For artists and collectors sponsored by Intercal...your mohair supplier and Johnna's Mohair Store
I bought my first Paddington today! ;D I'd always liked the Gabrielle Designs ones the best, (because they look the most like the original, furry illustrations, and who can resist real mohair?) and today I found one within my modest budget. Red coat, black hat, and according to the seller, only displayed. I didn't ask for pictures of his feet or boots, because I'd rather wait and see when he arrives.
I know at least one other forum member has a Gabrielle Designs Paddington. Has anyone else fallen for him?
oh, do let us know what kind of boots he has please!!! I'd be interested to see.....
He arrived today, ahead of schedule! His boots are the later, P.B. ones, and he has regular feet. Oh well. Win some, lose some, I guess. I'm still thrilled to have him!
He's much firmer than I expected, really a sturdy fellow! I've got him standing up on top of my high-boy dresser, and he displays fabulously.
wel, i love paddington bear, no matter what kind of boots/feet he has! sounds like a great find!
Thanks for turning me on to these bears! You are right they have a lot of character! The Eden bears are very disappointing compared to the Gabrielle designs. Be curious to know how their feet changed from model to model. Thx.
The very early bears' feet were very "stumpy," with no projecting "toe" area. The later ones were shaped more like regular teddies' feet. Also, the early bears' boots were just regular Dunlop brand wellingtons in a small size, and the later ones were made specifically for the bears and only marked "P.B."
Here's a good site for info: … le-designs
Thanks for sharing that website. After spending time looking at her fabulous designs, one can only come to the conclusion that Shirley Clarkson was some kind of bear designing genius. All her instincts were fantastic and there isn't a mediocre Paddy in the bunch. The paw impressions on the sit down Paddington were particularly inspired. I had a good laugh at the Rugby Paddington with 80's style sweatband (or is it fur-band in this case?). I can't imagine a teddy bear playing Rugby. I would assume a teddy bear's strength in Rugby would be its devastating cuteness.