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dusty attic dusty attic bears
Posts: 968

Ok, So yesterday morning I was moaning that I had not been invited to Februarys Hugglets.  bear_angry I had an invite for Septembers but not Februarys. I was talking to my husband and saying " Oh well it's nice really, I will be able to have a good walk around and say hello to everyone and I'm gonna save my money up for new mohair" Then 1/2 an hour later the phone rang and it was Hugglets inviting me to Feb's show. Of course I said yes right away. But now I am in a total panic. I have no bears made. bear_wacko  bear_wacko  bear_wacko
Please some one make me feel better and let me know how behind you are with bears for hugglets as well :crackup:  :crackup:
Ok I am now off to work!!!! bear_whistle  bear_whistle
:hug:  :hug:

Dilu Posts: 8,574

Watch out what you ask for, hon, and Chloe you are too funny!!!


jenny Three O'clock Bears
warwickshire uk
Posts: 4,413

I only do the February one...I did do the September one last year though but have not had an invite to that one...just Febs..I have got all mine planned and all the fabrics in and two machined...and a couple cut out...but that's it.  You've got a good while to go...I wouldn't panic ...yet!

All Bear All Bear by Paula
Posts: 5,162

Yay, delighted to hear you'll be there Chloe!  Don't panic, you've got ages yet ... I haven't even started work on my show bears and probably won't until the beginning of February.  We'll get there girl!!! bear_thumb

Laura Lynn Teddy Bear Academy
Nicholasville, KY
Posts: 3,653

Laura Lynn Banner Sponsor

LOL!!!   My hubby says I work better under pressure with a close deadline... I wonder if all artists are like that?  :crackup:

Christine Christine Pike Bears
Norfolk, UK
Posts: 683

Chloe - congratulations!!!!! :clap:
And what are you worrying about??  I haven't even begun to think about Hugglets yet... oh wait, maybe that's why I only ever turn up with about six bears! bear_grin   

Yvonne Bebbin Bears
Posts: 1,109

Hey Chloe that's great news!!!!  :clap: will be fine, don't panic there's still plenty of time....just make what bears you

can, and enjoy making them that's the main thing!  bear_thumb

Look foward to seeing you there....

Hugs Yvonne  bear_flower

TamiL Dolls N Dreams
Aurora, Colorado
Posts: 6,454

You will be fine, I think we all do good under pressure, I know I do! :hug:

Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

Hi Chloe.  I am not going to Hugglets so I cannot say that I am behind in making bears about a hug instead.... :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

You'll do great!!! :dance:  :dance:  :dance:  :dance:

dusty attic dusty attic bears
Posts: 968

Thanks Guys, I knew you'd all make me feel better!!!! :crackup:  :crackup:
I have just cut out 4 bears and sewed two heads, I ordered all my mohair yesterday, so I feel a little better now I have made a start.
I can't wait to see you all there. :hug:  :hug:
This time I am in the basement, I think next to marion of Acid Attic Bears, Ohhhh getting excited just thinking about it bear_grin  bear_grin

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,765

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Yea for Chloe . . . you can do it!!

samanthapotter Mary Myrtle Miniatures
Cheltenham, UK
Posts: 800

Yeah!!  :dance:  You're joining us in the basement!!
I've not started making for Hugglets yet - will be starting on Tuesday.  I have lots of new ideas though - I just need to produce them in fabric now though!!   bear_whistle
Don't panic - you've got loads of time!!!!! bear_thumb

patsylakebears Patsy Lake Bears
Posts: 3,442

Chloe you will be fine I am sure you will get loads done before Hugglets arrive.. sending hugs to carrry on with :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

doodlebears Doodlebears
Posts: 7,414

doodlebears Celebration Ambassador

You'll do just fine Chloe. It's amazing how much you will get done. I'll be there upstairs on stand 140a (I think that's the number) and I have half of one bear and an orangutan half made. Seeing as the primates usually take up to six weeks each to come to life, I doubt I'll be having to many creations to sell. We'll all have a great time and as usuall I will be going around with my dreaded camera.  bear_grin  bear_grin  bear_grin  bear_grin
See you soon.

Teddy hugs, Jane.  bear_thumb  bear_thumb  bear_thumb  bear_thumb

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Even if I'd been invited a month ago I likely wouldn't have a single bear done yet. Like others, I work best under pressure...... the first bear would get done about week before the show and I wouldn't sleep the rest of the week cause I'd be sewing and cursing myself for not having started earlier! bear_tongue

bearlysane Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 2,188

I gather you are all machine sewers?

Chloe, sewing my bears by hand I wouldn't stand a chance of being ready on time.
I have just started on my bears for the BAO show and that's after Hugglets!

I would love to be there though, just to come and say Hi!

Good Luck everyone!

puca bears puca bears
Posts: 1,934

Chloe - I'm sure you'll get them all done in time - but good luck anyway............
I'm with Sandi - as a hand-sewer, and being one of the slowest bear makers, I'm just trying to get into gear and make a start on bears for the Teddybar Total - and that's not till the end of April!  ho hum..............
big huggies

doodlebears Doodlebears
Posts: 7,414

doodlebears Celebration Ambassador

Sandi said

I gather you are all machine sewers?

Well I don't know about you other girls going to Hugglets but I DO sew by hand, so I will be working flat out untill the show.  bear_flower  bear_thumb  bear_flower

Hugs Jane.  bear_thumb  bear_flower  bear_thumb

dusty attic dusty attic bears
Posts: 968

I always hand sew heads ,ears and pawpads. Then machine sew afterwards to make them extra strong. I do machine everything else.
But still I am panicing!! bear_grin  bear_grin

clare14 Country Bears
Posts: 3,066

Ooooh you'll be fine,   :hug:  :hug:  I work better when I've a deadline, and a short one at that, I'm far too lazy the rest of the time!!   :crackup:   I've got to get ready for Samantha's show way before April or I'll stand no chance!!   bear_tongue

Deep breath, and away you go.....    :hug:  :hug:

gotobedbears Posts: 3,177

You'll do it Chloe - there's nothin like a deadline to get you going, believe me i know.
Just think of all the bears you'll sell and new collectors you'll have battering down your doors for more!

kim "a bear by kim"
Posts: 2,401

needs must... you'll be fine, plenty of days and hours to go and youve said yes now so what will be will be!!!
keep your suger levels up with plenty of choccy!!!

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