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Love Bud Bears

Thanks a bunch
I hope she finds a new family to celebrate the holidays with.
~ Me    bear_happy

Love Bud Bears

joy2.JPGHi There,
Here's my little bear JOY, she's for the BAO winter show.
Visit her during the show for details.

~ Sandy

Love Bud Bears

f1becd8d0a3fdc671165e5ad32ceafd01.jpgHi There,
I wanted to thank all the artist and everyone who supported the Second Annual Lemonade Bears Benefit. It was a big success raising $4000.00 form the bears and we had an anonymous donation of $1000.- for a total of $5000.-. Which brings our grand total for all the benefits to $17,000.-!
Totally Awesome!!   bear_grin

A very special thank you to Nancy for all her hard work and to Bid 4 Bears for being the best place ever the host the benefit!    bear_flower

and a special thank you to Teddy Talk for offering such a great place for the entire teddy bear community to get together and communicate.    bear_wub

Thanks a bunch for all your support fighting childhood cancer one teddy bear hug at a time!
Hope you will join me again in September 2008.

Big Hugs, Sandy    :hug:   :hug:    :hug:

Love Bud Bears

Hi Ellen,
It was a pleasure meeting you at the class. It was such a fun and interesting day. I was really happy to meet Art & George and learn some new techniques
I loved the photos of your little bears, you really should make them available for adoption.
Your cat turned out grrreeaaattt!
~ Sandy

Love Bud Bears

Hi Every One,
There is no theme for the benefit- You can create any type of bear or buddy that you like.

Hi Catherine,
I sent you an email eariler, please let me know if you didn't get it.
~ Sandy

Love Bud Bears

hopebrenda1.jpgHopeBanner1.jpghope1.jpgmy bear Hope

Hi Jodi,
I would love to take part, October will work for me too so please count me in.  bear_flower
I added some information below that you might like to consider for your charity.

Last year I made a bear for Breast Cancer Awareness, her name was  Hope.
Hope was designed by Brenda Hallaway. Brenda passed away from complications from breast cancer at the age of 41. She had been diagnosed with breast cancer in June of 1995 and had a recurrence in June of 1997. Brenda died peacefully in her home surrounded by her family, friends and teddy bears. Her funeral was a celebration of life. Those who attended carried teddy bears and one of her favorite songs, Return to Pooh Corner, was sung at the service. Brenda's trade name was BJ Huggables. She was featured in the "Cutting Edge" of Teddy Bear Review in the September/October 1998 issue. The article was about her bear, Hope, which she made to raise awareness of breast cancer. She donated proceeds from the sale of each bear to the American Cancer Society. A few days before her death, several of Brenda's artist friends approached her about "Keeping Hope Alive" and she agreed to release her pattern so that others may use it. As a result, the pattern for Brenda's Hope, along with kits, is available through Edinburgh Inc. in both the original size of 13" and translated patterns for a 7" bear and a 2 ¼" bear. Donations from the sale of the patterns and kits will be made to the American Cancer Society for Breast Cancer Research. Authorization is given with a full heart to anyone making the pattern and selling the finished bear to raise funds for the cancer organization of their choice.

Links below to Brenda's & Hope's page.
Best of luck with your charity, Sandy … rance.html

Just to clear things up, this year the Lemonade Bears Benefit will be held Sept. 21st to 23rd. All proceeds benefit Alex's Lemonade Stand for Childhood Cancer Research.  This is our second year and I hope to make it an annual event.

Love Bud Bears

Panda sold for $155.00, I'm so happy he did well for the charity.   bear_original

Love Bud Bears

heading21.jpgrose1.jpgCopy-of-panda.jpgHi There,
I'm very proud to once again sponsor the
Milford, Delaware Nu Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi Sweetheart's Ball.
This year the special event will benefit COPS (Concerns of Police Survivors)

I'm donating this One-Of-A-Kind Panda Bear.
He will be auctioned off during the ball, 100% of his proceedes will benefit COPS.
I created him from a pattern designed by Jane Perala.
A very special Thank You to Jane for allowing me to use her pattern.

Links below if you want more information on the Ball or COPS -

Love Bud Bears

123.jpgMerry Christmas to All
and my very Best Wishes!
Hugs, Sandy

Love Bud Bears

Hi There,
I wanted to personally thank all the artist, buyers any anyone that helped with the success of the Lemonade Bears Benefits. We raised $6,000.00 in September, which brings our grand total for both benefits to an amazing $12,000.00 !! I couldn't be happier and cannot thank every one enough for all your support.

I also wanted to say a very special thank you to Intercal, Teddy Talk and all the staff.  Through Teddy Talk you have given me the best way to promote the benefit and the easiest way to stay in touch with all the artist at once. I have no doubt that TT and Intercal had a big part with our over all success.

Last by certainly not least, I have to thank Nancy Tillberg again.  You have put so much time and hard work into every thing from the very start. Not only are you the very best "business" partner, but your also a really great friend. Thank you so very much Nancy.

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You To Every One!!!    bear_flower
Best Wishes Always, Sandy

Love Bud Bears

I've been bidding on this beautiful work of art for a while now & hope to make it mine. I would love to put it in my new bear studio when I move. I want it so bad & I'm planning on breaking my piggy bank to get it. I'm thinking of it as an early Christmas gift to myself.  Hope I don't bid against anyone on TT, you know I love you all.  bear_wub

Love Bud Bears

jozzy.jpgbabylil_21.jpgBaby the pink bear is my very first from my own pattern.
Jocelyn is my most recent

Love Bud Bears

My heart aches with you, my deepest condolences and prayers to you, your family and friends. God Bless, Sandy

Love Bud Bears

Hey Kim,
I've been wondering where you were hiding, but never would have guess you were in paradise. I'm so happy to see you were swept away & were able to have some alone time with your hubby. You both look so happy & make a very attractive couple. No wonder your kids are sooo cute.
He's such a great husband maybe you can get him to fold & put away all them cloths. bear_happy
Hope you get caught up on things real fast, I miss seeing your beautiful creations on a daily basis. 

