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SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,769

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

AAAAAAACCCCCKKKKKK!!!  Gosh, Penny . . . whoa - I'm not too sure what I would do in your shoes.  Maybe spend a ton of HIS money at a landscaping company and replace all the stuff that got ripped out!  Sooooooo sorry!!  bear_sad  bear_sad  bear_sad  bear_sad

Celena Oxford
Posts: 461

So sorry  bear_sad ... :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug: for sweet Penny

doodlebears Doodlebears
Posts: 7,414

doodlebears Celebration Ambassador

Oh poor you Penny,  bear_cry  don't worry I'll sort him out for you....I'm sending the boys in!


Hugs Jane.

Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

:hug: How are you feeling, Penny? Better, I hope. :hug:

Anyway, I told my Hubs about the outrage. He just shook his head and said, "She should never have left him alone with the contractor".

Now this is interesting.  bear_ermm

1. It seems that most men are so intimidated by other men who work with tools and machines, that in the presence of these paragons the only thing on their minds is trying not to look like a dork. So they just nod and/or mumble.

2. Any man left alone with a digging machine feels compelled to use the thing until there's nothing else left to dig.

3. Men do listen, but only up to a point--when they believe they can predict the rest, they stop.

4. He's probably willing to do anything to make it up to you--you don't have to settle for baby plants. Big ones are pricier, but any landscaper can find them for you.

From the horse's mouth.

Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

:crackup: YES--Jane on the job!!  :crackup:

Honestly, you cannot leave workmen alone.

We've hired very few contractors over the years, preferring to mess it up ourselves, because they always manage to get something wrong.

My new shower tiles were crooked. "You think so?" said he. "The walls in these old houses are never straight."
"But," said I "you put up new drywall. Didn't you check the plumb and square?"
(Scratching head and looking panicky)"Well, sure . . . I think."

The next day the plumbers installed a toilet that made it impossible to close the bathroom door.

The day after that, they installed two bathroom sinks, but in the wrong bathrooms.

And that, ladies, is how I learned to lay tile, install bathroom fixtures, and rehang doors the other way around. Whilst juggling two toddlers and a baby.

gotobedbears Posts: 3,177


Well, after a night of silence and no cooked food Terry is being as sweet as a nut to me. I am biding my time girls, oh yes.....he's gonna suffer.........he just don't know it yet!

I am refusing to have any part in the building now. I'm not going out there - i'm not feeding or watering the workforce - i'm just leaving the MEN to get on with it all on their lonesome.
However...........i intend to kick up big time if any more plants get ruined or they lay the paving wrong etc etc and intend to hit Terry where it hurts most - in his WALLET!!!!!!

I have a hankering for some gorgeous hand thrown terracotta pots from Greece - BIG ones, a reclaimed antique stone lions head fountain and outdoor lighting...........and believe me girls, i'll get 'em!  :twisted:

Not that i hold a grudge or anything  bear_whistle

Here's more pics..........they are digging big holes today, i don't know why and i don't care why and i ain't gonna ask.

I am staying in the house All Day Long

You have all made me laugh so much with your posts girls - keep em coming, i need to keep a sense of humour or i just might kill them all.




doodlebears Doodlebears
Posts: 7,414

doodlebears Celebration Ambassador

I've edited the teddy picture as my son pointed out they may offened some people  ...I didn't even connect them to anything other than teddies hiding their identities. SORRY!

Hey Pen you sure you ain't paid them to dig a BIG hole for Terry?

Hugs Jane.  bear_grin  bear_grin  bear_grin  bear_grin  bear_grin  bear_grin  bear_grin  bear_grin  bear_grin

Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

bear_sad  PENNY--Why on earth are they still digging? What's left to dig?  :/

The guy in the machine looks less than tempting--at least they could have sent you a bronzed hunk to look at!

Oh, Yeah

Renae, I love it when they start to 'don't worry your head' me!! What larks, right? :crackup:

I thought I was home free when my son-in-law decided to become a contractor. He's very smart and super-skilled. Problem is, he never gets around to my paltry jobs, but I hate to insult him by doing things myself.

