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Deb Upstate New York
Posts: 1,650

I'm curious to know how you gals pack your creations for shipping.  What method generates the least amount of "fur disturbance"?  Gives the best presentation while traveling safely? 


kbonsall Kim-Bee Bears
Posts: 5,645

I wrap mine in colorful tissue paper and add a silver bow to tie the top, and add in bubble wrap (not the popping stuff the ones that are like big baloons)

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Check out these two previous topics....

June 17th "It's all in the presentation...."
June 8th "Protecting your bears for shipping...."

As we have many new members since these posts it'll be fun to hear how the newer folks do it!!


Amanda Pandy Potter Bears
Staffordshire, UK
Posts: 1,864

I use coloured tissue paper and put those small foil type little cut outs in, hmm.. you know like confetti, they use them sprinkled on party table tops. Not too small so they don't clog the fur up. Then when the bear is unwrapped they fall out, ok messy, but it looks pretty.

Laura Lynn Teddy Bear Academy
Nicholasville, KY
Posts: 3,653

Laura Lynn Banner Sponsor

After our last "talk" about packing our bears....

I have now switched to white tissue (to avoid any possibility of color rubbing off)

After that I place the bear in a decorated clear cello bag,  wrap in bubble, pack in box!

kbonsall Kim-Bee Bears
Posts: 5,645

Good point LL.... i never thought of that!  i just use my victoria's secret tissue that the use every time you buy something... recycling

Terrie Terries Bears
Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 3,614

I just read the postings from June and I wish that I could have come for tea!!!!!:) I wrap anybody over 4" in white tissue paper & bubble wrap and pack with packing material so that they don't move. For the little guys I have a small plastic box with my logo on it.

shantell Apple Dumpling Designs
Willamette Valley Oregon
Posts: 3,128

I agree with Laura Lynn on the colored tissue.  I wrapped a shirt up for my daughter once for her birthday and it bled on the new shirt....I had to go buy her another one...couldn't hardly return it bear_original   I always add a little something unexpected to my packages...even if it's just a bag of Dove chocolates or a simple homemade thank you card...depending on my mood...and the buyer as well.  I love it when I get surprises.  I bought a doll from a lady in Australia and she not only sent the doll & all it's accessories but the most divine huge bag of chocolates...I bought from her again...just for the chocolate... bear_original:)


kbonsall Kim-Bee Bears
Posts: 5,645

In my boxes I also have their hang tag (around their neck - which is made of shrinky dinks), a birth certificate and a glass star or moon (dark blue, clear or turquoise)

Deb Upstate New York
Posts: 1,650

Thank you!  Lots of good ideas in the earlier posts, and here.  I do use white tissue paper.  Too chicken to try colors.


Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Can I just make a plug here, again, for the use of newsprint (unprinted newspaper) as packing material?  If you have a newspaper printed locally, go to the front desk some morning.  They are bound to have what are called "end rolls." 

Newspapers are printed in a run, each wee-hour morning (and some papers, evenings too) from gigantic, incredibly enormous rolls of newsprint -- the beige paper with which we are all so familiar.

When the print "run" gets near the end of the roll, the printers pull the roll of paper off the press and replace it with a new roll, so that they don't end up with half a paper.

There's still a ton of paper left on those newsprint end rolls, though!  It's clean and pretty and totally dye and ink-free.  And you can buy it for use as packaging material for -- I kid you not -- less than $1.00 per roll.  The bigger rolls -- they are, like, five feet wide -- cost, maybe, $1.50.  You get enough paper on each roll to pack up at least ten bears, if not more.  And I'm talking biggish bears here (12-20"), in 8x12x12-ish boxes, requiring a fair amount of packing material to stabilize them for shipment.

When I ship my bears, I attach hangtag to bear, and then put bear inside of a clear transparent bag.  Then I fold up and tape the bottom of my shipping box; place a bottom layer of crumbled newsprint inside that box; settle the bear in nicely, inside its transparent bag, and of course, face up, so it can look at its new owner upon arrival; and surround the bagged bear with more crumpled newsprint. 

It holds the bear beautifully as it has a certain rigidity that tissue paper could never manage.  And it costs waaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy less.  Try it for yourself; crumple up a bit of the morning paper, and then imagine how great it would be to have that stuff surrounding your bear, but minus the icky ink part!

