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Roxanne Bear Paws by Roxanne
Odessa, Tx
Posts: 917

I flippin give up. My sales are horrible. I have tried bid4bears, my website, even ebay. Absolutely no luck.
A gal from another country gave me a bad feedback last month because of of custom costs or something, it was in another language. Do you think that this has hurt me?
If so, put a fork in me because I am done!!!  bear_cry

Barling Bears Barling Bears
Nr. Maidstone, Kent
Posts: 1,523

Oh Roxanne!!!!!!!!!!! Oh you poor love!!!  Don't give up!!!!!!
Your website is full of beautiful bears that have been snapped up by collectors, so loads of people DO love your bears!  bear_wub  bear_wub 

I think we have all gone through times of "Why do I bother to do this???", I know I have.  You put so much time and effort into things at times, for little or no reward.  I would advise you have a good sleep on this, things will look much brighter in the morning!  If not, just take a break for a couple of days and do something completely different for a while.  I think a lot of us are going through a similar patch as you at the moment, in fact I thought of  giving up a couple of months ago.  But hey, I'm still here - just! bear_wacko

Your bears are absolutely gorgeous Roxanne and you have so much talent.  Don't let some loony on ebay or whatever spoil all the passion you have for your bear making.  If you are feeling down at the moment then that is good, because .... the only way is up!!!!! :dance:  bear_grin

Now, go give yourself a good talking to!!!!   bear_grin


Marilyn bear_flower

bearsbyTracey BearsbyTracey
Wellington, New Zealand
Posts: 299

Hi Roxanne
Your bears are great!!!
Maybe as Marilyn has said take a short break and do something a bit different!!!
And then come back to your bear making with new vision!!!
\PS keep your chin up

DebbieD Posts: 3,540

:hug:  It is very easy to be discouraged  :hug:   I agree, don't let one negative derail you.  You've got so many collectors who admire and love your bears.  Right now is a very awkward time for selling.  Many people are saving their extra $$$s for their spring vacations, and others are trying to sock away enough to pay income taxes. 

Sometimes its nice to step away from the teddies for a bit and give yourself a vacation.  Recharge your batteries and your imagination.  Then come back to it.   bear_flower

Mikki Mikki, Cripple Creek Creative
Bethel, Ohio
Posts: 1,051

Sorry to hear you're going throught a rough time...happen to all of us and the present economy doesn't help . Don't go looking for a're not done yet.Mikki

Marlys Waggle Bears
So Cal Desert
Posts: 4,089

Aawww, Roxanne. Your bears are wonderful. I love their faces. Please don't give up; you have so much talent.

Bid4Bears' Artist Power 2008 Campaign begins March 9. I believe there are 20+ artists signed up, each of whom will send notice of the event to their client mailing list. It should bring a number is collectors to the site. Take a look at the info. It would be a great time for you to put your bears up.

NewelleyBears Newelley.Bears
Harrow, Ontario
Posts: 284

Don't give up just yet Roxanne!!!  Your bears are all amazing.  It's just that sales in general for "luxury items" seem to be low right now due to the economy, but I'm sure they will pick back up eventually.  Hang In There, We're Here For Ya!!!

Bear Hugs,

chrissibrinkley Posts: 1,836

If anyone said they couldn't relate to how you're feeling they're either lying or delusional  bear_happy   All businesses see peaks, valleys and plateaus.  All businesses have to step back, assess and then reassess. Most larger companies do it at least quarterly; changing..updating.. challenging themselves. 

As hard as it seems to do take what you're feeling today as a blessing! (I'm not crazy, promise bear_grin )  If things came easy and sales were always great you'd never truly appreciate it.  Appreciation and longevity comes from all of that blood, sweat and tears!  BUT in saying that...just like that old commercial says "never let 'em see yah sweat"

Forget that one feedback and move forward with your fantastic bears!!! :hug:

:hug:  :hug:

Roxanne Bear Paws by Roxanne
Odessa, Tx
Posts: 917

Ahhh.... Thanks y'all.  :hug:
It just really has been a sucky day and I just needed to blow off some steam and TT just seemed to be the place... So sorry to vent like I did.
I guess I will keep on keepin on and maybe in a month or two we will all be so busy we'll be
"panting like a horny toad on a hot rock!" tee hee .....  bear_grin

K Pawz Guest

OH Roxanne, please don't throw in the tail! I love seeing the smiling faces of your bears, and would hate to see you in search of a fork!!!


SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,769

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

:hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  Chrissi is correct . . . the valleys help you appreciate the peaks.  Have you thought about participating in bear shows?  That has been the place where I've sold more of my bears.  I've been through many ups and downs myself - it's the nature of retail, I think.  You could focus on your beautiful soaps and cakes for awhile - then return to your splendid bears with a renewed spirit.  Whatever you decide - I wish you the very best!  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

Laura Lynn Teddy Bear Academy
Nicholasville, KY
Posts: 3,653

Laura Lynn Banner Sponsor

I'm so sorry Roxanne!  I agree, your bears are wonderful!!  Don't give up!

As for the negative feedback... I recommend responding to it.  I went to to come up with these translations:

For Victoria:  "receipt the 11/OI/O8 with unforeseen additional expenses"
She then added this on Jan 24th:  "All is well which finishes well or my opinion is better"

For Victor:  "pourqu' oi to pay 2 times the port, if is to send the two bears together"  (I think she meant - Why pay shipping twice if shipping both bears together)
She also added to Victor's feedback on Jan 24th:  "good conclusion which for me erases the negative evaluation"

I'd say something like Due to language barriers, shipping costs accidentally double paid and were refunded.  Collector is happy now which is what her follow up feedback says - translated by

patsylakebears Patsy Lake Bears
Posts: 3,442

Roxanne don't give up, I am sure there are a lot of us out there that feel exactly the same way. Sales in general are down and people are just not spending on luxury items. I am sure it will pick up again but we just have to ride the wheel until that happens.  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

I have to agree with Sue Ann.... shows are also where my sales are the best. Of course, I don't have a 'following' on eBay upon which I rely on and take cue from as to whether my bears are desireable or not. There's another whole world of collectors out there who put so much importance on "touchy-feely" before putting out their hard earned dollar. Many only buy at shows... don't "do" the internet, etc.  I have no idea where you are distance wise from Austin or Albequerque but our own Luann Bowen puts on fantastic shows there, from what I gather. You might consider contacting her to find out more if doing a show is a possibility for you. Here's a link to her shows:

I also agree that taking a break is often helpful. Or perhaps it's time to experiment with other bear designs you've had floating in your head... try something new and different. I am NOT saying there is anything wrong with your current bears! In fact I love them!!!! I just know from very recent personal experience that that experimenting can put that much needed enthusiasm back into bear making!

:hug:  :hug:  :hug:

Little Bear Guy Little Bear Guy
Waterloo, Ontario
Posts: 1,395

I have to agree with Sue Ann on what she said Roxanne.  I would try doing a few bear shows, it's nice to get to a show and meet up with the collectors. 

Letting people see your work in the fur does really help and you get to see a lot of collectors who maybe haven't even seen your bears.  I love your bears and think they are fantastic.    We all have our peaks and valleys, have you thought about trying smaller bears , I know the time is the same in making them but cost would be a bit lower and the prices might be lower then and that could appeal to other collectors who maybe would love one of your bears but don't have the the funds for one of the bigger one or the space for a large bear.

keep your chin up you do wonderful work.

big hugs


Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Shane's post made me think of two things:

When you do a show and collectors stop and admire your bears, even if they don't buy, seeing their faces light up and hearing the words of praise can be quite a pick-me-up. You can also learn a lot doing a show by really listening to folks when they are at your table... sometimes it's listening to what isn't said.... watching which bears they gravitate towards, which don't get any attention.

