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Past Time Bears - Artist bears designed and handcrafted by Sue Ann Holcomb
Shelli Makes - Teddy bears & other cheerful things by Shelli Quinn

kassiebears Kassie Bears TM/Creations of Mysticism
Posts: 1,078


I have been getting this  bear_wacko lady calling me wanting me to send her pictures of my bears. I did see something about that on here somewhere but I can't find it. I hope it was you talking about Sue Ann, so I am not calling for help from the wrong person.  :crackup:
Please clue me in here Sue Ann who this lady is.  bear_wacko I think!
pm me or email and let me know if you have any help here.
I did tell her I don't mail out pictures of my bears, because the photos cost a lot of money and if I sent them to everyone who asked for a copy it would be too costly. She was not happy about that.  bear_grin
and if anyone else knows please let me know.
hugs kassie

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,753

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Kassie, check out this thread. … 98#p143498  and this one  Actually, read the second one first . . . then the picture lady saga will have more continuity.  Good for you that you told her you didn't mail out photos - hopefully she won't call you back a gazillion times.  Hope this helps.   :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

How do we


her????????? bear_angry

Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

Daphne, I've already managed to lose her address, so I suspect she'll be calling me back.

I'm tempted to tell her that she's a known picture collector and harrasser, and that I've been advised not to respond. Maybe if everyone refused to send pictures, she'd fume and rant for a while and then go away!

bearlyart Canna Bear Paint
Posts: 749

She has been calling us every day, but we see it is her on the caller ID and do not pick up.  The first time she left a rambling message, she has hung up with no message every time she's called since then.  <sigh>  I don't quite know what to do about her, my first choice would be to block her through the phone company but I can't seem to find an easy way to do that.  I guess I should call them...

Had one funny moment from her.  I tried to listen to the first long message she left on our machine (and didn't understand most of what she was trying to say).  But the first part of the message was very clear.  "This message is for Jack.  Hi Jack!"

Jack is the dog we had in our advertisement.  Perhaps I should let her talk to a stuffed animal next time...

The sad thing is that if she'd just BACK OFF from calling tons of people every single day with the same demands... she would probably get more of what she's asking for.  If I thought sending her photos would make her happy (and that I wouldn't hear from her again for a while), I would do it.  But with the behavior she's shown with other bear artists... no way.  I'm not going to encourage her by speaking to her or sending anything.

It's a shame.

kbonsall Kim-Bee Bears
Posts: 5,645

YIKES! This lady sounds like she might have a problem.... we had a lady calling our lawfirm and harassing us (we actually had to have the cops involved and have her number blocked)... she was calling ALL hours of the night and leaving odd messages (like every 15 minutes)....

Delartful Bears Delartful Bears
Posts: 3,518

Ahhh I figured out that this is the lady who wrote to me asking for photos also.  I sent them - with prices, never heard back. I always wondered why because I thought it was a funny thing to write, ask for photos and prices and then never hear back.... LOL

Glad to hear it wasn't my dodgy "catalogue" that put her off and she's just one crazy woman!

Sorry everyone else is having problems with her.  I count my blessings being in Australia, in that she won't call me LOL

millie PottersHouse Bears
Posts: 2,173

I also received a call from this lady.  I sent her a brochure with pictures.  I suppose that is not the end of it.

makafelts Charlotte Des Roches Designs
Adkins, Texas
Posts: 1,543 you imagine this ladies phone bills...sad sad about whomever she calls next...tell her to send a SASE to some ficticious addy...and fill the envelope full of pictures of say...Yogi Bear...or Smokey Bear... I know...that's mean...but she really seems to be a strange bird...I read all those posts on the other thread before...maybe if she got loads snail mail of pictures of cartoon bears...etc...she wouldn't have time to call all of you wonderful ladies!!!

Sandi.S. Posts: 1,277

Oh my, she's still at it. Maybe one of you ladies who have her number should call and talk to her mother. Maybe she'll get grounded from the telephone for a while.

carsoncreations Carson Creations
Macomb, IL
Posts: 252

The photo lady, Margaret, has called me three days in a row leaving messages and today my hubby answered the phone.  He didn't know who it was and told the lady I was really behind on orders and would have to get back with her.  She didn't want to leave her phone number and he said "Oh, I have your numer on ID" and she just said "Oh" ... and it wasn't too long after that she hung up.

Wonder if I'll get another call or message?


kassiebears Kassie Bears TM/Creations of Mysticism
Posts: 1,078

Thank you Sue Ann,  bear_flower for posting those links.
Oh my!!!! fruit loop!!
It is really wonderful to have TT in more ways than one! We all know the cool things that happen and have happened because of it. This is just another one.
I had a funny feeling when she called today and asked for photos of my bears and just by her mannerism made me rase an eyebrow.  She called 14 times today. I am starting to wonder in it was a good idea to put my phone number in my advertisement.