Isn't there a saying about cobblers' families always going barefoot?

DebbieD Posts: 3,540

Now those hooded teddies should do the trick!!!  bear_thumb   Do you think they threatened the guys overnight and made them dig their own graves??  :crackup:

Yeah, what's up with the non hunky guys???  Sheesh, if they're gonna demolish stuff, they should at least be eye candy....  bear_rolleyes

lapousmor Sophie Z'Ours
Sarthe, France
Posts: 2,770

You should ask them to keep one big hole opened for Terry when he will want to disappear after he realizes how much money you've planned to spend from HIS wallet...  bear_tongue

Why not going on vacation to meet Goerges Clooney! That way you would forget everything!

Beary hugs,

Tracy ThimbleBeary Originals
Posts: 2,049

I have a hankering for some gorgeous hand thrown terracotta pots from Greece - BIG ones, a reclaimed antique stone lions head fountain and outdoor lighting...........and believe me girls, i'll get 'em!

Yeah Penny!!

You go girl!! 

bear_thumb  bear_thumb  This one is definitely worthy of several  guilt purchases....big ones!!  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:   :hug:  :hug:

I was wondering too......

What in the world are they still digging for?

bear_wacko The stone pavers don't go that deep, do they?

At least one of those guys should look like this !!:lol:  (I was scared to death our contractor would walk in while I was doing the image search for this one!  AAACK!!  That would have been a bit awkward...... bear_whistle :crackup:  :crackup: )


Tracy ThimbleBeary Originals
Posts: 2,049

I think Penny should post it big and scrawl, this is who I'm getting if any more screw-ups happen!

:crackup:  :crackup: Or, she should paste it over the window, so when she looks out.....HE is working out there! bear_tongue  bear_grin

gotobedbears Posts: 3,177


Ill get George on the case.............maybe he knows what the heck is going on in the garden, but as i'm down on men at the moment even GC would be likely to get a kick in the butt.

OK, day three of's some pics of the dust bowl.





As you can see my yard is coming along beautifully. I now have no drains. I don't know what happened to the holes and i don't have a clue what the little concrete path-like things are for. If they are paths they ain't that straight are they?

I lost 2 more shrubs yesterday which El Tel has already kindly offered to replace - big ones to match the rest of the hedge - hedge i hear you cry?. What hedge? There was one there once. A box hedge which was due for it's first shaping prune this year as i had grown it from cuttings from a plant in my mums garden 10 years ago. 10 Years folks..........and gone in a day...........i do have about 6 box plants left so will have to work with those, now what shape should i prune them into?

Suggestions please girls.

I'm still not going out there and refuse to talk about it to El Tel. He's been 2 days without a cooked meal now and he's weakening fast................i sense a garden gift coming on.
bear_whistle  bear_laugh  bear_tongue  :crackup:

I will keep you all updated with pics and stuff and keep all the hilarious comments coming please girlies - it's keeping me sane - just!

Penny  bear_tongue


lapousmor Sophie Z'Ours
Sarthe, France
Posts: 2,770

:crackup:  :crackup:  :crackup:  :crackup:

Sorry, Penny, but i can't help laughing...

I think someone is felling more and more guilty about the mess he did induce.

What have these poor shrubs done to the workers to finish like that????

I really hope the result will be very nice and i am really looking forward t understand what where these big holes for! Maybe to hide the drain thinggies.

Beary hugs,

Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

A box hedge which was due for it's first shaping prune this year as i had grown it from cuttings from a plant in my mums garden 10 years ago. 10 Years folks..........and gone in a day...........i do have about 6 box plants left so will have to work with those, now what shape should i prune them into?





No mercy. None.




Need you ask? I see a raised finger atop a  raised fist.  :twisted:

Aleta - The Silly Bear The Silly Bear
Portland, Oregon
Posts: 3,119

Oh Penny!  bear_sad
I'm so sorry about your lost shrubs.  It takes forever for the things to grow and to have them wiped out in a day is just heartbreaking. 

