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kassiebears Kassie Bears TM/Creations of Mysticism
Posts: 1,078

Hi everyone,

I have not been able to post the new pictures of Texas because we have been rather busy around here. We just had our bull riding event this weekend, so I was not on my computer at all this weekend really. Anyway, I did keep up with the photos of the little guy as much as I could. I had my sitter take some photos when I was away. Enjoy!!

Hi Tracy,

Thank you hon.  :hug:  He is all that and more. He is just a pleasure to be around. He is now six days old and it has been wonderful to watch him explore his new world.

Are you sure he's not part race horse with those long, long legs?

bear_grin ya it is really amazing that his legs are so long. I am amazed that he does not fall when he is running around. The general rule is a baby horse’s legs are about 60 % of their body when they are born, but I think this guy has a higher percentage.

Quote And WOW!!  You must be very close to his momma to be "allowed" to sleep with her little one that way.  That is the neatest thing I've ever heard!

Thank you Tracy and you are so right. I am very lucky and very blessed to have such wonderful animals in my life, so the nighty night pictures are for you dear.  This sleeping arrangement is becoming a habit. LOL

Hi Karen,

Thank you so much.  :hug:

Hi Tammy,
Thank you hon.  :hug: It is a wonderful to be able to cuddle with him. I wish I could magically send you a feel of his coat and what he smells like. It is wonderful.   The nighty night pictures are for you too dear.

Hi  Bonnie,

Thank you Bonnie.  :hug:

I could look at him all day.

Me too! And I do.  :crackup:  I have spent  a lot of time doing just that.

mama and Texas


day napping


that is so yummy!!!!


it makes my tail stand out.

Texas meets Buckaroo Bearie  bear_original



tastie ..hmmmm

my hubby and Texas smoochin



nighty night - another long day done



kassiebears Kassie Bears TM/Creations of Mysticism
Posts: 1,078

just pushing this to first page so "Tracy & Tammi" can see the nighty night pictures.

hugs kassie

Bearalive Bearalive
Posts: 791

Oh Kassie! What a beautiful baby and what beautiful pictures!! Texas is so sweet!  bear_wub
Thanks for sharing with us!
Bear hugs and Golly smiles .
Gladys bear_flower

kassiebears Kassie Bears TM/Creations of Mysticism
Posts: 1,078

hi Gladys,

Thank you so much. Your are very welcome. It is my pleasure to be able to share with everyone.
:hug:  :hug:

Tammy Beckoning Bears
Nova Scotia
Posts: 3,739

Kassie , those pictures are so touching really  bear_cry  bear_cry   baby animals are just so incredible.  I have to admit I love horses, but am afraid of them.  I think it's because of their size,  and a couple of scary incidents as a child around horses.  My brother had to jump off a a horse when he was young as it charged for the barn. My brother broke his arm.  Another was at a county fair type thing and the horse got spooked and charged the crowd directly towards my family.  Poor horse broke it's leg and had to be put down. 

But, they are such majestic animals and those pictures are so special.  I can't believe momma would let you cuddle her baby like that.   Texas is just so beautiful.     Thanks for showing the pics.   :thumbsup:

p.s. I love the one of Texas licking your bear- too cute.

kassiebears Kassie Bears TM/Creations of Mysticism
Posts: 1,078

Hi Tammy,  bear_flower

I am so sorry that happened and it does happen. I believe it is do to the handlers and sometimes the horses have bad things happen. I believe it is like raising our children. If they are taught fear, then it will stay with them for a very long time.
I wish you were able to come and see our horses. I would never ask you to stand near them, but you could see how lovely they are. Even my stallion is a very gentle boy. Don't get me wrong. I am also very careful and respect of their size, but I also have to trust them so they trust me. They really are very giving animals at heart.
But, if they have been hurt, they have a hard time forgetting and their instinct is to run. It takes a lot of trust to get them to trust again. The mustang mare - the mama of Texas you see here. Was hurt when she was taken from the range and she would not let us never her when we first got her a year and half ago. She was very scared and would try and leap the pen she was in. Now, you can see how she is. That is just an example of how some horses can learn to trust again.

