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psichick78 Flying Fur Studios
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 3,073

Little-mouse-side.JPGLittle-mouse.JPGOkay, here's my attempt................

Just Us Bears Just Us Bears
Posts: 940

Heather...I think your mousie is every bit as cute as everyone else's. In fact he looks very cuddleable if that's a word! Isn't it amazing how different they all are and from such a simple pattern. bear_original

New Avenue Crew New Avenue Crew by Debora Hoffmann
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Posts: 1,959

Oh, your mouse is very cute, Heather! Thank you for posting him. Or her. bear_ermm You all are making such great mice!  bear_thumb


New Avenue Crew New Avenue Crew by Debora Hoffmann
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Posts: 1,959

My avatar picture and this thread remind me of when we lived in the Seattle area in an apartment (the one my avatar picture was taken in). Our cat, Strider (pictured), kept sniffing and pawing at a cupboard under the sink, insisting that there was something under there. To make a long story short, it was a mouse, and it got into the living room somehow. Strider cornered it under a piece of furniture, and Garth (hubby) somehow got it out of there and directed it toward the front door. Strider gave chase and followed it all the way out the front door, through the hallway, and the little critter squeezed itself under the door of the apartment opposite ours! EEK!  bear_whistle Fortunately, the apartment was empty, so we just told the landlords about it so they could take care of it. Good ol' mouser Strider!  bear_grin


matilda Matilda Huggington-beare
Posts: 5,551

Heather he is gorgeous!!! I I hope mine turns out as well as yours.  bear_flower

Debora, loved the mouser story!! :clap:

Also love all the mice I've seen so far!!!!!!!!

matilda Matilda Huggington-beare
Posts: 5,551

mousechallenge1.jpgmousechallenge3.jpgmousechallenge2.jpgThis is a sample mouse, which I'm showing against my better judgement :crackup:
I only made this one to see how the pattern fitted. I put her in a bikini as you can see. BECAUSE she was in the nudie :crackup:  What ever you do, dont take her seriously, please.... :redface:

New Avenue Crew New Avenue Crew by Debora Hoffmann
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Posts: 1,959

Wendy, your sample mouse makes me giggle.   bear_laugh  Thanks for sharing her!! I'm excited to see what your non-sample mouse looks like.  bear_original


psichick78 Flying Fur Studios
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 3,073

Thanks girls, for saying my mouse is cute!

Wendy, you're mouse is soo funny! Shows how creative you are. That's the fun thing about this project, we dont have to take it seriously.

Wish I had a simple pattern to share, so we could do another challenge.....

Acipenser Bine-Teddies
Posts: 862

Heather - very cute and cuddleable  bear_tongue mouse indeed.

Wendy - exactly what I would have expected from you. Love the bikini mouse.  :crackup:  bear_wub

matilda Matilda Huggington-beare
Posts: 5,551

Heather I have a bear companion pattern that I'm more than willing to share.
I dont know  how to set it up online though.  And I suppose It would need instructions and stuff  :doh:
Just let me know if you are interested.
Wendy bear_thumb

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,998

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Jinxmouse2.jpgJinxmouse1.jpgFinally . . . I had time to do the mousie challenge.  Thanks much, Teresa, for allowing us to use your cute pattern.  Jinx is made from two different pieces of upholstery fabric with the tail/ears made from batiked wool.

New Avenue Crew New Avenue Crew by Debora Hoffmann
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Posts: 1,959

Jinx is adorable, Sue Ann.  bear_smile Now you've made me wish I had time to make a mouse for this challenge!


Acipenser Bine-Teddies
Posts: 862

Sue Ann, Jinx is lovely! Well done!

SunnieOne Sunnie Bears
Ridgecrest, CA
Posts: 1,167

Finally, Sue Ann, your mouse reminded me to finally take pictures. Now that I am done, I see that Aleta's is also a clown! A VERY adorable one at that! I didn't copy Aleta, HONEST!
Anyway.. here is my mouse


matilda Matilda Huggington-beare
Posts: 5,551

Sue ann  and Sonya your mice are wonderful. Looks like I better pull my finger out and finish mine. :redface:
Wendy bear_thumb

New Avenue Crew New Avenue Crew by Debora Hoffmann
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Posts: 1,959

Oh, Sonya! What an adorable mousie clown! He can come live with me!! bear_laugh


matilda Matilda Huggington-beare
Posts: 5,551

Amousefrontview.jpgAmousebackview.jpgOK here's my mouse.    They are the clearest pics I could get.

BearBottoms 'Bear' Bottoms Originals
Ft. Bragg, NC
Posts: 2,465

Oh my, Wendy!!  That has got to be the cutest fuzzy mouse I've seen! lol!!  He looks just like something I'd see pop it's head out from behind my fridge, laden with cracker crumbs!  Tooo cute!

Kimberly W.

P.S. I wouldn't want you ladies thinking I have mice peeking out from behind my fridge... As far as I know, I am currently cracker-mouse free! lol  bear_tongue

psichick78 Flying Fur Studios
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 3,073

What a cutie! I love the fuzzy one! bear_wub

Tammy Beckoning Bears
Nova Scotia
Posts: 3,739

These mice are all so different yet all adorable.  I think you've all inspired me to give it a try soon.   bear_thumb

matilda Matilda Huggington-beare
Posts: 5,551

Kimberly!!! what I am wondering is..... What are you doing hiding behind the fridge eating crackers in the first place :crackup:

I used a few stiches to sculpt the wee mouse to hold the pose he has.  I love the way he turned out, so am now inspired to make my own mouse pattern.  bear_grin  bear_grin
Wendy bear_thumb

VermontHarvest Vermont Harvest Primitives
Posts: 79

Hello...  Just wondering if this challenge is still going on....i would love to try it.  All these little mousers are wonderful.....especially the little fuzzy......:)


VermontHarvest Vermont Harvest Primitives
Posts: 79

Hello Ranae....  Yes, I have already made mice..but i have not made one from this pattern.  I love this one.  I can think of several fabrics i would like to try with it.  I am hoping to get started today with it.


Bearalive Bearalive
Posts: 791

I am glad that still time!!! bear_grin  Here is mine . The fur make his ears look bigger but, they are not. What do you think of him!!
B.hugs and G. smiles.
Gladys bear_flower

RaggyRat The RaggyRat Company
Posts: 1,214

486012822_450dc41358_m.jpg486012816_2fc04aa213_m.jpgnot done a good job of photoing it but i had  to accept this challenge
i used 2 scraps or fur - moleskin and cream astra plus fuax sued in chocolate
a ribbon and a hot pink bow ...
i also posted her a flickr too

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