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bearbottombears Bear Bottom Heirloom Bears
Nova Scotia Canada
Posts: 189

Well, we just finished nailing down everything that can move around our property.  We are set to get broadsided by
hurricane Kyle tomorrow.  That's the 6th anniversary of hurricane Juan. September 29th 2002 Nova Scotia was flattened by Juan. We're praying Kyle will be gentler. Having lived in the US for half the year for the past 15 years, I take hurricane and tornado warnings very seriously.  Most people think of Florida, the Carolinas and the gulf coasts as vulnerable.  But what they don't realize is that Nova Scotia is like a great big catchers mitt in the north atlantic all ready to stop anything that barrels up the east coast. Keep your fingers the least we'll just  lose our electicity for a few days (3 1/2 weeks last time)...So today, I am sewing like mad trying to get some bears made that I can work on while we wait it out. If you've ever gone through a hurricane, you know how terrifying it is. Pray for us.
Gail G

Swan Valley Bears Swan Valley Bears
Penn Valley, CA
Posts: 1,845

How scary, Gail.  You're right, I had no idea hurricanes hit Canada.  I hope it loses strength before it hits.  How close are you to the coast? Will they evacute?

Gijzette Elfin Bears
Mount Dora FL
Posts: 1,507


I will say a prayer that Kyle doesn't do any damage to your home and you stay safe. Living in Florida and on tornado alley I know exactly what you mean about hurricane and tornado warnings. Let us know you are okay when you can.
:pray:  :pray:  :pray:  :pray:  :pray:  :pray:  :pray:  :pray:  :pray:  :pray:  :pray:  :pray:  :pray:  :pray:  :pray:  :pray:  :pray:  :pray:


SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,769

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Gosh, yes, Gail . . . after what Ike did to the Tex/La coasts, I certainly hope Kyle will be better behaved.  My biggest hopes and wishes for a tame hurricane!

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Gail.... its raining pretty good on the coast of Maine right now where my parents live... we're 2 hours inland in New Hamshire and we're only getting some rain, heavy at times but no wind, nothing damaging. I can see the eye of Kyle heading in your general direction though.... hope it weakens considerably before it gets there!!

bearbottombears Bear Bottom Heirloom Bears
Nova Scotia Canada
Posts: 189

Thank you Patty, Gijzetta and Sue Ann.  We're hoping that it passes west of us up the Bay of Fundy which means it will lose more strength before it hits landfall in New Brunswick.  Although we will still be on the east side of it which means lots of rain and high winds.
Gijzetta, we spend Nov to May in Sarasota, and have ducked a dozen tornado warnings over the past 15 years. At least with a hurricane it comes on, you're in it and if you do enough preparations, nothing important blows away.  Tornados scare the "you know what" out of me. They are so random. I'll keep you all posted.  Our weather here can be very fickle due to all the influences ...
Patty, we are a lot like Florida here, no one is very far from the coast  either the Atlantic ocean on the east side  or the Bay of Fundy on the west side. We are about 20 minutes to the ocean and live right on a big lake which was the corridor that Juan hit in 2003. We face east so we usually get smacked dead on the front of our house by easterlies. Although our building codes make us bolt our houses to the centre of the earth  bear_grin  and mine's not likely to blow away... shingles maybe We had five good sized trees come down on our roof during Juan and all it did was push in our skylight enough to make it leak.
And to add insult to injury, I've got my very first bear on eBay and it's not due to finish until tomorrow night, so the chances are we'll be in the middle of a power outage and I won't even know if the bear went or who it went to...   bear_cry
Gail G

bearbottombears Bear Bottom Heirloom Bears
Nova Scotia Canada
Posts: 189

Thanks Daphne....ME TOO!!!

lapousmor Sophie Z'Ours
Sarthe, France
Posts: 2,770

Oh, Gail, it must be so scarry!

I will keep my fingers crossed for Kyle to forget to visit you! or at least not to make too much harm...

