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Tina Remem-bear Artist Bears
Posts: 524


I feel like I should introduce myself again, it's been such a long time. My name is Tina, I have been making my bears since 1998 and I love it. I am 35 (!!), married to Stephen for 12 years and have two wonderful sons, Josh age 11 and Toby age 9. My bears tend to be either wacky (big noses and big feet), soppy looking (and as silly as I can make them) or antique style (I love old bears, but who doesn't, lol).

I find it hard to make the same style again and again, and so envy those who can, I go to the extremes, depending on my mood, lol. Is it a silly day, or am I being rather sensible today, you just never know bear_wacko

2006 was a very sad and difficult year. On Good Friday we were out for a family stroll and my mum slipped and snapped both bones in her ankle, and had to have one side pinned and the other side plated and was not allowed to walk for 6 weeks. As I make my bears from home, it was best if I cared for my mum as I live nearest.

Then my sister fell whilst at her horses and broke her wrist and she had to have it pinned.

In the summer my dad became ill with breathing problems, (he was recieving regular check ups from his doc because he had empesemia (sorry spelt wrong) and at the end of the summer was hospitalised with suspected TB, which, after tests turned out to not TB, but lung cancer which has spread to his back.  He was flown to Clatterbridge Cancer Hopsital where he had radiotheraphy. They said he was not strong enough to receive chemo. My mum was still very fragile after her fall (not a word I would have ever used for my mum, but she was then, though she has since made a wonderful recovery), so we took the car and went over on the ferry to the mainland with my mum.

Whilst my dad was in the Cancer Hospital he had a dream that he would be dead in five weeks. He died five weeks later. The end was terrifying for all who were there and so sad and as I write this it all comes back again and so again I cry.  Then on the 28 December we had a phone call to say my aunt, my dad's sister had died. 

New Years Eve couldn't come quick enough, and I was so scared that something else may happen and  (I know, it was silly, but I felt it all the same)

In May I picked up some mohair and, with a heavy heart, decided to make a big footed bear that I have previously cut out and half sewed the year before. My dad had laughed at my Big Foot family members and I seemed suiting that this would be the bear I completed first. Soon he was finished, and named Whinging Wichard. More followed, and this week I completed some of my Soppy Floppies, silly cross eyed looking bears with so sad faces.

Hubby has even promised me Broadband so I don't spend half the time I am on the net looking at a blank screen moving ever so slowly at 25 kbps!!! I have even listed bears on my website and ebay which is great and I feel like I am slowly getting back to normal once more.

Jane, from Doodlebears, I so feel for you, I hope your daughter is on the mend after her operation, it seems so unfair that your family has been through so much sorrow and loss. I think your daughter is so very brave.

Please can I also take this time to wish everyone a belated birthday!!
:bday: Happy Birthday Everyone!! :cake:  So sorry it's so late bear_sad

I hope, once I have broadband sorted out, I can come back to TT and visit often...

Thanks for your time
WIth the most humungus teddy hugs
Tina xxxxx

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,753

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Tina, it's wonderful to have you back after such a miserable last year.  I trust that 2007 will certainly be better, and I applaud you for moving on with the creation of more bears . . . they are wonderful!  I hope that getting back to making them will prove to be very therapeutic for you.   :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

Bearalive Bearalive
Posts: 791

Hi Tina
I want to tell you I am very happy to see you back in here and I pray that you and your family have health and happiness  from now on and that your bears help make your heart happy again :hug:  :hug:  They have sweet  faces  and for sure, they are the kind that makes you smile!
Bear hugs and Golly smiles.

DebbieD Posts: 3,540

bear_flower I'm really pleased to see you back!!  Gosh what a hard year its been for you  bear_cry  :hug:   I'm so pleased you were able to finish your Big Footed bear, though.  In time you'll pick up more steam as you go, and ease back into the joys of creating.   :hug:   Looking forward to 'seeing' you again on here.

Jodi Moisan Storytime Bears
Posts: 1,122

Tina I am so sorry to hear of all the bad things you have had to endure, I know how you are feeling in the last year and a half I lost my best friend , my grandma and my Mom, you do feel like "what could come next?"  I just commented on one of your pieces, I am so glad you are back here and working , your work is wonderful and it is so nice to see you on here!.

BootButtonBears BootButtonBears
Posts: 2,837

Hi Tina, it is wonderful to see you gaining comfort in your bearmaking after such an awful year for you and your family.  Let's hope the bad things are over, and you can start to have confidence back in your life.  Rejoining back to TT will certainly give you inspiration for your bears and words of comfort when things are down.  Everyone is so caring here.

