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Anyone hosting or going to a fantastic party? Maybe heading to the hot spot in your area for the countdown (Times Square for example)?? OR are you staying at home in your pajamas playing Scrabble like me & the hub
Do you have any traditions or do you make a traditional new years food you'd like to share?? I'm wondering what to make for our Scrabble tournament
:bday: :dance: HAPPY & HEALTHY NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE!!! :dance: :bday:
This year I am celebrating New Years at 4:00 pm.........My mom and I are starting early! A bottle of champagne at the nursing home ought to liven things up a bit :bday: lol
Hope everyone has a safe and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!! :dance:
2007 Christmas mom with Santa Claus
I'm hoping to be at home with Brad and not doing too much... I've made way to big a fool of myelf years past!... teeheee. I just want a quiet evening snuggling by the TV with a few drinks :bday: Yay!
Bear Hugs!
We haven't gone out on New Year's since I can remember. I am not a big fan of New Years - you never know what kind of a year you are cheering in. I don't think hubby has made it until midnight since I can remember. It will be a quiet night, with maybe a movie.
New Years day is a lazy day. It's my official "no cook", finger food day. I make everything ahead, like salmon mousse, veggies and dip. spinach dip in pumpernickel bread, cheese and crackers and we add shrimp, scallops, and a few of the President's choice hor'derves like mini quiches. Hubby has a couple of lobster he might cook but I don't like them. We top it off with a chocolate/butterscotch fudge ring, which is our family's favourite treat. Soooo, I'm free to play all day.
We'll be taking our daughter to the airport tomorrow evening as she is returning home to Madison, WI. Hubby and I haven't decided on a course of action after that, but I'm pulling for quiet time at home with the pets and maybe a movie. On New Year's Day, we will eat blackeyed peas for good luck during the year . . . a southern US tradition. Have a stupendous 2008, everybody!!
Well for the first time in like forever, we have no plans for New Years. Our daughter is still here visiting and I think, like you Chrissi, we will be having a Scrabble tournament as we are all three avid Scrabble fans - we'll be playing Super Scrabble which I like way better especially if there are more than just two playing since it is a bigger board and more letters. We will also likely watch a movie and have a bottle of champagne for midnight. I had thought about having a party but we have had such a social whirl the last month I'm really ready for some more quiet time!
Our New Year's Eve meal will be Alaska King Crab with wild rice and then New Year's day we are going for dinner at our neighbours. After that I'd like to take a break from eating and drinking for a while! :crackup:
We go to our favorite cozy little restaurant on New Year's Eve, sit by the fire and eat way too much. Then we head home, watch TV or a movie (this year we're going to watch Pirate's of the Carribean - At World's End which I got hubs for Christmas) and then hubs is usually asleep by 9:00pm (stinks gettin' old!) so I'll probably sew and watch Dick Clark's New Years Eve in NYC and remember when I was young and partied in the city until the wee hours.....
I hang my head in shame, when I put my hand up and say, I am doing nothing.
We are just over 8 hours away from the new year and my guess is that I will be in bed sleeping by 8pm, cos that is what I do every night. lol lol
I lead what most people would see as a very boring life, but, I am happy. I rise at dawn and am in bed asleep early as possible. Tonight will be no different, except I may stay up a tiny bit later because I have junk mail to fold so it is ready for me to deliver to 350 houses on Wednesday morning (I have flat out refused to deliver on new years day.)
From January 4th I am taking a 10 day break from my delivery work and going up to a cabin I own in the countryside. I am leaving on January 6th and staying there until January 12th. That is my new year gift to myself and my son.
I was quite ill for most of this year and this is the first time since May that I have been well enough to drive my car up to my cabin and we are really looking forward to it.
I will be spending most of the time sitting on the balcony, making teddy bears and cross stitching. :dance:
Bear hugs,
We are having a quiet New Years this year, spending it with our family.
We have just been for a lovely swim in the sea, and later will have a BBQ.
We will be like you Daphne and probably watch the new Pirates of the Carribean movie, that was a Christmas present and have a glass of champagne.
At midnight there is a fireworks display, that is always fun to watch.
I heard the news that Johnny Depp is coming down to NZ in the next few weeks - would be great to pass him in the street and be able to say hi!
On Waiheke Island we have had Jack Nicholson who attended the Little River band concert and also Charlize Theron has been over here for a week.
Happy New Year hugs to all!
:bday: :hug: :rose:
ps. We have just watched the Royal Variety Performance ~ it was really fun!
It is now 12.35 and even though we can hear fireworks going off around us - it is time for bed for these old fellas.
We will be having a quiet one like most years - like Brenda not a big fan of the New Year - will be all tucked up in bed and hopefully will still manage to keep one eye open as I would like to see the firework display on the Sydney harbour bridge on the TV
Hugs Lyn
We will be staying home and watching TV, films most likely, not sure which as between us we had sooo many dvds at christmas. Then as the new year arrives we take the silliest pictures we can, and really having fun...why...I don't know it happened one year and now we get silly every year pulling faces. I'm sure if anyone saw them we'd be locked away.
