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Dilu Posts: 8,574

Since we all have homes-and families that actually expect SOMETHING from us besides gollies and bears....I was thinking

while vacuuming

(my most favorite household chore to do every singe day-  good thing I like it because it surely has to be done every single day- what with black mohair all over the place and threads and strings and scraps just seem to flow off me like dirt did PigPen of the Charlie Brown comics,)

that vacuuming seems to be the one thing I can do in 15 minutes that makes such a huge difference in the house.....Actually it really takes a little less, but I go ahead and do the Kitchen and Bathrooms too,

But I don't like scrubbing the tub. I hate it!  With PASSION   Our tub came with those little grids in the bottom so that it has grip on bare feetsies.  I can not get it completely clean.....I can't, it always looks like it is dirty.....

Hubster says not to scrub it so much I will wear it out.

is that possible?

to wear out a tub?

Its fiberglass

I guess it is....

So what do you guys like doing and hate doing with a passion?

And if anyone knows a sure fire way to clean that stupid tub bottom I would surely like to know the secret....

:hug: bear_wub :hug:


Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Well, Dilu.... keep scrubbing.... HARDER!!!.... 'til you wear it out! Then get a new tub!  bear_grin
OK, that probably isn't the best solution. Chlorox.... let it sit a bit in a couple of inches of water. It'll at least bleach the dirt out so you can't see it!   :D

I hate COOKING!!! I DREAD dinner time like you wouldn't believe. I'm a real fussy eater and could live on eggs, chicken, broccoli, green beans, pizza, rolls and sweets. Hubby likes EVERYTHING and though he never complains about my boring meals I feel guilty not making it more exciting for him. When we go out to eat he orders the most gourmet things and I wonder how he's stayed married to me this long when I can hardly cook! Well, he's not at all skinny so he obviously doesn't mind my cooking!

Second thing I hate is cleaning bathrooms!! Hubby does the tub for me because I have bad shoulders to go along with the bad hands and can't scrub hard enough to make any difference. I get stuck with the rest of the bathroom though......... ICK!

I LOVE to do laundry! LOVE to vacuum..... make neat patterns in the rug  bear_grin  I don't mind doing dishes either.

Koala Adorable Bears
Posts: 149

Just love to cook but cleaning the shower base and walls is a pain.When I do need a night off cooking my husband is happy to prepare a meal and he isn't too bad at it.

bearsbybeesley bears by beesley TM
Tofield Alberta Canada
Posts: 6,818

Well Dilu! As usual you brought a smile to my face! Oh, and I am so glad you now know my behind is ROSEY! Back to the topic at hand. I love love love to bake. I like to make fancy and exotic deserts and pastry. I also unfortunately love to eat it as well so I try not to bake that often. I know, I have no self dicipline!

I hate hate hate hate cleaning bathrooms, closets and cupboards and I have a fetish with paper! It seems like I write a name, number or someother non important info down on anything handy and keepit! Must be the disruptions going on with the brain waves!!! It drives Garnet crazy! I cant through out paper if there is a mesaage, number or name on it? i guess I fugure I may need it some day. I am seeking proffessional help for this as we speak!

Many Hugs Louise

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,754

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

I don't like ANYTHING that is related to housecleaning!!!!!!!  I don't mind cooking and I like to putter around with gardening.  And yes, my house reflects the fact that I despise housecleaning!    bear_shocked  bear_shocked   bear_tongue  bear_tongue

Oh, and I love to listen to my soft jazz music, like to play the piano but don't have the time.

Delartful Bears Delartful Bears
Posts: 3,518

LOL You girls are too funny!  :lol:
I dislike housework also, but my least favourite (alright, what I HATE doing) is the loo (gross) and the shower.

I love cooking though!

