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Jennskains Posts: 2,203

Let me know as well.  I would like to help any way I can!

Sandi.S. Posts: 1,277

Is there any way to find out if they do need financial help? There may be things that the insurance doesn't cover. My step-grandfather is paralyzed from the waist down. He lives by himself, but he certainly needs help with a lot of things. Could your husband possibly get any information that would be useful in your decision-making? I certainly don't mind if my bear ends up in the company of this sweet little girl instead of being auctioned. bear_original  You know the situation better than we do, so I trust your opinion on what would be the best idea.

Tammy Beckoning Bears
Nova Scotia
Posts: 3,739

Shelli, what a horrible and sad thing to happen to this little girl.  I just can't imagine how anyone handles this kind of sudden trauma in their life.  There is a young 19 year old  that my hubby and son race with who  recently had an accident and is now a parapalegic.  He is the the most determined kid I have ever met and will not let this change his life.  Some people are amazing when tragedy strikes.  I hope Taylor and her family can be so strong too.

I'll do whatever I can to help too.  I'd be happy to make a bear for her or an auction- whatever.  If money is not an issue for the family, them perhaps  bears and valentine's cards for Taylor would be a great way for us to supports them instead.  I'm sure a 6 year old would love a room full of furry friends surrounding her to make her feel safe and loved.  It is something tangible and lasting to show her that even strangers care.  However, let me know the final decision and I'll participate.

articicle Posts: 119

Its hard to see things like this sometimes and still have a strong faith, but I see it as God made the universe and everything and is still in charge.  How will this suffering serve?  Honestly I don't know.  But I am the finite peering into the infinite of God... how could an ant understand the ocean or a goldfish the northern lights in the artic sky?   God loves us enough to give us free will and with in that freedom is room to do some terrible things as well as good.

Look what people put Christ through... gee sometimes I wonder if someone so pure and innocent can be put through that what do I deserve? 

Its deep stuff.  Its hard sometimes to have faith, but when I look at all the details of the world, the beauty of a tree, or a little snowflake... God's a detial guy and has a plan.  Sometimes I'd like to be more in the know, but its arrogance to try and understand the ultimate big picture from my tiny finite perspective.

when you are on your knees its a good time to pray.

Articicle    :pray:

Tammy Beckoning Bears
Nova Scotia
Posts: 3,739

Amen Articicle.  God is in control especially when we don't think he is !

Pumpkin & Pickle Bears Pumpkin & Pickle Bears
East Sussex
Posts: 2,047

It is so terribly heartbreaking what has happened to this little girl.

If you were considering something personally for her - what about a hand made patchwork quilt? Does anyone on here on TT know how to quilt? Maybe all of us could donate a piece of fabric to be incorporated into the quilt - all different pieces from all over the world. Maybe a pattern of a bear in the centre of it? Just a stab in the dark....I know how much I'd love a hand made quilt....I'm sure it would be something treasured by a little girl too...

Tammy Beckoning Bears
Nova Scotia
Posts: 3,739

Gemma that is a neat  idea.  We could actually personalize the fabric with photos of our own bears.  You know with those heat transfers you print on then iron on to the fabric.   Just thinking out loud here .   Mind you I don't quilt  !

sarahjane Brisbane
Posts: 2,951

Shelli I was moved to tears by the plight of this sweet little girl and her family...

In my experience often in this sort of situation there is an outpouring of help and support in the first few weeks and then people move on with their own lives...and I was wondering ..if we were to decide along the lines of giving tangible bears to the girl herself...whether we should set it up so that she was recieving something on a regular basis over a longer period of time rather than all at once??

Whatever is decided...count me in.... :hug:
Gemma I like the idea of a quilt too....

bearlyart Canna Bear Paint
Posts: 749

I scrolled quickly through the responses, hopefully I'm not repeating anything that has already been said.  But a few thoughts.  If she is in a Pediatric ICU, she is surrounded by a LOT of other sick and suffering children as well.  Instead of sending dozens of artist bears to one sick little girl (much though I think any kid would love it!), do you think that a charitable organization, such as Good Bears of the World, might be interested in providing teddies for ALL of the children in the ward?  Perhaps making a special event of it, maybe a "Teddy Bear Tea Party" or something along those lines where everyone got a teddy?  We could then all make financial donations to Good Bears to help make that happen, and maybe Shelli or others in CA could be there to help with bear distributions.  I just have this nagging thought that manufactured bears (that are cleanable) might be a better option for a kids in a hospital.  ??????


Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

You guys all think alike!  Shantell contacted me privately earlier today about making a quilt because she didn't want to rain on the bearmaking/auction parade and take us off topic here; she quilts.

