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Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

I had a woman call me today who saw my ad in TB&F. She wants me to send photos of my bears. She does NOT have a computer. Obviously I will do this but I wondered if any of you have a way that you do this? We've talked about brochures, etc. for shows. Do you have something done us that you mail to folks who inquire? I'm only making one of a kinds now so the photos I send with pricing are only samples.

Just curious how you all handle such inquiries!!

DebbieD Posts: 3,540

Well I can remember back in the late nineties when hubby and I devoutely refused to have a computer.   bear_rolleyes Honestly, none of our friends were online, and at the time we ran a dog grooming shop, so a computer wasn't really a need.  We'd get so upset seeing things in magazines where the only contact given was the person's email or webpage! 

My suggestion would be to print out suitable pictures of your bears from your website, and mail those to her.  The printers are fairly cheap anymore, and its amazing the photo quality you can get for little money.  Indeed, I think the ink refills cost more than the whole printer anymore!  I'm sure she'll appreciate your going out of your way to accomodate her....and I'll be surprised if she doesn't adopt one or more teds from you  bear_wub

Delartful Bears Delartful Bears
Posts: 3,518

Well, when my first article was printed in a UK magazine, I had someone from the US wanting to see what i had available.

So, I printed off a couple of pages of photos, put all the info in,  and never heard from her again!!!!!!!!

So, I just hope the trouble is worthwhile for you Daphne!


psichick78 Flying Fur Studios
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 3,073

Danni, that's what I would be scared of happening.

I'm not very nice I guess bec I would tell her to go to the local library for internet access, or attend a bear show to see them in the fur.

But if you have a color printer, and don't mind printing some color pics, it can't hurt.

Let us know what happens

Jane Perala Jane Perala Designs Ltd.
Vancouver Island, B.C., Canada
Posts: 819

I have a couple of customers like that, and I just send them a few colour photos from my computer.  They usually order, even though they know that the bears will not look exactly like the ones in the photo.  When their bear is ready, I send them a note with a photo of the bear inside and all the particulars and the amount owing.  No problems so far.

Jane P.

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Jane - I'd order one of your bears too, regardless of what photos you sent!!!  bear_wub

Thanks everyone for your input. I am indeed going to send her photos I've printed. I just wanted to to hear other's experiences. I'll let you know how it goes.

Jodi Falk Bears by Jodi
Gahanna , Ohio USA
Posts: 3,463

I had a lady call today also for pictures who doesn't have a computer. What do you want to bet that it is the same woman ???? Is she from Swansea Ill. ?? I do develope a few pictures from time to time so I had some to send. But I like people to pay with paypal. So If she wants any thing , it will have to be a different way. You are like me in the respect that I mostly do one of a kinds. So pictures are the best I guess. A flier wouldn't be current . With pictures what they see is what they get. I really haven't gotten many through the years that wanted pictures though . So don't get crazy about it !!! I put all my pictures on disk so I can get photographs when ever I need them. Makes it easy. When ever I do a shoot of a bear I put it on disk and some times get a few pictures just to have around for things like this.

Thats funny in the same day , this lady must have called every one she liked.She caught me right when I walked from work.

                                                      Jodi Falk

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Jodi - She got me just as I was trying to herd the dogs in the house. Yup, Swansea, IL.... she's the one! I was going to look on the map and see how far away she is from Schuamburg, IL..... perhaps she ought to go to that show in October!

jenny Three O'clock Bears
warwickshire uk
Posts: 4,413

I try to suggest they come to a show to see the bears. I don't see the point of brochures because there would be no current work on it...and I do try with my snail mailing list...but it's so much quicker on-line.

I have to endeavour to make a half dozen bears and send  photos out to the list every now and then..and keep them back especially for these folks...I find that's my simplest way.

zemeski Posts: 434

Daniels from Swansea, IL called me also yesterday asking for photos. I don't know how she found me since I haven't advertised in TBR for the last  four issues. Unless she was browsing through some old issues of TBR.?? I should have asked here how she found me. I didn't even think. I told her I could send some pictures of my one of a kind teddies from previous sales. What are you all sending her?

Jodi Falk Bears by Jodi
Gahanna , Ohio USA
Posts: 3,463


I have current pictures of what I have for sale. I have a feeling that she is a no sale , but ..... you never know. I didn't ask either. I was to tired from my work day :redface:  I didn't really talk much , I just said I would send pictures ....... Sooooooooo I will.I will let you know if she buys. Maybe she has a million dollars and she will buy from all of us !!! YAHOOOOOOO !!!!!

                                                           Jodi Falk

zemeski Posts: 434
Jodi Falk wrote:

Maybe she has a million dollars and she will buy from all of us !!! YAHOOOOOOO !!!!! Jodi Falk

Good morning Jodi and Everyone!!! Wouldn't it be nice if she was a millionaire and did buy from us all!! I'll sent her some picture also. The last time I sent pictures to someone they never bought. So, I would be suprised if this time was any different. Maybe she is going to cut out our pictures and scrapebook them for her own pleasure. Ha! Ha! Or, she could be planning her early Christmas list. You never know.  :crackup: 

chrissibrinkley Posts: 1,836

Not to be a cynic, but with the ebay world and scammer world of today when I do a brochure or send out photos I'm going to do that "name" thing across the photo.  Just a quick copyright/property of type of thing so there can't be any confusion about what can happen with the photos.