Jellybelly Bears Jellybelly Bears
Posts: 4,066

I am one of those who loves housework!  I know call me crazy.  Always wanted to be the perfect wife with perfect kids and perfect I'm sick and dependant on everyone else!  At least I can laugh and pretend that my multitude of teddies are my kids...'eat your veggies teddies' hehe  bear_laugh
I don't do a lot of housework coz I can't, but I love dusting and cleaning bathrooms.  used to love vacuming...and I love sorting things out and cleaning up.  I know I'm weird!  I love cooking but only the baking area.  Yummy!  Oh I love to garden too, but can't do a lot of that now.  SIGH! 
Now you guys have made me depressed!  just kidding...I can imagine doing things as I lay on my hamock in my overgrown garden ;)
Dilu have you got demestos over there?  Works wonders :thumbsup:
Hugs Sarah

matilda Matilda Huggington-beare
Posts: 5,551

TO CLEAN BATHROOMS= Remove anything that is not water proof. Toss out everything that has a layer of dust on. The dust means you havent used it for sometime and more than likely wont use again. Spray out bathroom with favourite cleaner. I use lemon juice and vinegar. Let sit. Close bathroom door. Go have a cuppa out in the sunshine for 30minutes. Finish cuppa go to bathroom. Get the hose attachment use hot water and hose out the bathroom. Use window squidgie to clear away water. TADA. Bathroom clean.

I removed my shower curtain and bathroom mats. I use large towelling hand towels for bathmats. They wash up atreat and dry fast. I nolonger need to clean the shower curtain.  I dont use soap only a gel cleanser. I havent had to scrub my tub in three years. I cut a lemon in half and rub it over the bath and leave. It makes the bathroom smell lovely. I also use it on the laundry tub and kitchen sink. Its lovely on the hands.

I dont like cleaning my venetian blinds. And I loathe washing windows. I have a window washer come by every 3 months to do the windows. AND I hate having to shake my doona to rearange the down.

I'm going into hospital next monday so have been cleaning out my cupboards. Just in case I dont come home again. I do not want anyone going through my things and calling me messy. And" look at all the junk she hoards".
They will find my home clean and tidy.!!!! bear_wacko bear_grin    Matilda :doh:

Marion Acid Attic Bears
Posts: 2,284

Mmm... *looking around with all the shame possible*
Mmmmm... I don't like anything in the house cleaning...  It shows a lot, you know... :/
But I do like make cakes (cooking in general is fine... Just do not take the time though) ! Chocolate cookies anyone ? :D
What I dislike the most must be ironing... It takes so much time...:(
But I think that cleaning the bathroom is what I "like" the most... Strange isn't it :D.

doodlebears Doodlebears
Posts: 7,414

doodlebears Celebration Ambassador

Oh, Matilda of course you'll be home silly, billy! I hope that everything goes OK for you whilst your in the hospital and don't forget that we will be thinking of you and we will be waiting for your return.

Now me...all you UK gals will know who I mean when I say I am like Mrs Bucket (pronounced Bouquet) from Keeping up Appearances.
I have to have my house clean and tidy. The vaccum is out at least twice a day, once all over and the second time to pick up behind my daily sewing mess. the kitchen is cleaned, washing up done and put away, the floors washed, laundry done, shopping done and stored away, food prepared and cooked (by my daughter) ect. ect.
This is they way I cope, mess drives me mad not in other people houses it doesn't bother me just my own home.

THAT'S ME, Saint Jane.  bear_grin bear_grin bear_grin bear_grin bear_grin bear_grin bear_grin bear_grin bear_grin bear_grin bear_grin bear_grin bear_grin bear_grin bear_grin

psichick78 Flying Fur Studios
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 3,073

You guys are soo clean!!!!

I feel so gross now, I only vacuum once a week, sometimes once every two weeks if I'm really lazy.

I like dusting, it's fun to see my stuff, re-orgainze it and clean it.

I HATE the bathroom. well, I don't mind the bathroom, but I can never get my tub looking clean, and that annoys me to the point where I don't want to bother.

Cooking is fun, I love to cook , but I hate having the burden on deciding what's for dinner everynight. Good thing the hubby does the dishes as well, I hate dishes.

I love cleaning my studio as well. Weird I know.

Sarah, you really like house work?? Isn't that a  kicker, the one person who likes doing it can't. Just doesn't seem fair!


gotobedbears Posts: 3,177


" A clean house is the sign of a wasted life" as me old Mam used to say

( i get hubby to help me when it HAS to be done and i pass on all the really grotty jobs to him - hee hee hee)

Penny bear_wacko

Dilu Posts: 8,574

Matilda, you said

AND I hate having to shake my doona to rearange the down.


And honey- I'm not exactly sure, you have a pet goose, your pillows, a down comforter?

