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Just Us Bears Just Us Bears
Posts: 940

I have taken all the great suggestions offered and added them all to the one post. So when you have a show coming up, you can print the checklist so you won't get caught at a show without the essentials.

bear_thumb BEARS/CRITTERS. (duh bear_wacko )
bear_thumb Price tags
bear_thumb Table cover
bear_thumb Props
bear_thumb Money/change
bear_thumb Bags to put sold bears in
bear_thumb Tissue paper to wrap bears and their accessories in, before you put them in those bags
bear_thumb Lighting and extra light bulbs
bear_thumb Plenty of extension cords
bear_thumb Pens
bear_thumb Receipt book
bear_thumb "Adopted","Sold" or "Reserved" tags
bear_thumb Business cards/info
bear_thumb Mailing list signup sheet
bear_thumb Photo Album/slideshow of past work
bear_thumb Emergency sewing/bear kit -Scissors
bear_thumb Safety pins
bear_thumb Calculator and extra batteries
bear_thumb Drinks, especially water
bear_thumb Food-HEALTHY food... PROTEIN!! (OK, I little chocolate but it can't be your main staple!)
bear_thumb Camera and spare batteries/memory card
bear_thumb TEDDY TALK flyers!!!
bear_thumb Extra hangtags & extra certificates as you may occasionally have folks who would like the bear renamed.
bear_thumb Photos of awards/winning bears from your past, or the awards/bears themselves
bear_thumb Eftpos machine and/or manual credit card machine
bear_thumb Info on how to process credit cards, if you need it for reference
bear_thumb Copies of articles/published work, in frames or in plastic protectors or just strewn across the table
bear_thumb Vertical signage about payment types you accept:  Visa, MasterCard, Discover, etc.  Don't make them ask!
bear_thumb Possibly a not-for-sale item just for any Best in Show competition you may want to enter.  If someone buys your Best in Show entry and it's a long show, you lost a day or more of potential votes once the item's off your table.
bear_thumb Pretty accents, "just because," to break up the expanse of mohair-covered tabletop visually
bear_thumb Photos of sold bears to put in their empty place. Use those little plastic frames and add a sold sticker.
bear_thumb Candy to keep little hands busy and off your bears (taffy works great:No sticky fingers and it takes a few moments to unwrap.)
bear_thumb Helper, because it's a very, very long day!
bear_thumb Band-aids, arnica gel
bear_thumb Comfortable shoes, rubber pads to stand on
bear_thumb Book/pad for special orders. If you accept them it's handy to have a separate place to write all the specifics down. And I bring my mohair swatch book too when taking special orders.
bear_thumb A bear to work on, it is a great conversation starter, but don't get so involved that you forget the collectors
bear_thumb Pins and tape so that you can adjust your cover cloth and manoeuvre it exactly into the places that you want it - especially good for pinning in the excess at the front edge
bear_thumb DUCT TAPE! ... I use this to secure my table cover so no one can step on the end or pull it off the table.  It is useful in placing all those electrical wires where you want them so they are not dangling off the back of the table.  You know, wires for lights, calculators, computers. Also use it to tape together cardboard boxes which make great risers.  The boxes fold down for shipping and then you can put them together with the duct tape.
You can also tear off a strip and use to take off mohair which always clings to those nice show clothes after you brush a teddy.
bear_thumb Charged cell/mobile phone
bear_thumb Clothes: you never know if it's going to be hot or if your table will be right under the A/C vent. A sweater or jacket is nice. Or layers to take off so you can cool down.
bear_thumb Pack  everything into a suitcase (or 10!!!) on rollers

Of course we don't have to take EVERYTHING on this list...but if we don't and we needed it..there'll be 100 TT'ers saying "I told you so! bear_laugh

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Hayley, that's exactly what I do.  I print out photos ahead of time and stand them vertically on little stands I bought at a restaurant supply company.  That way, my table is never "empty" and people can see what was there before.

Some other things I brought along that might serve you well, too:

-- Info on how to process credit cards, if you need it for reference

-- Pens

-- Receipt book

-- "Adopted" or "Sold" tags, to put on bears that have been purchased (or, if you allow it, reserved), but whose owners don't want to pick them up just yet (they're still touring the event, will come back tomorrow, etc.)

-- TEDDY TALK flyers!!!

