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vkallum Humble-Crumble Collectors Bears
Essex, England
Posts: 334

Oh Sue Ann

What a dear little soul, such a sad face.  It's beyond comprehension why anyone would find the excuse to be cruel to such a sweet little dog.  Good for you giving him a second chance - it always amazes me that such broken hearted little creatures are prepared to give us a second chance.

Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873


Bailey is a sweetie, Sue Ann

bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_wub

Bless your bones for giving him a loving home :hug:

OK, OK, it's true that terriers (aka terrorists) have special temperaments, but they're also funny, loving and loyal, and very very intelligent. I've owned mostly terriers, shepherds and collies, and I feel incomplete and seriously deprived without a bit of each in my life.

bear_sad Jane, I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter's experience with Malcolm. Border Collies are so wonderful when they're raised in a loving home, but they can go very wrong when abused.

My little Sis used to run a BorderCollie Rescue, and she rehabilitated some really dangerous dogs. I've got one of her rescues now, my precious Bear, and he's the love of my life bear_wub , but I've got to be both a strong AlphaDog and a sensitive Mommy 24/7.


Sue@Peggotty Peggotty
Posts: 56

Oooooh Sue Ann.  I think I am in love.  What a little sweetie .... and just look at that face. bear_wub

Can you post some more photos when he's had a chance to settle in and I'll bet that doggie will be smiling.



:clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:

Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

Sue Ann , if I were a puppy, I would want you for a mommy.  You truely have a gentle soul.  What a sweet and lucky doggie. bear_wub

fredbear Fred-i-Bear
Posts: 2,243

Sue Ann, what a cute lovely dog. I see you are just like me, cannot say NO. I have Sam on my lap, she is biting my gown sleeve, when do these sharp teeth fall out ?my hands look like a battle field.
The rest of the family are settling down with her and we are loving her more and more every day.
I think you can tell Bailey the same I tell Sam, they died and have come to live in doggy heaven with us on earth.


SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,766

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

So glad you all like my sweet new puppy . . . and he actually is still a puppy.  I found his birth date in the papers the rescue organization gave us - June 8, 2005 - so he's not quite a year old yet.  He insists on chasing the cats and they've reminded him of who was here first a few times.  He's quite the drama queen after he's been swatted . . . he screams and runs to mama or daddy for comfort.  He does understand the word "no" and minds pretty well for a puppy, so think he's going to be a great little dog.  Toby has perked up considerably now that he has little Bailey to 'raise'.  Thanks for all your nice comments!

Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

Sue Ann.  Sounds like you have a very entertaining household.  I love to see animals interact with each other.    It sounds like they have already established a pecking order. It seem slike cats tend to have the upper hand, don't they?  Ours keeps our dog in line.

When our cows are let out into the patsure after milking and our dog is also outside, it is really neat to see how interested they are in her. Our dog's head is about the size of a cows nose.  Even though they are natural enimies, I hardly think the cows feel threatened by Mandi.  Cows are curious animals and I love it  when they let me pet and scratch thier heads.

  I would love to see your new doggie and my Mandi( Malti-poo) play .  She LOVES absolutley everyone she meets.  She is not your steriotypical maltese/poodle.

How bid do carine terriers get?  How could someone NOT want such a darling pup?  I guess everyone has a different situation.

Bonnie Mountain Dreamer Bears
wooly woods of Missouri, USA
Posts: 1,538

Awwww! bear_wub  bear_wub  What a doll and a lucky pup to have you as a mom, Sue Ann. bear_flower

I Love Teddies South Florida
Posts: 1,684

Sue Ann,

I'm so glad you adopted Bailey and gave him a great home.  He's so cute!   bear_wub    Toto from the Wizard of Oz was a cairn terrier, right?

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,766

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Yes, Toto was a cairn.  Bailey weighs around 13 pounds right now.  From what I've read about them, males will run 15 - 16 pounds.

AnnG Childhood Treasures
Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA
Posts: 101

I just love him. I would've adopted him too.

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