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beary_clairey Luton
Posts: 518

Well in December I had a new kitched fitted. Our electric meter is in the kicthen.

I thought that we should pay some money to have the meter moved outside. My hubby thought it was too expensive and instead had a hole cut out of one of the units so you could read the meter.

Now we have received a letter from the electricity board saying that they want to replace our meter!!! Typical!!

I phoned them and they basically said, that we shouldn't of had the kitchen built round the meter and its our problem. If they have to rip the kitchen out to get to it, they will!!!

Now I'm worried my expensive new kitchen is gonna get damaged just for a sodding electric meter!!!


pma2003 Seamore Collectibles
Posts: 451


Sorry to hear about that.  I remember growing up in England and it used to be in our coat wardrobe. It was a lot easier., but that was also near our stairway.

Here in NE we have them mounted outsie on the siding to make it easier, this way they don't have to come into the house.

Have you tried talking to a supervisor to see it there is an alternative.

I wish you luck.

matilda Matilda Huggington-beare
Posts: 5,551

I hope the new renevation money is coming out of hubbies pocket and not yours?

beary_clairey Luton
Posts: 518

Well it does say on the letter that if we are out when they come to change the meter, then we won't be able to have it changed!!!

So maybe I'll just have to be out!!!!


Carolyn Green Draffin Bears
Auckland New Zealand
Posts: 5,354

Oh no Claire, that is awful..
I hope that you can work it out without damaging your kitchen units and at no cost to you.



chris009av Real Deal Bears
Posts: 2,234

Oh NO!!!! how awfull, I am still waiting on my kitchen, and i know what I would feel like if that happened.
:hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:
If I were you I would be there asking them if they would like a cuppa in your lovely new kitchen, and that way they might take extra care.  But if you peave them off, no telling what they would do.
Big Hugs, hope it all turns out ok  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

Dilu Posts: 8,574

I think Christine has it right....add some biskits, pie, whatever you all get as treats and make those guys feel so right at home that they fall in love with you.....

Make sure the hubs is 100Ks from home at the time.......

And i'm just guessing, that you are a little miffed that the hubs didn't listen to you?  Ouch.......

Hang in'll all eventually right itself....thousands of pounds or Euros later from now......


hope it goes well for you


bearhug07 Strange Bears
Posts: 444

On the other hand you could try and use the male bonding thing.............let your hubby stay home and deal with them and let him tell them how he is gonna be dead meat if they mess up your new know how they all get together and shake their heads over things their wives do.........or don't do.

It can work really well when done the right will often go the extra yard for another guy .......when they won't for a woman........and a guy who's gonna cop it for life from the "harridan" wife.  Well..........just watch the other men leap over tall fences to help him if they can. best advice.......go have a nice calming time somewhere and leave the cowered hubby to geal with the mess and beg for help and mercy........with dire threats to his bodily parts of he doesn't do it right!!!!!!


Dilu Posts: 8,574

Oh Sandra!  How funny, between the two of us she should be completely confused....poor dear.....

Michelle Helen Chaska, Minnesota
Posts: 2,897

Claire: That is too bad....I think communicating with them and coming up with a solution before it gets out of hand is a good idea. You may need to spend a little bit more money to keep you kitchen and the meter folks from sending nasty letters....

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