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Dilu Posts: 8,574

I can't down on the floor because there is no cartilage left in my left knee, and because of abdominal surgery 5 years ago bending over causes an inconvenient problem of vomiting and my hubby works part time evenings at the local lumber mill which is 5 miles from here.

For those who don't see the connection yet, bear with me....

He comes home black, think the chimney sweeps in Mary Poppins, because this mill uses the bark and scraps to power the mill, and one of hois jobs at night is to be sure the boilers are going right.

So after his shift, (only 3 a week) the tub and shower look charcoal grey.  YUCK

You should see the laundry!  bear_grin bear_grin bear_grin

I found this Clorax tub has a disposable head that scrubs and is already loaded with some Clorax type product.

So without bending over and without getting down on my hands and knees I am now the proud owner of a clean bathtub, and shower surround and glass doors.  bear_original bear_original bear_original

Of course that little grid thing in the bottom is still there, but maybe it is a little cleaner too.

It took less than 10 min. start to finish.....and it was easy~

JUST thought I would share.

In case there are any other arthritic knees and spines and decrepit bods out there in bearland.


bearsbybeesley bears by beesley TM
Tofield Alberta Canada
Posts: 6,818

Thanks for sharing Dilu. I have been wonderfing how they would work. I be out to get one first chance!!

Many Hugs Louise

Pipa UK
Posts: 971

How Great Dilu you found something you can use that saves you bending !!!!  bear_thumb

Deb Upstate New York
Posts: 1,650

You're just implementing the old "work smarter, not harder" concept!

Bravo!   :clap:  ...  and thanks for the tip.

Carolyn Green Draffin Bears
Auckland New Zealand
Posts: 5,354

How neat that someone has come up with such a great idea. Thanks for sharing with us, Dilu.

Pipa, I like your new Avatar. How did you get on at the Doctor - was it Tuesday you had
an appointment?


Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Cool!  And, since we're sharing about cleaning miracles, has anyone tried those Mr. Clean Magic Eraser sponge thingies besides me?  They make cleaning up boy-grubbed walls, dirtied by hands and feet flying around the stairwell, so easy to clean. bear_original

Sandi.S. Posts: 1,277

I love those Magic Erasers! I haven't tried them on the walls, but they work wonders for scuff marks on the floor.

Dilu Posts: 8,574


love Mr. Eraser!  It does clean the most unusual things, you wouldn't think it could!

like white nursing shoes!
bear_grin bear_grin

Great thing to bring up Shelli!


Densteds Densteds
Posts: 2,056

Hi Dilu,

Have you tried putting bubble bath in Hubs tub, I found it great for stopping that yukky bathring.....really helps stops the dirt & body oil from adherring to the sides.

My husband has & oesteoporosis & bad joints especially his knees, his doctor recommended taking glucosamine/chondoitrin with MSM powder sprinkled on cereal or drunk mixed with milk...also available in tablets but appears to work better in powder helps rebuild cartilage & has really helped him, might be worth a try..


Dilu Posts: 8,574

Oh Darling Denise-  I do take glugochondoritenmsm etc.....and it helps the hand joints especially!  (Thank you God!)

I believe from what I have been able to gleen in my reading is that as long as there is still some carteledge it has something to work on.

But I had to laugh at my exrays....didn't have to be a nurse to see
there was nothing between the tib-fib and thigh-  no cartelidge left at all.   bear_grin  Well no wonder I stopped hiking, and here we all thought I'd just gone dotty.

They are talking knee replacements and I am ignoring them.....

I couldn't get him to take a bubblebath if his salvation depended upon it!  He's a shower boy, through and through- and the muck sprays everywhere.....I didn't know he could get this dirty.

He does use the spa though.....on days he dosn't work

So this is a great find-  I am thinking if I could remind him gently to rinse the shower walls down then I would only have to clean twice a week.....

It's not the bending that's a problem its the vomiting when I do it....kind of defeats the purpose of cleaning the tub if one is throwing up at the same time~!  bear_grin bear_grin

I'm laughing because even if it is a pain in the neck it is also funny...having to evaluate every thing you do....

hugs guys


jazzyrags Jazzy Rags
Posts: 1,494

Thats great Dilu

WildThyme Wild Thyme Originals
Hudson, Ohio
Posts: 3,115

Dilu, I saw that commercial the other day!

I was wondering if those things worked!!!! Thanks for letting us know that they do!  I must put one of these on my shopping list for hubby!  I HATE scrubbing the tub!  The kid's tub isn't so bad... but we have one of those enormous jetted monstrosities in our master bath, and the only way to clean the darned thing is to basically get IN it!  I bet that scrubber would be a big help!

