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Past Time Bears - Artist bears designed and handcrafted by Sue Ann Holcomb
Shelli Makes - Teddy bears & other cheerful things by Shelli Quinn

WildThyme Wild Thyme Originals
Hudson, Ohio
Posts: 3,115

BalletKimBasta.jpgI wanted to be a ballerina... and came VERY close to accomplishing that particular goal....

before food (and boys) just became way too tempting!!!!!  bear_innocent

I also always knew I'd be a Mom... which I've done three times over now.   bear_wub

I think if you had asked me when I was REALLY young...I would have said that I wanted to grow up to be my cat!  bear_whistle

Jane... LOVE the comment your Grand daughter made about wanting to feed all the animals... especially the BUTTERFLIES!  Awwww!!!!!  How absolutely sweet is that!   bear_innocent  bear_smile

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,765

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

What a stunning photo, Kim . . . you look fantastic!

DebbieD Posts: 3,540

"independantly wealthy"   bear_laugh   Actually this was what I decided on when I was 10...and each time I've gone through various career changes, that one still looks pretty peach to me  bear_whistle  :crackup:

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

This has been fun to read...

Yes, it is interesting that so many of us have wanted to be a vet or something animal related. Not surprising though! It's that soft spot in our hearts for all things cute and cuddly and likely our need to nurture, heal and make happy. Isn't that why we make teddy bears?

bear_original  :hug:  bear_original

Gantaeno Je Suis Lugly!
Posts: 1,065

Woah, Kim!

I danced Ballet, Tap and Acro for ten years, and gave up before Pointe XD I just went back to Ballet today: my feet are killing me! At Uni I take Tap, Ballet (now!) and Egyptian Dance bear_happy Couldn't say I wanted to be a ballet dancer though: so much stress!

Jodi Falk Bears by Jodi
Gahanna , Ohio USA
Posts: 3,463

I just want to be safe and happy, Hard to think beyond that.And have enough money to take care of my self at a safe secure level.

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Jodi... no childhood dreams of bring a vet or a ballerina?

burlisonbears Burlison Bears
Louisville, Kentucky
Posts: 1,174

Yes it so true that a majority of us wanted to do something with animals...and here we are making soft sculpture animals! Gosh, I never have had much in common with people until I found this forum. We all seem to have a great deal in common.

First and foremost my dream since 6 years old (and still is) to be a children's book author and illustrator.........and I've been trying for many years....very tough to break through today...just way too much competition, especially due to the popularity of Harry Potter.

Also since I was little I've wanted to work with animals....either be a vet or a circus trainer or work in a zoo or go study animals in the wild.

And since I was a tiny tot I've wanted to make stuffed animals but didn't know that people did that by hand! I was told that they were all factory made by machines. Well, now I know that it is a possibility and so here I am with a happy artist and animal related job!

I'm also interested in photography. Someday hope to have a great camera and get good shots of outdoor life. Also I like people in photographs too but mainly just black-and-white photos. People seem more real in black and white!


WildThyme Wild Thyme Originals
Hudson, Ohio
Posts: 3,115

Jodi... i think your true calling in life is making folks happy!  And what a wonderful "job" that is!   bear_thumb  Seriously, I can't look at one of your happy little bears without smiling!   bear_grin

Chloe.... good for you taking dance classes again!!!!  I try to pop in for a ballet class from time to time as well.  I must say that it's SO much more enjoyable as an adult... without the pressure and stress... it just feels good to move!   bear_original  Especially without that little voice in my head saying, "Do I look perfect?  Do I look perfect?  Do I look perfect?"  I KNOW I don't have to be perfect anymore!   bear_flower

Kim Basta

dusty attic dusty attic bears
Posts: 968

What a great topic and interesting read.
When I was really small I wanted to be a hair dresser or a farmer.
Then at school the only thing I was ever good at was art, so I wanted to be an illustrator, then a potter, then a photographer.
Starting at collage I wanted to be anywhere but collage. so left not really knowing what i wanted to do.
After lots of dead end jobs i came across bear making. finally found what i should be doing. only took me 30 years. :crackup:  :crackup:

Shelley Kooterboocubs
Posts: 68

I wanted to be a pro. Tap Dancer. I started when I was 2 yrs old and continued up until I was 22 yrs old. I taught tap for a  fews years at the elementary school I worked at.
The second thing I wanted to be was a Chef. Which hasnt happened yet.  The third thing I wanted to be  a cosmetologist which I am ( one out of three isnt bad). :dance:
I would have to say that my FAVORITE thing of ALL time is being a MOM I LOVE IT!!!! bear_wub  bear_wub

Stellajella Wien
Posts: 1,399

Kim, what a great picture!!!

