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Hello All,
Well My big brother got married last week in Poland. It was a beautiful day and I must say the Polish know how to party.
The wedding was at a Catholic church in my sister-in-laws village. It was so beautiful inside, although we were not allowed to take pictures.
Before the ceremony the couple were blessed at her parents home by the parents.
After the ceremony they had a wonderful reception which started at 3pm and carried on till 5am. Basically you have a sit down dinner of 4 courses, then you drink (usually lots of vodka), you then dance. At 10pm more hot food arrived, you drink more & then you dance more. At 1am a soup course arrived, then you drink some more and again dance some more. So basically if you love eating, drinking and dancing - this is a night for you!!!
Luckily, I enjoy all three. When we got back to the hotel and slept - I woke up hung over and had very sore feet!!! It was a great wedding!!!
Here are some piccies:
Me & hubby outside the brides home just before the Blessing.
This is where they had the reception.
The happy couple outside the church!!
Everyone waiting to go in for the reception!!!
Beautiful pics ! Sounds like a wonderful day Claire !
Beautiful bride, handsome groom...but you didn't tell us their names. Will they be living in Poland or the UK???
Wedding, vodka, dancing, sounds like the recipe for a good time.
Simply lovely, Claire . . . thanks for sharing with us!
:dance: Sounds like a great time!!! Wishing your brother and new sister in law many, many years of happy bliss
I'm happy that you like Polish weddings! They are just like you wrote
Did your brother married Polish girl?
What a handsome couple they are! I see now where you hid the wedding pics; I asked to see them on the other thread you posted about your Poland trip.
Looks like a beautiful day with smiles all around, just as a wedding should be. Congratulations to the happy couple.
Wow, you look so nice!
I can't imagine eating soup at 1am! crazy!!!!!!!!
thanks for sharing your photos Claire - what a lovely wedding.
What lovely pictures and you all looked so great, sounds like you have a brilliant day.
Warm wishes
Thank you for sharing the photos. What a wonderful day!
Blessings on your whole family!
Beautiful bride, handsome groom...but you didn't tell us their names. Will they be living in Poland or the UK???
The bride is Krystyna and Groom is Lee - my Brother. They will be living over here in the UK. She's an accountant and has lived over here for 11 years. They have a house that they are renting and she is 4 months pregnant with their first child. Not that you can see it !!!!
OK I mostly love wedding cake, OK OK any cake
Well if you like cake you would have LOVED this wedding.
The women of the brides family all got together and made 42 big cakes. They then cut them up into slices. They had lots of cake plates scattered along the tables with a couple of slices from each cake on them with sweets and biscuits piled on top.
The wedding cake had 5 tiers and was like a walnut cake with buttercream. Gorgeous!!!
Thanks for sharing beautiful photos !!! and congratulations for your brother's wedding.