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Oh drat!  The oldest issue I have is Summer 1983.   bear_cry   I hope someone else can find it for you! 

Lynne (long time TB&F reader!)


His name is Abiner Smoothie, and was from a book called "The Last Elegant Bear: The Life and Times of Abiner Smoothie" by Dennis Kyte, written in 1983.  I remember seeing these bears for sale in 1984 or so, made by Gund.  I know they came in several different sizes.

I hope this helps!


I did it sort of like Bonnie did, by warping it.  And I tried everything too.  I can't even remember what worked!  bear_wacko

I can make text fit itself around a curve, but not a bitmap (picture, like the rainbow).  Gosh, there MUST be an easy way to do this.
Anybody know of magic software?  bear_grin


Thanks for the encouragement, Jodi!  bear_grin Your bears always make me smile!  bear_flower

Earlier today I caught sight of a small piece of blue mohair in my closet and thought, "I should make a brother or sister for Tumbleweed" (that's the bear in my St. Pat's Challenge avatar, above).  So maybe I will FINALLY start another bear soon!!  bear_whistle 

The bent rainbow was as much fun to make as having teeth pulled.  I think I've got a few dozen more gray hairs!  bear_angry   I got the sparkles from another program, Painter Classic (vintage 1999).  I don't use that program much, but I love the sparkles too!

(I am still laughing about the orange poopies!)


St-Pats-Lynnes.jpgI finally had time to have a go at this.  I love these digital challenges!  I learn so much every time!!

Don't ask how I bent that rainbow - it took forever, and I tried everything in the book.  I'm using Corel PhotoPaint 8, and it's from 1998 (ancient in computer age).

Now if I could only knuckle down and sew an actual bear this year.  I have no excuse.  I am just too lazy and/or waiting for inspiration to strike!


Here's another snowflake site: … k6-adv.htm
It makes very doily-like snowflakes when you just doodle on it. 
I haven't tried anything fancy yet.  I can't get the spacebar to "deactivate" the scissors, like it says.  Still fun!  bear_grin


Penny, you're right - the scissors are AWFUL.  I guess making cute flippy scissors seemed like a good idea to the designer.   bear_wacko

Hint...  (which I figured out after much mild swearing) The center of the scissors is green when you can make a snip, and red when you are on an area that you can't cut, like off the paper.  The cut point seems to be directly under the pivot of the scissors - exactly where you cannot see.

Also, if it leaves a blue star on the paper, I think it means that you haven't finished a cut-out, and you need to add another snip there.  It's a mystery.  It would be much better WITHOUT the scissor thingy, and WITH instructions!

I like it anyway.  bear_grin


Hi all!  I'm loving everyone's snowflakes.  It's been a LONG time since I've posted.  I haven't made a bear since last Christmas!!  bear_cry  But I do try to   check in here every few days.

I couldn't resist having a go at making a teddy-snowflake!!   And I turned it white in Corel PhotoPaint.  I like them white, like on the site.  :lol:

PS - check it out - I haven't changed my avatar since the St. Patrick's day challenge!!!! AAAAaa!


Sonya, try it again - the same thing happened to me too!  Yesterday I tried it (and was a little nervous!) and it said that I typed something like 35 WPM but only net 4 WPM with very low accuracy!!!   I know I made a couple of mistakes but not THAT many!  bear_wacko

I just took it again, and this time (more relaxed) and I got 47 WPM with only 5 errors, and 96% accuracy.  Now, I'm not sure I'm that good!!  :crackup:  What should I believe? But it was fun.  I haven't done a test since High School.

I think it counts "backspaces" as errors or something.  A corrected error is not an error in my book.


It's too hot here too.   I am a wilter.  I just shut down in the heat.  I think it's my brain overheating!  I can't work.  I live near the water, so it is always  5 to 10 degrees cooler at my house, but I swear the humidity is WORSE here.

I too have to wrestle the air conditioners into the windows.  You know, I used to do this alone, but for the last couple of years I've needed my boyfirend's help!  That's how I know I'm gettin' old.

