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clare14 Country Bears
Posts: 3,066

I thought I might treat myself to a Featherweight machine as I don't get out to my workshop much now with baby so I thought it may be easier than lugging my big machines in and out.   (that's the excuse I've given hubby for yet ANOTHER sewing machine but it's our little secret...K??!!   :crackup: )   bear_tongue  bear_tongue

So, I wondered, do you think the older models would be better, say 1940's, or the newer ones 1960's??

Sooooo excited, it's like getting new shoes!   bear_grin  bear_grin

chrissibrinkley Posts: 1,836

Clare, I've Pm'd you with some info  bear_flower


lulubears Posts: 280

Hi Clare  Speaking strictly from my own experience, I like the older ones.  I have two featherweights, both were made sometime between 1948 and 1950.  I took them to the local sewing machine shop when I first got them to have them checked out, and have been sewing on them ever since.  They are easy to maintain, make the most perfect stitches ever and are easy to move about.

I use mine almost daily, and on some days sew for 8 or 10 hours.  I've never had any problems with them.  I've been able to sew just about every type of fabric you can imagine on mine.

If I were ever gong to treat myself to something (and I didn't already have a featherweight), that would be a perfect treat.

Good luck in getting one.  I'm sure you will enjoy it!


Dilu Posts: 8,574

I love my featherweight, works like a charm;1921

Heres what the sewing machine guy I taught classes for: "Any Singer newer than 1965 is made in China.  Take it for what its worth"
I researched what hew said and he was right, so we went older, and have been very happy,  and it is so light.Have you checked out e-bay?

I checked the featherweights out here in Oregon and 4 years ago they were going for $900....I thought that was a wee boit Steep and checked out ebay.  We found one being sold by an older man who was selling off some of his collection....Try for a case and all accessories.-the case is really crucial if you are going out to classes. but if youve a new baby, my bet the Featherweight will fit into a corner of the stroller like a charm.

Do moms still use strollers?

When you do find the one you want you might want to pick up one of the manuels shop manuels so that you can complete many of the simple fixes yourself....they really are sop easy to work on....and the wiring you might want to check out too....

have fun and veru good luck!  You'll love it!~


Dilu Posts: 8,574

Aww Why let 2 stop you.....I wouldn't mind another, but I am really gunning for the hand cranked go with the treadle

what is it with some of us and sewing machines?

I see one in someones house and my heart melts....I see mine and my fingers itch.....

FenBeary Folk FenBeary Folk
Pointon Fen, Lincolnshire, UK
Posts: 2,234

Whats a "featherweight" sorry bit dense, I have a singer its a dream, post war just 1948

My husband has a pre war one with a shuttle that goes side ways and is alot lot fancier not sure what age that is bear_grin

kellydean k e l l y d e a n & c o m p a n y
Narrowsburg, New York
Posts: 718

I've got a 1939 featherweight and I think its's a totally wonderful machine, both from a practical side and as design concept - it's almost a perfect machine, however the best part about the singer featherwieght is the parts!   

a recent thread on TT about sewing machines caused me to remember that I had not one, but TWO vintage singer walking feet (aga: the penguin) and since I haven't used my FW in years, I put them up on ebay last week.  they brought me $425 EACH!!!

:dance:  :dance:  :dance:  kelly does his happy dance  :dance:  :dance:

I took the cash and went to sassy fabrics!  lookout minis!

I've also got a 1928 singer handcank that remains one the most beautiful machines I've ever seen, lovely cloisonné flowers and vines scrolling all over it.  it looks terrfic on my counter with bears scampering all over it, but it's the machine I taught myself to sew on.  it has a lovely bentwood case, too, as does my other cased Singer, a 1930's electric model.  oh, and I've got a 301 slant-needle.  I've been looking for one of those 50's 500's series, the 'rocket ships', but I'm sorta out of space  :redface:   :redface:   :redface:

anyway you look at it, vintage singers are a good investment.  have you seen the restorer who is offering refurbished ones in fire-engine red on ebay?  totally cool stuff

dilu, I'm with you, but I have a total fixation on all vintage machines.  I bake with vintage hamilton beach mixers, toast with antique toasters and even have a 1930's crockpot with dividers and a time clock!  antique camera's, projectors and typewriters are all pretty cool too  :redface:  :redface:  :redface:

chrissibrinkley Posts: 1,836

Ok, so I know what vintage singer part I'm ALWAYS keeping an eye out for during my millions of antique outings!! WOW good for you Kelly!!   :dance:

I'm the same way with the vintage machines. If I can't find the original I at least go with the newer machines made to look retro.  My vintage crock pot is my absolute favorite.  The pots they make now are almost dangerous.  Most have a goofy metal band around the top of the main unit that gets so hot it's an instant 3rd degree hand burn. 