--  Safety pins

--  Calculator

--  Photos of awards/winning bears from your past, or the awards/bears themselves

--  Candy to keep little hands busy and off your bears (taffy worked great two years running for me.  No sticky fingers and it takes a few moments to unwrap.)

--  Pretty accents, "just because," to break up the expanse of mohair-covered tabletop visually

--  Copies of articles/published work, in frames or in plastic protectors or just strewn across the table

--  Vertical signage about payment types you accept:  Visa, MasterCard, Discover, etc.  Don't make them ask!

--  Snacks, because it's a very, very long day

--  Helper, because it's a very, very long day!

--  Extra hangtags (those ARE my Cert. of Authenticity)

--  Tissue paper to wrap bears and their accessories in, before you put them in those bags

--  Possibly a not-for-sale item just for any Best in Show competition you may want to enter.  If someone buys your Best in Show entry and it's a long show, you lost a day or more of potential votes once the item's off your table.

Donna Donna's Duin Bruins
Burbank, CA
Posts: 900

Band-aids, arnica gel, comfortable shoes, rubber pads to stand on, a calculator.  Pack into a suitcase on rollers.  Extra water, if you talk alot you will need it!  A bear to work on, it is a great conversation starter, but don't get so involved that you forget the collectors.  I'm sure I will think of more.

Donna Donna's Duin Bruins
Burbank, CA
Posts: 900

Extra batteries for your camera and calculator.

ScottBear scott's bears
Posts: 166

Good Golly Miss Molly!! You have no idea the crap I take with me after being around the world to shows

I can start by saying...everything you own and the bathroom sink !!...Ready for one of my story's?....ok then ready set go....

Once apon a time I had a nice very butch mans man black leather briefcase ..Now picture it I am on a plane to tampa(I Think) as usual i ended up in the row with a mom and her SWEET kid inbetween us on a 3-4 HR flight (by the way this was just post nine eleven)

Well as the flight progressed I found that this MOM in her insanity to get herself and this child to the airport and getting thru the heavy security had prepared very little for a 4 hr flight !!
Let me run it down for you
HR1 Excuse me do you happen to have a pen so "Billy" can draw some pictures? smiling I dipped my hand into my blk manly case and came up with not just a pen but 4 different color SHADING MARKERS(USED FOR SHADING EYES NEVER KNOW IF YOU MIGHT NEED THEM WITH THE different LIGHTING IN THE ROOM CHANGE THE LOOK OF THE BEAR YOU SPENT DAYS SHADING) ..BILLY DREW PICTURES AND WAS HAPPY !! FOR A FEW MINS

Hr2 Excuse me but did you eat your desert ? billy was starting to thro a fit because his fell to the floor...Having finished mine I said let me look AGAIN I dipped my hand into the manly black case digging around I pulled out a hand full of swiss chocolate used to place on my table for my collectors

Hr3 Excuse me do you happen to have something to wipe "BILLY'S" HANDS looking over billy had managed to eat the chocolate but i don't think much actually went into billy DIPPING MY HAND INTO MY MANLY BLK CASE ....I pulled out a handful of WETNAPS!!!!....for you aussys& uk's thats a li'l wet napkin in a small package that you cant live without at a show to wipe fingerprints off eyes and clean greasy SOMETIMES TAFFY STICKY (LOVE YA SHELLI) hands off the mohair and clean the mess left by the lookers...

HR4 wiped out and asleep from a crushing post suger high billy was sweetly leaning his head on MY arm zzzzz away his mom smiled at me
and once agIAN I DIPPED MY HAND INTO MY MANLY BLK BAG and pulled out my Travel teddy and tucked it under billy's head and arm....


...................................................................SO HAYLEY THE TRUTH IS EVERYTHING INCLUDING THE BATHROOM SINK..........................................................



