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Sheryl Tuckerbears
Colorado Springs, CO
Posts: 183

Hi all, You are all so wonderful with your advise that I am coming to you and asking for help. Here is my situation....

Along with learning to design "fur" bears my passion goes to making bears from clothes. Namely those from lost loved ones. I would like to approach Hospices, Nursing Homes, and Hospitals to put up information about my business. Since I am dealing with the very touchy subject of death, do you all have any ideas as to how to approach these businesses? Is there anyone out there that also makes memory bears?

Your help would be greatly appreciated. I have some ideas of my own but it is always good to get all your expert opinions.  bear_flower

Thank you all, Sheryl bear_wub

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,753

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Sheryl, I am working on a memory bear right now.  I was commissioned to make it, however, by a friend of my niece's, so I'm not one to give advice on how to turn it into a business.  If you have any business cards or brochures that explain what you do, you might take them to the hospitals, hospices, nursing homes, etc., and ask if you may put them up on a bulletin board or in the waiting rooms.  Also, if you have a budget for advertising, you could put an ad in the bear mags.  Someone else will come up with better ideas, I'm sure.

Sheryl Tuckerbears
Colorado Springs, CO
Posts: 183
SueAnn wrote:

Sheryl, I am working on a memory bear right now.  I was commissioned to make it, however, by a friend of my niece's, so I'm not one to give advice on how to turn it into a business.  If you have any business cards or brochures that explain what you do, you might take them to the hospitals, hospices, nursing homes, etc., and ask if you may put them up on a bulletin board or in the waiting rooms.  Also, if you have a budget for advertising, you could put an ad in the bear mags.  Someone else will come up with better ideas, I'm sure.

Thank you Sue Ann, I had not thought of the waiting room.. good idea. I would love to see your bear when you are done. I keep going this direction because my grandpa died when I was little and 30 years later I still wish he was close enough to hug.... If I had only gotten some of his clothes..... bear_sad

Dilu Posts: 8,574

What a grand idea, god for you!!!  No ideas, brain is totally dead, but I love what you two are doing!


SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,753

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

I thought of a couple more ideas.  Advertise on your website and leave cards/brochures at funeral homes.  My memory bear is for a baby that will be born by c-section in a couple of weeks.  The daddy died unexpectedly a few months ago and the mom wanted a bear made out of some of his favorite items for the baby to hug and cuddle . . . so, of course, it is child-friendly.  I'll email you some photos when it's finished.

Sheryl Tuckerbears
Colorado Springs, CO
Posts: 183
SueAnn wrote:

I thought of a couple more ideas.  Advertise on your website and leave cards/brochures at funeral homes.  My memory bear is for a baby that will be born by c-section in a couple of weeks.  The daddy died unexpectedly a few months ago and the mom wanted a bear made out of some of his favorite items for the baby to hug and cuddle . . . so, of course, it is child-friendly.  I'll email you some photos when it's finished.

My heart just sank when I read that story. What a wonderful thing the mother is doing. I know I will hear many sad stories in this business, but if I can bring happiness in the end it will be all worth it. Thanks for sharing and I look forward to seeing the finished bear :hug:

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

I was thinking of funeral homes also. I wonder what it would cost to run an ad in the newspaper with the arrangement that they position it on the page with the obituaries. Would that be tacky?

I'm ducking for cover as I mention this... I don't mean to always be talking about shows.... BUT... this is a great thing to market at a craft fair... not even a bear show.... but a craft fair, with samples, photos of someone holding a bear made of a loved one's clothes. People don't have to be teddy bear collectors to love the idea of a special memory bear.

And, if you wanted to celebrate the living you can also do memory bears of wedding gowns, bridesmaid dresses, christening gowns, tuxedos, a letterman's jacket, army fatigues.......

I'm getting carried away..... sorry!

You could contact your local newspaper about doing an article on you.. that would help spread the word.

Just tossing thoughts out there for you Sheryl!