Sue....the featherweight design started in 1933'ish so your singer may be a featherweight.  Google "featherweight" to get some info and some pics to compare to  bear_thumb


Dilu Posts: 8,574

Chrissie, The hubs just walked in and told me the treadle is 1921...the featherweight was from the elizabeth NJ site.....

....Sue and Clare, they hardly ever have any problems at all
Are nearly indestructable
and if you gum up the bobbin you can fix it.....make sure you have the little screw drivers....they are so cute with the little wooden handles.....

Clare I think you cannot go wrong,  and not everyone has posted.

I have to agree with you ladies on all it because they used metal in the machines instead of plastic that they always work so well?

I am saddened by our throw away society but delighted that those of us who like old can still get it.....

Congrats Kelly!!!!! what a neat way to get sassyfabric.  You'll love it!

Here's some info to help you all :

Dating your Featherweight
The Singer company has long propounded the myth that it can pinpoint the very day of manufacture of its machines. Not true. The date given as a "birthdate" is simply the day on which vast batches of serial numbers were released to the various factories.

Even the dates given and the machines assigned by Singer in its "dating service" are open to doubt. The International Sewing Machine Collectors' Society has offered to vet the list and pinpoint obvious inaccuracies. Singer has refused this and all other requests to see the data.

What we offer here is the closest-possible accurate dating. If you wish to check on Singer's idea of the "birthdate" you can telephone the customer service line at 1-800-4SINGER.

Kilbowie, Scotland machines

ED1 to ED 999.999 –– Jan 1941 to April 1947
EE1 to EE 999.999 –– April 1941 to Feb 1949
EF1 to EF 999.999 –– Mar 1949 to Sept 1950
EG1 to EG 999.999 ––Sept 1950 to Dec 1951
EH1 to EH 999.999 –– Jan 1951 to June 1953
EJ1 to EJ999,999 –– June 1953 to Nov 1954
EK1 to EK999,999 –– Nov 1954 to Jan 1956
EL1 to EL999,999 –– Jan 1956 to Dec 1956
EM1 to EM999,99 –– Dec 1956 to Dec 1957
EN1 to EN999,999 –– Jan 1958 to Feb 1959

EP1 to EP999,999 –– Feb 1959 to Mar 1960
ER1 to ER999,999 –– Mar 1960 to Oct 1960
ES1 to ES999,999 –– Oct 1960 to Oct 1961
ET1 to ET999,999 –– Oct 1961 to Dec 1962
EV1 to EV999,999 –– Dec 1962 to July 1964
EX1 to EX999,999 –– July 1964 to Oct 1966
EY1 to EY999,999 –– Oct 1966 to Oct 1968
EZ1 to EZ999,999 –– Oct 1968 to April 1969
FA1 to FA999,999 –– May 1969 to Apr 1970
FB1 to FB999,999 –– April 1970 to June 1971                                                                   
Elizabeth, New Jersey machines
AJ......................................................1948 to 1950
AK.................................................... 1950 to 1951
AL.....................................................1952 to 1954
AM....................................................1955 to 1956 AN.....................................................1959 to 1960                                                                       
AD....................................................1930 to 1934
AE.....................................................1935 to 1938
AF.................................................... 1938 to 1940 AG....................................................1940 to 1941 AH....................................................1947 to 1948

St Johns, Canada machines
JB....................................................1945 to1948 JC....................................................1948 to 1959                                                                                                                                                                           
JD....................................................1959 to 1963                                                           

History, dating, manuals, parts lists etc

Featherweight History –– Machine Dating –– Condition Chart ––Accessories
Parts lists/numbers –– Owners' Manuals –– Workshop Manuals
Featherweights Facts and Myths –– Freearm Applications –– Horror Chamber –– Advertising Art Work –– Cleaning Your Machine –– Identify Your Manual–– Approved Links

For the best selection of the finest available Featherweights

Standard Machines –– 1951 Centennials –– White/Green Models –– Freearm 222s –– Singer Featherweight Toys ––Spare Parts Sales –– Accessory Sales – Our Guarantee –– Repairs/Servicing –– Motor rebuilds and voltage conversions –– What our customers say –– Lay-away plan

                                                                                       … e_one.html 

A neat site for those who want more featheryfacts.