These are all great ideas -- tangible gifts of bears and valentines; financial contributions for the family via auction; a process of items arriving over time, rather than all at once.  Thank you for your earnest participation here.

I'm still mulling over ideas as you contribute possibilities so please do keep them coming.  We'll come up with something and decide on a definitive plan within the next week or so and then I'll let you know what's been chosen.  If people all want to do their own thing -- auction bears singly and donate proceeds; a handful of us contributing squares to a quilt; send a bear "in the fur" -- that is totally okay too.  Still just in the thinking stages here.

Please do keep it coming; it's all appreciated and more than I can conjure on my own.  Your generosity of spirit and kindheartedness doesn't go unnoticed.

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

bearlyart wrote:

I scrolled quickly through the responses, hopefully I'm not repeating anything that has already been said.  But a few thoughts.  If she is in a Pediatric ICU, she is surrounded by a LOT of other sick and suffering children as well.  Instead of sending dozens of artist bears to one sick little girl (much though I think any kid would love it!), do you think that a charitable organization, such as Good Bears of the World, might be interested in providing teddies for ALL of the children in the ward?  Perhaps making a special event of it, maybe a "Teddy Bear Tea Party" or something along those lines where everyone got a teddy?  We could then all make financial donations to Good Bears to help make that happen, and maybe Shelli or others in CA could be there to help with bear distributions.  I just have this nagging thought that manufactured bears (that are cleanable) might be a better option for a kids in a hospital.  ??????


Kelly, this is a great idea and may be something to consider seriously.  However, in the blog that's been posted for Taylor, they state that by (or in) January, she's scheduled to be moving out of Pediatric ICU and to Shriner's Hospital where she'll have surgery to implant an artifical diaphragm which will hopefully wean her from her ventilator.  I'm not sure whether she'll be in pediatric ward there or not.  After that I think the hope is that she would go home from where she'd continue therapy.  I have no idea what the timeframe is for all of this but it occurs to me that if she has surgery in January she might be moved to a convalescent hospital or even to her home by the time we'd impact her life here at TT sometime in February.  So I'm not sure that sending bears to the entire Peds ward of her ICU would apply at that point since she might be three locations away from where she is today by then.

I'll continue to read her blog as we narrow down options and definitely will keep this very good idea in mind since it would bring comfort to Taylor and other children in need and pain.


Carolyn Green Draffin Bears
Auckland New Zealand
Posts: 5,354

Oh how terribly sad to hear of this sweet little girl, and it brings tears to my eyes..
My thoughts, love and prayers are with her and her family.

I would be happy to offer my support if I can,.... the idea of a quilt would be lovely.



Bonnie Mountain Dreamer Bears
wooly woods of Missouri, USA
Posts: 1,538

So many great ideas...
Shelli, maybe an e-mail to the family or whoever is posting on the blog might help give us a direction. It couldn't hurt to ask what sort of support would be most helpful surely?
I know this sort of catrastrophic injury generates huge medical expenses and can be financially devastating even for people who are well off.  Just a few days in ICU can run up a six figure bill and insurance has its limits.

There have been so many great comments and suggestions. I think the quilt is a great idea. Maybe if we do an auction, a picture of each auctioned bear could be on the quilt? There are several ways to print photos right onto cloth.

If we did a quilt, someone would have to sew it all together and it would have to be quilted and the edges bound. I'm not much of a quilter so I don't know about the logistics and costs of this. Maybe some of our real quilters could comment?

The more I think about it the more I LOVE the quilt idea and I think along with cards it might even be better than a lot of individual gifts. I wouldn't be surprised if Taylor's family and friends haven't already filled her room with stuffed animals and other gifts. Just thinking out loud here. I'm open to whatever is decided.

Swan Valley Bears Swan Valley Bears
Penn Valley, CA
Posts: 1,845

Shelli,   whatever you decide, I will be here to participate, help and support.  And, remember, I am only about 1-1/2 hours away from Sacramento as well, so let me know if there is anything I can do to help.  My daughter will be starting Sac State in January, so I will probably be down that way often.

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Thanks to all for your continued ideas and support; Patty, that's a wonderful offer you've made, and so appreciated.  Thank you.

My husband will be speaking with part of the family within a week or so and will get an update, I'm sure, on precisely where things stand, at that time.  I'll repost when I can tell you more specifically what the family might most want or need, and we can put heads together and decide on a plan then.

I'm really suffering with a horrid stomach flu right now so am signing off for a day or so, to get better, and prepare for visiting relatives (figures, doesn't it?; the timing of it all, I mean!)

