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Past Time Bears - Artist bears designed and handcrafted by Sue Ann Holcomb
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ruth Flutter-By Bears
Posts: 870

Hello All ,
Who will be having traditional British pancakes for Shrove Tuesday tonight ??? My family love 'em ... although we
break with tradition by using orange juice (not lemon) all over them , and my kids insist I make hot butterscotch sauce
to accompany them *slurp* We also have an oozy mixture of greek yogurt , lime and brown sugar and plenty of cubed up
fruit like pineapple and papaya to go in the middle . In fact it's a calorie counting meltdown - but then it's only once a year !  :crackup:
Do you flip , or turn with a spatula ? Do the kids "make" their own ? Do you think it's important to keep these little traditions going ? !

Ruth ( mmmm  I can't wait !! )  bear_tongue  bear_tongue

Lisa q.D.paToOtieS
Near Fredericksburg, VA
Posts: 1,349

Yep, we always have Pancakes on Shrove Tuesday (or Fat Tuesday as we also call it - LOL!).  Plenty of breakfast foods tonight including pancakes, eggs, bacon, mmm, I'm getting hungry just thinking about it!

Now I've got to come up with something to give up for Lent by tomorrow morning.  I'm going to try sugar as I'm the pleasantly plump type.  Cross your fingers that I can do it!

katiecountrymouse1 KatieCountryBears
Bolton-le-sands, Carnforth
Posts: 3,101

Hi Ruth.
Same here! We will be having pancakes tonight, with lemon and sugar. I'll make the pancake mix and my youngest son will cook and flip them.
We do this every year. bear_thumb
Enjoy your pancakes! :clap:  :clap:
love kayx.  bear_smile

Amanda Pandy Potter Bears
Staffordshire, UK
Posts: 1,864

We used to have them with jam when I was young. We don't have them now as we don't like them enough. So just a sandwich when I get in from work later.

ruth Flutter-By Bears
Posts: 870

Just popping back before I start getting ready for later ... that's funny Lisa , 'cos we're having bacon sandwich
first , then pancakes ...pancakes ...pancakes ....
My 3 sons think they taste better when they've stood over the frying pan themselves !!!  :crackup:

thumperantiques Newcastle, Ontario
Posts: 5,644

Thanks for the reminder - I'm all alone today as hubby works late and our son left to go back overseas on Sunday.  Pancakes sound lovely AND easy!  It's funny, I was brought up on pancakes with lemon and sugar and absolutely love them  I wondered if people in the UK still did them that way - you've answered my question.  We're half and half though- our son loves the lemon and sugar and hubby and daughter like traditional maple syrup.

Ruth, I do think these little traditions are important.  It takes me back to when I was a child and it always makes me think of my parents on days like this 



edie Bears by Edie
Southern Alberta
Posts: 2,068

I've never heard of pancakes with lemon and sugar??? (and I come from an English background!) Do you mix the lemon and sugar or how exactly is this done - I'm quite intriqued.

We were planning on making pancakes tonight but ours would be buttermilk pancakes eaten sandwich style with bologna inside - or if I really wanted to make my husband's favourite it would be potato pancakes which he eats with sour cream. However, the local community hall is putting on a pancake supper - pancakes, sausages, and eggs for $4.00 so I think we will go and support them - so I don't have to cook at all!  :dance:

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,754

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Wow - I learned of another tradition today!  I never heard of the pancake/lemon custom on the day before Lent.  Does everybody call tomorrow Ash Wednesday?  Yup, as Lisa said, today is Fat Tuesday here in the US.  I'm about as reliable at giving up something for Lent as I am keeping New Year's resolutions, but I watched an interesting spot on the news last night.  Research has shown that fasting for 24 hours at least once a month (and better, once a week) will do more for keeping off extra weight than diets.  You just avoid ALL food, but drink water for 24 little hours - how hard could that be?   bear_shocked  bear_shocked  bear_wacko  bear_wacko One person said he goes from 6:00pm one evening to 6:00pm the next day and it's become a regular (and easy) routine.  I'm thinking about doing that once a week for Lent.  Do you think that would count as really giving up something?  I don't think I've ever gone 24 total hours without food.  Sitting on the fence here.