Dilu Posts: 8,574

Keep us posted which one you get, OK?


FenBeary Folk FenBeary Folk
Pointon Fen, Lincolnshire, UK
Posts: 2,234

You guys are amazing, I now know mine is from 1944 as its serial number is ED305139 and is a 99k

BUT hubby recons his is German?? I always thought it was a singer, trouble is its in the loft, I do remember it had only numbers in its serial no, if it is a singer then its pre-1900 bear_grin

chrissibrinkley Posts: 1,836

Dilu, the site you posted from...Graham's site...I would recommend to anyone interested in a featherweight.  He's incredibly respected in the area and actually is the person who coined the 1-9 rating system that pretty much everyone uses now for featherweight appearances.  I purchased my one machine from him and I'm actually looking for another from him...a backup bear_whistle ..don't tell the Hub on me :crackup:
For everything you get his prices are fantastic.


Dilu Posts: 8,574

I love his site, I used it the two times I was getting a singer on ebay-really incredable information there...So its extra nice to know that someone I respect so much also respects this site and the fella who runs it... bear_thumb  bear_thumb Actually the hubster found him....and said we were going to follow his guidlines.



Dilu Posts: 8,574

well, I think a backup makes perfect sense....thats why I have the treadle..... :crackup: whivh makes a perfectly lovely nightstand!

I usuakly wait unti the hubs gets another engine or transmission to tinker with and then I hit him with it......

Clare, gioven what Chrissie just shared maybe you want to check out his prices too...oops your in GB forget I said that....I'll check out his site.....


chrissibrinkley Posts: 1,836
Dilu wrote:

Clare, gioven what Chrissie just shared maybe you want to check out his prices too...oops your in GB forget I said that....I'll check out his site.....


Graham's there too!  My machine shipped from London.  BUT his pricing on his site includes the insured shipping (and all of his particular guarantees).  You think I was getting a cut of the sales!! bear_grin   
Seriously though, I had a lovely shopping experience with him.


Nancy D Dog Patch Critters
Titusville, FL
Posts: 512

Thanks so much for the site with Featherweight info. I learned to sew on my mother's Featherweight. I know it was made around 1950 by the number AND the sales contract from Singer. My mom purchased the machine in Washington, DC  for twelve monthly payments of $11.82. I keep the sales contract in a protective sleeve next to the machine. The photo of me in my avatar shows the Featherweight.
I need to identify some accessory pieces and parts she kept in a Singer box. I have the original instruction manual and a buttonholer in it's case.

clare14 Country Bears
Posts: 3,066

You uys are wonderful - thank you so much for all your help!!   :hug:  :hug:   Chrissi, I looked at that site - it's fab - thank you!!   :hug:   Still haven't got one yet, and before I go for it - does anyone know the difference between the 221k and the 222k?

kellydean k e l l y d e a n & c o m p a n y
Narrowsburg, New York
Posts: 718

I believe the 222 is the free-arm - costs loads more momey but really nice (although my husk is a free-arm and I think I've only used it once)

heartsez Hearts Ease Bears
Posts: 660

i was so excited to see this post!  we have been talking about the singers and getting a back up,,but i was getting confused by ebay and
the vast difference in models and prices!!! i have a singer 301 that i adore!! couldnt sew on those plastic thingys,,ugh! so we found a
retired gentleman who used to work for singer and still sold and repaired them,,he said they are called singer "lightweights"  it is slant needle
and has a longer fabric platform..came i a case and was very reasonable.  they sold one on ebay last week for $300!! im stunned!  deb

shantell Apple Dumpling Designs
Willamette Valley Oregon
Posts: 3,128


I have several quilting friends and they ALL have featherweights and love them.  Actually, they all have MORE than one.    My friend, Janice, has each color they came in...and she named them.  LOL

I've wanted a featherweight for YEARS and just haven't purchased one yet.  I'll be purchasing from the gentleman Chrissi refers to.  He was very helpful with the questions I initially had for him...unless I find some steal right in my backyard.   I'm not sure what I'm waiting on...maybe it's just taking the plunge.