Happy New year from the mad Martin house everyone!
Hugs Jane.
We never go out. My husband is a police detective and usually on-call or working. But at home we each choose a flavor of Ben and Jerry's ice cream and it's a "free" night to eat it all...if you want. Sounds silly, but the kids love it and think they are really getting away with something.
Not many party animals so far! Add another night in girl. We went out last night, into town, and it was so boring and quiet we caught the bus home and did the usual, drink, curry and DVD. I must be getting old. So no parties for us tonight. Same again, wine and DVD as theres not much on TV. They must think we all go out.
I will be home with Tiffani and hubby will be working he is a police sergeant for Denver and he is always working on new years eve! He does not go in till later tonight so we will have a nice dinner before he goes. Then I'm sure I will be working on a bear while 2008 sneaks by! LOL Hope everyone here has a safe, healthy, happy, and very productive bear making year in 2008 :hug:
I am going to get well and truly rat-arsed at a party at a friends house - i've warned them so they know already and have prepared for it - they're going to pretend to be out.
Please i beg you all, no loud noises or cooking of fish, i'm going to be feeling very delicate. :doh:
Have a great New Years Eve one and all, see you next year.
I'm off to party like it's the last night on earth, which, if i get alcohol poisoning could well be - oh well nothing ventured nothing gained as they say.............
Oh and i forgot to mention that i have a new bra which i will be wearing for the first time tonight - make of that what you will but from past experience a new bra usually signifies good times are on the horizon.
I will be staying in with a box of mansize tissues as i am a little under the weather ok maybe a lot as i feel like cr**
Hubby is off to work later and the kids will be tucked up in bed.
Hope you all have a great night and Penny have a drink for me please hun
We are all going out to dinner with friends & their kids, if the roads don't freeze over. It is snowing/raining here today and hovering around zero.
It will be early to bed tonight though. Hubby and I volunteered at our church youth group party last night from 8-midnight. We had all the gaming systems set up ( xbox360, wii, ps2) , food, games, food, loud music, food etc. It was a lot of fun but I ate way too much junk food. Today daughter slept in until 11:20 am, I slept in until 12:30 ,and my son is still in bed and it is 12:45pm ! Poor hubby had to go to work at 7:30am
Whatever you all do, have fun and keep safe !
A night in here too - helping to prevent our cat from having a nervous breakdown! The fireworks started at about 5.30, so it will be a LONG night!
Have a great time, everyone, whatever you're up to......and a Very Happy New Year to all
big huggies
I hang my head in shame, when I put my hand up and say, I am doing nothing.
I lead what most people would see as a very boring life, but, I am happy.Bear hugs,
Hey Cathie, Many many people in the world would give anything to be "boring & happy"! You have nothing to be ashamed about!!
DH & DS & I will be staying in with a good movie (Mr. Bean's Holiday ) & making pizza. Perhaps a little 'bubbly' at the big moment & I couldn't be happier!
:clap: Best of the New Year everyone :clap:
We are just staying home this year too! :hug:
Oh Sue Ann.... we always do the black eyed peas thing on New Years Day as well! Much of my family is from Kentucky originally, and we've always carried on that lovely southern tradition as well. My dad's side of the family has some German blood... so they do the sauerkraut thing! NOT a big fan of the stuff myself, but black eyed peas... yum~!
Kim Basta
Hi there!
Well, I'm sitting here with my cat Woody, who I am keeping company because of all the horrible fireworks we have around here. Hubby is working, so I guess I will be spending it on TT!!!!
I would just like to wish everyone a brilliant happy and healthy New Year, and I hope that all your dreams come true!
Love and best wishes,
Marilyn ....... and a "purr" from Woody! x
I'm working!! But, not on bears. I'm working on putting together ideas for my Celebration of Spring on March 15th at the new house. There is so much to do when developing a new business!!
Bill and I always stay awake to ring in the new year together. We haven't missed one yet!!
A Lemon Drop Martini toast.........Cheers and Happy New Year!!
Warmest bear hugs, :hug:
we decided against a baby sitter and we're taking the baby with us. We will pay for it with loss of baby sleep but we're going to try it anyway.
No drinking for me as I"m breastfeeding but at least I can make sure everyone gets home safely .
Happy new year everyone!
For the past few years we stayed home enjoying the peace and fast asleep when the new year arrived.This year we went out and had a good evening being entertained with music. We went to the Barnyard theatre, youtake your own picnic basket and drinks can be bought there.
Once the music got started it was not long before the audience was dancing and singing. Of course having my partner in crime with me made the evening just that more fun.
A fuzzy picture of Ellaine and myself.
Everyone else out there may 2008 be the year you want it to be.
p.s. Penny- a new bra !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!mmm 2008 is going to be a real uplifting year for you !!!!!!!
I sat at table no 13- being born on a Friday 13th must indicate that things in 2008 is going to be a new challenging year.
tehe, I spent it home too what better place to be
keeping the dogs quiet with the fireworks and glad that the neighbours only partied till 2.30 in the morning...usually they go till it light!!
Happy New Year everybody, and a special hug to like home bodies