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Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

They are cute.... and I always visualize mine with little window boxes in the summer... a wreath on the door for the holidays..... and no one inside but me!!!  bear_grin  Hubs stopped taking me to Home Depot with him because he got tired of my Shed comments! LOL!

Swan Valley Bears Swan Valley Bears
Penn Valley, CA
Posts: 1,845
rkr4cds wrote:

I'm finding a quite a bit of my cat in every one of your posts - and suspect that that's true in most of your cats too.
Just the way they're made....

but no washing up, it took about 2 months for him to decide on a dish washer

I had our 3rd baby in 3.25 years and my cat did cooked and did dishes for three weeks or so afterwards.
He was silly enough to ask "How long do you stay in the kitchen?" and of course w/3 kids I said "Hours every day."
I had my first dishwasher the next week....

Bobbie, my mom got her first dishwasher after all three of us kids were finally out on our own.  I don't think she'd washed a dish for 15 years before that.  But she did do all the cooking, after all.

Swan Valley Bears Swan Valley Bears
Penn Valley, CA
Posts: 1,845

Brenda, Daphne, my aunt, who quilts like crazy, has one of those sheds (quite a large one) in her yard and it's fitted out with windows, electricity, carpet, shelves and even a ceiling fan.  I think she spends most of her time there.

She lives in Chico, CA where it gets quite hot most of the summer.  They have a pool so she quilts, jumps in the pool to cool off then back to quilting.

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Patty - Your aunt is one lucky woman!! I'm jealous!  bear_tongue But I'll keep dreaming.....

thumperantiques Newcastle, Ontario
Posts: 5,645

     Wow - she IS a lucky woman!!!  I'm afraid here it would be too cold to use all year, but maybe with a small wood burning stove.
Wouldn't that be nice! 
     Funny, I hate dish washers - hubby has tried many times to buy me one and I won't have it.   My sister doesn't have one or want one either.  I don't mind doing dishes at all - just hate cooking.  We all did dishes as kids, with our parents, and it was a nice family time to chat etc.  I think that's why I still don't mind, even though my kids always hated it.
     There is a lovely house on Lake Ontario, that we pass on our drives.  It also has a small guest house as well as one of those sheds.  I keep hoping for a lottery win - I'd be on their doorstep, offering them more than it's worth to sell it. bear_original


Michelle Helen Chaska, Minnesota
Posts: 2,897

I can sit down and eat a jar of Marshmellow Fluff without sneaking around and being discovered!!!  bear_original  bear_original

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568
Michelle Helen wrote:

I can sit down and eat a jar of Marshmellow Fluff without sneaking around and being discovered!!!  bear_original  bear_original

:crackup:  :crackup:  :crackup:  :crackup:  Yum!!!

thumperantiques Newcastle, Ontario
Posts: 5,645

     That's funny!  In this house hubby is the snacker - he eats supper and moves into his comfy TV chair and starts snacking.  He can't watch TV without snacking. The bears save me - I can't sit and do nothing and watch TV, so I sew and as long as I'm sewing, I can't be snacking :clap:   I figure the bears have saved me from a ton of weight  :crackup:



rkr4cds Creative Design Studio (RKR4CDS)
suburban Chicago
Posts: 2,044

We all did dishes as kids, ...... even though my kids always hated it.

To get our 3 to co-operate, they each had a night alone and 3 nights to share dishes.
One cleared and washed. And left the kitchen.
The next came in to Dry. And left the kitchen.
Then Put Away came in to... put it all way.

WHO KNEW that dry & put-away were separate jobs??????

We didn't care how they arranged it as long as they all worked it out and the dishes were clean.
So much for Teamwork.

Jodi Falk Bears by Jodi
Gahanna , Ohio USA
Posts: 3,463

When mine is away


because I can craw out of my bedroom where I have been living for months and act normal !!! YOU have NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO idea !!!!! It is the best thing ever for me !!!! JUST THE BEST !!!

