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Michelle Helen Chaska, Minnesota
Posts: 2,897

Dear Teddy Bear Friends: I had a terrible shock this morning.....I walked into the bathroom and found my beloved cat, Coco grooming herself with my toothbrush!! I almost fainted. For there she was just rubbing her face against my toothbrush, and purring!!! Ewwwww.....Now I wonder how often she has been doing this? Since I am still alive to write this post, I suppose I won't die but...oh how awful....This is the same cat that steals our bathrobe sashes and plays with them (and hide them). Mike and I have no belts to our robes....

My other darling kitty, Dara was caught the other day enjoying a snack with my soften butter (routinely left out for our toast in the morning). I almost fell of my chair with that little surprise too and wondered how often he gets into the butter....oh the horrors....

So I imagine some of you have naughty little sneaks too. Let's hear from you.....

fredbear Fred-i-Bear
Posts: 2,243

I am sure that I have had many a bite of food that has been licked by my dogs.

my dogs love toys and they see teddy bears as such. A few weeks ago I saw what I thought was a  baby bird that had fallen from its nest- well it was a mini bear of mine all chewed up- now I am not sure were the knitted dungarees went!!! and if they did not pick up another mini bear, and start pulling her to pieces. I was squealing so much, hubby thought I was having a heart attack when I saw Kimmi. Fortunately I was there so could save the poor bear, just had to have new ears.

Another day out the corner of my eye I kept seeing these brown flashes going past the window- well this was Becky- she had taken a bear from my collection and was tossing her in the air- again I was fortunate as she had only eaten the label.

Dogs  bear_rolleyes  bear_rolleyes  bear_rolleyes


shantell Apple Dumpling Designs
Willamette Valley Oregon
Posts: 3,128

My kitties are outdoor kitties...but my grandmother's cat (long passed) used to knock the lid off the sugar jar and scoop the sugar out with his paw.  For the longest time my grandmother thought my grandfather was just being careless and would scold him for being so messy with the sugar until she got up in the middle of the night because she heard a noise and actually witnessed "Nuisance" in the act of scooping sugar.

:crackup:   :crackup:

Lisa q.D.paToOtieS
Near Fredericksburg, VA
Posts: 1,349
Michelle Helen wrote:

Dear Teddy Bear Friends: I had a terrible shock this morning.....I walked into the bathroom and found my beloved cat, Coco grooming herself with my toothbrush!! I almost fainted. For there she was just rubbing her face against my toothbrush, and purring!!! Ewwwww.....Now I wonder how often she has been doing this?

Oh GEEZ!!!  That is the best laugh I've had all day.

P.S.  I've got a Miniature Schnauzer that is part beaver.  You know how I know?  The dang Schneaver (mix between a Schnauzer and a Beaver) got out and ate my trim molding today when her training cage didn't lock correctly.

puca bears puca bears
Posts: 1,934

Oh Michelle.... that just cracked me up - the idea of the cat grooming herself on your toothbrush.......
and Lisa - the part dog, part beaver - wonderful..........
When our Leonberger was a pup, I had to be SOOOO careful, making sure (I thought) that all bear parts were out of her reach............imagine my horror when I spied her thoughtfully chewing unfinished bear leg, with needle and thread still attached, which I had left on the table "out of her reach"!
And then the little set piece I finished - the Old Woman who lived in a shoe - left overnight on the morning, the Old Woman had disappeared. Finally found in a corner, thankfully none the worse for  being played with by the cats. I could visualise it....."oh look - a mouse in a dress"


MerBear MerBear Originals
Brockville, Ontario
Posts: 1,540

I remember years ago making a special birthday cake for my young son and leaving it on the table in the kitchen. When I came back in later - cake was gone but the dog was full! Had to start all over again.  :cake:
and this is embarrassing but one of my Boston's has a 'thing' for one of our cats.  :redface: some day that poor cat is going to need some serious counselling. bear_cry

marthaburch Martha's Bears
Posts: 10

I have two papillons who don't like it when I have to go out of town to a bear show.  One of them will unpack my suitcase (if I don't zip it up) and hide the socks, underwear or whatever either under the bed or in his crate.  He's been watching me do the zipper and it would not surprise me if he learns to unzip the bag next.  He already knows that if he bounces against the door to the pantry he can get that door open to see what he can find.   The smaller one just tries to hide in the suitcase.  So far, they don't steal finished bears, though Toby (the thief) gets in to the zip lock bags and takes a leg, ear or whatever he can find.  He doesn't chew them up, but he does slobber on them -- a lot!
Gotta love 'em.
Hugs, Martha (DeRaimo) Burch