Beary hugs,

Tammy Beckoning Bears
Nova Scotia
Posts: 3,739

Hey Gail , the thing I hate most is that the forecast changes by the hour so we never know what to expect.  Being only 5 minutes from the water the winds can be nasty as you know.  That was what surprised everyone with Juan in 2003 !   I remember looking out my window the morning after and was shocked at all the trees down on the street, and shingles everywhere.  I took a drive around and  some areas were devastating.  I've never seen anything like that. Thankfully we never lost power but the inner circle of my street was without for a week so we shared our long extention cord and washroom facilities.  .  Those winds and rain were frightening in the night . 

Then of course, "White Juan" in Feb 2004 , just 5 months after,  with 100cm of snow, and my street was blocked for a 5 days.  The kids loved it as school was cancelled both times for a week.  That has never happened before !

I am not worrying too much about Kyle yet , but I did get some groceries to be on the safe side.  Everyone else had the same idea !  Keep safe and hope it slows down.

bearbottombears Bear Bottom Heirloom Bears
Nova Scotia Canada
Posts: 189

Hi Tammy...You're was your trip??? We were out to dinner tonight with the kids and just rechecked the weather channel..... looks like the storm may head right up through the Maine, New Brunswick border which means St. John will probably get the worst of it...But because it hits a lot of cold water first, it will probably take a lot of the ooomph out of it... Digby is still under a hurricane watch and the rest of us a tropical storm watch with about 100KMPH winds..For you that don't use Kilometers..that's about 60mph and we're still in for a lot of rain...but probably won't be anything like Juan... That's two narrow misses so far this season... yikes ... I was in Florida for white Juan... but know where I live, most of my neighbours were rescued by snowmobile and they had to have a bulldozer in to clear the road to get one young mother and her three offspring out safely. So, now we can just hope we keep our power... :pray:

bearbottombears Bear Bottom Heirloom Bears
Nova Scotia Canada
Posts: 189

Thank you (merci) Sophie, The worst part of the storm might just miss us if it keeps on it's current path. I'm beginning to think that TT'rs have powerful Karma. :crackup:

DebbieD Posts: 3,540

Hold on tightly!!!  :hug:   I just saw the weather forecasts for Hurricane Kyle.  I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that it remains mild and delivers only a touch of rain.   :hug:

puca bears puca bears
Posts: 1,934

Oh lor' Gail - SCAREY! I'll keep everything crossed for you. Nature seems to be getting MORE violent and unpredictable these days..................we had a weird occurrence a few weeks back in our sleepy little German village - a torrential rain storm, with NO thunder or lightning, except for ONE flash, which hit the local sportsground, and flattened thirty-plus guys who were footie training! Fortunately no-one was killed, but it was a major incident - FOUR rescue helicopters, ambulances, fire engines, and emergency doctors - and most of us wondering what the hell had happened!

bearbottombears Bear Bottom Heirloom Bears
Nova Scotia Canada
Posts: 189

Hi Debbie and Maria.. The eye of the storm is going to pass over Calais,Me/St. Stephen NB tonight.  But, because we are on the east side of the storm, the forecasters are warning that Halifax (my and Tammy's area) will be hit with 100MM rain (4") and 100-120KM wind gusts (60 to 80 MPH) That's enough to flatten trees and cause major power outages. Not much danger of flash flooding (thank goodness) That's usually the most dangerous part of a hurricane. (ask New Orleans) Our problem is, the leaves are still on the trees so that makes them way more vulnerable.
Maria...that must have been one terrifying thunder storm.  I went through one like that in Florida about 5 years ago. A bolt of lightning struck our RV park and went right through the roof of a lanai (porch) about a 1/4 of a mile where I was standing. (fortunately no one was home at the time so no injuries) The storms in the south are horrifying as Gijzette will attest.  (Maria I love your pilot bear...he is just way too cute...I used to fly so the theme really appeals   bear_tongue
I'm just hoping our power stays on long enough so I can find out if my bear sold on ebay this evening... hmmmm you know you're a teddy bear artist  when: you're more worried about your auction than you a---!!! :crackup:
Any New Brunswick TT'rs on this forum???
I'll keep you posted as will Tammy...she's closer to the ocean than I am... Lynn in Digby area is way closer to the fact she's right in the heart of it, but is out of Province... Hope they nailed everything down before they left.
Gail G

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