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Jodi Moisan Storytime Bears
Posts: 1,122

Is there anyone else on her that LOVES Harry Potter, I am so excited to get the last book I almost can't stand it, I have reread the last books over and over, I have ordered my book and I know when the day it arrives I will read it non stop. But I am so sad when the series is over. I don't think Harry will die, he just can't!

What's everyone else think of the book and who is your favorite character from it, mine is of course Harry and I LOVE Ginny.  The first time I read the book and saw how Ginny reacted to Harry, I knew that they would get together one day. Which I loved!!!!!!


samanthapotter Mary Myrtle Miniatures
Cheltenham, UK
Posts: 800

Me too, me too!!! 
I am so excited about the last book - not long now!!!  I will be sad when the story is over - especially if Harry dies!!!
I've got all the others on audio cd, so I listen to them over and over (i must be on the 15th time through at the moment!!!), and yet I still notice new detail or new connections on each time through - they are great books!!
I'll reserve a copy soon, although I am sure the shop person will smirk when I give my surname: Potter!!!

thumperantiques Newcastle, Ontario
Posts: 5,645

I love Harry Potter too - although I've not read all of the books.  I've seen all the movies though, over and over.  As for killing Harry off, I hope he doesn't die, but when I look at the series and the fact it's being ended I have a horrible suspicion that he will die.  I think if it was my series, I would have to have him die, as I wouldn't want anyone down the road, trying to ressurect him and continue on.  If it was my goal to end the series, then I can't see any other way to do it.  Just my opinion and I really hope I'm wrong.



K Pawz Guest

:dance:  :dance:  :dance: I have been waiting to find out when the next one come out and am so happy to hear it is soon!!! When?????? I have read and reread them all!!!!


Gantaeno Je Suis Lugly!
Posts: 1,065

Harry's got to die, in my opinion bear_tongue JK Rowling cried as she wrote the last chapter, and i believe that Harry will be the last Horcrux, so he'll have to go... I also think it'll be similar in structure top the first book, where each ring of friends was 'peeled off' until he has to face Voldemort alone? I expect Hagrid will die... possibly with a ROAR  bear_wacko

Personal favirote has to be Snape bear_laugh Can't wait to see what happens with him....

Carolyn Green Draffin Bears
Auckland New Zealand
Posts: 5,354

I have enjoyed reading all the Harry Potter books - I used to read them to our son Marcel every night before he went to sleep
and we got through them pretty fast as they were so exciting.


Jodi Moisan Storytime Bears
Posts: 1,122

I think you are completely right about Harry being a Horcrux, but I think he will have the love of everyone and somehow find the inner strength to expel Voldemort from his soul. At least that is what I am hoping for, I just don't want him to die, I want him to marry Jenny and become an offical Weasley family member.  I kind of think Neville will die doing something very brave, I think he is building up for an extremely brave act and he will lay down his life for someone protecting them, I am thinking Harry. But you may be right about Hagrid, I can see that.  I agree that each time you read or hear the book there are so many new things to discover.

I am going to a wonderful little book store that holds a Harry Potter  Party the night the book comes out , everyone gets dressed up and they set up little shops like Diagon Alley.  I also hear Universal in Florida is planning  a Harry Potter area, I would LOVE that , Universal did such a wonderful job with the land of Dr Suess, I think they will do an amazing job with Harry's world.

Samantha I'm jealous your last name is Potter  bear_original  How cool is that, I am afraid I would have to name one of my sons Harry.


carsoncreations Carson Creations
Macomb, IL
Posts: 252

Harry Potter....Yes, I listen to the tapes all the time and will order the last one too.   I really want to get the whole series on CD instead of the tapes as mine get chewed up sometimes.

I'm always looking through rose colored glasses and I believe that Prof Dumbledor and Harry's godfather Black were only faking their deaths to bring the one who cannot be named out in the open so he can finally be defeated.   How this all comes about, I haven't a clue, but it would make an exciting story.   At the end, Harry and Jenny and Ron and Herminone leave their childhoods and become adults to go forth and do good deeds in the world.

I guess we'll all find out on July 21!!!



Gijzette Elfin Bears
Mount Dora FL
Posts: 1,507

I love the Harry Potter series also. I have listed to all the books on audio CD and have watched all of the movies. I was very sad when Dumbledore was killed off and will be even sadder if Harry dies. I certainly hope he doesn't.

I can't wait until the new book is out.