Is that too "paranoia" (??) :crackup:  I haven't eaten breakfast yet...maybe my blood sugar's low  :crackup:

(I would definitely ask how she found you.....esp since you've all gotten recent calls...ok, I'm curious bear_grin )

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Now I'm getting suspicious. Not usually something I do but I have to tell you..... uncovering hub's computer & printer in his 'office' (very scary place!) so I can print stuff (AFTER I got to the store to get more photo paper) and take the time to make notations on all the photos, etc. is not something I have time for. She's obvioulsy not really intersted in MY bears but rather everyone's. Don't take that the wrong way! I'm interested in EVERYONE's too!!! But the chances of her buying??????

And is it possible she's wanting these photos for some other reason? I don't know what exactly!! Gosh, I'm usually not cynical, I hate thinking this way and sorry you are seeing my bad side. Looks like she's only contacting US artists. That's good. Then again, the likelyhood of her calling over-seas......

OH, I need to just go print those pictures and get it over with!

Chrissi- we posted at the same time. I feel better now that I'm not the only one questioning all this!

zemeski Posts: 434

bear_ermm Daphne- Did this lady tell you where she found your business information? Did she tell you TBR magazine? I failed to ask her where she found my information. I'm assuming since she wants pictures she doesn't get on the Internet. Or, does she?? I don't trust this whole thing myself either. My husband says to send her a few pictures and do exactly what Chrissi says to do with the copyright over the picture. I'll feel bad if she buys from all of us. But, you can never be to careful either. I guess the lesson here for today with our business is to play it safe and only give her what she has asked for with the copyright over the pics..

Thanks Chrissi for the smart & safe way to handle this!!!  bear_thumb

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

She saw my ad in the most recent TB&F issue.
I asked her if she had internet access..... she said she doesn't own a computer.
She was very matter-of-fact-like. I'd be so excited if I saw an ad for bears I liked the looks of and wanted to see more pictures and actually had the artist on the phone! But that's me I guess!
She sounded like she'd be of retirement age, likely not up on or interested in computers anyway.

I dunno................................ (where's the scratching it's head smiley???)

chrissibrinkley Posts: 1,836

Glad my suggestion was a good one...I didn't want to sound to paranoid, but I know it's good to always protect your work.
You could always call her back "to confirm" the mailing address and let her know that the photos are on their way..then slip in the quick question of "I'm so happy you were able to contact me.  I'm always curious to know where collectors see my work, helps me with advertising and reaching new collectors" or something like that. (??)

She may in fact have a computer and not like photos being sent for fear of "viruses".  I know people like that...could be a possibility.  I'm sure it's all good and could be exciting...but I'm still curious bear_grin


Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

The plot thickens.....

I don't have my phone number in my ad. And I only printed the state in which I live, no town so she'd be hard pressed to get my number from information.
AND..... as I went over our conversation in my head I remembered that she asked me what my name was. That IS printed in my ad.

Unless she's looking at an old (like 2-3 issues ago) TB&F mag in which I did have my phone number printed.

What a puzzlement!

thumperantiques Newcastle, Ontario
Posts: 5,644

Hi there,
     I'm really curious about this lady too, and I'm not involved at all.  Chrissi, I think your advice was good - I know that I will not send out pictures or list pictures of my bears now, without a copyright name across it.  I've had a couple of auctions stolen in the past, but have had no trouble since labelling my pictures.  I think it should be standard for anyone listing any kind of art on the internet these days.  I'm really nosey about how this lady got all your infomation on your bears....hmmmm.



Sandi.S. Posts: 1,277

My favorite Mexican restaurant happens to be in Swansea, IL.  bear_tongue

Jodi Falk Bears by Jodi
Gahanna , Ohio USA
Posts: 3,463

So should we send or not ?? I have mine ready to go but I forgot to take them with me this morning when I went to work . Maybe that should tell me something. ummmmmmmmmm. Let me know what you are doing.

zemeski Posts: 434

Jodi and Daphne - I told M. Daniels it my be next week before I get the pics to her because I'm out of ink in my printer. The ink for my printer is pretty costly. So, now that Daphne said she doesn't know how this lady even got her phone number really bothers me. Maybe we should send the pics and call her like Chrissi said. It would be nice to know where she found us and our phone numbers. Let me know if you send her the pics and if you call her to tell her the pics are in the mail. The only thing I canfigure is that she could have possibly referred to back issues of TBR magazines. I know I still look back at all of mine.

zemeski Posts: 434
Sandi.S. wrote:

My favorite Mexican restaurant happens to be in Swansea, IL.  :P

Sandi- We may send you to Daniel's home to check her out. That way you can get your favorite Mexican meal in also.  bear_laugh

Jodi Falk Bears by Jodi
Gahanna , Ohio USA
Posts: 3,463
zemeski wrote:
Sandi.S. wrote:

My favorite Mexican restaurant happens to be in Swansea, IL.  :P

Sandi- We may send you to Daniel's home to check her out. That way you can get your favorite Mexican meal in also.  :D


Did you wright down her phone number ? I did not. But I would call if you get it for me. I will see whats up !!!

                                                                        Jodi Falk

zemeski Posts: 434

Jodi  - I'll send it to you in a private message. Let us know what she says. PLEASE!!!

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