Or you have a fluffy..... :redface:

Too cute a word.... bear_wub Can i use it here- although I don't have a pet goose, but do have down pillows- hmmmm

Maybe we really should start a dictionary in the referance library?


Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

I don't mind cleaning bathrooms, kitchens, or surfaces, but I LOATHE cleaning floors.

I also hate all cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts; yeah, I know they're awesome good for you, but they literally smell like poo to me.)

And I hate raw onions.  Bleech.  The best way to ruin something is to put crunchy onions on it.  EWWWW! bear_original

kbonsall Kim-Bee Bears
Posts: 5,645

LOL - I love brussel sprouts!  just dont eat too many or your pee will smell like them, I know gross but seriously it does!

I hate licorice and celery!  yuck yuck yuck!

Dilu Posts: 8,574

Dilu reporting back:

Daphne I scrubbed the tub with the brush I bought just for that then added hat water, with ther stopper in, and a bottle of bleach.

Good thing its cheap.......

The over all color was lighter, but the darker lines were still in the stupid grid pattern in the bottom......

I see Mr. Clean is coming out with something specifically to scrub tubs...hmmm

Oh well...we tried....

I hate fiberglass tubs


Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

Matilda, you ARE coming home again if I have to come and get you! :love:

I Sue Ann and many of you... I HATE anything related to cleaning the house.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE to dance dance dance :dance: :dance: :dance:...and I love to draw and sew and knit and design my critters...I love brussel sprouts and ALL vegetables ..even raw onions.  I love the smell of our barn...but hate the smell of my hubbys stinky barn clothes and hate washing them.  Housework cuts into my creative time. you know how to make a venetion blind......poke him in the eyes.

starlite Starlite Bears
Posts: 1,676

Matilda you will be home again !! Things will go really well in your hospital visit  bear_original bear_original  We will all send you virtual hugs to wrap around you to make you feel good  :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:


starlite Starlite Bears
Posts: 1,676

But cleaning bear_tongue , housework bear_tongue , hoovering  bear_tongue  (british vacumn), gardening  bear_tongue , bathroom cleaning  bear_tongue
- no no no !! I have no time for that!!
Besides it is only me or my partner John who is here and I don't care- and if he does - what the heck he can do it!!
Actually not true he is only allowed to 'do' the bathroom (he make so much more mess than I do  :twisted: ) or he can 'do' the garden or the kitchen
BUT if he touches anything else at all  bear_angry  bear_angry is what it gets me!!
OOPS now you will all think I am such a slob!!
I do vacumn when it needs it and I do actually cook (proper meals) at the weekend (and shove some in the freezer for during the week  ) but for the rest of the week there are some wierd and wonderful things on the menu  bear_grin bear_grin
Anyway how could I possibly fit in lecturing, bear making ,teddy talking  :dance: :dance: and emailing my friends if I did all that other yuck stuff!!
Okay going now before you all really think I am weird!!
:hug: :hug:

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,754

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Matilda . . . is this hospital visit very serious, or were you joking with us?  Not trying to be nosy, but want you to know that I'll be thinking of you and wishing you well!   :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

kbonsall Kim-Bee Bears
Posts: 5,645
Judi wrote: you know how to make a venetion blind......poke him in the eyes.

bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh

kbonsall Kim-Bee Bears
Posts: 5,645

I missed part of your post, Matilda... hope you are ok


Shari Nova Scotia,Canada
Posts: 1,712

I am with Sue Ann....I don't want to be nosy but maybe I missed a post or two    bear_cry   bear_cry  Please tell us more if you can,my thoughts and prayers are with you Matilda and of course you will come home but I have cleaned my house out before also with not coming home in mind and someone else having to deal with a mess.Big hugs Matilda  :hug:  :hug:  and prayers for your speedy wellness!  :pray:  :pray:

shantell Apple Dumpling Designs
Willamette Valley Oregon
Posts: 3,128

I don't mind housecleaning...can't say that I love it but I love the end theory is to do a little everyday and then it's not so much like work.

I HATE BEETS!!!!  SEAFOOD!!!  I other than that I'm not picky!!!

rufnut Rufnut Teddy's
Victoria Australia
Posts: 2,725

Housecleaning, especially the vaccum cleaning.  yuck  :doh:

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Past Time Bears - Artist bears designed and handcrafted by Sue Ann Holcomb