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Stellajella Wien
Posts: 1,399

Oh, wow fluffy ladies in the US!
I saw terrible pix of weather related problems and catatrophies and I immediately thought about y´all and I hope that everybody´s fine and does not have to suffer!
If ever anybody was involved I wish you good luck!
Take care ladies!

PS:Even though I don´t post here often, you´re in my thoughts, and sometimes I sneak in to look at the gorgeous creations!

Gaby bear_flower

Stellajella Wien
Posts: 1,399

Oops, sorry....GENTS as well!!!!

All the best!

Gaby bear_flower

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,754

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Yes the midwest is having a terrible time of it - storms, flooding, tornados, hail - lots of lives lost and much devastation.  Just yesterday, a tornado hit a Boy Scout camp, killing four kids and injuring 40 more.  Mother Nature must be mad at somebody, but I surely wish she'd calm down.

Dilu Posts: 8,574

Well said Sue Ann.....

nice to see you again Gaby!


smdogs gone to the dogs/sm dog designs
Kansas City Missouri
Posts: 234

  I live in the kansas city Missouri area and we are in for more bad weather this evening. We are under a tornado watch, flood watch and I think a thunderstorm watch. Last night a tornado hit KSU in manhattan kansas which is not really that far away from my area.

   Its just crazy out there.
Please everyone be safe if the bad weather is in your area.


KJ Lyons KJ Lyons Design
Seattle, WA
Posts: 1,413

My friend, Rosalie Frischmann, lives in Wisconsin where there has been much flooding. I emailed her to see how she was doing and she told me she was scheduled to fly out to a show in Japan and there was 21 inches of water flooding the road out from her home. I don't know if she made the flight? She said "I'll float on my back with my suitcases on my stomach if I have to!". That's Rosalie!

Marlys Waggle Bears
So Cal Desert
Posts: 4,089

I was just thinking of Tracy the last couple of days. She wrote about her basement flooding and then the tornado yesterday at the Boy Scout Camp. I hope everyone is safe. I can't imagine how awful that must be to go through.

pandamac 'EmBears
Northern New York State
Posts: 917

Thanks for the well wishes. We were without power for about 8 hours on Tuesday, no phone or internet for 36 hours......Help! No TT for 2 Days !!!!! (how did I survive that?) The community that we go to church in was without power for about 3 days, I'm not sure they are back on yet. A neighboring community had a tree fall on a house and split it in half, no one was home, so no injuries. It ws really a nasty storm, lots of trees down, but even though people said they saw Funnel Cluds, the Weather Service (and other powers that be) said the damages were from Straight Line Winds, not tornadoes Just heard a news report. More than 1200 homes and businesses in the county are still without power. I heard of only a couple of deaths due to the storm, I think overall this area was very lucky.

It is really amazing that the weather can be so nice, turn to so nasty with very high winds and rain, then be so beautiful and peaceful!

I hope anyone else that got nasty weather did as well as we did here.......(I actually took a nap through part of the storm!)


Tracy ThimbleBeary Originals
Posts: 2,049

Hey gals!  Yep, the weather has definitely been frightful. bear_sad  We're okay here........the tornadic storms just missed us to the north and south the other night.  So awful about the Boy Scout camp......I just cried when I saw it on the TV that night.  And cried again yesterday watching the news stories about the one Iowa boy who died in the storm (the other boys were from Nebraska, so our news channel didn't report much about them).  Such special young lives, and gone so soon. :cry All four boys were so young (13 and 14) and had been invited to this camp for leadership training due to their accomplishments.  They were all very special kids.

Eastern Iowa is being hit very hard with record flooding.  Someone said on the news last night that it's a '500 year event', meaning there has never been anything like it.  Much of Cedar Rapids is under water....also Waterloo......New Hartford is as well, plus they were hit with that EF5 tornado that wiped out a neighboring town, Mason City was under water......the list goes on and is very long, with more than half of our state declared a disaster area.  Des Moines is fighting like mad to keep the flood waters out......last night they were still winning the battle, but I don't know about this morning.  It's so depressing watching the news, I am limiting myself to just once or twice a day......otherwise I would be glued to it all. bear_sad  I feel so badly for all those who have lost so much.  No words can's just absolutely horrible. bear_cry   Thankfully, my family is safe and sound, and we've had minimal problems ourselves in comparison.  We are very fortunate indeed.

Everyone stay safe from these storms and flooding.  It's all so very scary........does make one wonder if Mother Nature is mad at us!


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