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SunnieOne Sunnie Bears
Ridgecrest, CA
Posts: 1,167

Tigers in the Wild for me too..
24 WPM 28 errors??!! 0% accuracy 0 wpm
I didn't even see one error.. I don't get it!

lw2ndstar Annapolis, Maryland
Posts: 78

Sonya, try it again - the same thing happened to me too!  Yesterday I tried it (and was a little nervous!) and it said that I typed something like 35 WPM but only net 4 WPM with very low accuracy!!!   I know I made a couple of mistakes but not THAT many!  bear_wacko

I just took it again, and this time (more relaxed) and I got 47 WPM with only 5 errors, and 96% accuracy.  Now, I'm not sure I'm that good!!  :crackup:  What should I believe? But it was fun.  I haven't done a test since High School.

I think it counts "backspaces" as errors or something.  A corrected error is not an error in my book.

Just Us Bears Just Us Bears
Posts: 940

35 wpm with 97% accuracy. I can live with best at school was 16 wpm on a I've doubled my speed! bear_grin
Shelli and Kelly...words fail me. bear_wacko

All Bear All Bear by Paula
Posts: 5,162

Only just found all you speed typers in here!  Thought I'd take the test to join in the fun ... my speed was 83wpm with 100% accuracy. 

Made me grin, because I learned to type in sixth form between the ages of 16 and 18.  In those days we had a rickety old manual typewriter to take our test on .. you know, one of those you had to reach for the lever and ping the carriage back to the start for the next line?  Anyway, by some miracle  I did manage to leave school with my certificate to say I'd achieved a speed of 50wpm on that old monster!  That's the best thing I ever learned to do at school I can tell you.  It's about the only thing I learned at school, other than to read and write, that I can honestly say has been useful to me all my life!

Just Us Bears Just Us Bears
Posts: 940

It's about the only thing I learned at school, other than to read and write, that I can honestly say has been useful to me all my life!

Shhhh Paula! There may be children present!  :crackup:

Jare Hares & Bears Jare Hares & Bears
Polo, IL
Posts: 983

Children??? Where???

All Bear All Bear by Paula
Posts: 5,162

bear_grin  Someone should be kind and warn them Hayley, but then, how would the mums find time for themselves?  :crackup:

Bonnie Mountain Dreamer Bears
wooly woods of Missouri, USA
Posts: 1,538

Thanks for the link Jared! I'm off to check it out.


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Johnna's Mohair Store - Specializing in hand dyed mohair and alpaca
Past Time Bears - Artist bears designed and handcrafted by Sue Ann Holcomb