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K Pawz Guest

Just wondering what everyone else does....I have actually stopped taking commisons because of a bad one that I am currently working on....on the second attempt at it to please after the first one was changed so many times it is no longer is not that I didn't follow instructions, just the customer didn't like the results of what they thought they wanted, and wanted things changed and then changed back...after many times stating that they were not the artist but I was....Any advice????? Currently I am starting on a blank slate again, but have told her if it doesn't work this time I will return her deposit and go our seperate ways...the only thing is that I am now doubting my work....I guess I am more of a free spirit and when allowed to have my creative freedom I can soar, but put me in a cage and watch me flutter on the bottom..
Any advice for dealing with this tactfully would be appreciated, and also should I let this stop me from taking on commisons? I have done some that were a breeze but this one is leaving me with a very bad taste in my mouth for them, I am having a problem even creating something for myself without critisizing it so much,  it ends up in the trash!!!



Tammy Beckoning Bears
Nova Scotia
Posts: 3,739

.I guess I am more of a free spirit and when allowed to have my creative freedom I can soar, but put me in a cage and watch me flutter on the bottom..

Krista that is EXACTLY why I stopped doing commissions. I prefer to create from the heart and it stresses me to try and create what someone else wants.  Sorry to hear that you are having a hard time with this one.  I have no advice, but I think you are wise to stop after this attempt, if it not to her satisfaction.  It is hard to get inside someones head, and know just what they want.  You can only do your best.  Your work is beautiful so don't let this experience cause you to doubt yourself.

Good luck !   :hug:

lulubears Posts: 280

I'm not sure that would make another attempt.  I think that sometimes we all have an "inner voice" that tells us when it's time to quit.  It's difficult to listen to it, because we want so badly to make people happy with our work.  Now that you are starting over from scratch, what happens to all the time, money and materials that went into the first attempt.  Things like this can be such a blow to our self-esteem, and for me personally, it's not worth it.

I would contact the customer and tell her, that after much thought and consideration, I am unable to move forward on the project and won't be able to complete the order.  I'd also keep, at the very least, a portion of the deposit to cover the materials you have now used and can't do anything else with.


DebbieD Posts: 3,540
lulubears wrote:

I would contact the customer and tell her, that after much thought and consideration, I am unable to move forward on the project and won't be able to complete the order.  I'd also keep, at the very least, a portion of the deposit to cover the materials you have now used and can't do anything else with.


I completely agree with Luann on this one.  Cut your losses, and take enough of a deposit to cover the costs of what materials you've used.  She's obviously got a changing idea in her head of what she wants, and there's no way you could materialize that if she keeps changing what she wants!   bear_wacko

I've done commissions in the past in different art forms, but have stopped completely as I get myself too stressed out, and too worried.  I can't breathe until the customer gives a seal of approval.  There's no way you can be free, happy and artistic in your work with this sort of pressure.

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

I don't do commissions anymore because it's just too hard to get inside someone else's head.  The same difficulties present themselves in graphic design work but it's usually just a few hours of work that need re-do... not an entire week!... if something requires change. 

I don't think you should question yourself or contort yourself into a pretzel over this particular commission.  If you're starting at zero, maybe it's time instead to walk away, as others mentioned.  Certainly, if you're not happy making this particular bear given the history, it might show in your work.

Good luck!  It's not an easy situation.

cherylbruinwerks Bruinwerks
Posts: 784

I would send her back the whole amount (because something tells me that she would hound you for it all anyway) and cut your losses.
Make sure next time, if you didn't this time, to get it all in writing and have them sign off on it so there's no 'changies'.
I think Luann's reply was spot on and don't worry about it anymore! You are an amazing artist and 5 years from now when you are very very famous and your waiting list is 2 years long, she will be kicking herself!! :doh:  Success is the best revenge!

have a great day
Cheryl bear_flower

K Pawz Guest

Thank you guys so very much!!! I have been agonizing over only worry is that if I tell her I am done working on her piece, and then I create something to sell elsewhere, that she does like, she will be upset that I didn't put that into her piece and ask her first!! Luckily I have just found a buyer for her reject so I have no problem sending her the whole deposit back!!! Although for future pieces if I do decide to do anymore, I will have the deposit non refundable if they aren't happy with the outcome, and have it stated as a one time shot....oh and I won't send in progress pictures like I did with this one, thinking it would save time!!!