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

I didn't post to this at first because OK, Taylor and her family are going through a tragic time. Children in many of our communities are going through tragic times. You may not hear about them because not everyone wants to make their suffering so public. But wouldn't it be nice to help them all?

The idea of so many people doing things for this family is nice. I'm sure it will all be greatly appreciated. I like the idea of giving money as there will likely be a lot of expenses down the road and it's not just Taylor suffering here. The whole family needs help. I like the idea of a quilt, being a quilter myself and knowing the sentimental value of a specially made handmade quilt. Likely Taylor will be showered with gifts and cards, has been, and will continue to be for a while longer as her plight has been made so public. How much stuff can she possibly keep with her in that hospital room? And when does it all go from being special gifts to just more stuff?

Just today, in Taylor's honor I have donated a number of new manufactured teddy bears to a local organization in my town that gives toys to children (and their siblings) who are hospitalized over the holidays.

We can all pour our resources into helping one child or spread the love and help those in our own communities who could also use our support.

Shelli, I love that you are trying to help this child and her family and you certainly turned to the right place to gain even more love and support for her! Whatever TT does as a group will be very special and appreciated! :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,766

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Terrific act of kindness, Daphne.  And, Shelli . . . I'm in on whatever is decided.

Delartful Bears Delartful Bears
Posts: 3,518

Oh this is so terribly sad - what a lot for a little girl to go through.  She's lucky in many ways, she sounds like she has a fantastic family and good insurance, which will help a lot.  She's certainly in my thoughts also.

I think we have to remember there are going to be A LOT of people connected to this girl - in some way.   Just imagine it - there are all the kids that go to her school - I'm CERTAIN the school is going to rally around her with fundraising etc.  Then there are the children who will be effected also, who will want to do what they can.  I would imagine by now, she will have dozens of teddy bears, dolls, toys etc.  There will be people who heard the story and is just as effected as Shelli, and will be doing things that they can.  She'll get a lot of support I imagine.

I just hope whatever is decided, is appreciated and NEEDED. I can't help but wonder if sending artist bears to the girl would be appreciated?  I mean, I'm sure she'd get just as much enjoyment out of a 5 buck K-mart bear, than one that is worth 10 x that.

Just my thoughts.  YOu are all so wonderful and caring - Shelli you really have a soft heart
I just hope my words don't upset anyone here, that's not what they were meant for - I just thought I'd share my concerns  bear_original


chrissibrinkley Posts: 1,836

Oh my gosh is it late where I am and I should be finishing up a big bear I need for Christmas Morning :doh: , plus I too have been hit with the ick stomach bug  bear_sad .... just lovely, 3 days prior to Christmas.

I'm guessing that creating a blog was probably the fastest and most accurate way for this family to reach extended family, friends, coworkers, teachers, classmates, hairdressers, swim coaches, the dogwalker, the babysitter, etc of their preschoolers progress.  Most of the response comments I've read on the blog, even the anonymous comments, seem to be from persons who know this child personally. It seems to be a very local situation that we've only heard of because a local shared with us (hi Shelli bear_original ).  I don't think this family intended to go public perse with their small child's medical condition. It looks to be a very local base in fundraising events.  I hate to even imagine, but if the circumstance did arise the fastest way to let those who care for you know of progress is to send out emails..or more efficiently: blog. It's just our world of instant communication. It's accessible, effective, efficient, and controlled information coming from the source.

The thread here, for Taylor's cause specifically, is an amazing read. It's amazing how many here are willing to give of themselves so quickly.  bear_wub  All of the suggestions to aid Taylor and even those around her have been wonderful. Any of the ideas mentioned from cards to quilts to funds raised via auction would be dearly treasured.

If the group at large decides to create a charitable event to reach out even farther, that would be awesome. The Lemonade Bears Benefit has shown what amazing things can be done with a lot of hard work and a lot of caring.

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Your continued comments are so appreciated.  I want to add a few thoughts and some more background.

I absolutely think Taylor's situation has been handled entirely locally to this point, as Chrissie said.  Her mom and dad are divorced.  My understanding -- possibly inaccurate -- is that mom Tammy has stopped working to be with Taylor at her bedside in Sacramento.  Keep in mind that Sacramento is 1.5 hours away from Chico, where both are from, and where dad lives.   The blog was absolutely set up not to specifically seek out donations, but to keep people informed.  As it became clear that Taylor will likely not fully recover, I think it transformed into both an informational resource AND a fundraising effort.  It's also a way for the family to give thanks in one place for all the donations, prayer, and support that have come their way, otherwise rather than caring for Taylor, they'd be spending their time sending thank you notes.