Nancy D Dog Patch Critters
Titusville, FL
Posts: 512

I've had my share of naughty dogs. I had a black lab named Lovesong that could eat an entire loaf of bread off the counter if you turned your back for 10 sec. All that was left was the plastic bag. I had a chocolate lab, Mocha, pull a whole cooked turkey off the counter. Last year I had opened a bag of feathers for a project - the next thing I knew my dachshund, Lexi, was rolling in them. I was pulling little feathers out of her fur and finding them all over for a couple of weeks.
The last animal clinic I worked at had a house cat named Woodie that had the run of the place. There was one vet he didn't like and if she put down her lab coat he would pee on it everytime.

TamiL Dolls N Dreams
Aurora, Colorado
Posts: 6,454

Oh Michelle that is funny, you made me laugh today!
The only thing my Westie does that just kills me,  after a good water bath at her water bowl, she wants to clean and dry her face off by rubbing her face along the bottom of my couch, and ONCE is not enough, she goes back and forth until she is dry....and my screaming does not seem to bother her at all.

Michelle Helen Chaska, Minnesota
Posts: 2,897

Marion wrote:I remember years ago making a special birthday cake for my young son and leaving it on the table in the kitchen. When I came back in later - cake was gone but the dog was full!

Marion that is so funny.... :crackup:  :crackup:

Nancy: That reminds me of when I was a kid we had the big dog named "Tiny". Well one day Tiny comes running through the house with a full chicken in his mouth and our housekeeper running after him screaming. There ensued a tug-of-war over the chicken ( the housekeeper had planned to make for our dinner). Well my father comes in to see this and told housekeeper "for God's sake let him have it, I'm not going to eat it now". I think the poor woman, was going to serve it to us if she won the battle! Oh yes, Tiny also was known for stealing sticks of butter too.....

Martha: that is too funny about stealing your clothes from the suitcase. They don't want you to leave!!!! :crackup:

Tammy: at least they wipe their face your couch and not your toothbursh!! Oh they can be funny our pets.....

Maria: yes, my cats will steal bear parts too and play with have to watch them like a hawk!!!

Lisa wrote: I've got a Miniature Schnauzer that is part beaver.  You know how I know?  The dang Schneaver (mix between a Schnauzer and a Beaver) got out and ate my trim molding today when her training cage didn't lock correctly.

Lisa: that is so funny!! :crackup:  :crackup:

Kathleen Pa
Posts: 626

Our dog Scrappy has had quite a few naughty moments but the one I remember the most is the most expensive one!  I wear a special mouth brace every night  because of a jaw injury from many years ago and one night I was sick so I took it out and put it on the sink.  Crunch crunch  Scrappy found it quite tasty!!  Replacement cost $1575.00!!!  Thankfully we have good health insurance to help defray the cost.  But I just love that precious little dog .


thumperantiques Newcastle, Ontario
Posts: 5,644

When we were away in Pennsylvania last month, our orange and white cat, Thumper learned how to open the cupboard where we keep the Whiskas treats, and ripped open two bags of them we had stored - yep, gone - the entire lot of them.  Now we keep them in the fridge!!!  You know that commercial where the cat bursts through the wall for Wiskas treats?  Our cat would qualify for that role  :crackup:  :crackup:

We had a black cat named Benjamin years ago.  We had finished a lamb roast for dinner on New Years eve and were invited over to neighbours for dessert.  There wasn't a lot left on the roast, so we didn't bother cleaning up - the cat did it for us.  We got back and the cat was under the dining room table, moaning.  He had polished off what was left!  Pets - you have to love them!



Laura Lynn Teddy Bear Academy
Nicholasville, KY
Posts: 3,653

Laura Lynn Banner Sponsor

Oh my gosh I am laughing so hard  :crackup:   But Lisa... I'm sorry!  Arrrgghh chewed wood trim! bear_angry

We got our 4th whippet last October - the day after the Schaumburg show actually bear_original  Our breeder called to see if we had room for a 2 year old that was returned to her.  (husband wife problems)

We decided on the name "Pandora" - I was a little hesitant to do that thinking we were setting ourselves up for trouble - but it's such a pretty name and SHE is so pretty.

2 days after coming home... I caught her in one of the bathroom garbage cans -- turns out she ate a "feminine hygiene product"  :redface:   I didn't SEE her eat it... but I was pretty sure.  Our other 3 never do anything like that.

