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gotobedbears Posts: 3,177

Through a veil of snot and tears.......... bear_cry

..................i am writing this with a really awful cold girls. I feel sorry for myself.

sniffle sniffle snuffle

I have a Moonling with just a head, a doll without any eyes, a website half built and i just noticed a huge cobweb hanging from the lampshade when the sun shone through the window - dammit

In an annoying whiney voice PenPen says "I dobn't feel bery well and cand't binish anyding" (translated from the snottynose language as - I don't feel very well and can't finish anything). I can hardly see through my watery eyes and am considering stitching up my nostrils to stem the flow - but i suppose i might drown, better not.

Gimme some sympathy girls or at least some hilarious gags please  :pray:

PenPen  bear_cry

Shari Nova Scotia,Canada
Posts: 1,712

:hug:   :hug:   :hug:  :hug:   :hug:    :hug:    bear_flower   :hug:   :hug:   :hug:  I'm just getting over a cold. :hug:   :hug:

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Aw, that's all that's wrong is a cold??? Here I thought you were going to tell us something happened to Terry's mother or a meteor landed in your new garden or you got in a bar fight and broke your hand so couldn't make bears.

But I'm still sorry you feel misearble. I HATE being knocked down by a cold.

Hang in there Pen. Or hang upside down... perhaps all that crud will run out faster that way????

Hope you're better soon! Please, for the Moonling's sake, stay away from it.... though a snot and tear covered Moonling could be an interesting look! Remember when we went through the strange stuff people sell on eBay.... SNOT and TEARS would win!!!

Feel better!

gotobedbears Posts: 3,177

Dank You Bery Mudch Girlds  bear_wub  bear_wub

LISA - you took so mudch tdrouble wid dhe piccies  - Bless You  :hug:  :hug:

SHARI - i hobe you are feelingh bedder now  :hug:

Marion Acid Attic Bears
Posts: 2,284

Oh dear !  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:
I hope you feel better soon !  :hug:  :hug:
I do not have any hilarious gag, I'm afraid, but I send you all my sympathy.  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

Amanda Pandy Potter Bears
Staffordshire, UK
Posts: 1,864

You poor thing, probably everything catching up with you so to speak. Heres a joke for you.


A man went to see his doctor because he was suffering from a miserable cold. His doctor prescribed some pills, but they didn't help.

On his next visit the doctor gave him a shot, but that didn't do any good.

On his third visit the doctor told the man to go home and take a hot bath. As soon as he was finished bathing he was to throw open all the windows and stands in the draft.

"But doc," protested the patient, "if I do that, I'll get pneumonia."

"I know," said his physician. "I can cure pneumonia." :hug:

shantell Apple Dumpling Designs
Willamette Valley Oregon
Posts: 3,128

Aww Penny....that just go wipe your snotty nose on Terry's coat.  Dry your eyes...and get a drink.  Didn't they use to use hot brandy or burbon for colds back in "the day."  If nothing else it'll make you warm and fuzzy.

Serenity and I send our hugs!!!

edie Bears by Edie
Southern Alberta
Posts: 2,068

Even when you're sick, you're hilarious Penny! Started my day off with a laugh - even though I do feel sorry for you! I hate being sick! Hope you are feeling top notch again really soon.

Jodi Falk Bears by Jodi
Gahanna , Ohio USA
Posts: 3,463

Penny it is no fun being sick, I am just getting better my self.I hate being slowed down. But You get to feeling better soon .Lifting prayers for a speedy recovery.

                                           Bear Hugs !!!!

                                           s010.gif             Jodi Falk

Sandi.S. Posts: 1,277

Oh, I don't have silly jokes, but I sure do hope you're feeling better soon! bear_flower

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,768

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Awwwww . . . Poor Penny!   bear_flower  bear_flower  bear_flower  bear_flower

Aleta - The Silly Bear The Silly Bear
Portland, Oregon
Posts: 3,119

Eeeew!!  You're all gooey!  Hot peppermint tea will make you feel better....even if only for a little while.  bear_original

Warmest hugs (even if I have to spray myself down with disinfectant!),  :hug:

Jennskains Posts: 2,203

Plenty of vicks and lots of ginger.  Poor thing! :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

Roxanne Bear Paws by Roxanne
Odessa, Tx
Posts: 917

Hey PenPen!
Here's one for ya....

When you're neckin' with yer honey
And your nose is kinda runny
You might think it's funny...
But it's not.

Hope you get to feelin' better soon  bear_flower

gotobedbears Posts: 3,177

HOO HOO HOO - very funny jokes girls ESPECIALLY the ones that were sent to me cos they were too rude for TT................thanks Miss X
:crackup:  :crackup:  :crackup:

I have a HUGE spot coming up just under my right eyebrow now - i expect it will explode overnight and blow my head off.

PenPen  bear_cry

sarahjane Brisbane
Posts: 2,951

Between the snot, tears and the huge exploding spot...I have an incredible picture in my head!!!  bear_cry  bear_cry

Penny even when you're sick you are hilarious  :crackup:  :crackup:  :crackup:  :crackup:  :crackup:

Hope you feel better soon  :hug:

gotobedbears Posts: 3,177
melanie jayne wrote:

Your vile in such a funny way Penny, I am wetting myself here  :crackup:  :crackup:  :crackup:  :crackup:  :crackup:

If you think that's vile missus.................have you ever squeezed the side of your nose and all the little white worms pop out? C'mon you know you have

Sarah Jane - glad i make you giggle  bear_tongue

You'll all be sorry when my head explodes  bear_cry

patsylakebears Patsy Lake Bears
Posts: 3,442

Ahh Pen so sorry that your not feeling so well.  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug: take care and I hope your feeling much better soon..