Looks like teddy artists are some sort of twisted vets.... :crackup:

Gaby bear_flower

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

I've always wanted to be a mom, more than any other thing.  No matter what education I've had, and I'm blessed and grateful to have had a lot, that primary dream and goal hasn't changed.  While it's incredibly, richly rewarding, and awesome good fun, to watch my sons grow into funny, smart, loving and mature beings, it's a huge source of mourning for me that, in seven years time, they'll both be grown and gone.  I'm more than "mom" and I relish my independent selfhood, but I just don't think any other career, no matter how soul feeding it may be -- anything art related comes quickly to mind -- will be as treasured and precious as my career as "mother" has been.

Jodi Falk Bears by Jodi
Gahanna , Ohio USA
Posts: 3,463

I guess I haven't really thought about it in a long time. Always thought I would be married to my child hood sweet heart and have children .. Well I did both, first hubby gone but I have two great boys...or men should I say. I want to be a grandmother some day and play with them !! I want a good paying job ... not sure doing what yet but I want it to help people in some way.I need a mission !!

psichick78 Flying Fur Studios
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 3,073
Shelli wrote:

I've always wanted to be a mom, more than any other thing.  No matter what education I've had, and I'm blessed and grateful to have had a lot, that primary dream and goal hasn't changed.  While it's incredibly, richly rewarding, and awesome good fun, to watch my sons grow into funny, smart, loving and mature beings, it's a huge source of mourning for me that, in seven years time, they'll both be grown and gone.  I'm more than "mom" and I relish my independent selfhood, but I just don't think any other career, no matter how soul feeding it may be -- anything art related comes quickly to mind -- will be as treasured and precious as my career as "mother" has been.

Ooh, I hope so Shelli.....I hope I can find the same happiness in motherhood that you do.

As for what I wanted to do?? One thing, and I still want to. I want to own a bunch of land and have a bunch of rescued animals. I saw a show once on a woman who rescued apes from medical testing and it was touched my heart in a way nothing else has.
One day I'll get there for sure.

Now I DIDN'T want to be like everyone else with an office job working for 'the man' downtown.

Guess what/? That's just what I do! LOL
I guess I never thought 'the man' would pay so darn well! LOL

shantell Apple Dumpling Designs
Willamette Valley Oregon
Posts: 3,128
Shelli wrote:

I've always wanted to be a mom, more than any other thing.  No matter what education I've had, and I'm blessed and grateful to have had a lot, that primary dream and goal hasn't changed.  While it's incredibly, richly rewarding, and awesome good fun, to watch my sons grow into funny, smart, loving and mature beings, it's a huge source of mourning for me that, in seven years time, they'll both be grown and gone.  I'm more than "mom" and I relish my independent selfhood, but I just don't think any other career, no matter how soul feeding it may be -- anything art related comes quickly to mind -- will be as treasured and precious as my career as "mother" has been.

My friend, it doesn't change even when they are out of the home.  You are still Mom...your career just takes on another job that although different is just as rewarding.  Although I often miss my children being young, I relish in having watch them grow into young men/woman and know that I have done the best job I could do...and am proud of them and of ME. 

As I mentioned in my post, I never wanted children and came very close to giving my oldest up for adoption.  What a HUGE mistake that would have been.  I thank the powers that be every single day that I made a different choice at that very young age.  So I guess for me, I just cherish each stage of their lives because I almost gave it ALL up.

So, I hope that while you mourn and feel that time is passing you by so quickly, you will remember to celebrate it all too.  The best for both of you is still ahead.

bear_flower  bear_flower  bear_flower

valewoodbears Valewood Bears
Posts: 6,537

Been great reading all these posts, really interesting.
I was like Kim and wanted to be a ballet dancer but never got the chance as I only got 3 lessons ha ha (my mum got sick of taking me after 3!) but besides I would have been far too small anyways.  Kim I love the photo of you - so beautiful.

Shelli I agree with you about being a mum too, I found it very rewarding and my girl turned out to be a dancer (still is her profession) so it is nice to see her doing something that I longed for.  I had a go at office work for years and found it an ordeal to be there full-time when I wanted to create and so now although the money is not half as good I am happier in myself, with my bear creating and cake creating.

Warm wishes

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

OK, thanks ladies.... there was that one thing.... which, I know you consider a "job" but I consider a natural way of life... and that is that I too wanted to be a mother. But my body had other ideas, no cooperation.... tried for 12 years. For various reasons we have chosen not to adopt. I think it's a wonderful way to fulfill a need and more importantly give a child a home... I'm not against the idea at all! It's just not the right thing for my husband and we wouldn't have any support from his family and in fact it would be heart breaking the way they would treat an adopted child. So... we have the dogs... not quite the same.... not at all.