If you have the stamina to hunt down your local paper and drag some rolls to your car (they're heavy and awkward; don't try this by bus!), I HIGHLY recommend this as packaging material.  When you combine the use of newsprint with those free Priority Mail boxes from the USPS (sorry, international members:(), you soon find you are down to about twenty-five cents worth of shipping materials costs per bear, if that.  Very nice indeed. bear_original

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Shelli -

Thanks for reminding us of this great idea.

In addition, for those with pets.... the 'cores' or tubes the paper is on make great toys, tunnels for wee pets, etc. Or store your teenager's posters in them or your wrapping paper rolls!

ellen ontario, canada
Posts: 324

just a quick reminder - international shipments have to declare everything in that box to customs!!  ....even the chocolate!

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,811

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Do any of you have a paper shredder?  I shred those colorful ads that come in the daily newspaper and a lot of other "waste" paper to use for packing material.  I put the shreds in the bottom of the box, then enclose my bear in a plastic garbage bag (unused, of course!!:lol:) with the certificate of authenticity, invoice, and other (business card, brochure, or magnet with a Past Time Bear photo on it . . . whatever) stuff, put the bear in and then pour in those styrofoam packing peanuts.  I've never had to buy the peanuts because I have everybody in my family saving them for me, plus I get a lot in packages that I receive.  Love to recycle when I can!!

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Newsprint-End-Roll-photo.jpgShredded paper is another great idea.  I don't have a shredder but if I get one, shredded paper will be my next best option to the newsprint end rolls.

If any of you are confused about what I'm referring to, I'm packing up a bear to ship right now and pulled out my packing materials, so I thought I'd take a quick snap for your viewing pleasure.

See how big these puppies are?  And they cost... one... dollar... if... that.  Last forever.  I highly recommend, if you have the space to store!

Deb Upstate New York
Posts: 1,650

Knew exactly what you were talking about Shelli.  WAY BACK WHEN ... our youth group used to get them and use for putting on tables when we'd do a fund raiser or some other event.  Also, big signs for football games.  I'm calling the newspaper office this pm.


Kirsten So. Cal.
Posts: 302

Yes, please be careful not to use colored tissue next to your bears fur. I use white and put a colorful piece on top.
I bought a beautiful doll and it was shipped with purple around her face. It was fine whenI recieved it, but I left it in the box with purple paper and when I went to display it, she had purple nose and cheeks.... bear_sad

Delartful Bears Delartful Bears
Posts: 3,518

oooh poor little dolly bear_sad

What a good idea everyone, I just bubblewrap my bears, and double the wrap at the top to lap over the eyes, for extra protection since they are glass...

Pretty simple, but gets the bears there safe and sound!

psichick78 Flying Fur Studios
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 3,073

Just wanted to add a quick note.
I don't remember where I read this, but I remember reading a story about a woman who bought a bear on-line. When she came home, the box was on her front deck in the rain. She was very worried untill she opened the box and saw the bear, nice and dry in a ziplock bag.
I've always remembered this, because you just never know what is going to happen to that box, once it leaves your hands. So even though tissue is a great idea, I would also wrap the bear in plasic or something.
Just my thought for the day,

Dilu Posts: 8,574

This morning I was wrapping up Diddle Diddle Dumpling, the jammy golly, to send to a lady in Colorado who has never 'adopted' a golly before.  (I hope this opens up new avenues for her to all us golly makers)  I was musing about all the things I have learned from all of you about presentation.  Most of which I have incorporated into my practise now.  (Like I do this every day! :D) I don't have the newsprint paper, I have exam table paper, I do use the colored tissue but the top sheet is either white or exam table paper.  I brushed his hair so nicely- although bedhead would be appropriate.  I sewed on his 'made with love heart', and his little cross, this idea came from our beautiful Judi and I think it is one of the best.  We can't get enough love and messages of peace out there in our world.  Because the lady insisted on sending more than I told her, I included a wee teddy for Dumpling to hold-to keep him company, and I hope it will please her. 