Trip to the vet was "only" $200 to make her puke (much better than Kathleen's bill!) - and she was fine  bear_wacko   Trash cans are now under the sink  bear_grin

SunnieOne Sunnie Bears
Ridgecrest, CA
Posts: 1,167

I thought my 6 were pretty darned good. lol.. Let's see, Ladybug and Tilly are pretty mellow.. But Sunnie (well he is very mellow too) BUT he has a major underwear fetish. My clothes hamper has holes all over it and Sunnie sticks his paws thru the holes and pulls my underwear close enough to where he can pull them out with his mouth. Then he takes them to where ever he keeps his undies stash and chews the crotch out of them (EEEUUUWW!)  I have to buy new ones about once a month! It is really embarassing if we have been out and happen to bring friends home with us. Nothing like walking in the front door with company and being greeted by a pair of black lacy undies in the entryway. lol

Then there is the babies. oh my! They are sooo funny. A couple of weeks ago I was in my computer room answering email. In the downstairs bathroom I have a wooden lighthouse box that sits on the floor near the toilet. I keep (USED TO) extra rolls of toilet paper in it.  When I walked out of the computer room into the family room, the entire room was covered with toilet paper and there was Beamer right in the middle of it laying on his back, wrapped up and covered in toilet paper. I just about died laughing. Then little Rainbow poked her head out from behind the sofa and had toilet paper bits stuck in her whiskers. TOO FUNNY.  Now where was my camera

Kelly Blondheart
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Posts: 289

Gyps-meercat-.jpgGypsy-in-dryer.jpggyps-in-the-sink2.jpgGyps-butt.jpgGyps-on-couch.jpgI had a good laugh over the toothbrush!  My Gypsy isn't exactly naughty....she is just....strange....

NIKKEL Nikkel Bears
Orient Point, NSW
Posts: 441

:crackup:  :crackup:  :crackup:
What great stories girls - I've had the best laugh I've had in ages.

We've had our share of naughty pets as well - our first dog (who also just happened to be our 'child' at the time) decided to make the most of an opportunity of an accidentally left-open door (hubby and I were at work).  Beau invited himself into the house and proceeded to drag out all of my stuffed toys into the backyard, where he one-by-one destroyed pretty much most of them (I managed to salvage 2 childhood teddies so all was not lost!).  I should have seen the signs - that dog went on to help himself to a couple of neighbourhood chooks - lucky we had bought our first house and moved away pretty smartly after that!

These days, one of our cats Lily (who we have renamed Houdini) is very good at escaping - we built a cat run on the side of the house for them to stay in during the day (in case you're wondering why we lock our cats up, there are a couple of dogs who are 'allowed' to wander the neighbourhood and I'd rather come home from work and know my cats are safe).  Lily has made an art of chewing through the plastic mesh which is now full of patches and held together with cable ties!  We are slowly replacing plastic with wire (yes Lily, I will win this argument!)

We currently have a plague of bogong moths up and down the coast (alas, an annual event due to westerly winds), and both cats (Mia and Lily) have discovered unbridled exhuberance in chasing them all over the house, even if it means up and over us on the lounge while we watch TV!  Very trying while you're trying to eat or have a cup of tea!

Marg  bear_original

puca bears puca bears
Posts: 1,934

Oh I am SO enjoying all these tales................
reminded me of our (now departed) Bloodhound, Sir Humphrey. He was a thief par excellence - nothing was safe.
We had to fed our cats on a high shelf in the kitchen, and he would still manage to get hold of their bowls......
he could eat his way through a six-pack of cans (ring-pull) of Whiskas, without doing himself any damage. and once, coming into the house I was greeted by the most amazing and somewhat horrific sight.....he had found a 2-kilo bag of puffed rice (a "new" dog food mixer we were trying") -  a heap of rice, soaking in the contents of a couple of plastic bottles of mineral water, and garnished with a chewed up LIGHTBULB .......and again - not any sign of injury to himself!!!! - just a touch of heart-failure on my part!
Oh and I just LOVE the pics of the "weird" cat - priceless! :crackup:  :crackup:

Laura Lynn Teddy Bear Academy
Nicholasville, KY
Posts: 3,653

Laura Lynn Banner Sponsor

:crackup:  :crackup:  :crackup:  :crackup:  :crackup:  :crackup:  :crackup:  :crackup:  :crackup:  :crackup:  :crackup:

Oh my gosh I LOVE this thread!!!!!