Kelly wrote - But the first part of the message was very clear.  "This message is for Jack.  Hi Jack!"

Jack is the dog we had in our advertisement.  Perhaps I should let her talk to a stuffed animal next time...

:crackup:  :crackup:  :crackup:

Charlotte wrote

tell her to send a SASE to some ficticious addy...and fill the envelope full of pictures of say...Yogi Bear...or Smokey Bear...

bear_grin  bear_grin
I don't think that is mean in this case, she is rather pushy and rude. She raised her voice to me when I told her I am not willing to mail out my bear pictures.

Kelly wrote

I don't quite know what to do about her,

Well hon, I know it is not always easy to put people in there place, but sometimes you just have too.

Well, I was not in the house when she keep calling back and my hubby just keep taking her messages. I did tell him to be careful not to talk to her too long.  bear_grin
Anyway, I will tell her not to call back anymore "nicely" the first time. But, if she continues I will get more "explanatory" in nature for her to get a better understanding of my meaning so it is pretty clear .  bear_original
I just don't want to be bothered by a silly woman who wants pictures. Has anyone found out why she wants all these photos? I asked her when I first talked to her and I could not understand what she was talking about. Did not make any sense to me.

Eileen wrote

I'm tempted to tell her that she's a known picture collector and harrasser. Maybe if everyone refused to send pictures, she'd fume and rant for a while and then go away!

That is a very good idea. I will tell her when she calls back, let her know we all talk and we know she has called other teddy artists and asked for their pictures and called over and over and over.  bear_grin
silly woman.

hugs all back to work.

lemmonbears Lemmon Bears
Oregon Coast
Posts: 303

I've gotten a call from this lady too.  I hope she doesn't call when my husband is sleeping after working graveyard.  He could scare her out of making any more calls at all.  It's not good to wake a sleeping bear! bear_grin


Laura Lynn Teddy Bear Academy
Nicholasville, KY
Posts: 3,653

Laura Lynn Banner Sponsor

Hi all!

Yep, I've been getting her calls too... I've gotten about 7 of them.  I had not mailed her anything yet because I didn't have anything ready and I was a bit busy with the death in the family, the open house promotions and getting bears ready for the open house.

I've thought it over, and I will mail her a brochure... and a note that I would be happy to mail her actual photos for $1 each.  (that will cover the cost of photo and postage at least).

Dilu Posts: 8,574

Oh i so enjoyed all your posts.  Its a shame you were harassed.  I love the idea of knowing a person's number before picking up.  I'm told that we will be getting this backwards are we.....

I think the not sending photos and telling her up front makes sense.  Has anyone sent Mindy an e-mail?  Does she only bother TTers or all beary folks?  If she harasses all beary folks I'm sure the magazines have heard about her and maybe have some advice?

gollyglad she likes bears and not gollies,

:crackup:  :crackup:


kassiebears Kassie Bears TM/Creations of Mysticism
Posts: 1,078

hi all,

I just finished reading all the other posts on this picture lady. I am starting to wonder if the lady calling me is the same lady. I will get her name and I do have her number. I don't want to post it on here.
The lady that is calling here does not seem to have a handy cap, but just more rude. I will try and listen for that the next time she calls. If it is the same person, I will try talking to her about her calls etc.
Joan wrote

It's not good to wake a sleeping bear!

I know what you mean, my hubby is getting upset about all these calls because we use the same phone for our business's and he is trying to get the bull riding stuff done today.  bear_sad
So, I have to get a solution to this. If I find out it is that same person, I think I am going to just save the heart ache and block her number.
You just can't always help or be nice to everyone.

thank you for saving all information.

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

14 times in one day??? JEESH!!!!

I imagine her having a secret room in the basement of her mother's house where she lives that has our magazine advertisements and bear photos plastered all over everything. There won't be one REAL teddy bear... just photos and a big red phone and a pile of papers a mile high of notes she's made about who, when and how many times she's called each one of us! And on the floor in the middle of the room will be ashes from the phone bills she's burned so her mother wouldn't see.

One of you mentioned Mindy.... she posted in one of the other threads Sue Ann refered to above that it was most likely this woman who contacted her to tell her which artists weren't making bears anymore, etc. I don't think it's TB&F advertisers alone though as I believe someone posted that they'd only advertised in TBR.

Someone else mentioned calling her mother. Good luck. I don't think the mother answers the phone due to hearling loss and strokes. I've called about 4 times... different times, different days and the answering machine always picked up except for the one time I got dear margaret herself and told her that a lot of artists have been talking about her, her demands, how rude she is, etc. and she hung up somewhere towards the end of my lecture. I posted about it in one of the other threads. Anyway..... she's in her 40's and certainly isn't going to be grounded from the phone, though that would be nice.