MerBear MerBear Originals
Brockville, Ontario
Posts: 1,540

Bobbie, I had to laugh at:"How long do you stay in the kitchen?" and of course w/3 kids I said "Hours every day."
I had my first dishwasher the next week...."
Many years ago, after 4 kids and a large garden, I started campaigning for a dishwasher. I was doing a lot of canning and also wanted it to wash the jars. My husband said: "Why do I need a dishwasher, I married one". I just laughed and the next day, called the store and ordered one delivered. It was there when he got home from work and I've had one ever since! That taught him to think before talking.


rkr4cds Creative Design Studio (RKR4CDS)
suburban Chicago
Posts: 2,044

Oh that was so precocious of you!! Why didn't I think of that!!!
Yes, I ALWAYS washed & preheated the canning jars.
We've given up most of the kid-gobbling things like jelly/jam, but still put up our own peaches, corn, chili sauce, etc.
Growing up with it, (though we grumbled through the garden weeding and hated the site of 10 bushels of peaches/plums/etc waiting - no AC in the 40s - 60s.....,) you just can't get the same products & flavors with commercially produced foods.
We'll die with the freezer & shelves still full.

Swan Valley Bears Swan Valley Bears
Penn Valley, CA
Posts: 1,845

Jodi, I bet you are the most dancin'est mouse when the cat's away.  Don't blame ya'.  You dance, girl ! ! !


fredbear Fred-i-Bear
Posts: 2,243

For many years I was a "married" single mother as hubby was away from home more than at home. Boy was it difficult to adjust when he slowed down. Now I seem to spend more time away from home than he does.

I am far more productive on my own, and yes the remote control, eating times, all belong to ME.


Dilu Posts: 8,574

After surgery I discovered that mine had installed a dishwasher.....I didn't want to give up the space....I guess he didn't want to do dishes more!  Now i am glad-took 4 years to discover that time is better spent doing something fun.

Jodi how are you are you almost divorced from that bad kitty you are married to?

Neither of us like tv all that much so the remote is lost more than it is argued over.  The odd things I like he doesn't object to-the odd things he likes...I go sew.  bear_grin

Dilu Posts: 8,574

I hope that Brenda and Daphne can somehow get their home away from home.....with heat air con and insullation and most importantly a really really good lock and no telephone!  Lock them out and you in and no one calling to say "whats for dinner?"

Although the appropriate answer would be:"I don't know-whatcha fixing?"

Daphne said:

most of us DO cherish our alone time,

I think thats in insight into all our psyches-we wouldn't be so obsessive compulssive about our making stuff if we we were not comfortable with out own company.

Do any of you find company in your aone time distracting, and do you find yourselves not willingly giving up your alone time?

why do I ask?  I have had people want to come over when I am pouring porcelain to see what I am doing.....My mind screams NOWAYYYYYYYY  my mouth says "well, I'll have to call you"

All Bear All Bear by Paula
Posts: 5,162

I like to eat simply - when I feel like it, take long baths instead of short showers, have early nights with a good book, the tv remote and the entire bed to stretch out in ... lovely! bear_original

I'm very precious about my alone time Dilu, much as I love being part of a couple again and a family, I crave time every day to just be me ... fortunately my other half doesn't take it too personally! bear_tongue

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

My problem is that I have so much alone time with hubs working long hours and now going on kayaking trips with his buddy on weekends in the summer that when it IS interrupted I get cranky. I'm a creature of habit.... interrupt my habits and you'll pay dearly!

I don't necesarily work on bears in my alone time as I should... but once my time is interrupted and taken up by being a wife again I suddenly want to make bears more than ever and get, well, cranky! LOL!!! Go figure!