New Avenue Crew New Avenue Crew by Debora Hoffmann
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Posts: 1,959

Krista, you'll have to decide whether you want to do this second attempt or not. If there's enough of "you" and your style in the request that piques your interest enough to create it, go ahead. The first attempt has found a buyer, and that's great! See, your work is wonderful, and collectors love what you do.  bear_wub  :hug:

I don't do commissions anymore and I no longer keep a waiting list of people because I felt pressured to make bears for the people who were waiting and felt guilty if I worked on something I wanted to work on. I only work on bears in my spare moments (I work full-time), so that list sucked all the fun out of creating. It's part of why I went into hibernation for a few years! I just hate disappointing people and making them wait for me, the slowest bear maker in the West. :redface:

Bear hugs, :hug:  bear_smile

Tracy ThimbleBeary Originals
Posts: 2,049

I pretty much agree with what's already been said here. bear_thumb   And it will be up to you to decide if you do want to try this again......wouldn't blame you a bit if you throw in the towel though! :hug:   I suppose there are always going to be people who are impossible to please.  But you've already bent over backward trying, so what else can you do?  I think you've given it the best effort possible already! bear_thumb I haven't had a commission order quite this hard to please, but some have been very limiting for creativity.  I also am thinking hard about whether I want to continue taking commissions.  Still haven't decided for sure, but I'm leaning toward not.  It is just stifling to me creatively to have to follow someone else's expectations.  And I don't enjoy doing the work as much because of that.......I just want to have it finished so I can move on to something else. bear_wacko

psichick78 Flying Fur Studios
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 3,073

Yup, I agree with everyone. Bum deal for you though. I don't know why these picky people think they can be do demanding with an artist. I guess they don't understand how it works.

Same with everyone else, if someone asks me to make them a bear, I just offer to add them to my mailing list to view upcoming bears. But that's just me.

I took an order once for 10 polymer clay dragons. I couldn't resist because the money was GREAT, but since then I've NEVER made another one. I started to hate them around #4 and had many fits of rages........loll so no more for me.

I'd like to see the the one she didn't choose though........

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,768

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

I agree with everyone . . . commissions and limited editions make me absolutely crazy!  Do what causes YOU the least amount of stress and agony, my dear.

Laurie Laurie Lou Bears
Posts: 3,246

I agree with everything said here as I don't like commissions for that reason of trying to please people.If I were you I would not even attempt another one for this customer but instead offer her first refusal on say the next three bears that you do and if she doesn't want any of these at least you have tried.Just tell her you work better from the heart.It takes the pressure off  you as well as you won't have to feel like you are making the bears just for her.It can be impossible trying to please some people as they seem unrealistic in their expectations.
Laurie :hug:

Melbear Melbear's Quality Collectibles
Spruce Grove, Alberta
Posts: 527

I had a verry bad exp and and told the lady to make it herself.. heehee. She said she needed
this hideous bear thing on a certain date and so I rushed and put other orders behind to get it
done in time.. I took pictures and sent them to her while I was making it.... then she came to
pick it up and wanted a whole pile of changes done... I told her it was done.. that was it.. lol. So
I kept it... still have the poor ugly beast... never again!! lol
Hope you get yours sorted out.. I would just refund her money.

Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379
SueAnn wrote:

I agree with everyone . . . commissions and limited editions make me absolutely crazy!  Do what causes YOU the least amount of stress and agony, my dear.

Oh me too!  Once I finish two more comissions I am done with custom orders.  I find myself sewing with resentment trying to adhere to someone else's specifications.  bear_wacko  It just doesn't work for me.

Great advice given here Krista.  It's nice to see such heart-felt support.

K Pawz Guest

:hug: Thank you so much everyone, once again!!! :hug:
You guys are great!!! It has gotten to the point that I can't even pick up the fabric and was for a yorkie and she wanted it to look like hers, I will post a picture of the one she turned down shortly!! I actually thought it was my best one yet, but now she has me hating it and thinking it is hideous!!! Glad it is sold though so I don't have to look at it anymore!

I have added the picture in my original post!

nimbleknot Cupcake Bears
Austin, Texas
Posts: 711

bear_shocked Holy COW, that is soooo cute!!!! SOOOOOOOOO darling. (I really did gasp when I saw the cuteness).

I was a graphic designer for 17 years and when I went freelance it was a nightmare. I had to chase people down for money and practically threaten them. I hated it. I even had a lady steal from me and use my logos for her business, signs and all without one red cent of payment. I could NOT believe it. Now I only do graphics for charity or trade. People appreciate it and I enjoy the swag.

As for commissions...I did one recently and although it turned out nicely and the customer loved it, I didn't enjoy making all. And that is why I create things, to enjoy them. Enjoyment makes me more creative. I'd rather give it away than do commissions. IMHO.......Happy=Creative.