My sister is going through "the change" these days, and I always know when her hot flashes hit - she starts singing "we're havin' a heat wave... a tropical heat waaaave...".   I know my turn isn't far away...NNNNOOoooo!   bear_angry

Lynne  bear_grin


This is going to be long winded.  I apologise in advance.   bear_tongue

How did I start?  Well, I have always made stuff.  All kinds.  Any craft.  I've quilted, crocheted, knitted, sculpted.  I still do all of those.  I am primarily a painter and graphic artists these days, but I make some of my living by being a carpenter, though (thanks for the skillz, Dad). I just finished rehabbing my brother's condo bathroom.  (Not a job for the fainthearted!  bear_wacko )

I remember that for an unknown reason, in 1983 I became obsessed with having a jointed teddy bear.  (In retrospect I think I had seen "Brideshead Revisited on TV and seen Sebastian with Aloysius!)  I searched women's magazines for craft patterns.  I made several out of acrylic, but none had joints!

I had never seen a jointed bear in person. Then I found a Bialosky sailor suited bear - my first collector bear.  Shortly after, I found Teddy Bear and Friends magazine, and  I went to my first show.  That is where I first saw and fell in love with Steiff bears.  I had found my perfect bear - a 32 cm Margaret Strong model Steiff (he says to tell you his name is Bert).  I actually cried when I saw him - I just knew.  (Yes, there are SOME manufactured bears with that "inner spark".  You have look very closely.)  He's been dragged everywhere, vacations, work, the theater, and photographed in lots of silly places.  So I was a collector along with my sister and Mom.  We had a BLAST going to bear shows together.  The best times of my life!!

I kept making bears out of acrylic, just for myself, hoping to capture the essence of my favorite bear.  I sold a few through a local shop in 1986 I think.  Anyway, my Mom eventually started making bears too, and ended up making more than I did, though she always make me set the eyes and stitch the nose and mouth for her.

I don't make more than 3 or 4 bears a year now.  I don't really know why!!  I still love it.  I still collect other people's bears when I have the $$$.  But - I am ready to start making my next bear this week!!   :dance:  He'll be slouchy and rumpled, and blue!  **  Fabric dye experiment to follow soon! **

I think I started to make bears because they DO have an inner spark, to me.  They seem wise.  They listen.  Because I've never grown up.  Shoot, even my dog likes them, though I don't prefer to chew on mine, personally. 
I think my job has taken up way too much of my time.  Money is overrated.  :crackup:


Okay, why do seagulls fly over the sea?


Because if they flew over the bay, they'd be baygulls.............(Bagels.  Get it?)  bear_rolleyes
Ah well, I didn't say it was good - Heard it on a "Space Ghost" rerun last night.

I LOVED the moth joke.  And cows are naturally funny.


Sandi and Bonnie, I like your rules very much.   bear_thumb

Gaby, I am also going to put up my photo. (An awful cell phone pic!)

My resolution is to POST occasionally.  I pop in every night, but I don't post much.  I am just a quiet person, in person too.  :redface:  I am not really lurking - just reading and learning, and cheering, and weeping, and mostly LAUGHING.  I love the jokes and funny pics!

I've never worried about "negative" posts - the sheer number of POSITIVE posts makes the other insignificant.

I love the positive vibe this place has - much like teddy bears themselves, really! 


I've got to stick up for the goldfish...

"A goldfish has a memory span of three seconds."

I know this one isn't true, really.  My 2 goldfish know their feeding time exactly!  It's as if they can read the clock.  They really outdo themselves to get my attention if I am late.  I was surprised that they have such nice, distinct personalities!

Not as cuddly as my dog Cody, but still great pets.    bear_thumb


Oh boy this hits a nerve!  I will admit to generally eating WAY too much chocolate while I sit at the computer trying to catch up here at TT.  My boyfriend has recently noticed (with alarm  bear_grin ) how quickly I can go through chocolate.   And it is ALWAYS on the grocery list!!  IT'S A NECESSITY!!  bear_wub

My "maintenance chocolate" is currently Hershey's "Nuggets", the Special Dark Chocolate with Almonds.