About Chico...  This is a wonderful community -- we have Saturday Farmer's markets and Thursday ones, too, in the summer time, and a holiday tree lighting ceremony every year, and "Pug Sunday" where residents parade their pug dogs around the park in doggie clothes!  That's why I love it so much here, even coming from a big-city background.  We have a State University and lots of artists in residence, so we're certainly not living in the stone age here. 

But it is somewhat primitive around the edges in this place -- it's a far cry from the SF Bay Area of my youth -- and there aren't a lot of deep-pocketed "big daddy" types here who even have the resources to make donations to fund Taylor's recovery.  Nor do we house corporate headquarters here.  There is even a city law on the books that states that no building may be over three stories, or something like that!, if that gives you any indication of the topography here.  So Taylor is not located in the midst of huge wealth.  Chico and it's surrounding communities only make up about 90,000 people in total.  Sounds like a lot, but for California, that's like a grain of sand on a vast beach.
Chico is in the middle of a huge agricultural valley in Northern California; this area grows rice and almonds, mostly.  Actually I think we are the only almond producing area in the US.  Isn't that fascinating?  I moved here in 2000 so it was interesting to me to learn that; I had no clue.  Chico is one hour away or more from any "big-ish cities" in every direction.  I'm talking about Redding (north) and Sacramento (south) here.  Don't think LA or San Francisco!  We're more of a metropolitan center, meaning that even smaller communities from our outskirts will come to Chico for health care and "big" shopping... but "big" shopping means J.C. Penney -- not Norstrom, Saks, or Bloomingdales!   (Much to my chagrin, by the way.)   We are a university town with some wealthy pockets but overall financial resources are extremely limited as compared to large cities, or blocks of cities, like you'd find in the SF Bay Area where I grew up -- which is city after city after city -- or the LA area where I schooled (same story there.)  Many locals living here are educators, trades people, health care workers, or small farmers.  We are not a Fortune 500/Wall Street kind of town.

About charitable donations...  Whether we're talking about Taylor specifically or about a larger collective of people, when it comes to donating time, resources, and products to worthy causes, each of us chooses to give what we can, in ways that feel best. It's an entirely individual decision for all of us -- me included -- and in no way did I intend to pressure anyone to participate here. 

My intent in posting about Taylor was partially to share my anguish and helplessness and to search for ideas about how to help this little girl, and partly to ask you all, my only larger community -- I don't attend church; I don't work outside the home; I don't have a women's group, or a quilting group, take dance classes, or work for the PTA -- if they wanted to help, too.  I was also hoping for some of that powerful prayer, and positive thinking, that the TTer's are so famous for.  I do believe in the power of belief!

I absolutely think it's okay for me or anyone to reach out to friends and share that someone is hurt and in need.  I think it's okay for large groups of people to jump on the bandwagon to support that one individual someone.  I also think it's okay for people NOT to jump on that bandwagon.  I think it's okay for people to get inspired by individual stories and think more broadly in ways that help LOTS of people in need, rather than just one person in need.

In other words... it's ALL okay.  Participate here if you're moved to do so; don't if you're not.  If you're inspired to participate elsewhere and that feels better to you, that's terrific too.  Really... it's ALL okay.  How can ANY form of giving, for ANYONE in need, possibly be a bad thing?

I continue to be touched and impressed by the spirit of generosity and giving that I see here.  I'm so blessed to know each and every one of you!

On a final note... I've been thinking about everything that's been said here and even talking with a few people who've written privately to comment as well and, at this point, I'm leaning toward making Taylor a quilt for a handful of reasons.  I think it's a tangible something she would appreciate and could use; I think it requires less time investment, and potential income loss, than the gift of a teddy bear; I think the materials cost will be minimal; I think it would be easier to coordinate than a series of auctions, and the collection of their winnings; and so on.  Plus, there seems to be interest in a quilt project, and several people here are experienced quilters.  I've never made so much as a quilt square myself but it sounds like great fun and I'd be willing, if no one else more experienced can do so, to put the final product together myself.  It might not be perfect in that case but it will come from the heart!

More on all this later... still not feeling too well here, and of course, my parents are arriving today for the holiday, and the house is a mess.  Eek!


Marie_ Kiprie Bears
Yokohama, Japan
Posts: 2,735

Hi Shelli , sorry that I just read this post today.
( sorry for not reading all the post up
there yet.  bear_cry )
I will pray for Taylor and her family.
I can't sew a quilt(never did before !!) but I would like to do something for her....

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