Michelle Helen Chaska, Minnesota
Posts: 2,897

Well I have an idea that might work. Why not make up sample bears and see if Hospice or funeral homes would display them.  Perhaps have a tasteful display highlighting your ability to create memories for loved ones. Also, if you have a church you attend; let it be known you sew bears from clothing of loved ones. Let your priest or clergy know about your business so they could recommend you when appropriate. Bring a sample to show them. What do you think?

kellydean k e l l y d e a n & c o m p a n y
Narrowsburg, New York
Posts: 718

I don't know how you'd go about marketing them, but there is an lady on 'bear artists worldwide' who seems to have done quite well with the idea.  her bear pattern is basic, but she's very clever about incorporating parts of the garment into the bear - a bear made from a suit, for instance, with the old lapel forming a lapel on the bear, but sewn as part of the bear, if you follow.  she has a bear made from a bright yellow ski parka that is particularly clever.

I've done a few 'memory bears for clients myself, but my version is always one of my dressed character bears accoutremented with accessories appropriate to the proffesion of the person being remembered.  I've done an architect, a musical conductor, a veterinarian, a doctor and a weaver.  I didn't try to make the bear look like the person, but used favorite articles of clothing for the fabrics used to dress the bear.  the conductor carried a sheaf of favorite musical scores, scanned, reduced, printed & aged, the architect carries a roll of plans from the mans favorite house design (his own design, of course) and had antique miniature drafting instruments in his pockets, the weaver had a scale model working amish barn loom with a few small examples of her work rolled and stacked alongside the loom.  I usually name them the Gaelic equivalent of the person real name, and my clients seem to take great comfort from their bears.  good luck with your venture!

I also once had a request for 4 bears, each constructed to contain an aluminum tube, so the client could have her ashes diveded between them and give one to each of her children.  I declined the commision, but I guess it beats sitting in a vse on a shelf.

Mo Beary Mo Bear Designs
Redcliff, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 1,536

I've did memory bears for my cousin who's husband died suddenly.  I think they are a fantastic way to remember someone and to have a part of them still with you.   I think the funeral homes and old folks homes are a great idea for advertising - I'm sure they have bulletin boards.  Shows would also be a great way to promote what you want to do.  Good Luck!

matilda Matilda Huggington-beare
Posts: 5,551

There is a lady here in WA that makes memory bears. They are 'truely' splendid. The memories are'nt always for the 'dear departed'. She is often commissioned by schools and Colleges to make mascot bears out of school blazers.
I would suggest in making a couple and use the photos on your advertisment. All the best in your new adventure.

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,753

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Wendy is correct - memory bears aren't always for those who have died.  I have made a couple of bears out of prom dresses for young ladies who wanted to remember that event.

Tammy Beckoning Bears
Nova Scotia
Posts: 3,739

Sheryl,  a friend and I  started out making memory bears from fur and then garments etc.  All of the previous ideas are perfect ways to advertise.  Something my friend and I found helpful was doing presentations to local ladies groups if you are comfortable doing that  (I really wasn't ).   Ie: Seniors clubs, church groups, Red Hatters, whatever.  Take samples and do a little demo on how you make the bears.   Take lots of business cards as orders may come later on.

Put up notices on local community bulletin boards etc, and try to get an article in a local paper or magazine.

Doing local craft shows is a perfect way to get tons of orders if you .   You can take a couple of bears to sell, but go mostly to get known and take orders.  .   We did a show one October and had orders for 70 bears for Christmas.  That was an insane thing to do.  My friend still does orders and  now has a 10 month waiting list  !  It was too stressful for me bear_original 

Word of mouth was our best advertising once we got going.

Good luck.  Memory bears are a wonderful keepsake.

Sheryl Tuckerbears
Colorado Springs, CO
Posts: 183

bear_wub  bear_wub  I want to THANK YOU ALL for all your helpful information.  bear_wub  bear_wub 

After reading all the posts I went to our local thrift store this morning and got a few outfits to create with. I had planned on "celebrating the living" and remembering the "dearly departed" I just did not know how to go about dealing with "death" part. The outfits (and a table cloth) that I bought will be my demos. I took pictures of the outfits and will take pictures of the finished bears. Then come up with a brochure. I already have the business cards.

You ladies have given me much food for thought.  :clap:  :clap: I am off to a great start!

If anyone has any more ideas, keep them coming  bear_flower

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