As far as the difference between the 221 and 222, Kelly is correct.  The 222 is a freearm and quite a bit more expensive because of it's rarity.  I want BOTH....and WILL HAVE BOTH...that's my goal...along with a cottage at the beach). 

I just love these old vintage machines.  My mother has my great-grandmothers singer treadle machine with ALL the parts including the instruction book & oil can.   I remember playing with it as a child at my fact I learned to sew on it...but before that I use to play with the treadle and pretend I was driving the car.  LOL  As far as I know it still works but just needs some cleaning and adjusting.  My mom doesn't (and can't) sew and since I'm an only child someday it will be MINE MINE MINE (evil laughter erupts).


P.S  OT...How's that darling baby boy of yours?  You know, new photos are due soon.

Dilu Posts: 8,574

CHrissie, if you don't you should....get a cut..... bear_grin

Good luck clare, and I hope you find something you are happy with and will love forever.....I especially like that I don't have to worry about a computer chip going bad......

shantell, I hope you get one soon....what will you name her?


Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Well, Clare..... THANK YOU!!! bear_flower

I've been toying with the desire for a featherweight for a very long time. The fact that I've put off having my Viking serviced for 4 years because I don't have a back up is one excuse but really, I just WANT one! So, all of this discussion got me looking very closely at them online. And tonight I bought one!!!!

Yes, hubby knows!! My b'day is this week and he's always wanting to get me the 'perfect gift' so this was the easy way out for him and I couldn't be happier!!

It's a 1941 with the scroll face plate... that was a must for me! And it was just serviced, electrical cords replaced and given a clean bill of health which was also important to me. I am just soooo excited to get one at last. I'll be sitting by the mailbox for the next 3 days waiting for it!!
:dance:  :dance:

OK, Shantell.... whatcha waitin' for??  bear_tongue

clare14 Country Bears
Posts: 3,066
shantell wrote:


I want BOTH....and WILL HAVE BOTH...that's my goal...along with a cottage at the beach). 

P.S  OT...How's that darling baby boy of yours?  You know, new photos are due soon.

Ok, so I'm going to make you jealous Shantell......I got one of each!  LOL!!  You can borrow them anytime   :hug:  :hug:   Now, for names....  bear_tongue  bear_tongue

My baby boy is as good as gold, can't believe how good he is, now my older two....that's a different story!!   bear_whistle  bear_whistle

Ooooh Daphne, has your machine arrived yet?   I'm waiting too, been told Thursday's the day - it's like waiting for Christmas!!   :crackup:  :crackup:   Have fun, and have a great Birthday!!   :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

Thank you for all your help everyone, I really appreciate it!!   :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Shantell is green with envy now Clare!!! Both!! Good for you! How exciting!!
My machine is finally shipping today.... and I should have it Fri or Sat. I'm SOOOOO anxious!!!! :dance:

Let us know how it goes when they arrive!!

chrissibrinkley Posts: 1,836

Clare you got one of each!!  Cool Beans, lucky girlie!! :dance:  :dance:   I'm actually a little jealous of that one too....BUT I'm just as bad bear_whistle
I wrote out to Graham about a machine and it was sold already.....(OK, which one of you gals got my machine :twisted:  :crackup:  :crackup: )...BUT he emailed me back with a Centennial that hadn't hit the site yet.  AND the date of the machine just happens to by my niece's birthday, so I thought that was really special bear_wub  Was meant to be.

I wanted this machine for the scrolled faceplate and scrolled looking decals too.  The machine I have now is deco with the paperclip decals.  I just love these machines.  My worst fear would be to be without one, that's the rational behind this second machine for me.  Least that's what I told the Hub bear_laugh

Post pics girls!!! I'd love to see you new beauties when they arrive!!


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