Oh, i am also a HUGE fan of those Magic Eraser thingies!  We have a trail of assorted grime that accumulates on a weekly basis on the wall of our stairs just at the 3-5 year year old level!  I swear, those magic Erasers are not of this EARTH!  Dilu, those puppies clean everything!   Have you tried one on the textured floor of your hubby's shower?  Might work!?

Beary truly yours,
Kim Basta
Wild Thyme Originals

Dilu Posts: 8,574

No i haven.t tried it......I usually vomit when I am in the position to scrub a tub.....but maybe I could wheedle a little and get someone else to help me?

we'll see what he says!


SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,754

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Ooooh, Dilu . . . from one decrepit, arthritic old lady to another (although you don't quite make it to the old part, youngster!) . . . thanks so much for the tip on the Clorox bath scrubber.  My back and knees don't like to do bathrooms either, so this will be great!!  As long as we're on the topic of trying to get out of work, does anybody know anything about that vacuuming robot, the Roomba?  I have a canister type vacuum cleaner and I'm about ready for the cemetery after I finish going over the whole house.  An upright isn't much better, either.  I'm thinking about asking for a Roomba for Christmas, but don't want to invest that much money if it doesn't work well.  For anyone that's interested in checking it out, the website is  If anybody has experience with one, I'd like your opinion.   :hug:

Densteds Densteds
Posts: 2,056

Dilu... ha!!! ha!!! you crack me up!!!!  yeah!! that stuff sure looks like glug, but I keep pushing it down the old boy's throat...have to keep him in good working order???

I keep a small garden waterer in the shower and make him wash the sides down with that also have one of those squeegie thingys and he gets to scrape the excess water off too!!! sometimes have to get the whip out, but he's pretty good!!

I use a citris based cleaning product called Shower Power, just squirt it all over, leave for awhile, rinse with clean water, no scrubbing and voila!!!!! even all the builtup soap scum disappears from the wall and even the floor tiles, it's great stuff...

Sue Ann...I want one of those robots...what a great idea, but I'll probably just have to keep using the old one for the moment his joints are a bit rusty, I don't have to recharge him and he works cheap  bear_grin bear_grin bear_grin bear_grin bear_grin

big hugs,

Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

bear_original Sue Ann,

I'd kill for a Roomba (almost  :whistle:), but I hear that they're very noisy. I envision the thing roaring around from room to room, scattering cats and rabbits in all directions, with both dogs yapping in its wake.

I know how you feel about vacuuming. I've got four floors' worth. There's so much hair flying around that I can't keep up with it, but sooner or later everthing turns a nice color of winter-undercoat grey.

What I'm waiting for I think I read about in a sci-fi novel. Just about where your quarter-rounds meet the floor, there's a silent but powerful suction system that pulls in all the guck and deposits it somewhere else.


Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

I've wondered if you could get enough leverage or whatever to apply enough pressure to really clean with one of those Clorox tub scrubber thingys. I'll have to keep it in mind if my hubby ever quits on me!

Haven't tried Mr. Eraser.

I couldn't live without the Clorox disinfectant wipes though! With a puppy who thinks INSIDE is the place to relieve himself, paper towel and Clorox wipes are an absolute must! Work great on our ceramic tile floor. Also great in the bath, kitchen.... I even clean the dash and console of my SUV with them! Beats sponge and spray bottle of some cleaner.... wipe, rinse, wipe, rinse, rinse, rinse..... I still do a thorough cleaning that way once a week but in between the wipes are perfect!

Dilu Posts: 8,574

Sue Ann

Gottschalks had the very first model on sale last year about this time.  I loved it.  Used it every single day.  It died after 6 months.

But i FIGUREd that since I used it literaly every single day that that was probably a 3-4 year lifespan in normal use. 

I really miss it but told the hubster I didn't want to spend the money for the more expensive-hope-they-worked-out-the-kinks model.

It had a great secondary fun side to it would seem to chase the cats around the room and they would levitate when it came near them.

Great for a laugh.

Back to my old Swedish thingy that will never ever die but works so well I can't get rid of it.

Yikes I sound like my dad...


doodlebears Doodlebears
Posts: 7,414

doodlebears Celebration Ambassador

Hey girls I've never heard of Clorox bath scrubbers here in the UK. I wonder what the UK equivalent is...any one from the UK know?

Jane.  bear_original

Marie_ Kiprie Bears
Yokohama, Japan
Posts: 2,735

Oops, Clorox bath scrubbers is not available in Japan also...  but I used to use it when I lived USA.   bear_tongue
But I saw the "Roomba" on TV and I was wondering too, if it's worth it ?   bear_whistle

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