Roxanne Bear Paws by Roxanne
Odessa, Tx
Posts: 917

:crackup:   :crackup:  Is anyone else gagging here?!?!  :crackup:   :crackup:

Michelle Helen Chaska, Minnesota
Posts: 2,897

Want to feel better? The answer is laughing. My dad sent me this e-mail on church bulletin with misprints. Some are  very funny. Enjoy:

Subject: More Church Bulletins

Church Bulletins: Thank God for the church ladies who type them. These sentences actually appeared in church bulletins or were announced in church services:

The Fasting & Prayer Conference includes meals.

The sermon this morning: "Jesus Walks on the Water." The sermon tonight: "Searching for Jesus."

Our youth basketball team is back in action Wednesday at 8 PM in the recreation hall. Come out and watch us kill Christ the King.


Ladies, don't forget the rummage sale It's a chance to get rid of those things not worth keeping around the house. Bring your husbands.

The peacemaking meeting scheduled for today has been canceled due to a conflict.

Remember in prayer the many who are sick of our community. Smile at someone who is hard to love. Say "Hell" to someone who doesn't care much about you.

Don't let worry kill you off -- let the Church help.

Miss Charlene Mason sang "I will not pass this way again," giving obvious pleasure to the congregation.

For those of you who have children and don't know it, we have a nursery downstairs.

Next Thursday there will be tryouts for the choir. They need all the help they can get.

The Rector will preach his farewell message after which the choir will sing: "Break Forth Into Joy."

Irving Benson and Jessie Carter were married on October 24 in the church. So ends a friendship that began in their school days.

A bean supper will be held on Tuesday evening in the church hall. Music will follow.
------- --------------------------------------------------------------

At the evening service tonight, the sermon topic will be "What Is Hell?"
Come early and listen to our choir practice.

Eight new choir robes are currently needed due to the addition of several new members and to the deterioration of some older ones.

Scouts are saving aluminum cans, bottles and other items to be recycled. Proceeds will be used to cripple children.

Please place your donation in the envelope along with the deceased person you want remembered.

The church will host an evening of fine dining, super entertainment and gracious hostility.
------------------------------------------------- --------------------

Potluck supper Sunday at 5:00 PM - prayer and medication to follow.

The ladies of the Church have cast off clothing of every kind. They may be seen in the basement on Friday afternoon.

This evening at 7 PM there will be a hymn singing in the park across from the Church. Bring a blanket and come prepared to sin.

Ladies Bible Study will be held Thursday morning at 10 AM. All ladies are invited to lunch in the Fellowship Hall after the B. S. is done.

The pastor would appreciate it if the ladies of the congregation would lend him their electric girdles for the pancake breakfast next Sunday.
-------------------------------------------- --------------------------

Low Self Esteem Support Group will meet Thursday at 7 PM. Please use the back door.

The eighth-graders will be presenting Shakespeare's Hamlet in the Church basement! Friday at 7 PM. The congregation is invited to attend this tragedy.

Weight Watchers will meet at 7 PM at the First Presbyterian Church.
Please use large double door at the side entrance.

The Associate Minister unveiled the church's new tithing campaign slogan last Sunday: "I Upped My Pledge - Up Yours"

Dilu Posts: 8,574

Well, Thank God!

I thought something truly awful had happened,

[size=18]George Clooney gone missing?[/size]

Terry in an  awful accident?


The workers blew up the garden because of the cat leaving calling cards?

[size=24]For heaven's sake girl, buck up!  [/size]

Get rip roaring drunk and go sleep the damn thing off....and use something from over the counter for the snot filled head.....

I know you feel awful....

but think how you'd feel if any of the above happened....especially 1.

[size=18]I hope you feel better soon, and your new avatar is smashing![/size]

We love ya, you little sillikins.....with lots of gollyhugs.....


Jellybelly Bears Jellybelly Bears
Posts: 4,066

oh dear, i'm trying to eat lunch as i read through this post lol.   sorry penny your feeling so awful!  but glad you still have your sense of humor  bear_flower

Carolyn Green Draffin Bears
Auckland New Zealand
Posts: 5,354

Hot lemon and honey drinks always make me feel better when I have a cold.
Sorry you are not well, through your veil of snot and tears - you poor dear.
I hope that you will soon be feeling better.


gotobedbears Posts: 3,177
melanie jayne wrote:

:crackup:  :crackup:  :crackup:

To say that you are at deaths door with this cold.......You are still on Top Form Penny

bear_grin  bear_grin  bear_grin


What a face huh? That kid is sooo cute - but sticky  :crackup:

I have'nt quite reached the stage where i have bubbles coming out of my nose Mel although i did have a cuople of crusty candles under my nose this morning when i woke up.
:crackup:  :crackup:  :crackup:

Can i get more vile do you think?


rufnut Rufnut Teddy's
Victoria Australia
Posts: 2,725

Pen, your are so funny even though you are feeling so unwell.  :hug:

Well I will never forget my kids when they were babies teething, dribbling and runny noses.  And the big old greenies,   I will let you figure that one out.  :crackup:

Hang in there Pen.  Rest up and keep warm.  :hug:  :hug:

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Past Time Bears - Artist bears designed and handcrafted by Sue Ann Holcomb