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bearlysane Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 2,188

Oh heck yeah Judi,
TT is a

big essential

... but I guess we assumed everyone here couldn't live without it ... it's like breathing that's essential too! :crackup:  bear_grin  :crackup:

Big  :hug:

DebbieD Posts: 3,540

Yep, TT is like breathing.... I should know, I've spent nigh on a month holding my breath  :crackup:

For me, my absolute essential would have to be air conditioning.  Believe me, you can grow up and survive without an air conditioner, or even a dehumidifier in Missouri.....but its MISERABLE!!!  Now Eldon and I have a mushroom business, our spawn bags are like little mushroom bodies that throw out heat, so we HAVE to have the air conditioning.  And bless the hearts of whoever intalled it, they did it right, and we have top of the line Carrier  bear_wub   The result?  I'm sat here in two fleeces while its cooling off from a 90* day.  Now if only the air conditioning went to my bear room as well as it settles in the lowest level of the house ..  bear_rolleyes

edie Bears by Edie
Southern Alberta
Posts: 2,068

Shoes! I love them and they have to be good quality as I hate sore feet! Merrells for hiking, sandals, and casual shoes, and I also like other name brands for dressy or just fun shoes - but I always buy them on sale and at places like Winners, TJ Maxx, Ross, and Famous Footwear so I really don't spend a lot and I wear them forever - still have shoes that I bought more than 20 years ago!
I also agree with the high thread count cotton sheets - wouldn't consider any other kind! and cotton for clothes (also linen as I don't mind wrinkes if it is casual clothes).

Bear hugs, Edie

toadbriar ToadBriar
western massachusetts
Posts: 532

oooo I want at Nettie's shoes....we have the same taste!

I grinned to see TT & bears mentioned - they DID cross my mind but
I already have a hangup about feeling 'guilty' for buying art supplies -
EVEN THOUGH I sell my art. bear_wacko I feel guilty about it because it is
fun & spending $$$ on fun feels naughty. lol So I am trying to get over
that by not considering mohair etc a 'luxury' - it is a necessity!!  bear_thumb

who'd have guessed I'd get treated to softysoft pink bristly freckley cownose
in this thread  bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_wub AND learn that DebbieD is a mushroom
grower??!?! that's just neat. & 'spawn bags' sounds like a marvelous insult..  :crackup:

I am enjoying this fascinating insight into your lives &  :crackup:  bear_grin

knuffelbear Claudia's Knuffelbaeren
Posts: 604

Hello everyone  bear_flower  I've read about all your essentials - it's a funny thread  bear_grin
So here are my essentials : the most important are my mum, my sisters and brothers and my husband  bear_wub
Also there are bears, nice cotton bed linen ( I love country stil , Laura Ashley ...) , old furniture what I restore myself , nice crockery ( I have a china cupboard full of different services  bear_innocent ) and my plants and flowers in our flat and on our balcony. Also I cann't resist, when I see nice decorations like candles or tablecloths  bear_rolleyes

Bearalive Bearalive
Posts: 791

Hello Everyone
My essentials? FREEDOM!! I was born in Cuba ( Communist country ) and even now, after 39 years in here  ( USA) I still know how not to have it feels...NOT GOOD!
Have a great weekend.
Bear hugs.

knuffelbear Claudia's Knuffelbaeren
Posts: 604

Hello Gladys  bear_flower When I've read your post  i thought : yes that's true! One forget to think about these things when one is not confronted with  bear_noexpression

Have a great weekend too!  :hug:

matilda Matilda Huggington-beare
Posts: 5,551

Essentials aye?..... MMMmmm I love liquid soap that smells of coconut, Yummmmm. Big fat soft fluffy towels.
Heat, because it is ruddy freezing here at the moment.  Shoes, purse and handbags must be leather. Leather lasts and it looks better. MMMmm what else.  Going out with my friends, for entertainment is an essential for me.
Since I live alone. Stimulating company and just for the fun and laughs. (big grin)
MILK. Love the stuff. Prefer it ice cold though. unadulterated as well.
The one thing I cant live without..... MOHAIR. Now that is an essential.  bear_grin  bear_thumb

Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

bear_original Reading through all these great posts, I was beginning to think the topic had changed from 'luxuries' to 'essentials', until I realized that our luxuries ARE our essentials!  :doh:

For me-- my Dogs, my Continental Dark coffee with cream (big dairy drinker here too) and red wine.  bear_wub

My very own computer!

I've got  enough natural fiber hand-me-up clothing from my kids to last a lifetime. I didn't know at the time what a good investment I was making in their wardrobes! If I'm not wearing running shoes, I'm barefoot--heels only for weddings! I've given up on makeup and hairdressers, but spend heavily on skin and hair care products. Nice soaps.