I thought about the generosity of Intercal for giving us this opportunity, of Quy who bails us out of thechnical problems, of Dale, who we don't get to see very much of, but are always happy when he drops in.  Of Johanna that cheerful voice who calls about our orders and gets them ready for us, of Sue Ann and Christine and Shelli, the ladies that try to sort of hold us in check and gently guide us along, very very gently, and about the all the time all these wonderful people give to us, unstintingly.  I thought about many of the artists here who have given ideas and advice so freely to those of us who consider ourselves architects, makers, designers, creators, fabricators, and I thought about how kind everyone is.  Truly truly kind.  There have been moments when one of us said something that didn't set well with someone else, yet, everyone was able to rise to the occasion, understand no offence was meant and move on, probably stronger Teddy Talk participants in the long run. 

I thought what a blessing this forum has been for me personally and how much I have learned in such a short while.

So, I wanted to thank you.  Each and everyone of you who has ever posted a message on this board.  Your participation is so important, and so valued.  You really never know when one little thing you say will click for someone and make things come together, make them feel better, make them understand and see the world in a broader view.  I feel, for myself alone, that you have become quite important in my life.  Because of my situation I do not get out much and so I value getting to know and correspond with the wonderful intelligent people I have met here.  I appreciate each and everyone of you.  By the way, have you noticed that there are no 'dumb' bear and golly makers?  I believe there is a higher overall IQ level here than in a normal population sample.  (Hmmmm  I would think of something like that....)

So thank you, you wonderful people, for bringing such fun and learning and happiness into my life.  I truly thank you from the bottom of my gollywolly heart.

Gollygeewhizzikins hugs and love to all.  (we'll skip the golly kisses, the gollies are really wonky this morning and I do fear it would be way way to slobbery!  Yuck)


Deb Upstate New York
Posts: 1,650

Aww Dillydoo ~

Right back at ya! bear_happy

Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

bear_laugh Dilu, you're so right!

For a struggling beginner like myself, these forums have been a real blessing. Outside of this group, I don't know another soul who doesn't think I've lost my mind, or at least misplaced it for a while!

I have to hide while dear Hubby pays the Visa bill each month and give him a bit of time to recover his good spirits, but at least here I've got a place to hide!

All of you, veterans and newbies, are so supportive and wise and ready to help . . . I feel truly blessed by your friendship!


Helena Bears-a-Bruin!
Macclesfield, UK
Posts: 1,291

I just want to agree with Heather's point, because I've also heard horror stories about boxes being left in the rain or getting wet en's a good idea to give the bear a water-proof layer of some kind. In my case I use bubble wrap and sticky tape, but it could be a plastic bag.

*Waves to Dilu*! As a newbie, I'm already feeling welcome and settled bear_laugh

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,811

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Dilu . . . you really have a way with words, my friend!  What a generous, thoughtful message you have posted.  Yes, kudos to the folks at Intercal for starting this board and letting us talk about most anything . . . including bears! bear_grin But the real success of this board has to include all of you wonderful people out there who contribute so much wisdom and honesty to the quality of this forum.  Thanks to all of you who generously give suggestions and to all of you who are grateful about learning new ideas.  And to all of you who show us photographs of your stunning creations, gardens, pets, vacation spots, shows, yourselves and everything else that's interesting.  We have such an internationally diverse group and that's totally awesome!!  It's so much fun to learn new words and their meanings, fun to learn about other customs.  And we're beginning to have other members of the bear community join us . . . collectors, show promotors, etc. . . . how can we not have a good time and learn from each other??!!  I appreciate ALL of you and hope we continue to be a family where we can get support, laughs, important information, and hugs when we need them.  Thank you, Intercal . . .

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Yes, thank you Intercal, and thank you to everyone who takes the time to contribute, muse, laugh, cry, gripe, suggest, showcase, and sell here.  I really do think this is a community in the truest sense, which is much of the reason I can't part from it and take care of business with ease, anymore; it's just too dang fun and rewarding to "hang out."

I'm all for kudos for Intercal, for being the entity behind things that makes it all happen.

Dilu, you're a blessing to us all; thanks for the time-out for gratitude.

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Johnna's Mohair Store - Specializing in hand dyed mohair and alpaca
Past Time Bears - Artist bears designed and handcrafted by Sue Ann Holcomb