For artists and collectors sponsored by Intercal...your mohair supplier and Johnna's Mohair Store
Ok, so I just did the "happy birthday to me" thing out on etsy, purchasing some of the coolest art pieces for my kitchen! Can't wait to get them :dance:
Then I got to poking around, looking at all of the categories...the art, the jewelry, the (yummy) knitted items, the this, the that. And I thought I'd check out all of the bears. Are most listing under "toy" and what's the general idea on that one?? I'd like to give etsy a try, but after spending so much time in past ebay listings, web site, blog, and general conversations with people unfamiliar with the artisan bear stressing that I don't make "toys" I'm not sure if I want to fall under the toy umbrella.
What are your thoughts? What other category is out there for us? Art and (fiber) sculpture?
SO...whatcha think, cause I'm probably... typically
.. over thinking it (am I..... or not?)
I know exactly what you mean Chrissi. I love visitng Etsy, and have considered opening a shop as I think the whole handmade artist thing suits us bearmakers down to a tee. The only thing is I have been wondering about a category as well. I don't like my bears being categorised as a toy for two reasons - I consider an artist bear just that, a piece of crafted work and not to be assumed that it is a drag around the floor comfort bear that obviously have their place in a child's world. And secondly the legal implications of selling my bears under the category of toys, when I stress "this bear is not a toy".
I wonder if there is any way of getting Etsy to consider an "Artist Bear" category somewhere in their index. I don't have an Etsy store and so am not up on it all. Do any of the girls who sell their Bears on Etsy have an opinion. If we could get a dedicated "Artist Bear" category, I would definitely open a store.
I've only recently put a couple bears in my shop so I'm only speaking from my VERY NEW experience...
When you pick your tags the first option gives you toys, bears, and a few others to chose from...I chose bears first but then nothing related came up for my second I went back and chose toys and more related tags came up such as plush, etc., however, I later figured out that you can actually type in what you want such as OOAK, Artist Bear, Mohair, etc which is what I did. You don't have to chose toys. I think it's a matter of manipulating the tags to fit what works for your item.
And, you don't have to make your item "live" so you can play with the tags until you get them the way you want them. If you are interested in Etsy and an option to sell...just try it and see how it works for you...the worst thing that can happen is you don't sell something but a few people see your cute little bears and might find you on your website.
P.S. I hope I'm making sense...I have a terrible head cold and I'm all fuzzy with ICK!!!
As artists (not just bear artists) seek an alternative to eBay and Etsy continues to grow I'm sure they've already expanded their categories more than once. Why not email the 'powers that be' at Etsy and suggest a category for bears... dolls are under not just toys but "Needlecraft" too. Maybe bears should go there? I don't think a "Fiber Arts" category would work because at least half the subcategories on Etsy fall under Fiber.
Perhaps though we have to think like a buyer or collector would. If they went to Etsy to look for a special teddy bear what would they look under? "Toys", unfortunately, seems to be the likely choice at this point as there are no other options.
This is a tough one. I've been talking with a couple of artists recently in different parts of the US who are finding, like me, that we get more respect and attention if we first say we're a "Fiber Artist" rather than a teddy bear artist. The general public, after all the years artist made bears have been around, still doesn't get that teddy bears are art and they don't take us seriously. To say "Fiber Aritst" sounds more interesting and they pay attention.... once I get to saying I work with imported fibers such as German mohair and alpaca and specialize in once of a kind collector teddy bears they are actually interested and will look at pictures. If I said I make toys, then went on to say they were teddy bears and sold for $200+ a piece I'd get a snort and a "that's nice" or "who'd pay that for a stuffed animal" and off they'd go.
The artist guild I belong to does not call me as a toy maker or a doll maker. I am a fiber artist specializing in stitchery and surface design. Still not quite accurate enough but better than a toy maker! And I'm taken seriously!
So, yeah, Etsy needs a category for us.... and won't create one if they don't hear from all of us and know there is a need!
To contact Etsy here is the email: Community concerns & ideas:
And there is a forum where you can post suggestions: Ideas - have a way to make Etsy better? Let us know! (there is a discussion on category changes!!)
Thanks for you input guys!
I wasn't thinking of etsy creating a new category (although wouldn't it be great if the powers that be at etsy recognized this art?!) but was speaking more about using the categories already out there. I'm seeing almost all of the bears listed with "toy" as the first tag. (Tag is something I just learned about yesterday, thanks shantell!! I'm still looking over Etsy as a selling venue and not familiar with all of it yet.) There is a category of Art, then sub category of sculpture, then fiber...would that be appropriate for teddy bear artists to use? I'm struggling with calling what I do a "toy", but if I ventured out there I would (of course) want to be seen. Anyone else thinking about this now?
I have mine under "art", then "sculpture", then "fiber". I also have "artist bear" and "mohair" as tags. The first category you put is the main one, I think. I thought "toy" didn't really fit either, but also put it for a tag (after the others, not the first tag) as I saw the other bear artists had that also and thought some people may search that way. If you do a search for "artist bears" under tags, they do come up. I agree an "artist bear" category would be great.