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Just wanted to share with you a picture of my very own audience. We had 4 dogs in the house over the Christmas period. My mums 2 westies and my own babies Lilly & Bella!
Anytime I was up to something that looked interesting, there they would be!!! lovely...I love their faces.
How many of the 'interesting' things were food related?
aww they are cuties!!!!
Aww.... they are all so cute.
AWWWW They are all really cute!
That's wonderful!
Oh my goodness, that is so cute!! Impossible to resist those sweet faces!
Awwwwwwwww another piccie of your families gorgeous doggies
I have a real soft spot for little doggies (we had Cairns when I was young) but I must say the little one at the back (is it Bella?) keeps drawing my attention. What kind of breed is she Claire?
hehehehehehehehe!!! Oh this made me chuckle, how funny!! We're you slicing the Sunday roast? Lovely to hear from you again Claire, how are you? Is one of your doggies a Tibetan Terrier? My little girl looks suspiciously the same in a different colour.....
They all look so cute!
Beary hugs,
What a beautiful and captive audience! But I also doubt that they were interested in your sewing or knitting and think that there might be food involved.
Lovely photo.
Hugs, :hug:
Peter & the bears
Oh, she was knitting, all right! It's just that she was knitting a ham sandwich!
Could it possibly be treat time? Those pooches are adorable!!
I have a cairn, Ali, and love that dog!
Totally cute and mesmerising!
Ahhh they are so cute aren't they Sue Ann. Cairns are full of mischiff and are so loyal to their owners. Our first one Mitzie was the runt of the litter, very small and had a very soft honey coat. She had the patience of a saint with my brother and I as kids and loved nothing better than sitting in the front basket of mums bicycle and going for a family ride (just like Toto in the Wizard of Oz). Our second one Pippa wasn't so easy going as Mitzie (she really did know she was a pedigree
) Pippa only really loved my mum (she put up with the rest of us
) she would throw filthy looks at my stepdad if he tried to get close to mum and made it quite clear she didn't like my sister-in-law - clever dog :crackup: Since leaving home all of our dogs have been rescue dogs but one day I would love to buy myself a cairn, maybe when I retire.
Claire - if Bella is a Tibetan Terrier that is the breed of dog my mum has now. He is abit like Pippa, a pedigree and really knows it
Those doggies look absolutely adorable and really well looked after. Probably spoilt rotten but oh so cute (and worth the spoiling)
Hello All,
Thank you for all the lovely comments! I have to confess, even though my sewing was nearby, I was actually eating a sandwich when I took this picture on my phone!!! LOLOLOLOL!
Hi Alison/Clare - its funny but before I bought Bella I really wanted a tibetan terrier as my mum had one when she was a little girl. However whilst walking Lilly one day, I met a lady who owned one and she really put me off getting one by saying that they were very stubborn and hard to train.
So we decided to get a Cockapoo (Cocker Spaniel cross Poodle) which Bella is. I wish I hadn't listened to that lady in some ways but I'm glad in another way as I love my Bella soooooo much!
Both my girls have lovely tempers but love to play and cause chaos - so I'm very happy. Bella also hates being left out of any affection and if my husband kisses me, she will climb up between us and sticks her head between ours and gives us both kisses!
Your mum's westies are beautiful Claire. Bella is so, so cute, I love her coat. Lilly is gorgeous, I love cavis and as you know have one of my own. I miss having a house full of cavis, but Lucy will be eleven soon, so I don't think it fare to get a puppy right now. Give your babies a hug from me.
Hugs, Jane. :hug: :hug: :hug:
Ali, the only possible drawback to my cairn, Bailey, is that he is a bit 'moody' at times. He was a rescue that we adopted when he was not quite one year old. We think he must have been abused before we got him as he grovels quite frequently and acts like we are going to punish him. Our pet behavior philosophy is positive reinforcement of good behavior, never physical punishment of any kind, so we are always puzzled when he hangs his head and cowers when we call him or bend down to pat him. This still after we've had him five years. On the other hand, he is a really sweet pup and extremely loyal, very playful and funny. I sometimes think he needs younger people in his life . . . we're old and don't roughhouse with him as much as he'd like, plus our other dog is 15 and sleeps most of the time. I've been seriously considering getting Bailey a young pet of his own to give him more play time.
Awwww they are very cute, love that picture of them all together
Aww, how gorgeous. Wish I had a little audience like that - priceless!