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wazzabears Wazza Bears Australia
Posts: 623

Up bright and early. we have to be in town at 6am for the Adelaide Christmas Pageant. My daughter Annalise is a Princess on the Aladdins Lamp Float.  Here is a link Its going to be huge. They are trying for a world record of the biggest longest Mexican wave. Very Exciting. So SANTA is coming to town. Better start saving some money to buy my kids presents. have not even thought of it. My mum works at the credit union that runs the show. And annalise is very excited as she has been hanging to get back into the pageant since she was 6 and was a fairy on the Nipper float.  This is a huge thing in Adelaide. The whole city comes out for it. I pray the rain stops and it will be a lovelly morning for all. I will add a pic tomorrow when I get home.

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,754

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Sounds like a really fun event . . . look forward to your photos!

wazzabears Wazza Bears Australia
Posts: 623

santa20081.jpgsanta2008.jpgannalise20081.jpgannalise2008.jpg20081.jpg2008.jpgOMG what a morning. In there at 6am waited till it started 9:30. Unfortuntily we didn't get world record so they are going to do it again next year. It rained and it was freezing. Its suppose to be spring. And then i lost my son after it all. I was waiting for Annalise to get back and get change. And then my 5 yr disappeared. I was a mess. I searched every where. I went up to a driver of the floats and asked him, if he saw a red head boy. Thank god he was a police officer. He called the police. which were every where as this event gets 300,000 to it. They found him 10 mins later walking back to our car which was 1 km away. He wanted to go home. They brought him back to me and he look so terrifed. I hope he learnt his lesson. But he could have been taken or anything. I was a mess. It was a night mare from hell. Every single thing is going through your head of what could have happened to him and it gets worse every minute you can't find him. But all in all, we all enjoyed ourselves.
The pics are Annalise on the Aladdins Lamp Float, and the float itself and then just some of my favs. and of course SANTA. there is over 100 floats. So these are just a couple.

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,754

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Oh goodness, Peta . . . how frantic you must have been!  I'm really glad your little boy was found unhurt - what a fright!  I love the bright colors and festive atmosphere at your parade - your photos are terrific.  Hope next year's Mexican Wave wins the prize.

TamiL Dolls N Dreams
Aurora, Colorado
Posts: 6,454

sounds like a load of fun, hope the weather is good!  bear_original

Jellybelly Bears Jellybelly Bears
Posts: 4,066

My niece went to that, we were all worried she'd get wet hehe, but its better than being to hot like it was last year.  I of course watched it on the tele with my doggie hehe, never too old for the christmas pageant  bear_happy
Peta, thats terrible about your son  bear_cry   yikes...luckily they have lots of police out and about at these sorts of events.  did your kids draw on the street?  thats such a fun introduction :)
When i was little my favourite float was McScotty the dog hehe, now I think I like the castle, but I didn't see it, turned away at that minute!  Still amazes me how the dancing girls can kick so high after 3 km  bear_wacko its officially time to bring out the christmas tree!!  an old south aussie tradition  bear_tongue

wazzabears Wazza Bears Australia
Posts: 623

Thanks Guys. Yes I could not believe Blake just walked off like that. Its not like him to do that. But I just thank god he is ok, and nothing nasty happened to him. Even sitting in the rain. The pageant was great. The kids didn't even care for the rain they just were excited to see what was coming next. Yes xmas tree has to come out now. WELL we don't have one. hehehe. I will have to start my search for my new tree. I can't believe its this time of the year already. Does anyone else have a festive parade like ours. I would love to see photos of other parades????

doodlebears Doodlebears
Posts: 7,414

doodlebears Celebration Ambassador

What a great parade Peta, I would love to have seen it.
OMG you must have been so scared loosing your little lad like that. Children are so precious, I'm so pleased that he was found OK, what a shock for you. When my daughter was small we were in London and rushing down the stairs to get onto an underground train. Sarah got there first and boarded the train just as the doors closed. I was horrified as the train moved out of the station with Sarah banning on the closed door from within the train. Luckily someone had seen what happened and took Sarah off of the train at the next station and took her to the station office. It took me ages to find her, but thank heavens that it was a kind person who saved her and looked after her for me. I have never told her dad about the event as even now, years on, he would be sooo cross with me. It happened so quickly and scarred me for life. I had nightmare about what could have happened to my little princess.

Hugs, Jane.  bear_flower

Laurie Laurie Lou Bears
Posts: 3,246

Looks like a fantastic parade Peta bear_thumb
I know how scared you must have been with your son disappearing like that as my 5 year old has done it to me a few times and you just fear the worst.We even threatened him with a wrist strap if he done it again.It only takes a second and they just disappear and it must have been awful trying to find him in the crowds :hug:  :hug:  :hug:
Laurie :hug:

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