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Dilu Posts: 8,574

DSC00741-2.JPGDSC00732-2.JPGOK Ladies.....I took the second bear I ever made, and removed eyes and nose and began adding fluff and poking away.

I thought I was creating a bear face. HMMMMMM


I would like to know if this happens to others, you think you're making one thing and something else happens.

My honey said " don't make anymore like that He's really UGLY!"

Yep.  we agree.

However it was a good learning experience.  I had no idea what I was doing, but I now know a lot more about felting than I did....well....except for how to make what I think I am making and not end up with the Chucky of stuffedmonkeybear fame.

i am sharing him so others will have courage to share disasters.....although I don't see him as a disaster cuz I learned how to add fuz to mohair, and how to form ridges and shape noses....etc. 

So I'm betting the next time i will do much better.  He is going on the same shelf as Yentle the Yettie, I'll let you know if we have a yettiecide or a moneybearacide.....I am sure the shelf is not big enough for both of them!  :D:D:D

PS hunny says it will be pigmonkeybearacide.....

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

I agree with Hunny... a pig monkey was my thought too!! :lol:

Ya gotta love experiments like this. I have a few that serve as what not to do ever again! I learn a lot, as you have, Dilu, from these misfits!

Thanks for the courage to share him!!


Delartful Bears Delartful Bears
Posts: 3,518

oooh what a blast from the past! Alf!

I don't think he's toooo ugly, just a tad? LOL  Thanks for sharing. I think you are doing well with your felting, looks like oyu are learning a lot, and the technique of the face looks good - looks of character!

Thanks for sharing!

shantell Apple Dumpling Designs
Willamette Valley Oregon
Posts: 3,128 are constantly outdoing yourself...he is adorable in a....well....learning experience kind of way.  Good for you for trying something new and then sharing the results no matter how it turns out.:lol:

Deb Upstate New York
Posts: 1,650

Dilu ~

You are just too funny.  Thank you for sharing little pigmonkeybear.  He kinda grows on ya.


Marie_ Kiprie Bears
Yokohama, Japan
Posts: 2,735

Dilu ! I don't think he is ugly at all, he is
cute  monkey with big piggy nose...but
as a bear he has just little unusual look . :P:lol:

I did made few funny looking bear before but
I learned lesson so that was perfectly OK. and I got
keep the all funny looking guys. he he


Donna Donna's Duin Bruins
Burbank, CA
Posts: 900

He reminds me of a bunny I was making before the Nevada City show.  As I was working on him at first I thought he looked like a lamb then as things progressed I decided he looked more like a monkey.  He sat in the middle of the living room for a week while I tried to decide what to do with him.  Each time I walked past I patted his little ugly head.  My son just shook his head each time he passed.  Well, I took him to the show just the way he was.  He was the first thing to sell!  I even told the woman that I was not sure what he was going to be as he was progressing.  She loved him, took him everywhere she went and asked everyone what they thought of him.  So you never know!

I think I would cut his nose off and keep experimenting with him!

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,768

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Well . . . . . . . . . . . . . you certainly can't call it a failure because you learned from the experience.  I like Donna's suggestion of experimentation.  You can keep changing the face until you have something you love!!  And you will have gained all this knowledge!!  Thanks a bunch for sharing!

Shana Hawaii
Posts: 62

oh my gosh my stomach hurts from laughing...its not too much from the bearmonkey thing but of how you wrote it and what your hubby said...hahaha.  That is something my husband would say.  I needed that laugh.  That was so cute.  You are funny! but then when i read what everyone else wrote and looked at it again and they put up the alf photo,  now i cant breathe...hahahaha.  Dilu i must say that took courage to show us all.  Hey thats how we learn and you made it a good learning situation.  You are great!! Cute story!!
Aloha Shana

Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

bear_grin Dilu, what a great experiment! bear_grin

I'd be willing to bet that Donna's right--MonkeyPigBear would be the first thing to sell at a show.


Marion Acid Attic Bears
Posts: 2,284

At least, he can not be more orginal ! He is truly unique, and that's not a bad thing bear_original.
I am with Eileen for the bet : I'm sure people like what is not commom !

Dilu Posts: 8,574

Now my sides hurt from laughing.

I woke up in the middle of the night thinking why can't I shave off everything but a qaurter inch....and use that felted quarter inch as a basis for a new face!

So.....when I was up at some horrendous hour checking on the Hurricane story I started snipping snipping snipping away

The wool I used, and will use today to start over was wool from a sheep my best friends daughter raised in 4F and they sheared and carded.  I was supposed to spin but this is so much more fun than spinning and just as relaxing....

Mahalo one and all......and of course I will post the next page in this poor bears life history.  ( truth to tell I never liked him to begin with which is why he was my first experiement.)  Now lets see if I can actually do something CUTE

Laughing my head off


Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

Awwww Dilu :lol:

I'm going to miss that face!!


psichick78 Flying Fur Studios
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 3,073

Dilu, thanks a bunch for sharing. I have yet to try felting on a bear. Too scared, but you've given me courage. Not all our bears can look like Judi's. LOL
As for you asking if this happens to us, where we start out making one thing and end up with another. Happens to me everytime I make something. It's the worst when I'm felting, so you're not alone on that one.
I just posted some pics of my felties, and the unicorn?? Well that started out with the intent of being a lion. Go figure.
Keep at it, I can see the skills there, smooth felting, good definition etc. You're almost there

Dilu Posts: 8,574

I am letting this poor faceless creature sit here in the living room with me and percolate.  I have some ideas for eyes that I suddenly thought could be done but I am not sure on the muzzle, since I have to work around the original- but the inspiration will come and I will give him another go.

Poor baby, now I feel badly for never liking him in the first place, however I have solemenly promised him i will love him forever after the next incarnation, no matter what he ends up looking like...( is this a dangling participle, it doesn't feel right bear_rolleyes )

I  will post when he's done :)

Let's hope for something really cute though, so that I can keep my promise without compunction! bear_grin:lol:

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