls and 2 little boys.  So far everyone is doing fine.

The last three born are smaller than the others and as hard as they tried they just couldn't get little Joy's body temperature up before the angel's came to take her.   Aren't they just the cutest little babies...



Julia...I'm soooooooooo glad he arrived safely and that you like him.  I was really beginning to panic. 

Have a wonderful Christmas!!!


I'm starting to have heart palpitations that my ornament isn't going to make it to it's recipient...even though I sent it TWO WEEKS AGO.  GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!  I should not have listened to the lady at my teeny tiny post office...I know better.   bear_cry   bear_cry


Awwwww...thanks!!!  I woke up from my nap to "friends."    bear_flower 

Now to figure this FB thing out.   I really need to quit saying "never."   :crackup:   :crackup:   :crackup:



I'm bringing this old post up again because I was poking around with a friend in her FB and thought it was kind of fun even after a swore I would NEVER open an account of my own...well I went and did it anyway.   I said that about a Blog too.   :crackup:   So now I need to some friends...anyone wanna be my friend?  Pweeeze!!!   bear_grin

Merry Christmas!!


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Johnna's Mohair Store - Specializing in hand dyed mohair and alpaca
Past Time Bears - Artist bears designed and handcrafted by Sue Ann Holcomb