My dear old Edwardian House and the 400acre park at the end of our block.  bear_wub

And TT bear_wub

All Bear All Bear by Paula
Posts: 5,162

I like this thread!  I've been managing on my own since my husband and I parted six years ago, so have had to rein in the budget very tightly at times.  Despite that, I have been unable to relinquish my lovely hairdresser Dave.  I visit him faithfully once every four weeks and sit in his wonderful massage chair while I'm being shampooed!  It's a luxurious hour and I treasure it!!

I don't mind finding less expensive clothes shops at all ... in fact, have found that it's fun!  I still can't resist a good leather handbag once or twice a year and have somehow managed to scrape together enough cash now and again for my favourite cosmetic brands ... Stila, Clinique, Prescriptives, Dior ... that kind of girlie stuff.  I choose my items more carefully these days though, to make sure I actually use what I buy!  :crackup:

It may have been a financially tough six years, but it's been a wonderful time with my kids and I wouldn't have missed it for the world.

nettie scotland
Posts: 2,160

I know what you mean Paula.I have been on my tod for 13 years now and though financially its hard I have a great relationship with my daughter and we are very close.Having to do everything yourself makes you appreciate life a lot more.I get no maintenance unfortunatley so the little furbies pay for everything.You seem to be doing a great job both as a bear maker and a mum.Good for you!!!
Diane xx

kbonsall Kim-Bee Bears
Posts: 5,645
whiteforestbears wrote:

My favorite store to shop at is Kohls.  They have insane sales sometimes and you can get things for 80% off or more! I love to hunt the clearance racks. I bought a gorgeous pair of black LEATHER pumps for work for $5 recently.

I LOVE KOHL'S!!!! I am the clearance queen! You would be amazed at the bargains I can find! All brand name stuff too!!! My hubby is amazed at the deals I can find (I think I get that from my mom).  I almost never buy things at full price!  I also cannot live without my very fast internet!!! I hated dialup and will never go back again!

shantell Apple Dumpling Designs
Willamette Valley Oregon
Posts: 3,128

In the most friendly way I can imagine...I HATE YOU GUYS!!!  Being that I'm close to 6' tall I can NEVER find anything in the bargain racks.  HECK...I rarely can find anything ON THE RACK!  I do alot of ordering of clothes online especially from places like J.Jill and Eddie Bauer.  I like them because they make their tall line of clothes longer NOT wider...which is a HUGE  pet peeve of mine.  My son and daughter both have this problem too.  Kyle is 6'6" and although Erienne is only about  5'6" she has really long legs and only wears a 3 or 5.  Shopping for clothes is a nightmare for all of us.

  bear_wacko   bear_wacko   bear_wacko   bear_wacko

DebbieD Posts: 3,540
toadbriar wrote:

AND learn that DebbieD is a mushroom
grower??!?! that's just neat. & 'spawn bags' sounds like a marvelous insult..  :crackup:

:crackup: LOL...they do sound awful, don't they???  :crackup:   Its the stage most people never see...the actual mycellium that normall grows in the ground.  The mushrooms that you buy to eat are the 'fruit'.

bearkeeper Posts: 18


Internet. I'd go nuts without it. I'm practically a hermit, so the internet is my means of connecting with people, getting information, entertaining myself and passing the time.

Bears. I don't know what I'd do without my bears. They keep me company, keep the depression at bay and generally make me happier than anything else I've ever had.

Jare Hares & Bears Jare Hares & Bears
Polo, IL
Posts: 983

400+ thread count sheets...
Need I say more?

Bearalive Bearalive
Posts: 791

Hello Claudia:
Thanks for "talking " to me. I guss that I was a little bit to serious for the topic but, it is true, most people don't know how not having freedom feels. I do like the good things too and BEARS!!
Bear hugs.

knuffelbear Claudia's Knuffelbaeren
Posts: 604

HI Gladys  :hug:
I think, it was not to serious - it was just another opinion ... everyone has different  principles and opinions and things, what are important for oneself! ( Please excuse my bad english, hope I don't make too many mistakes!!!  bear_rolleyes  )
Nobody should forget about such things like freedom, or health or other - not consumer goods - !
Perhaps I think this way specially at this time, becaus a good friend of me has cancer and she will die- no doctor can't help any more. These are moments where you  establish your priorities  bear_original

Laniebears Arctophilia
Shropshire UK
Posts: 1,429

My life im blessed with bear_original

A caring family im lucky i have a good one.  bear_original
KIDS THAT DRIVE ME MAD bear_original
COMFY CLOTHES bear_happy
A roof over my head. bear_thumb
A COMFY PLACE TO SIT bear_original
Enough money to pay the bills. bear_thumb
Enough water to quench me. bear_original
A few bears to keep me busy. bear_flower
Warm sunshine to brown my skin. bear_original
And a bath deep and warm to dunk in... bear_thumb

THANKING YOU  GOD bear_original
FROM A SIMPLY happy happy me  bear_original

toadbriar ToadBriar
western massachusetts
Posts: 532

it's true - "The Big Stuff" - Family, health, living in a nice place, etc.
I guess there's some overlap between 'luxuries' & 'blessings'! After all
we may be blessed with good stuff but still need to have the wisdom to
maintain it - be that relationships with spouses, or a beautiful environment.

