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chrissibrinkley Posts: 1,836

Hello friends

I'm really very bummed out right now.  Feeling very used and abused  bear_angry  bear_cry  bear_angry 

I'm hoping some of you totally fantastic techno teddy folks can help me out.  I think I've gone as far as I can with my dilemma.  (and I've gone pretty darn far in tracking this utterly pathetic scenario)

Please EMAIL me if you know anything at all about website statistics, entry pages and exit pages, web site coding and how someone copying your site (code) could result in their site becoming the entry and exit pages for your site's statistics. (??????)
(yup, uh huh that's what it looks like so far and I'm so UGH right now)

My website has been fully statistically tracked since forever.  I've never ever had an issue.  Suddenly over a roughly 1 week span of time my site's statistics changed.  I didn't catch it right away because my grandfather passed away and I was nearly landed in the hospital twice this month for an issue (I'm fine totally just crappy timing).

I WILL NOT under any circumstances be hinting to or giving out names, sites or leading anyone to the person who did this.  I'm not about that at all.  I still believe that good returns good goes the same for being not so good.  I simply want to make sure MY site and MY hard work has not been and was not compromised in anyway shape or form outside of what I can see...and how to fix it.

What makes me most sad is that I readily give out any information at all when asked.  I've always been so vocal about bear artists who helped me and I'd do anything to help anyone else.  I really can't wrap my head around this one.

Thank you all and if you don't track your site...start!!  bear_angry  Email me and I'll tell you how  bear_thumb  :hug:

:hug:  :hug:


!!  If you've EVER signed up for my mailing list via my web site  you have ZERO worries.  That info comes to me directly via email and I hand enter it into my mailing list. Totally seperate from the site.  NOTHING is stored anywhere on my site (I'm totally not that techno savy! bear_grin ). No emails or lists were compromised, no worries at all with that, I promise bear_thumb  bear_flower

Dilu Posts: 8,574

Oh Chrissie,
I am so terribly sorry this has happened to you.


shantell Apple Dumpling Designs
Willamette Valley Oregon
Posts: 3,128

First..  :hug:   :hug:   :hug:

Here's a link to the topic that Melanie is talking about regarding Jenny.  I hope it's what you need to resolve your issue.  If not, hopefully someone will pop in here soon and be of some help because it isn't me.   bear_flower   I'm a website, computer idiot.

Here's some more...   :hug:   :hug:   :hug:

chrissibrinkley Posts: 1,836

Thanks girls and those who reached out privately!!

OK, so the stats and what seems to have happened......

The stats that jumped out like a redflag were not referring URLs (links).  Those change all the time for me, and probably you all too (TT, blogs, bear sites, other sites, etc).  The stats that I saw suddenly altered over this one week were my "entry and exit pages".  Those should ALWAYS be for your own's where people are going into and leaving your site (whether it be your homepage, gallery, contact page, your show or media page, etc).  Over this week my entry and exit changed to one specific site, another bear site.  When I clicked on that site the red flags flew all over the place for me.  Something was wrong & I knew it wasn't a fluke or random glitch.

From what myself and the premier techno rock star have figured out my site was not "hacked" but instead copied/perchance uploaded to this other persons server WITH MY STAT COUNTER code.  bear_angry 
So I was getting their random stats over that July 8th ish -July 14th span until they either #1 realized they have my stat code OR #2 they replaced it with their own.  (nice, huh?!)

Needless to say I'm still totally bummed that I personally spent a whole weekend back in 2006 figuring out how to format my web pages, another weekend on buttons, another on learning how to insert code and another weekend to tweak it all. I was really so beyond proud that I built this simple little site with zero background knowledge and with just a book and a program.  Then someone comes along not wanting to do any work themselves, sneakily finds the ONE page that was easiest to start with,  and just has their way with my site.  I mean it's not even a fancy site...IT'S BLACK WITH WHITE BUTTONS Yah'll   SHEESH!!! 

I've never been a copyright slammer or big on "hey that's my look" debate or anything. My theory has always been that I love what I do and I think those who like my bears do because it's me making those bears. My bears are what they are and no one else can get that look like I can.....yah know? Same with the web site, I didn't invent the wheel with any of it (actually my little sister's web site was my inspiration when I built mine!!). BUT I didn't just cut and paste HER site! I worked at it myself.

I would have helped if they had only asked, you guys know that bear_flower

:hug:  :hug:

K Pawz Guest

OH Chrissi that is just so awful! the true meaning of rude if you ask me! you are right though what goes around comes around....and hopefully the person who did this knows about TT and has access to this thread and knows Karma is going to come and bite them in the *** !!!


chrissibrinkley Posts: 1,836

Thanks Krista bear_flower  :hug: 

I'm a big believer in what you put out does affect your world.  I'm not wishing anything negative on this person, not at all. I just hope they "get" that it's better to reach out to people and not just take from people.  It always comes back to you in the end, no one really gets away with anything anymore....especially online.

:hug:  :hug:

Michelle Helen Chaska, Minnesota
Posts: 2,897

Dear Chrissi: that is just plain terrible!!! I too belive what goes around comes around. I hope this all resolves soon.  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

TamiL Dolls N Dreams
Aurora, Colorado
Posts: 6,454

Oh I'm sorry that is terrible  :hug:

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,996

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

:hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  Sorry about your troubles, Chrissi, and hope they are resolved soon.

Dilu Posts: 8,574

It sounds like you and "the premier techno rock star " have begun to unravel the mess and are on your way to fixing not only the website but also someone's little red wagon of deciet for STEALING your site.

If any one can help it would be "the premier techno rock star " and you will learn lots through the process.

I hate that this happened to you, Chrissie, but as ever you are a Lady and for that we are all blessed by your presence on our board.



chrissibrinkley Posts: 1,836

Thank you again ladies (and gents!!) bear_flower

All looks to be well in the Woods once again  bear_original 

If someone really wants to get to images, codes, text, etc they will...all we can do is put roadblocks up, monitor our sites well,  and hope they give up and move on (without messing things up for us!). sheesh!

I have to say in less than 24 hours I learned A LOT from you all here, the premier techno rock star bear_thumb bear_laugh  , and another forum out there in cyber land where a good natured moderator took pity on me and offered some amazing insight and links on all of this schtuff.   

Thank you all again  :hug:  :hug:


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