What a lovely setting you have for a garden though.  I love, love, love gardening and those pictures of a clean slate (so to speak) in which to work give me itchy fingers!  What type of garden are you planning?  Are you going to put in a fountain?  A pergola?  A tent for your hubby?

Warmest bear hugs,  :hug:

Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

AHHH PENNY!  The beauty of dirt!!!  My son would be in heaven on that back hoe!!!  One man's (woman's) disaster is another man's ( boy's in this case) delight!

I hope you get things sorted out soon. :hug:

gotobedbears Posts: 3,177

Morning All  :hug:

Well, there's no let up with the garden fiasco here............

I HAVE A WALL  :twisted:

I never wanted a wall, never asked for a wall and i certainly did'nt ask for a wall that cut straight across the access to my tiny sunken garden. I am at a loss i living in a parallel world or something? Am i the only one who knows what is supposed to be happening? Even El Tel was'nt expecting this (or at least that's what he said) and was quite concerned with the spiralling costs.........serves him bloody right!

They are just gonna have to remove the wall today - i don't care i can't stand back and watch the boys build willy nilly all over the garden wherever and whenever they get a 'Great Idea'..................i'm beginning to wonder if i am secretly being filmed for "You've Been Framed" or something.

Our toilet is still blocked and it's been 90 degrees here..........i'm beginning to wish i had lost my sense of smell.

I wonder what's blocking the toilet?

Any Ideas Girls???????  bear_wacko


OK, here's todays pics..................more tomorrow.

Penny  bear_cry  bear_wacko  bear_angry




Celena Oxford
Posts: 461

Hi Penny

I think....Errr......maybe it isn't a wall the "Russian" boys are building...maybe they try to create an elevation for your new garden?  And the brick piles near the dwarf tables...could it be the pre-structure for a Balinese style fountain? hee hee...just guessing... bear_ermm

Beary hugs

Laurie Laurie Lou Bears
Posts: 3,246

Maybe your hired help have got their wires crossed and instead of doing you your garden they are building an extension on the back of your house or maybe Terry told them to as he realises he would be better living in a granny annexe in solitary confinement  bear_whistle
Laurie :hug:

lapousmor Sophie Z'Ours
Sarthe, France
Posts: 2,770

It's getting stranger and stranger...
Maybe you should ask some reporters to film that...

The more i see, the more I am getting surprised.

Keep us posted with the next surprises to come!

Beary hugs,

Tracy ThimbleBeary Originals
Posts: 2,049

bear_shocked  bear_shocked  bear_shocked  bear_shocked  bear_shocked (we need a smiley for abject horror here) 

I think Renae is is the Twilight Zone.  What the heck??!! bear_angry  bear_wacko

Have you drawn them a detailed picture of what your garden is supposed to look like?  If not, I surely would.  That may be all that can save you from the bunch of loons. bear_wacko

bear_wub &  Extra :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:   

DebbieD Posts: 3,540

bear_shocked What the ?????  bear_shocked   I'm with Tracy...we need an emoticon for abject horror here.....  bear_sad

PenPen...I think its time you firmly reined these guys in and flogged 'em at the same time!!!! ALL of them  :twisted:   What in the heck are they looking at for plants???  A wall there?  Oh great, so the heat can radiate from the brickwork and kill your remaining plants.  Not to mention, IF they survived that, the bloody wall would be blocking the sunlight.  ACCCKKKKK!!!  What in the world do they think they are doing???  Kick Terry aside and take over before you've got no garden left!   bear_angry

Dilu Posts: 8,574

Oh Penikins,

Honestly honey, sometimes you gotta wonder!   b0010.gif

I am so terribly sorry!.  Was this part of the garden you showed us last summer, the to-die-for Beautiful English Garden? h074.gif

Sometimes they really truly do not listen properly.   k050.gif
when the poor man is raised from the dead and allowed back in the house I hope he behaves himself. r010.gif

Dilu Posts: 8,574

Renae?  Your mother?  I thought she was My mother!!! 


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