& I had to laugh that I overlooked internet - I am usually too busy grousing &
grumbling that we MUST be the last town in the country to not have DSL or cable -
only dial-up (Amish internet, as my friend calls it  :crackup: ) But really to have it
at all, has affected my artwork & life entirely. It's how I've sold my art, made my friends,
& learned 95% of anything useful I've learned in the past 10 years. So who knows where
I'd be without it. Sleeping under a bridge somewhere probably.

This has turned into a bit of a "thank you" thread but I think that's kind of cool  bear_grin

Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

bear_original Gladys, you were absolutely right to remind us--none of our essential luxuries would matter much without  freedom! I guess most of us take it for granted because we can't really imagine living without it.

bear_original Renae, my computer's in the shop, so I'm struggling with Hubby's laptop--I miss my mousie, and can't get used to the whatever-you-call-the-metal-square-thingy that isn't a mouse, but it is a cool machine. I'm terrified of breaking it  . . .

I didn't  know  there was such a thing as too much milk. Everytime I shop, I buy 2% for Hubs and daughters, homogenized  and cream for me. We drink so much of  the stuff that we  ought to be totally calcified by now!

Cleathero Creations Cleathero Creations
Ripley, Queensland
Posts: 1,925

The internet is a big luxury.
My new faster bigger pc.  bear_wub
My reverse cyle conditioner.
good shoes
My wardrobe is actually quite lean but I tend to buy good quality and they last for ages.

thumperantiques Newcastle, Ontario
Posts: 5,645

This is a great thread - thanks for starting it Kim.  I'm a pretty simple gal at heart, love to stay home and dabble in my art.  I was thinking all day about what I consider a true luxury and tonight I got my answer - after two days of gardening I could barely move tonight.  So I took two advil and had a really nice, hour long, hot bubble bath, with Radox muscle soak and took my book with me.  I  even put the kitties outside, so they wouldn't be pawing under the door and meowing. Hubby went back to Toronto earlier tonight, so it was truly heaven - NOT ONE INTERUPTION!!!  I feel muuuuuuch better, although I'm too tired for any bearmaking.  So, I will have a hot cup of tea and hit the sack - tonight really was my luxury!



toadbriar ToadBriar
western massachusetts
Posts: 532

ooooh appreciate your lovely baths, I haven't had a 'bathable' tub since I moved
out of the parental nest.

Dreaming of a clawfoot....I will have one someday!  bear_grin  bear_wub

chrissibrinkley Posts: 1,836

I'm new to the site as of this past week and thought this was a fun topic to jump in on  bear_original 
In my house we just did the whole "budget" thing.  Funny thing is it's just me and my hub, but we have pets (big doggies)....... having kids with college tuition would be cheaper!! 
No matter what the budget says I can not do without a few things I find beyond comforting......
1.) Häagen-Dazs Raspberry Sorbet ~ gotta have it.  I'm on a pretty strict wheat/dairy free diet and I limit sugar...but this I gotta have.  I gave it up for Lent this year and I went through withdrawl!!
2.) My [SPAM].....winter spring summer or fall (as the song goes) I live in these boots.  Bad days melt away and my feet sing in my uggs!!  Well worth the cost and they hold up in all weather if treated.
3.) All bath products created by Pretty Baby Soaps, a small little family run company in NC, USA.  I found them at a craft fair and love it all.  The folks making it are lovely and the products ROCK.  Hint: The "MEDICINE MAN" product clears up my thread cuts overnight.  Those nasty cuts your get around the inner knuckles from pulling thread, aigh! (the throbbing pain!!)  This stuff zaps them. Oh and the salt scrubs and lotions are divine....luv them.
4.) This was a big one during the budget talks (as if we were planning to run a state or small country..the "budget talks")......TP.  I will not but bulk TP at the local warehouse mart just to save $3.00.  No way sorry, it must be a girl thing.

I've read so many of the postings and tips already and I hope to talk to you all some more!
coming summer
Ebay: CTCatherwoods

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