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Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

I've been struggling with the problem of bear shows cancelling and the whole bear scene dying off. So, I've been thinking and wondering what is necessary to get artists & collectors to a show.

I have questions for artists:

1. What would a REASONABLE booth fee be for say an 8 x 10 space or two 8' tables?

2. How far from home would you travel if show fees were affordable? Within driving distance, no over night; drive & overnight; fly; etc.

3. If you DON'T DO SHOWS, briefly tell why.

4. Where do you currently sell a majority of your bears.... friends/family, internet (state whether website or auction), shows?

5. Name one thing you'd like to see done differently with any shows you've participated in.

And for those who also collect:

6. Where do you buy a majority of your bears..... internet (state whether auction or websites); shows; speciality shops, etc.


Please number your answers and try to brief (yah, like I'm one to talk!!) :lol:
I'll go first:

1. $75-100  ($25 would be nice!!)

2. Drive/maybe overnight. If a really big & promissing show I'd overnight, maybe fly.

3. n/a

4. Most of my bears sell at shows.

5. More advertising.... gee do I only get to name ONE thing???? :rolleyes:

6. I usually buy artist bears from their websites.... (guilty... doesn't help shows much!)

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Great topic, Daphne.  I'll do my best to answer.

1. What would a REASONABLE booth fee be for say an 8 x 10 space or two 8' tables?
Hmmm... I don't have much experience here; I've only done one show.  It was a three day event and for about $250 I got one, 8-foot table, with enough space behind it for some chairs.  That works out to about $80/day.  So I guess I think $75-$100 would be a reasonable cost per day for an 8-foot table.

2. How far from home would you travel if show fees were affordable? Within driving distance, no over night; drive & overnight; fly; etc.
I'd prefer to drive but shows are VERY widespread, including reaching well into Europe and Asia.  For big shows, esp. award-bearing shows, or shows that draw huge crowds of artists and collectors, I'd be willing to fly if timing and finances were amenable to that.

3. If you DON'T DO SHOWS, briefly tell why.
I will keep doing shows because:
-- I'm an extrovert and love the people contact;
-- I'm a visual person and love to SEE what else is "out there";
-- I'm interested in promoting bear shows, bear collecting, and the bear industry in general.

BUT... it's undeniably WAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY more profitable to sell from behind my computer and skip shows entirely.  Doing shows is about meeting people, making contact, and experiencing the whole "scene."  It's also about seeing, touching, and having the hands-on contact that isn't otherwise available on the web.  If I'm looking at things from a purely business/profit-based perspective, though, doing shows is the worst thing I can do.  There's just a ton of associated expense there that I don't have if travel, booth rental, accommodation and meal costs, etc. are eliminated from the picture.

4. Where do you currently sell a majority of your bears.... friends/family, internet (state whether website or auction), shows?
Most of my bears sell via the internet, either via eBay, or through my retailers -- all of whom have a big internet presence. 

5. Name one thing you'd like to see done differently with any shows you've participated in.

I loved the Nevada City show so I don't have many suggestions on this one.  One problem for me, as a new exhibitor, was setting up/understanding about credit cards.  If ALL shows allowed vendors/merchants to use a central credit-card processing service -- even for a fee -- that would really help out.

And for those who also collect:

6. Where do you buy a majority of your bears..... internet (state whether auction or websites); shows; speciality shops, etc

Every bear I've bought I've gotten from the internet; either from a shop like Bear Paths, from the artist directly, or on eBay.  There's just no other way, practically speaking, for me to gain access to the bears I want most.  For instance, I can't fly to Germany just to get hands on a Rita Diesling RidiBear.  It's easier, quicker, and far more cost-effective for me to order one of her bears online.  Sad, but true.

Dilu Posts: 8,574


I am going to my first bear show in October....and this is only possible because it is in Oregon and close enough to drive the RV even with gas at $3.00/gal

Someday I hope to be able to participate in a show, but so far my health wont let me

So I am not a good one for your poll- except that the shows that are within 1 days drive are better....I understand Nevada has a good one....hmmmm

Dilly bear_tongue

mj Pinney Bears
North Carolina
Posts: 74

mj Banner Sponsor

1. I haven’t done that many shows but for the ones that I have done, I’ve paid $100 - $125 for an 8 ft table.

2. 3 hours

3. I would do more if there were more within a few hours drive.

4. Most of my bears are sold at shows.

5. I’d like to see more local advertising.

6. I love to see the bears before I buy them so I buy mine at shows and specialty shops.

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 22,002

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

This will take awhile to answer and I need to direct my time to something else at the moment - BUT I will be back to give my 2 cents worth!

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