Posts: 1,586

:crackup: I guess the best part is not having to worry about cooking.  I come home from work, flop in a chair, take a snooze, get rejuvinated and go about my own business.  I do not have to worry about tv since we are in different rooms and have our own tv's.  but just to be alone is great, go to the store, go to my daughters up the street, gab on the phone, aahh what nice thoughts. I can do what I want, when I want, and ow I want it!

thumperantiques Newcastle, Ontario
Posts: 5,645

     I had a neighbour in Kemptville that did not understand "working from home".  She had never had a job and went from neighbour to neighbour, having tea.  I complied when we first moved, to be social and I wasn't making bears then.  Once I started, she was a HUGE problem - wouldn't take no for an anwer!  I refused to answer the door and she would continuously phone the house.  She would call Neil at work, asking if I was home.  In short, she drove me nuts!  When we moved here, I simply ignored ALL neighbours.  I smiled, waved and kept walking!  :crackup:  No one is ever going to make me feel that way again. We've been here two years and am now just slowly getting to know one next door neighbour, who is very nice and keeps to herself.  We also have an unlisted telephone number, and have only given it to a few people - even lots of our relatives don't have it. Those that don't have it can always email :lol  I've told the few people we socialize with about my old neighbour, just to make sure they understand that I work from home and won't be interupted.  I am now obsessively protective of my time and I've made it absolutely clear that I do not do "drop in company"!

    I HATE being interupted, which is why I work late into the night, after hubby is in bed!  No one phones that late either  :crackup:



psichick78 Flying Fur Studios
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 3,073

You know, it's soo funny that most woman share the same lot if life. COOKING!

I also like to when I'm alone eat what I want, when I want.
Marion, hubs was away for 8 days just a bit ago and I lost 11 pounds! i wasn't even trying.

I feel bad because when hubs was gone the baby and I had a perfect schedule going. When hubs got back the whole daily routine was all messed up. Meaning baby didn't nap or do anything as well.
Sometimes I feel it's easier when he's not home. That way only the baby and I make a mess and I don't have to cook anything special.

I'm also lucky bec. hubs works evenings sometimes like this week. He works from 4pm - 12am so I have plenty of me time after baby goes to bed.

Thanks for letting me confess........... :crackup:

Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

bear_sad But what on earth do you do when your Hubs retires? Mine is threatening . . . .

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,868

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Mine has been retired since 2000 and for the first 2-3 years I wanted to run away from home.  We only had one computer at the time and, of course, it was more important for him to use it than for me.  Humph!  Very fortunately for him (or maybe for me), we finally were able to get another computer and I fixed up a special place for him to have an "office" . . . waaaay on the other side of the house from my workroom.  I've gotten used to having him around constantly, but I reeeeeaaaallly enjoy the times he goes out of town to a poetry workshop or convention.  YES!!!!

Dilu Posts: 8,574

mine already has and thats what we are doing now-playing retired: He has his garage....and I have the other...and when we meet in the house its clean, kindasorta, and we are happy to see each other-because we haven't been on each others nerves....

I think it helps if the hubs has something he can obsess about....for us its clunker cars that he fixes its win win.....I'd simply have to shoot him with the ice gun from that silly game at the Wiki site, if he was in my hair all the time....He asks tons of questions, and its hard to be planning sewing concentrating pouring when someone is asking "how come you do it that way"  every 5 minutes.....Does this sound like an engineer or what? bear_wacko 

Don't let him retire until he has something he can do so you can have time alone to do what you do.....

i don't think anyone here could function without their alone TV!


hugs everyone-gonna go have some alone time with the Pfaff........


Aleta - The Silly Bear The Silly Bear
Portland, Oregon
Posts: 3,119

What does this mouse play?  Hip hop and R&B.....really, really loud!  Bill likes country western.  I can only listen to CW if it's the really rowdy stuff.  It's one of the rare things that we're polar opposites 

I don't cook so, if Bill is away, I don't eat anything but peanut butter toast or cereal.

If it weren't for Bill, I would work all the time.  There is always soooo much to do and so few hours in the day!  Bill keeps me grounded so it's a good thing we are rarely away from each other for any extended period of time longer than the usual work day.  This mouse likes the company of the cat!

Warmest bear hugs,  :hug:

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Past Time Bears - Artist bears designed and handcrafted by Sue Ann Holcomb