~ Sandy  bear_grin

Love Bud Bears

Great job~ what a perfect little sweet bear, with lots of nice details too.  bear_wub

Love Bud Bears

:redface:   Hi There,
Sorry for the delay with getting back to everyone. I just ended my long summer with my 2 nieces ~ Jocelyn & Jasmine. We were making the best of our last week together, they went back home to get ready for school. I sure am going to miss them spoiled brats.

Anyway, I'm so happy that all your glasses arrived safe & sound and that you really like them. They were just a very small way to say thank you, a little token of my appreciation, a little gift in recognition of your hard work, kindness, generosity and support. I know it's asking a lot of you to donate a bear. I also know all the time and hard work that goes into each and every one. So, from the bottom of my heart I sincerely appreciate all of you and your donations.

Big Big Hugs, Sandy   :hug:    bear_flower

Love Bud Bears

Here's a couple place that I've ordered from, hope these boxes are what your looking for.
In the Jeresy & PA area they only sell small shirt boxes with seperat lids at the following stores. You will not find any thing a bear will fit into at-
Jo Anns'- AC Moore - Halmark Stores or the Dollar Stores- trust me I've searched them all.

the first link the boxes have a seperate top, these are the ones I use.
second link is all kind of other gift boxes- … ft%20boxes … ft%20boxes

this link is good for boxes & all kind of other neat packing supplies.

Love Bud Bears

Hi Gemma & Clare,
Your DVD will ship on Monday. You might want to grab the tissues before you start watching. There are some really heart breaking moments. But it's also very inspiring & could even possible change the way you look at things. I know whenever I'm struggling & think something is impossible, Alex always comes to mind.
If a little girl with cancer could make her dream come true, then I certainly can find away to accomplish whatever it is I was trying to do. 
She was one amazing kid.  bear_cry

Love Bud Bears

Hey Ladies,
Thanks for your support- I really hope this benefit is as successful as the last on. In case you didn't know we raised $6,000.00!! I still can't believe it & I can't thank every one enough.

You'll have to officially register on the benefit's web site. You can also get all the details & a free photo editing program there.  - Nancy Tillberg did an awesome job designing the web site & making it very easy to participate as an artist or buyer.

As an artist, all you have to do is create a bear or buddy from your own pattern & have him ready to list on Bid 4 Bears any time on September 22, for the 3 day auction. Before the benefit, you will receive an email with a special username, password & listing information. There are no listing fees to sell your bear. When he sells & the buyer pays, the funds go directly to the benefit's account.  You will be notified when payment is made, then you ship to the buyer. The buyer pays all shipping fees but since you don't have access to the payment, I'll reimburse shipping fees to you.  After all shipping fees have been reimbursed, the remaining funds will be donated in all artist & buyers names to Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation for childhood cancer. 

As a buyer, all you have to do is register at: bid 4 bears & bid away!!

By request, I added all credit card payment options.  Now buyers don't need a paypal account to make payment.

To over see things, Alex's parents Liz & Jay Scott & Nancy have full access to the email & paypal account.  You can also request verification of proof of the donation.

Please take a look at the web site & contact me by email if you have any questions.
Thanks a bunch, Sandy

Gemma- I can ship the DVD worldwide. Just send me your address, I'll get it right out. 

Alex's site~


Love Bud Bears

7cdd6a2de9d1df78beed862d401daf231.jpgJust a little heads up for all that's interested in an original Potbelly Bear.
But first, I'm very proud to say that Potbelly Bears are my # 1 ALL TIME FAVORITE BEARS IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD.  I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE & WANT EACH & EVERYONE!! I actually have 8 in my family & will never ever have enough. I'm captivated by Shelli's creations & I will cut off my right arm for Faun, the little fairy bear with the bumble bee.

Sorry got a little side tracked- with Shelli's blessing I will be donating my Potbelly Bear- Roger, during the next Lemonade Bears Benefit. I know her work is in high demand so I'm reluctantly willing to let him go.  I would never part with him for any other reason then to raise money to help the sick children. So, if you really want an original one-of-a-kind Potbelly & want to support a great cause, please consider adding Roger to your family. He will be available at Bid 4 Bears during the Lemonade Bears Benefit, September 22 to 24.

Shel, hope you don't mind that I borrowed your picture. Just wanted to show him off & your picture is the best way to do it.

ps- Kristen please contact me if you want me to take him off your hands. I'll be more then happy to work something out with you- seriously.

Love Bud Bears

HI Tammy,
Sounds great, very well thought out with what you say. I thought it was perfect!!

Love Bud Bears

Sounds great- please post when your ready for the unveiling.
It took a year to get mine on line, I went through 3 different designers drove them all crazy & I still wasn't happy- until I found Jen.
I'm actually in the process of changing my colors again, it's always a work in process. I've been trying to get all the links added for months now, so much to do & so little time.

I'm sure your site will be great when it's done. Can't wait to see it!!

Love Bud Bears

Hi Shantell,
I'm so looking forward to seeing your web site. I love your bears & the way you write Apple Dumpling Bears. I can't wait to see how it comes together, I keep checking but it's still in the works. Any idea when it might be on line??
I know it's a lot of work- good luck, Sandy

Love Bud Bears

Very Best Wishes for your family & most of all precious baby Tristan.
Sending prayers & hugs, Sandy


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Past Time Bears - Artist bears designed and handcrafted by Sue Ann Holcomb