Thank you hon.  :hug: I am glad you liked them. You are very welcome. It is my pleasure to share. I really enjoy it when I can show how truly wonderful these horses can be.

hugs dear heart

Tammy Beckoning Bears
Nova Scotia
Posts: 3,739

Kassie, I would love to see your horses in person.  I am not too afraid to stand near them, and  actually let my daughter ride one a few weeks ago.  I just get nervous around them sometimes-they are soooo big.  It is so nice to hear that your horse has become so trusting.

kassiebears Kassie Bears TM/Creations of Mysticism
Posts: 1,078

Tammy - that is so cool that your daughter rides.  bear_original You are welcome anytime. A long way to come, but you just never know. You may come down our way someday.  bear_original I totally understand about the fact they are so big. I am thinking about buying another horse from a friend of mine and he is really big - over 16 hands high. 16 -5 hands.
Very big boy.

To give an idea how tall that is for those that don't know. I am just 5 feet. His back would be almost another arm length taller than me. Hands for horses is ever 4" equals an hand - in horse measurements.

hugs kassie

Tracy ThimbleBeary Originals
Posts: 2,049

Oh Kassie!!  These pics brought tears to my eyes.......what a truly special experiencs for both you and Texas. bear_cry  bear_cry I am in awe........and just a bit, well more than a bit, envious too! bear_grin How lucky you are!! :hug:  :hug: I had a quarter/paint gelding once that I would lay on and nap with when he was stretched out in the sun sleeping.  That was wonderful!  I can just imagine the feeling to be snuggled up close to a very special colt with momma looking on.  Very, very awesome!! bear_wub  bear_wub

Love the pics of Texas meeting your bear.  Especially tasting your bear! :crackup:  :crackup: That's just too darn cute!  Foals are so funny that they have to taste things..........not much different than human babies really.  And that face when a strange taste gets in the mouth.  Priceless! bear_grin  Oh, and that pic with the tail straight it!! bear_wub I remember our babies when nursing.  That little tail would just being going to town. bear_grin 

Thanks so much for sharing these pics with us.  It brings back so many happy memories for me.  I love it!! bear_wub  bear_wub  :hug:  :hug:

kassiebears Kassie Bears TM/Creations of Mysticism
Posts: 1,078

awww Tracy dear you are very welcome.  :hug:  :hug:  :hug: I am so glad you loved looking and it brought wonderful memories. My heart warms for you.  bear_wub
That is so cool about your horse. I know exactly what you mean and understand totally.  :hug:
They are wonderful at that age, but what baby is not.  bear_grin He did do something really funny today. I laughed so hard I thought I would fall over. My hubby was playing with him and Texas was not sure what to do so he just tried to run backwards. It was the funnest thing I have even seen. My hubby was on the other side of the pen and Texas would run over to him and then start to run backwards.  :crackup:  :crackup: My hubby did not go after him just stood were he was, we do not want to encourage bad behavior.  bear_original So, texas keep doing this over and over again. I have never seen a colt or filly do that before. Texas is too funny.  He was not tying to kick my hubby, just run up to him then try to run backwards. Too funny!!!!
I wished we had a video camera. It was just a crack up.
hugs dear heart -  :hug:  :hug:

I will keep everyone posted on Texas Mythical Dummer

:hug: kassie  bear_original

TamiL Dolls N Dreams
Aurora, Colorado
Posts: 6,454

Oh he is wonderful, I'm so happy for you, I can tell how excited you are to have him. And he is lucky to have you  bear_original

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,769

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

What a beautiful relationship you already have with this gorgeous colt, Kassie!  The photos are outstanding and I can't tell you how pleased I am that you named him "TEXAS"!!!

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