And what Shane said about smaller bears with a smaller price point.... I know many aritsts who do this, myself included... just to give those who can't afford to pay $200+ a chance to own one of your bears. Once they have one of your smaller bears and admire it every day then they just might decide they HAVE to have one of your bigger bears.

bearlyart Canna Bear Paint
Posts: 749

I would like to jump on the bandwagon and also agree with what Sue Ann is saying  bear_original

I would estimate 95% of our sales are from shows, and that's where most of our collectors are as well.  There seems to be VERY little overlap between collectors who go to shows vs. collectors who shop on the internet.  While we do have some of our "show" buyers on our email mailing list, they seem to like looking at the web site and chatting occasionally, but most wait to buy until they see us at the next show.

eBay... oh boy.  The highs are high and the lows are low, what more can I say?  My mother has requested that I start listing our bears regularly on eBay.  Heaven help us.  Unfortunately the eBay collectors are very unfamiliar with us as it has been a LONG time since we did much with our bears there, and I think we all know what a problem it is to not be "known" on eBay.  I always get the impression that everybody is waiting for somebody else to bid first on the "unknowns" or "lesser knowns".  Anyway, I expect a very hard, long, uphill battle on that front.  And even though I know I shouldn't take eBay results personally, I probably will anyway.  <sigh>

By the way, I wouldn't worry much about those negatives in the big picture, your feedback score is still very good.  The fact that they are in a foreign language might actually be beneficial in a way, as most people understand that there can be lots of problems with international shipping such as cost, length of time, duties and so forth.  If I were to take a quick look at your feedback (without knowing French), I would presume that those negatives among otherwise excellent feedback was just one of those things, and it wouldn't stop me from bidding.

Keep your chin up!

fredbear Fred-i-Bear
Posts: 2,243

Roxanne, I can understand how sad and horrid you are feeling. Nothing as depressing when you put your all into something and then you do not see any results.

As all the others have mentioned here, the good comes with the bad, if you do not try you will never succeed. Just remember what works for one person might not work for another.



matilda Matilda Huggington-beare
Posts: 5,551

Dear Roxanne, I cant add anything new to what everyone else has already said. I just wanted to say  that I was really surprised to read that someone so exceptionally talented as yourself wanted for "just a brief moment' to 'chuck it all in' . Sorry possum I know what an awful feeling it is. I suffer with it every couple of months or so.
Hang in there! :hug:  :hug:

TamiL Dolls N Dreams
Aurora, Colorado
Posts: 6,454

Hi, I can't really add much more, I agree with everyone!
Your bears are adorable, just hang in there. bear_original  bear_original  bear_original

Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

Roxanne,  The world be a much sadder place if you stopped creating your beautiful bears.  You are far too talented to quit.

  I agree whole heartedly with everyone else's comments here too. :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

Michelle Helen Chaska, Minnesota
Posts: 2,897

Dear Roxanne: Though I don't sell my bears, I would have to agree with the others. Don't give up. I know the economy is rough all over. My aunt Patty is an antique deal and she is not selling much (she normally has high sales at shows but the last two were horrible). In fact all her friends are complaining of the same thing. So it is not you. Keep creating and things will get better..... :hug:

The Rabbit Maker The Rabbit Maker
Posts: 679

Don't give up!!!

I know it's easy to say and I know it does depend on whether you rely on it for an income.

Since I started in Oct 2006 I seem to keep hitting negatives.

I did a show and everyone there said it had been the quietest show in years. Shops tell me that sales are quiet,  ebay is playing up, the markets flooded blah blah blah !!

I could take it to heart but I just keep plodding on because I like my bunnies and I have some customers who do too. I enjoy it and as long as I can keep buying mohair I will keep making and you should too, even if you end up with a house full.

Don't give up!!

Jennie Teddybears Sweden
Gavle, Sweden
Posts: 751

No, don't give up!! I have just taken a peek on your site and your bears are really lovely!! And I mean that! We all have those moments (I have them too often, trust me!). For me, being away from bears for a while is the best way to get the energy back. I think sale is very slow too. People love the bears but they don't have the money. So there's nothing wrong with your bears!!

lapousmor Sophie Z'Ours
Sarthe, France
Posts: 2,770

Roxanne, I agree with everyone else, don't give up!
your bears are darlings!

I PMed you...

Beary hugs,

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