clare14 Country Bears
Posts: 3,066

I always had lemon and sugar on pancakes as a kid!!  Yum!!  I've just been doing the kids some - they had maple syrup and cream, please note I didn't, not because I don't want to - I just get heartburn form EVERYTHING at the mo and didn't want to chance it!!  LOL!!

Enjoy your pancakes everyone!!   :hug:  :hug:

Helena Bears-a-Bruin!
Macclesfield, UK
Posts: 1,291

I had totally forgotten it was pancake day till I read this thread! So I just told my daughter we might have to have 'pancake Wednesday' instead, and she remembered a pancake mix sitting in the I just need to rustle up an egg and we're all set :)

Edie, we just squeeze the lemon over the pancake (not too much) and then sprinkle with sugar. Roll the pancake up and eat - yum!

SueAnn - no food for 24 hours?! Sounds errr.... difficult! I'm trying to cut down on bread, not specifically for Lent but because I eat so much of the stuff and I just know it can't be good for me   :D.

Gantaeno Je Suis Lugly!
Posts: 1,065

yummy yummy pancakes!

Yep, I'll be getting together with the rest of my Doppelhaus-ers (lol, my student next-door neighbours XD) for a pancake FEST!  Trouble is, I don't know if any of us can flip XD

We always have lemon and sugar bear_original  Sprinkle on both, then roll up and cut into chunks bear_original Yum!

thumperantiques Newcastle, Ontario
Posts: 5,644

     I read you post and thought "we do exactly the opposite" LOL!  We sprinkle the sugar lightly, all over the pancake and then put the lemon on and roll them up. 

     The pancakes we've always used for this are large and very thin - more like crepes.  When rolled up, it's like a jelly roll etc, except with lemon and sugar YUM!!!



jenny Three O'clock Bears
warwickshire uk
Posts: 4,413

We'll be 'pan-caking' tomorrow most Elizabeth is coming and we'll do it then...there is no-one here tonight except me..and I ain't getting the frying pan out for just me!! Not that desperate for pan-cakes.
We got into having pan-cakes with a  sprinkle of brown sugar and a squeeze of orange coz my mother, back in the 1960s watched TV cook Fanny Craddock..(any one else remember her and her husband Johnny who wore a monacle and did the washing up?) and she said that it was posher to have them that way so my mother, trying to be posh,  made us have that instead of sugar and lemon....old habits die hard.So  I have to say I like it that way but I don't mind the lemon either!!

samanthapotter Mary Myrtle Miniatures
Cheltenham, UK
Posts: 800

yep - hubby and I are having pancakes now!!  We're just having lemon on ours though - my Mum never added sugar onto anything, so I'm happy with just lemon juice!!
I think the tradition originates from people trying to use up all the last ingredients in their cupboards before fasting for lent, so they just mixed up all the ingredients into pancakes.  Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm sure thats what I learnt at school!!!

Lovethosebears Yorkshire
Posts: 1,899

My husband always make ours with the girls supervision  bear_grin  bear_whistle  The girls have already had theirs with chocolate/ toffee sauce, but hubby and I always have the traditional lemon & sugar.  Ooooooo must try it with orange next time.