Tami E Tami Eveslage Original Teddy Bears
Milford Ohio
Posts: 2,367
Gijzette wrote:

I was very sad when Dumbledore was killed off and will be even sadder if Harry dies. I certainly hope he doesn't.

I moped around all day after I finished Half Blood Prince!! Dumbledore was my favorite!!!

puddinjack Bay Street Bears
Bristol, Tennessee
Posts: 242

bear_original I am constantly listening to the cd's, reading every book over and over.  My personalized tag on my mini is GRYFNDR.  I made myself a large Harry Potter doll and my sister a smaller one (that one was much easier).  Obsessed?  I think I am.  I am actually listening to Order of the Phoenix right now!  I have pre ordered the book and the cd and I can't wait for the movie.
Harry and Ron are my favorites, but Fred and George are right up there too! 
Although I like Michael Gambon, I really miss Richard Harris as Dumbledore.

Wanda, check out ebay for cd's of the books, I got several of mine from there at really decent prices brand new.
bear_original Wendy

Little Bear Guy Little Bear Guy
Waterloo, Ontario
Posts: 1,395

Major Harry Potter fan here as well.  I believe as well that Harry has to die as he is the 7th Horcrux, also for Voldemort to die Harry has to die as they have the same blood running through them.  It will be sad if that happens and I think most children and adults will be very upset.  I do believe though we may see Hermoine and Ron die as well, as they have always been there to help Harry out but I think in th end it has to be Harry who does it on his own so the other two can't be around.  I think Harry may die somewhere through the book but believe somehow he is going to come back.  I don't believe that Dumbledore is still alive, I think he is going to be able to help Harry out from the "other side".  I think Harry will be saved in the end because of all the love his has of people around him, similiar to the love his mother had for him and that will bring him back (if he does die).

I havent' preordered the book though, the last time we did that we stood in line at Chapters for almost two hours to pick up our order , but if we hadn't preordered it we could have picked it up and walked out of the store right away.  Plus we paid almost $20.00 more by preordering , went into our local grocery the next day and they had it for almsot half the price. (I was really ticked off)  I have noticed though that this time the pre order price is much lower than any of the other books.  I am going to have to buy one in Canada and one in the US as they will have different Jacket covers.  I'm not sure if other countries are like that ( I think in the UK they have a different cover jacket compared the Canada and the US)

big hugs


BFB-Lyn Brimbin Forest Bears
NSW, Australia
Posts: 3,856

:clap: Me too!! I just love Harry Potter - read all the books, can't wait for the new one! Seen all the movies and looking forward to seeing the latest one. Never thought I would get so exited over a kids story but then I would say some of the adventures must be pretty scary for the kids to watch - I know I sometimes peep through my fingers at times  bear_grin

Hugs Lyn  bear_flower

Bearalive Bearalive
Posts: 791

Oh guys!! I am even WORSE that all of you!! I do have the PC games and I LOVE THEM!!! YES!! I know...They are for kids but, I am!!! heart!! I guess that most bear designers and collectors are! bear_grin  The games are sooo close to the movies and is like if you could "walk" around with them!!!
I do hope that Harry doesn't die...
Gladys bear_flower

Little Bear Guy Little Bear Guy
Waterloo, Ontario
Posts: 1,395

OH Gladys I have all of the Harry Potter computer games too PLUS I have all the games for my game cube, aaahhhh  I love them.  NOw if I could only get my hands on a Nintendo Wii   bear_grin   they are so hard to come by but soooo much fun to play .

big hugs


Bearalive Bearalive
Posts: 791

WOW!!! I feel sooooooooooooooooo much better Shane!!! ..I AM NOT ALONE!!! Aren't they fun? You can look all around Hogwarts House!!
Bear hugs and Golly smiles.
Gladys bear_flower

carsoncreations Carson Creations
Macomb, IL
Posts: 252


Thanks for the info on E-Bay ....I have looked at the offerings of Harry Potter CD's and have bid before, but they went higher than I wanted to pay.   But I think I'm gonna have to bite the bullet and buy a set.   I was playing the Order of the PHoenix tonight and my tape kept stopping and stopping .... don't know what's wrong with it, so I really want the CD ...I think they will be usable longer than the tapes.