What do they put in this stuff that makes me constantly want "one more piece"????   :twisted:


Oops.  bear_tongue   I kept monkeying with the lettering and the next thing I knew Kewpie was demanding a HAT!  bear_whistle  So I changed my avatar AGAIN.
Will this never cease?  It's after 5 AM and I haven't been to sleep yet!!   bear_wacko  Seriously addicting.


Thanks, Fran.  Yours is making me giggle - I can see that  teddy-head peeking through the shamrocks!

You're getting it though!    :dance:  I lilke your extra elements.  I think finding "extra" stuff to include is half the fun.



ATC-2-Final.jpgOkay, so far I can tell that I try to cram too much stuff in the tiny area.  It looks too cluttered.  I really like more simple designs, but I can't make myself STOP DROPPING MORE STUFF ONTO IT!    bear_rolleyes

I think I'll change my avatar.  Same ol' panda though.  I should be spending this time sewing up a new bear.  bear_whistle
Let's do this each month! 


FinalATC2.jpgJust another go from me.  It is addicting.   This was almost finished last night when my computer crashed for the umpteenth time.  When I got up today the FIRST thing I did was turn on the computer and finish it.

Sounds like a new obsession to me.  Well, at least I'm learning a valuable skill!   bear_thumb


FinalATC1.jpgI just have to give this a try.  What a fun challenge!  So this is my first attempt.  My software is Corel PhotoPaint version 8 from 1998!  It's not very scrapbook-friendly.  I sure wish I could afford some new software (and while I am at it, a new computer!  bear_grin  ) Boy, I think my eyeballs are going to fall out!!  bear_wacko   Fun fun fun!!



Double Woo-hoo!  It's nice to know I'm not imagining things!!  bear_wacko  bear_grin

Thanks Eileen and Winney!!  :hug:


Mind if I throw in my 2 cents?

I noticed in the past when I used a center seam (or any major seam, like the front tummy seam) that sometimes the fur just "parted" oddly, looking sort of bald.  Very irritating!!   bear_angry

After unstuffing the piece, I experimented and found that it was caused by THE WAY THE SEAM ALLOWANCE WAS PRESSED INSIDE THE BODY against the stuffing.  Does this make sense?  When I pressed the seam one way, and stuffed, it was noticeable and bald, then when I reached in past the stuffing and flipped the seam allowance to the other side - like magic  - no bald look!  The seam practically DISAPPEARS!   :dance:

Now as I am stuffing each piece, I experiment with the seam allowance position inside as I am stuffing.
I should note that it really happens with curly or wavy mohair. Not sure if it happens on straight fur.

Am I the only one who has tried this? ( I was too chicken to try to wetting or steaming the fur!  I'm braver now.  bear_grin )


This all brings back so many memories!  I'm a late 60's-early 70's kid.

Was the Vogart painted craze thing big in the UK/US.  It was like paint in metal tubes that you painted onto tshirts.  My aunt made me a blue one with a soda glass on it - that very 70s image with the glass, straw, bubbles and strawberries.  I thought it was so American and so cool

    YeaH, I painted the guy from Mad Magazine ( remember that) on one of my dad's shirts. My granmother had tons of that stuff.

    couldn't get the quote to work right!

We had this stuff in Aust we called it   'Hobby Tex'  My mother and myself went crazy with that stuff. I loved it.

In the USA it was called "Liquid Embroidery". That might have been a brand name, I don't remember.  I painted lots of fabric stuff with it.  It seemed kind of geeky-old ladyish at the time, but I didn't care!



Congrats on your fabulous sale!!  Your creations are awe-inspiring, and deserved to bring every penny!   :clap:   :clap:   :clap:

Thanks for letting us share in the excitement, and joy!   


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Johnna's Mohair Store - Specializing in hand dyed mohair and alpaca
Past Time Bears - Artist bears designed and handcrafted by Sue Ann Holcomb