BrozZ BearZ BrozZ BearZ
Posts: 266

I really like that idea of putting pictures of bears on stands to show what been sold.  :thumbsup:
Great story!

toadbriar ToadBriar
western massachusetts
Posts: 532
ScottBear wrote:


ok, this is the most hilarious post I have read on this board  bear_laugh  :clap:

ScottBear wrote:


Hey, as long as you didn't dab spit on the napkin to wash the child's face you are still safe!   bear_tongue  bear_grin

melissa Honeythorpe Bears
Wellington, New Zealand
Posts: 1,789

Scott - that made me laugh, thanks!!  oooh good tip about the towlettes/wetnaps

Shelli - I like your photo idea too

I would include pins and tape so that you can adjust your cover cloth and manoeuvre it exactly into the places that you want it - especially good for pinning in the excess at the frot edge

Just Us Bears Just Us Bears
Posts: 940

WOW!! What a wealth of info (and source of humour!) you guys are! I never would have thought to take HALF that stuff but when I think about it now...of course you're gonna need it!
When I think we're all dried up with ideas on what to take....I'll put the entire list into one big list and post it on the Shows and Travel Forum so we can all print it out for the future, and it can be edited if someone wants to add another 'must have'. It will save a huge headache not having to wrack our brains at the last minute wondering if we have everything we need for success. Scott...that story was hilarious! I could picture the whole scenario! But I thought it was going to end that 'Billy' left you unprepared for your show, with no pen, no chocolate and no wipes! Just FYI, our wipes are called 'Wet Ones".

Hey, as long as you didn't dab spit on the napkin to wash the child's face you are still safe!

bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh
And Scott...I love that quote at the end of your post...that's me! bear_wacko
Keep the ideas coming...there must be more...I don't have to take a trailor yet! bear_grin

I would imagine there's probably two different versions too...the local show list and the air travel list. Can't see some of those big props like bookshelves going on the plane trips!

Shelli...when does one get Teddy Talk flyers? Is there a file that can be printed?
Also, I love the montages you have on your table...especially the one with all the you have a close up pic?? AND..puff,puff....did you print the montages out at home or are they professionally printed. Very effective!

Marie_ Kiprie Bears
Yokohama, Japan
Posts: 2,735

Oh Hayley, good luck for the bear show!!  bear_flower
I'm sure you do well with your adorable bears.  bear_wub   
Thanks for starting this thread, I'm also preparing for
my next show.  I'm so nervus!  bear_wacko

Shelli, Thanks for posting the photo ! I'll make sure
to bring a photo for each bear.  bear_flower


Scott, you made me laugh so hard and
I have teas in my eyes now !!   bear_laugh  bear_grin  bear_laugh thank you.

Thanks everyone for your post,
I'm taking notes here for my next show.  bear_smile


clare14 Country Bears
Posts: 3,066

Hayley, you can download and print the TT Flyer from one of the buttons at the top of this page.   I wish you all the very best for your show, you'll have a great time, please post some pics when you can!!   bear_wub

Pijangibears Pijangibears
Posts: 870

Bamsemesse-Roskilde-010.jpgI bring my computer with me at shows, with a form of Powerpoint running,
All the photos of the bears on my table in different angles are running on
the computer endlessly.
There are really many people, who stoppes up and watch the pictures.


What a story - poor you.

Hugs Birgitte

carsoncreations Carson Creations
Macomb, IL
Posts: 252


Love the story about the manly man briefcase.  And, you are right!  Everything and the kitchen sink.

But don't forget the DUCT TAPE! ... I use this to secure my table cover so no one can step on the end or pull it off the table.  It is useful in placing all those electrical wires where you want them so they are not dangling off the back of the table.  You know, wires for lights, calculators, computers (for Birgitte).   I also use it to tape together cardboard boxes which make great risers.  The boxes fold down for shipping and then you can put them together with the duct tape.

You can also tear off a strip and use to take off mohair which always clings to those nice show clothes after you brush a teddy.

So, throw in a small roll of duct tape for the next show.



Acipenser Bine-Teddies
Posts: 862

Scott, your story is hilarious.  bear_grin  bear_grin Thanks for sharing! It also reminds me of a movie with Michelle Pfeiffer and George Clooney, with the titel One Fine Day. In that movie Michelle Pfeiffer plays a single mom who has a fantastic purse with lots of useful stuff in it. Clooney asks her "Where did you get a bag like that?" and I wonder what the mom on your flight thought about you. Penny, know that movie? One of my favourites.

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Wanda beat me... DUCT TAPE!!! Just be sure the venue allows duct tape on the floor if you intend to use it there!

If you are new to shows and don't have a helper with you bring a charged cell phone. It looks AWFUL for any vendor to be chatting away on the phone at their booth but you'll be bursting at the seams when you sell your first bear and will want to call SOMEONE you know real quick to share the excitement.  :dance:  Also, if you want to get credit card approval for huge purchases on the spot and can call in for one you are prepared.