Delartful Bears Delartful Bears
Posts: 3,518

:hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug: Oh Tina - I'm sorry to hear about everything you went through last year - what a terrible year.  I am glad you are back, and oh you make the most adorable bears  bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_wub


Dilu Posts: 8,574

Welcome home Tina,

What a rough go you had, and i am so sorry for your loss-its been 10 years for me and i still think about and talk to my Dad, so I understand.....

On the bear thing?  Yes it is great that some bear makers can do the same thing more than once.  But there is nothing at all wrong with being spontaneous, and chaning things here and good for you that all your bearyfolks have their own unique personalities.  don't let it worry tou a bit,



chris009av Real Deal Bears
Posts: 2,234

Tina, I am so glad to see you back, but ohhh sooo sorry you have had a really rough time of it  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:
Here is to a brighter, better & happier 2007  bear_flower

doodlebears Doodlebears
Posts: 7,414

doodlebears Celebration Ambassador

Hi Tina, lovely to see that you have come back to TT. Boy your family have had a rough time, I'm so sorry that you lost your dad, it's so hard when we loose a parent like that. Well Tina from now on may I wish you and the rest of your family long and healthy lives. Thank you Tina for your kind words, Eve my daughter is getting better each day since her operation. It was very traumatic for her, much more than she had thought. It's great that you are now making your bears again. I have just popped along to your website and taken a look at your wonderful bears, thanks, they made me smile.

Hugs Jane.  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

Tina Remem-bear Artist Bears
Posts: 524

Hi everyone

Thank you all for such kind words, this is such a wonderful forum. What fabulous talent there is on this site. My puter is so slow, but I have visited the bear gallery and there are so many amazingly fabulous bears there.

I can't wait for broadband, it'll be like Christmas, lol, I'll be able to visit lots more.

Teddy Hugs
Tina xxx

Tina Remem-bear Artist Bears
Posts: 524

Jane, I am so pleased Eve is recovering well, with an operation like this there is so much emotional trauma as well as the physical trauma she is going through. Please give her my best wishes,

Tina xxx

Carolyn Green Draffin Bears
Auckland New Zealand
Posts: 5,354

Hi Tina,

I was sorry to hear that you have had such a rough time last year.
Glad that you are back here and we look forward to seeing more of your wonderful big foot Bears.
You will not know yourself once you get broadband.
Wishing you all the very best in the future.


matilda Matilda Huggington-beare
Posts: 5,551

:hug:  bear_cry  :hug:
I can see you are going to be a wonderfully loud presence here on TT :dance:
BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!!! :dance:  :hug: Nice to meet you. bear_thumb

Cat Gabriel Cat Gabriel Crafts
Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 923

Hi Tina,

Nice to meet you, your bears are wonderful!  bear_thumb

I'm so sorry 2006 was such a shocking year for you- I join you there as well.  Much of 2006 I spent visiting my Dad in hospital. He had a sudden heart attack and now has terrible brain damage due to the lack of oxygen to the brain.  Life can turn upside down so quickly...... bear_cry

I Love Teddies South Florida
Posts: 1,684


Sorry you've had such a bad year.  I really hope things get better.  Welcome back!  Hope you'll come back more often!  bear_flower

Jellybelly Bears Jellybelly Bears
Posts: 4,066

Welcome back Tina.  I am so sorry that the year was so bad for you...sometimes the bad times keep coming and don't seem to ever end bear_cry .  The important thing is that you are back to your bears and your friends here....sometimes these little things  are all you need to help you cope and get through it and be happy again.  Hugs and more hugs  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

Tina Remem-bear Artist Bears
Posts: 524


Aaw, thanks for the lovely welcome, I really do appreciate it. Teddy Talk is wonderful.

Catherine, your poor dad, that's so sad, life can be so difficult. Yes, life can turn upside down in the blink of an eye. I send my bestest good wishes to you and your dad.

Matilda, what wonderful wacky bears, I am so impressed, wow! I adore your puddles.

Sarah, what beautiful fairy bears, fabulous.

Carolyn, what a beautiful sailor bear.

Catherine, what gorgeous little bears you make, your avatar bear is so teeny, so perfect, aaw, love him!!

Tina xxx

Tina Remem-bear Artist Bears
Posts: 524

Hi Chrissie

Thanks for your kind words.

What a wonderful website you have, I will visit more once we have broadband, lol.

Tina xxx

Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

Welcoem back Tina.  You're always welcome here with open arms. :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

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