Hugs Ali

patsylakebears Patsy Lake Bears
Posts: 3,442

Gosh Jenny I had forgotten about Fanny and Johnny Craddock  bear_laugh  they used to put on their pinnies and he would be doing all the washing up. I wouldn't remember anything that they cooked. We always had pancakes on Shrove Tuesday with lemon and sugar I don't do it now just for the two of us. Sue Ann I think that is a great idea for lent wouldn't mind trying that myself.  bear_thumb

Jack&Lilia Jack & Lilia
Posts: 3,488

Yes I agree it's great to keep these traditions going....we have buckwheat pancakes (as we avoid wheat most of the time) and have them with maple syrup....but my son likes them with lemon juice...he's at university and I don't suppose students make pancakes somehow!....will text him to find out!
Don't think you should try fasting for 24 hours Sue'll probably just end up with a headache!
Ps remember Fanny Craddock had long flowing sleeves that trailed in all the food?!!  bear_wacko

Gail P Walnut Tree Corner Bears By Gail
Posts: 167

yep we had our pancakes with lemon and sugar too. Daughter Nathalie had hers with chocolate sauce and toffee sauce as well(the ones you bought us for Christmas Ruth)not at the same time, different pancakes I meant.
Am I the only one who has to stand and cook everybody elses pancakes first!? they all sort of queue up for the next one before I have a chance to eat even one, bear_cry

so I always get the last one  and then the tiny one thats made from the mixture thats left,..... and why is that last one always smaller!!!
Tiny Hugs,

rkr4cds Creative Design Studio (RKR4CDS)
suburban Chicago
Posts: 2,044 … -pancakes/

(Turn on the sound)
These are more what we'd call crepes, without any baking powder or baking soda/buttermilk in to puff them up a bit....
I'm surprised none of you remembered  this eternal old stand-by, coming around once a year about this time. My grandies love it! The US kids are more familiar with maple syrup type topping.
Nutella? Lemon & Sugar? Not well known here...

Little Bear Guy Little Bear Guy
Waterloo, Ontario
Posts: 1,395
edie wrote:

We were planning on making pancakes tonight but ours would be buttermilk pancakes eaten sandwich style with bologna inside - or if I really wanted to make my husband's favourite it would be potato pancakes which he eats with sour cream.

How interesting Edie, I've never in my life heard of eating pancakes with bologna between (and I love my waxed blogogna) so now I may have to try them.  Coming from a German background we were raised on potato pancakes, but my mom always made a hot syrup to go on top of them.  They are a lot of work but so good, and to this day my mother insist they have to be cooked in lard as oil just does not cook them the same  bear_grin  bear_grin

I think in Canada we are all use to having them with Maple syrup, I remember friends of mine from the UK who looked at me strange when I put syrup on mine as they were more use to putting jam on their pancakes  bear_grin .

OH and I didn't have pancakes as I forgot about it until after I had already cooked supper, so maybe I'll have a shrove Saturday  :crackup:  :crackup: .

big hugs


fredbear Fred-i-Bear
Posts: 2,243

We eat ours with cinnamon and sugar and one is never enough and I seem to think this is the Afrikaans version. At any SA show you will get the ladies from the church raising funds by selling these pancakes and the queue is always a mile long. We would send my one friend who was a Weight Watchers lecturer and Allyzon would always be in the queue and see  her members and would have a hard time explaining that the pancakes were for her friends and not her.

In restaurants here in SA they sell them with all sorts of fillings, however I prefer the sugar and cinnamon.


ruth Flutter-By Bears
Posts: 870

Well it was lovely to hear about everyone's Pancake Day - I managed just 2 (wimp  bear_grin  bear_grin ) before conking out !!
I wonder if eating them with jam is a regional UK thing ; I've not come across it before myself ; it was always just the lemon/sugar
option . In the Potteries where I now live lots of people are mad on "oatcakes" , which is essentially an oat flour crepe style pancake .
They're definitely regional , are often eaten savoury , and people queue out of Oatcake shops for them (one I know is called "Oat Cuisine"  bear_laugh ) .... do you like them Amanda ??  bear_original
Next year I'm going to sprinkle cinnamon , sounds yummy Lynette !  bear_thumb  bear_thumb
What's the next traditional food night around the Globe ?

Mini Hugs , Ruth

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