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Johnna's Mohair Store - Specializing in hand dyed mohair and alpaca
Past Time Bears - Artist bears designed and handcrafted by Sue Ann Holcomb

sewing stars sewing stars
providence, rhode island
Posts: 219


i think 4" (minus the ears) is considered mini, right? well i made this little guy and finished him last night finally. i have to say, i am extremely impressed by just how small you mini bear makers can make them!! i had the most difficult time sewing this little guy up!


psichick78 Flying Fur Studios
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 3,073


I can't beleive it's a mini! I love his little toy as well.
I would keep making more of these if I could.

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,998

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Wonderful, Teresa!!

alexisbears Alexis Bears
Posts: 43

Hi Teresa,

Wow, - that is your first mini?? I am very impressed! Its my aim with minis to make them so that when you photograph them, you cant tell whether they are mini or bigger bears, and you have definately achieved that with your bunny.

Well done! :dance:


Dilu Posts: 8,574

Wonderfully done Miss Teresa!

Very cute. 

and yep its a mini!


kbonsall Kim-Bee Bears
Posts: 5,645

SOOO CUTE! I love the little bunbun dolly too!!!

WildThyme Wild Thyme Originals
Hudson, Ohio
Posts: 3,115

What a wonderful tiny bunny!  bear_wub  bear_smile  bear_wub
Kim Basta
Wild Thyme Originals

Amanda Pandy Potter Bears
Staffordshire, UK
Posts: 1,864

I would have struggled too, not easy fabric to work with. A very BIG well done!!!! :clap:  :clap:

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