My husband has a photography business as a additional business. Talk about pressure...weddings. And you should see his paperwork to go along with them. Getting things in writing is a must. Fortuantely we had everything covered when he broke his hand this summer and had to cancel a wedding 4 weeks prior. He can't shoot with one hand. Luckily we have a great contract and it covered "acts of God," which included him breaking his hand. That's too much pressure for me. I will process photos, do his advertising, billing and make his contracts. I could never photograph a wedding.

I would cut your losses and put the pooch up for sale. That is one of the cutest doggies I have ever seen. Honestly. Somebody will snatch him up in a minute unless they haven't already. I'd buy him except I think he's probably a lot more money than I can afford.

K Pawz Guest

I have also gone and added this to my auction, so hopefully nobody emails like before...I missed out on that by $2.00 can you make one for me?!!!

Please note that Due to time restraints and the stressful pressure of custom work, I will no longer be able to take on custom orders, please email me at so that you can be put on my mailing list of upcoming creations. There are always new creations coming out of the studio, and I want to make sure that my creating is always a joy and not a chore, thank you for understanding


psichick78 Flying Fur Studios
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 3,073

cute puppy, I can't imagine why it was regected.

matilda Matilda Huggington-beare
Posts: 5,551

Oh Krista that puppy is just so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It looks just like my Blibo when he was 8 weeks old.
Just ADORABLE.  I think though............that you forgot the slipper for him to chew bear_grin

WildThyme Wild Thyme Originals
Hudson, Ohio
Posts: 3,115

That pup is just adorable Krista! 

And.... I know that I have a view that is pretty much contrary to just about everyone else's... but I just have to say it.... Comissions can be really FUN... under some circumstances.  When you are working with someone whom you really click with, or someone who is really familiar with your work already, and has realistic expectations, etc..... I have a lady whom I "work" with on a regular basis... once avery six months or so, and we kind of start with a story, or a personality, or a basic color scheme and she just lets me take it from there.  It's outrageously FUN!  Seriously! 

I completely understand that it could be agonizing when someone has an absolute image in their mind of what the creation will look like, and is then disappointed when what you come up with doesn't exactly match their mental image.... I think that's probably downright impossible!!!!  Really!   bear_ermm   I think in situations like that, people are probably just setting themselves (and the artist) up for disappointment and frustration. 

Glad that you are feeling better about the whole thing though Krista!   :hug:  Your doggies are really wonderful... that little guy is certainly no exception!

Kim Basta

thumperantiques Newcastle, Ontario
Posts: 5,644

     Your pup is gorgeous - can't imagine what the lady was thinking, but I'm not surprised it sold!  I stopped doing commissions after an article on my bears in TB&Friends, years ago.  By the time I finished the orders, I was totally ready to quit!  I wouldn't take a commission for a thousand dollars, and I mean it.   Creativity is not custom ordered LOL!  I'm sure you will be much happier only creating for yourself.



Laura Lynn Teddy Bear Academy
Nicholasville, KY
Posts: 3,653

Laura Lynn Banner Sponsor

Krista your pup is WONDERFUL!!!  And I see by the time I've posted... that he's already found a new home!

I know what you mean... it can be very disheartening.  I just had one happen last week... but then he sold 3 hours later.  It happens... and I'm FINALLY getting so it's not as personal when they say "no". 

nimbleknot wrote:

:.....My husband has a photography business as a additional business. Talk about pressure...weddings......

Oh I KNOW what you mean!  It was my ex's biz for 15 years... and mine too I just didn't do the photography... in fact... I was much like you Jennifer!

I had one bride come in for a consultation.... she was getting married on Valentines Day and told me she wanted everyone to fall in love again at her wedding... and wanted the photographer to capture that on film.

THANKFULLY I had enough sense to tell her that I did not think we were the right firm for the job!   bear_whistle  What a nightmare THAT would have been  :crackup:

K Pawz Guest

You guys rock!!!!
I have actually worked with Julie-Anne Bolton on some custom pieces and have really enjoyed it, but she gives me the creative freedom I like....I can handle specifications regarding fabric and color, what I can't handle is, that ear is a bit big, oh no I liked it better the other way...and so on!!! I will see what happens, but I am sure I will still work with Julie!!!


Kathleen Pa
Posts: 626

Krista,  I love your dogs, they always bring a smile to my face.  Keep up the great work!!!


Lhearn Critters Creations
Posts: 1,303

Your puppy is wonderful bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_wub .  I agree with everyone else here.  I am glad to see he has found a new home.  I have two baby Yorkies running around here that I got for christmas.  Just love them bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_wub .

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