Food: HEALTHY food... PROTEIN!! Choc. won't do it on show days ladies! You need fuel and to feel energized with out the ups and downs sugar gives you! (OK, I little chocolate but it can't be your main staple!)

Book/pad for special orders. If you accept them it's handy to have a separate place to write all the specifics down. And I bring my mohair swatch book too when taking special orders.

With the lighting... extra light bulbs, plenty of extension cords

Clothes: you never know if it's going to be hot or if your table will be right under the A/C vent. A sweater or jacket is nice. Or layers to take off so you can cool down.

Scissors I know... obvious and perhaps already mentioned but.....

Extra hang tags or certificates as I occasionally have folks who would like the bear to have a different name.

Hayley: You asked about taking the customers contact info down. I do this when selling a bear because I send a thank you to my show customers. I know many artists who take down all that info but never have I gotten a thing in the mail from them.

You all have got a great list going. And I loved Scott's story!  bear_laugh

WildThyme Wild Thyme Originals
Hudson, Ohio
Posts: 3,115

Scott... that story was so insanely funny... I actually printed it out so I can take a peek at it when I need a giggle!    :hug:  bear_wub

Kim Basta
Wild Thyme Originals

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,997

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Scott . . . you rock!!!

ScottBear scott's bears
Posts: 166

The same purse is still with me and if any of the folks in the state's remember "lets make a deal" at the end the gameshow the host would ask someone in the audience if that had something stupid in there purse and if they did he gave them money !!! remember!!??? I would be a millionaire !!!!

Ok now lets find out a little something about all our buddys hear online who do shows :)

If you got runover by a car today and bearmakers from TT's was asked to cleanout your show kit what STRANGE THING WOULD THEY FIND?
  Would you be so embarrassed behond the grave that you would want to come back from the grave to explain what it is and why you had it !!!

Ok pony up the truth....tee heee this should be fun......Be honest folks


wendi Toggle Teddies
Posts: 597

oh wow, i re-joined just in time for this thread bear_original  I have a show in just over a week it has helped me put my list of to do's together bear_original

Thanks girls, this is fab bear_flower

Seamster Posts: 1

Hello Everyone,

I am new to this forum so do not know if I am doing this right.  I went to the Teddy Bear Show in Columbus, Ohio and I have to say I had an awesome time!  This was my first trip to such a show.  The Bear artists were so wonderful and helpful and the displays were out of this world. 
I am just now starting into making bears and sold my first bear last week.  My bears are called "Heritage Village Bears".  Seems like a mouthful but it's a name that one of my sons picked so I decided to use it.  I am working toward creating a website and gallery of my bears and hopefully will be able to join you guys at a show in the future. 

Heritage Village Bears

WildThyme Wild Thyme Originals
Hudson, Ohio
Posts: 3,115

Hi Patricia! A big welcome to Teddy Talk!  So... you were at the Columbus show!?  Well.... one of our Teddy Talkers was there too.... Kimberly Whitlock of Bear Bottoms Originals!  I wonder if you two bumped into eachother!?   bear_smile
She just posted some pics in the show forum..... hey... go take a peek and I bet it will be like a deja vu!  So glad to have you here!

Kim Basta
Wild Thyme Originals

chris009av Real Deal Bears
Posts: 2,234

Sandi, thankyou sooo much for doing this thread, it's going to be really handy for me  bear_grin
Scott  :crackup:  :crackup:  :crackup:
Patrica, welcome to TT, don't be shy in posting your bears so we can see bear_original

SunnieOne Sunnie Bears
Ridgecrest, CA
Posts: 1,167

Hmmm.. Scott the strangest thing and the most embarrassing would be the "POTTY PADS"! I snuck my 3 lb yorkie in and she was under my table in her carrier.. but we also had a potty pad under there for her "just in case". Sometimes we would get her out and let her sleep in her little bed that I stashed under a shelf on the table. She would peek out every ionce in a while and give an unsuspecting collector a wide eyed little surprize!

Laniebears Arctophilia
Shropshire UK
Posts: 1,429

Not done shows yet, BUT HOPING TOO ....
Ive just cut and pasted all the good advice.
Pasted it on notepad.
Then transfered it to microsoft word AND SAVED IT FOR FUTURE REFERENCE bear_original
THANK YOU :hug:  THANK YOU  :hug: THANK YOU. :hug:


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