Little Bear Guy Little Bear Guy
Waterloo, Ontario
Posts: 1,395

They are so much fun Gladys, I agree when your playing them it's like you can almost believe you are there in Hogworts , I love them .  I may have to get them on CD so we can listen to them when we are travelling, would certainly help tim go by.  Steven's afraid he'll fall asleep at the wheel lol.

big hugs


Jodi Moisan Storytime Bears
Posts: 1,122

Oh yes I love Fred and George too!!!!
I was just saying to my son, that  I missed  Richard Harris, we were watching the Goblet of fire and the new Dumbledore just isn't the same , he's OK but Richard Harris nailed the image I had in my brain when I was reading the book.
I thought Dumbledore wasn't dead too, but I just reread the last book and it had a part I didn't remember the first 3 times I read it, it had a thing were harry overhears Snape and Dumbledore  having a heated discussion, where Snape didn't want to do what Dumbledore was telling him he had to do, at that point I knew he was really dead, but I thought he will come back as a spirit to help guide Harry, kind of like Obi-wan did Luke in Star Wars.

OK now you guys have my interest peeked about the computer games, what are they called????? I go to and watch and rewatch the previews for the newest movie, the international version is longer I think, I get chills when I see it.

Shane I order a copy here in the states and a copy from amazon in the UK. Then I buy one to read from the bookstore that has the big Harry Potter Party, so I can read it right away.
Don't you guys think that Snape is one of the most interesting characters in the book, I HATED him until I read the part where James and Sirius pulled that prank on him and made fun of him, then I really felt sorry for him. I just know he is going to turn out to be a good guy, because Dumbledore can't be so wrong about him.

Gantaeno Je Suis Lugly!
Posts: 1,065

I believe that Prof Dumbledor and Harry's godfather Black were only faking their deaths

bear_original i agree: i think it was Polyjuice Potion... I can't wait to see what happens with Snape *squishes him* as he's my top favourite  :dance: Ands i want to see him as a teenager in that bit whwere we find out he was bullied by harry's dad in the film, which is also out soon i believe...

Bearalive Bearalive
Posts: 791

Hi Jodi.
I got the Harry Potter computer games at Target! They come  together, in a nice package with 4 different games. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, H.P and the Prisoner of Azkaban, HP and the Chamber of Secrets and HP Quidditch. They were only $19. 99 for the set!
Shane I love how you can look all around and up and down and go all over it, in and out, playing the games! Do you have all of the PC ones?
Ok I better go to bed. It is getting late in here.
Bear hugs.

lapousmor Sophie Z'Ours
Sarthe, France
Posts: 2,770

I too love Harry Potter very much.
I first read the first four books in French after all four were in the libraries.
Then, as I went to Oxford UK for one year I decided I should by them all in English, so that's what I did.
I now order my Harry Potter books on Amazon, as I always have a good discount.
Currently, there is 20 % off. Il will order it in a few days as soon as i have my new credit card.
Postage is always free for books.  bear_thumb

Beary hugs,

samanthapotter Mary Myrtle Miniatures
Cheltenham, UK
Posts: 800
Jodi Moisan wrote:

Samantha I'm jealous your last name is Potter  bear_original  How cool is that, I am afraid I would have to name one of my sons Harry.

:crackup:  :crackup:
Before I met my husband I always thought I would like a son called Harry, as it is one of my favourite names, but now that my surname is Potter, I just don't think I could name a child Harry Potter!!!

If you remember in the last book, Dumbledore had appeared as a portait in the headmaster's study.  This must mean that he is really dead, but these portraits can of course talk and give advice, so Harry will still be able to talk with Dumbledore, its just that Dumbledore couldn't actually 'do' anything.

It has been said that the last chapter is a summary of what happens to the remaining characters in their lives, and it was suggested that one character will become a teacher at Hogwarts - I would love to see Neville become the herbology teacher!!  If Harry survives, it would be nice to see him as Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher.  Because there is a curse on the job at the moment, which means no one can hold the job for more than a year, if Harry kills Voldermort, that curse will be borken, and Harry could have the job long term!!

Also, the fake Horcrux locket had a note inside signed RAB.  I'm guessing this is Regulas Black (Sirius' brother), so this may have significant meaning aswell.

Just my thoughts!!  Its fun to speculate, but I bet the book will be better and more complicated than any of us could guess at the moment.

Stitch SanguineCreations
Posts: 395

I'm a Snape fan

Snape is and Dumbledore isn't dead..well that's my belief, as  Snape can bottle death..remember?

jenny Three O'clock Bears
warwickshire uk
Posts: 4,413

I hve never read the Harry Potter books...but my son is the spitting image of Daniel Radcliffe...but he hates it and gets really grumpy if anyone points it out...we all think it's funny..especially as ..when he was little.. he wore round wire spectacles!!


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