I will say this, ever since I called and gave her that lecture she hasn't called me again! :)

If you send pictures she will likely contact you again.
If you don't send pictures whe will likely contact you again.
Either way she isn't going to buy from you.
But as long as SOMEONE sends her photos she'll keep calling people.
Over and over and over and over and over and..................................................................................................................................... ARGH!!!!!

BootButtonBears BootButtonBears
Posts: 2,837

Oh my gosh, I can't believe what you ladies are going through over there in the States with this lady.  How awful to be constantly harrassed on the phone like that.  If any of you want to pop over to OZ for a little break, you are more than welcome, I don't think she would call us overhere.

Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

I hope she doesn't call when my husband is sleeping after working graveyard.  He could scare her out of making any more calls at all.  It's not good to wake a sleeping bear!

:crackup: Joan, I think this would be great!! Let her call for bear pictures and get herself growled at by a 'real' bear! :crackup:

You should hear my bear growl at telemarketers . . . . sheesh!

Unfortunately, I found her address. At least I think I did--my scrawl must be as bad as hers. It looks like Swansea, Illinois.

I think I will write to say that she's known to be a serial harasser. If Daphne's already done this, a second warning might help.

bhbears Bearhaven Bears
Merrickville, Ontario
Posts: 224

Oh my I came home on Sunday to find a rambling message on my answering machine about sending bear pictures, it left me feeling kinda dirty it was so random and out there. Yahoo!! Who knew, my very first bear stalker I feel like I've just joined a select group,  looks like I'm stepping up in the bear world :crackup:

Funny thing is my article in Teddy Bear and Friends didn't have my phone number listed and the email address they had for me is wrong so don't know how this nut job managed to find me.  I guess I'm not hiding very well, or she is a very good stalker.  I don't have caller id I just screen my calls by not answering my phone  bear_whistle not very good for business but I get so many teleamarketers, I'm a softy and find it hard to tell people to take a hike. I'm working on it though so if this lady gets a hold of me I'll tell her I'm not interested in dealing with  loopy ding bats.

  Kinda disturbing though don't you think? how she manages to get a hold of our information bear_shocked Now I've got the heebie geebies.
Hope this wacko finds a new passion and gets tired of harassing us bear people.
Hugs deborah

kassiebears Kassie Bears TM/Creations of Mysticism
Posts: 1,078

Hi everyone,

Well it seems that this is the same lady. I have talked to her and hope what I said works.
deborah - that is so disturbing!!! That tells me she is pretty smart cookie. HMMMMM?

Renea dear friend

I guess only having one bear and a anime lion doesn't rate me yet another phone kook.

- believe me you do not want this lady calling you.  :crackup: count your blessings.

Daphne -  :crackup:  :crackup:  :crackup:  :crackup: too funny.

Christine - I'm there!!!!  bear_original

Eileen -

I think I will write to say that she's known to be a serial harasser.

I agree.

Also, I was thinking about it last night and she is getting all this information from the magazines - then she saw the article on TT. What I mean is, she may be a lurker too.
So if she is lurking? She knows what we are talking about so I for one say.
DON'T CALL ANYMORE!!! It is not nice to be a pest!

hugs all


Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

She's told everyone that she doesn't have a computer. bear_ermm
I wish she did and just emailed instead. Setting her email address as "Junk" and just hitting delete w/o reading it would be much easier and less invassive than her phone calls.

Maybe just telling her "NO" as you and I have is all it takes to put an end to her calls.... she hasn't called me again. :pray:

kassiebears Kassie Bears TM/Creations of Mysticism
Posts: 1,078

oh really - no computer - that is a really good thing then.  bear_grin delete is really easy - I agree.

I agree Daphne, telling her no is what seems to be working for me too. She has not called back - yet.  bear_grin

hugs kassie

Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

bear_original I asked her if I could send her pictures online, and she said she doesn't have a computer. That's when I began to suspect I was talking to the teddy stalker.

bear_sad There are probably other ways to get people's telephone numbers.

Hey, I know!

My daughter went to a sci-fi fair recently, and brought home a brochure about "Teddy Scares," bears who were abandoned to the garbage bin by unfeeling owners, and are now coming back for revenge.

Maybe I should send her some of these pix

Bearalive Bearalive
Posts: 791

WOW! This is scary!! I had one time a lady E-mailing me asking me to please send her my business card. She was ( or is?? ) a bear designer card collector it was the firs for me and when I did make my little cards  I send her one. She was very nice and I am not comparing her by any means with the "picture lady" ( thanks Heavens I have not heard from her!! ) but, I was thinking maybe she is collecting the pictures? is NOT the right way to go about it for sure!....No.. for  I have read in here ..She is Not "well"!
I hope she stop bothering  all of you guys.
Bear hugs and Golly smiles .
Gladys bear_flower
Dilu Gollies do not like her neither  bear_grin

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