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Kelly, those pictures are AWESOME!

I had a weird cat, Ginger, who died last summer :(.  She ate ribbon and paper, and loved to hide in wrappers and tissue.  I miss her oddness.

Nowadays, my cats enjoy unrolling the ENTIRE toilet paper roll into the open toilet bowl.  So not fun to clean THAT up when it's discovered!  Eight pounds of soaking wet toilet paper.  Yuck.

Our cat, Chance, knows how to open hinged closet doors.  I'll often hear the "thunk, thunk" of his efforts before he gets one far enough ajar to get inside.  He likes to sleep on top of the old towels we keep in the laundry room cupboard when we're gone for the day.  We often come home to find the towels spilled out all over the floor and the door ajar.

One of my cats, Sealy, when interested in being petted, will walk up to me, find my hand, and using his right paw, poke at me there, with his claws slightly extended just far enough that I can't ignore him.  He'll do this until I relent and give him some serious head rubs.  Then he'll walk away, turn a circle, come back, and jab at my hand again.  All the while, he is drooling up a storm, in great kitty-saliva globs that run down my hand. 

This is an awesome fun thread!

thumperantiques Newcastle, Ontario
Posts: 5,644

My cat Thumper with bite the back of my upper arm when he wants treats and thinks I've been on the computer too long! Scoundrel!



Mo Beary Mo Bear Designs
Redcliff, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 1,536

My 2 dogs are pretty naughty.  We installed a doggy door this summer and they  have dragged every branch from the trees inside the house.  How they get them through the doggy door is beyond me as most of the branches are quite thick and are triple the size they both are!!!  My youngest one who is all but 10 lbs brings in huge rocks and then grinds her teeth on them!

One of the funniest things happened to a friend of mine as she was walking her dog at about 6am one morning.  Another dog came to meet Duke a very large boxer.  All was fine until the other dog ran for his house and through a doggy door and Duke following.  All my friend could hear that stuff being knocked over and she didn't know what to do so she went home :crackup:  :crackup:  :crackup:   Duke finally reappeared about 30 mins later.  She was so embarrassed and never walked him in that same area again. 

Duke also locked her out of her car when she was at the car wash.  He was inside the car and she was playing with him with the water nozzle as he was chasing it from side to side as she washed the car.  His paw hit the lock button and she had to call me to bring her extra set of keys.  She won't do that again either :crackup:  :crackup:  :crackup:

Stellajella Wien
Posts: 1,399

Michelle, I had to laugh really hard, thinking, how many of us would now randomly inspect their toothbrush for cat´s hair :crackup:  :crackup: 

Lynette, ohhhh yesssss, you bet you did! 

Kathleen, my dog Jancsi did like my plastic-night-not-to-grind-my-teeth-braces so he tried them on one night- guess what? They did not fit him! :crackup: ...and afterwards they did not fit me anymore, too.

Kelly, your Gypsy is adorable!!!

Ellen, your Amor must have been something else! :crackup:   

Maria, our cat also has the discomfort to eat on the kitchen shelf.

Shelli, looks like you are never bored! Cleaning the toilet bowl from 8 pds of toilet paper...yummi! bear_cry

Jancsi, who had to be put to sleep some weeks ago, was not able to jump on a chair. He was like a big dachshund but could not jump anyway.
It would happen from time to time, that we put a bag of rolls ON the shelf, which then, when needed, could not be found.
Jancsi would eat 10 rolls at once, just out of greediness
Then we´d find him lying on the side, heavily breathing, looking like he had just swallowed a football.
We never found out, HOW he got the bags down from up there.

Gaby bear_flower

Swan Valley Bears Swan Valley Bears
Penn Valley, CA
Posts: 1,845

I'm guessing my Boston Terrier, Buster, didn't like our new home. 

The first week we moved in, hubster had left his work shoes by the back the back door.  Early in the morning, when he was on his way to work, I heard him shout, "That dog sh** in my shoe ! ! ! "  Buster had backed up and carefully pooped right in Dave's shoe, not missing his mark at all. 

When ever we left him home alone, he would go downstairs and poop in my sewing room.  He had never pooped in the house EVER before this.  Now naughty Buster stays tethered in the kitchen when we leave.

We had an English Cocker spaniel who was the chow hound queen.  She would eat anything.  Once she ate an entire bird seed bell only to regurgitate it later underneath the pool table.   Once she ate a bowl of hard peppermint candies and heaved up the wrappers later.  Once we came home to find her walking into walls with an empty cereal box on her head.

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