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Laurie Laurie Lou Bears
Posts: 3,246
All Bear wrote:

Oooh, it's so quiet in here!  How is everyone progressing?  I'm bursting to hear!   :dance:

I was just thinking that myself Paula-I have been checking for days and it is so quiet.
I have nearly finished sewing mine but it will take another week as I am trying to finish a commision bear for a customer that wanted woodwool stuffing-what a nightmare!It has taken me so much longer than polyester. bear_ermm
I have shrunk the pattern to 65% and I think the bear will be around 11 inches.I binned the first attempt bear_sad This one is in a lovely tipped mohair and I had some handpainted blue glittery eyes that I never used on a bear from a few months before.I am a bit of a worrier and wasn't sure whether to use them as although I am using part of your pattern I wanted the bear to look like my own and didn't want you to think I was just copying your bears but when I tried black glass eyes he looked so grumpy and the eyes I had really suited him.The challenge has been fun but harder than I thought because you are trying to put your own stamp on some one elses bear even though we only had a side head piece.I am pleased how he has turned out and he will be one of the few bears that I won't want to part with bear_wub
Laurie :hug:

matilda Matilda Huggington-beare
Posts: 5,551

The challenge has been fun but harder than I thought because you are trying to put your own stamp on some one elses bear even though we only had a side head piece.I am pleased how he has turned out and he will be one of the few bears that I won't want to part with :love:

My sentiments exactly!
I am still working on mine. I have had to redo lots of things because I just havent been that happy with the results.
Plus I am trying out so many untried(by me) elements to him.  This is a totally/completely new design/critter that I didnt even realise was in me until that side head came into my life.  bear_grin

K Pawz Guest

Still at mine, but should be done in a week or two!


All Bear All Bear by Paula
Posts: 5,162

Great to hear from you ladies!  I think the process of sharing how things are progressing for you is every bit as interesting as the final design photographs will be. 

Laurie please don't worry about using the hand painted eyes ... as long as they suit him and bring him to life, that's what counts!  bear_thumb

Wendy, I'm dying to see what you are working on and I'm really pleased the challenge has given you the opportunity to develop a completely new design. bear_thumb

Krista, good to hear your design is progressing ... really looking forward to the end result!  bear_thumb

I'm fascinated by the sizing up and down that's being done by everyone ... I've never designed my bears by resizing patterns, so this is very intriguing to me! bear_flower

matilda Matilda Huggington-beare
Posts: 5,551

This is my critter using Paulas side head pattern piece. I have had alot of fun doing this wee Dragon 'Fly'.
He had 5 sets of wings before I finally decided on a design.  He stands at 6".
and he was most definitely a CHALLENGE. bear_thumb

All Bear All Bear by Paula
Posts: 5,162

Oh wow Wendy, a dragonfly!!!  That's really taken me by surprise!!  He's amazing!!!!  Well done for achieving such a creative piece from the pattern piece!!  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:

Jodi Falk Bears by Jodi
Gahanna , Ohio USA
Posts: 3,463

Just Adorible ....just adorible !!! Made me smile and a smile is worth a pot of gold !!!

Cleathero Creations Cleathero Creations
Ripley, Queensland
Posts: 1,925

how cool is that!

Gail P Walnut Tree Corner Bears By Gail
Posts: 167

Aww Wendy, he's really sweet bear_thumb and so different! but then you do do different very well bear_original
Tiny Hugs,

Lynn Wisconsin
Posts: 834

He is adorable Wendy!!

Marlys Waggle Bears
So Cal Desert
Posts: 4,089

So cute!

K Pawz Guest

Oh Wendy he is adorable!   bear_wub

I think the hardest part of this challenge for me is that I am making a bear, not that that is a bad thing, I have just had so many puppy and kittys on the brain that not only the switch in design/pattern modes, but also a totally different critter is proving very challenging for me. I am still plunging on, but may be a tad late with the deadline bear_sad ....he has been re worked many times


SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,754

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Super great work, Wendy . . . he's very special!