Yup, there is a huge empty place in my soul where a child should be but most of the time I'm OK with it. Til I get to reading about how all of you cherish motherhood so very much. I know I would too and OK, I feel a little left out... it's one thing every woman should get to experience if she wants to... or so I thought. Somehow I think my love for teddy bears has something to do with not having children. I'm sure a psychologist could figure it out!

It touches my heart to hear how each of you feels about being a mother. And Heather... you'll be a great mom... don't give it a second thought! :hug: It's a blessing!

cherylbruinwerks Bruinwerks
Posts: 784
Daphne wrote:

For various reasons we have chosen not to adopt. I think it's a wonderful way to fulfill a need and more importantly give a child a home... I'm not against the idea at all! It's just not the right thing for my husband and we wouldn't have any support from his family and in fact it would be heart breaking the way they would treat an adopted child. So... we have the dogs... not quite the same.... not at all.

Yup, there is a huge empty place in my soul where a child should be but most of the time I'm OK with it. Til I get to reading about how all of you cherish motherhood so very much. I know I would too and OK, I feel a little left out... it's one thing every woman should get to experience if she wants to...

I sure wish I was there to give you a big hug right now Daphne! As I have mentioned before, I am an adoptive parent and it absolutely has to be a decision that both you and your husband are excited about or it just doesn't work. There are different issues that come up than come up with 'birth families' (not better not worse just different) and everyone has to be committed to the process.
I am Creative Arts director at our church, and on Mother's Day I wanted to try something new. We celebrated EVERY woman in our congregation because everyone, whether a biological mom or not can find a place to use that God given gift of Motherhood if they choose to. We had a Stepmom speak, an adoptive Mom (OK it was me and basically I blubbered through most of it :redface: ), an empty nest Mom, a nurse in a pediatric ward and a daycare provider that has no children of her own but speaks into the lives of children everyday.
I hope you find your place to bless children that come into your life because they are not there by accident, but by "design".
I hope I haven't gotten too personal 'cause I don't know you very well, but your post 'caused me to get a little misty and I just wanted to encourage you and tell you not to give up hope!
:hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

Cheryl bear_flower

Stellajella Wien
Posts: 1,399

Daphne  :hug: I know how you feel; I felt the same reading all these loving and enthusiastic posts about being a mom.

Gaby bear_flower

matilda Matilda Huggington-beare
Posts: 5,551

house painter
Own a lollyshop
Couldnt get into the policeforce because of my eyes.  Dropped out of highschool and got an apprenticeship with a house painter.
Finished my schooling in order to go to Uni and become a teacher but decided after I completed my HSC to become an actress instead. Which I did.
Now I want to design and make my own Dolls House, so I think that will be the architecture thingy taken care of.
OH and I did a very short stint as a Private detective but found it way tooo boring. Didnt have the stamina to do nothing but wait and watch. And I went out with a policeman for about 18months.heheheheheh
OK thats me, I did what I wanted to do.......except the lolly shop, which by the way I still dream of doing
Wendy bear_thumb

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568
Stellajella wrote:

Daphne  :hug: I know how you feel; I felt the same reading all these loving and enthusiastic posts about being a mom.

Gaby :rose:

:hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:
Thank you........ and I'm sorry you have to feel the same..........

StarHawk2003 VallierBears
Posts: 270

So many different things people want to do!

The furthest I can remember I wanted to an Ice cream man! A tad weird as I'm not a huge fan of ice cream now!

I wanted to be a vet but couldn't handle those losses day in day out!

Then I wanted to be a School teacher. Worked in a play group on a trial for a month, I can not stand kids anymore  :crackup:

Now I want to work as a hand rearer for a wildlife center. Raising abondend foxes, badgers, birds etc.

But what I do right now is a fashion. I make and sell clothes to people. Very fun but really tiring never getting to make what you want but what they want.

Still young at 20, I'm sure it'll change a more few times!


Jodi Moisan Storytime Bears
Posts: 1,122

Richy you  sound a lot like me , I wanted to be a vet for sooooo long, but I got the chance to help a vet and when I saw a dog being put to sleep, I lost it. I knew that noble profession was not for me.

I could never figure out what I wanted to do when I grew up, mainly because I still haven't done that yet :crackup:

Shelli, I am like you, I always knew I wanted to be a Mom and that is the job I do love the most.

This is such a great thread I love reading everyones interests.


Jellybelly Bears Jellybelly Bears
Posts: 4,066

Daph me too as you know...oh would have adored being a mummy!  I am so made to be a mum!  even as a child baby dolls were my thing never teddy bears which is strange as I prefer bears now.  We replace with our furry children and siblings kids or cousins...and do what we can to be content but you do get moments when you slip from your path of "don't think about it" and get upset don't ya.  At least we can spend more time on ourselves  bear_tongue And who wants those 9 months where you can't drink coffee tehe.  Hugs hon  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug: you're not alone.

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