matilda Matilda Huggington-beare
Posts: 5,551

Thankyou for your praise ladies. :hug:  :dance:
Just looking at him you wouldnt think he took me three weeks would you? hahaha
Finicky little critter this one. bear_grin  I did start out designing a BEAR. Honest! I started with the head first. makes sense heheh. When I popped in his eyes he looked like an ant so I gave him antenae. Then when he was jointed( I wobbly jointed him and he is wired in the arms, feet and wings) I thought he should have wings and if I give him wings he could be a 'Dragonfly' So I tried 5 different wings on him and each brought me further towards this design.  And Dragons need a tail and a breast plate.....hahahaha see what was happening? ..never ending cycle. I still wanted him to keep the teddy look about him. He was fun to make. No pressure, just let him HAPPEN. Thats what I enjoyed so much with my Crow and Qwacker.  And one set of wings I made for him will go on a Mulberry dyed mohair critter. hehehehehe.........OH and this is the 100yearold mohair I bought from a fellow TTer.
Its a bugger to use but boy is it pretty in the real. I dont think the photo does it justice.
I was thinking of showing the gusset I designed for him but I have already thrown out the head pattern.  It's my way of ensuring it doesnt accidently get used again.
Wee Fly is tobe a christmas gift for a close friend.
After  seeing your fantastic Chinese Crested Krista, I cant wait to see what type of bear maker you have become. :dance:  :dance:  :dance:
Wendy bear_thumb

RaggyRat The RaggyRat Company
Posts: 1,214

wow, lucky friend
its amazing wendy ... im not even sulking as i didnt get a sneak peak !

that 100 year old fur does look lush i was admiring that too
thankyou for telling us how he came about too

cat xxx

BearzByE Bearz by Ellen
Posts: 39

Copy-of-IMG_0753.JPGHere we go!
I just finished making my teddy! bear_grin


Paula, thank you so much for this challenge! It was fun, and I finally got inspired to create a new pattern!
Pandas are a new design for me, but I am pretty pleased with the way she turned out...

Thanks again!
~Ellen :)

Whoops, I forgot the details  bear_whistle

Annabelle is
3" standing (2"sitting)
made of Long Pile cashmere and a "mystery fabric" from a local fabric shop... bear_happy
She also has pulled toes, onyx eyes and is thread-jointed (and disc-jointed...yes, there is a story there bear_whistle )

All Bear All Bear by Paula
Posts: 5,162

Such a pretty panda Ellen, well done for creating a new pattern!  bear_thumb  bear_flower  Am I right in thinking this is a little bear?  I'm just guessing!

I'm really impressed by how different everyone's work looks so far ... it's incredible how much scope there is from one pattern piece!

Laurie Laurie Lou Bears
Posts: 3,246

I love to see all the variations with this pattern piece-they are all lovely bear_wub
I have finally finished mine and he is just over 11 inches.The weather has been really dull the last few days so I am hoping hubby will take his photos tomorrow-sorry to keep you all in suspense bear_whistle
Laurie :hug:

K Pawz Guest

My little one is coming along, it has been so long since I have made a bear, and am so pleased with this little one....I can't remember though Paula, did you say we could sell them, as long as we give you credit for the side head pattern? Hoping to have him/her done in a couple of days, will post pics when done.


matilda Matilda Huggington-beare
Posts: 5,551

What a little cutie Ellen. I have a feeling all Paula really wanted was to see her pattern as a miniture without having to sew it herself.  :crackup:  :crackup: Am I riight Paula???? :crackup:

The suspense is killing me Krista!! :dance:

K Pawz Guest

lol Wendy!!!

Just attaching the ears, and then the putting together, there should be pictures at some point tomorrow!!!


All Bear All Bear by Paula
Posts: 5,162

:crackup: Wendy, I love that idea!  Trouble is, even if it were true, I'd never be able to make a miniature ... I'm all fingers and thumbs!  :crackup:

Krista, I've no problem with you selling your creation.  I just ask that my pattern piece isn't used outside of this challenge for further commercial designs.  bear_thumb  bear_flower

matilda Matilda Huggington-beare
Posts: 5,551

I hope to have something ready within 2 weeks time!

Is it two weeks yet Ellen? :dance:

there should be pictures at some point tomorrow!!!

Is it tommorrow yet Krista? :dance:

I'm all fingers and thumbs!

Yeah right Paula! as if we would believe that  :crackup:

Laurie Laurie Lou Bears
Posts: 3,246

DSC_0001A.jpgDSC_0004a.jpgI have finally finished and photographed my bear so I hope you like him.I haven't decided on a name yet but he is just over 11 inches high and I shrunk the pattern to 65% of the original size.I made him with a lovely tipped schulte mohair and he has woolfelt paw and footpads.He has an old vintage piece of lace around his neck tied with ribbon. I used eyes that I had hand painted for another bear and never used.I enjoyed doing this challenge and I might even enter a few competitions next year as I have never entered any.By doing this challenge it has encouraged me to push myself a bit harder.
Laurie :hug:

matilda Matilda Huggington-beare
Posts: 5,551

Brilliant job Laurie!!! and you have photographed him beautifully. :clap:  :clap:  :dance:

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