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Jellybelly Bears Jellybelly Bears
Posts: 4,066

Jane, You vacume twice a day!!!!  Geez that is clean  bear_grin

Heather, we are the same, usually every two weeks...sometimes mum will leave it longer if I'm not well and can't take the noise :redface:
There are only the three of us, so we don't really get the house 'dirty'.  We used to be the 'neat freaks'!  But now we just do what needs doing and try to enjoy life.  And I love the dusting and looking at my stuff too!  Fun  bear_grin And hehe, I know...I am weird and its a shame I can't do much...or maybe a blessing! There is only so much you can clean and maybe I would have missed all this fun stuff!   Even when I was a teenager and I was left alone for a few hours, which wasn't often, I didn't throw wild parties, I cleaned!!  Okay maybe that is revealing too much!!!  lol.  I suppose growing up we didn't ever have chores as such, just did what we wanted to do and mum did the rest.  Good system but some of us kids did do more than others  bear_angry But it was from the heart so we've grown up wanting to help...
Now if I have time where I'm feeling good, I will spend it on bears rather than cleaning...but sometimes I just have that need to clean!  bear_tongue  Does anyone else get that?

Judi, funny joke  bear_laugh:D Sounds like you lead a healthy life  bear_thumb I love veggies too  bear_wub  Butternut pumpkin, carrots, corn and potatoes are my favs.  Anyone ever eat mash potato with boiled cabbage?  Its yummy  bear_smile And anyone tried beetroot on sandwhiches?  That is so delicious too...with cheese and mayo and tomatoes MMMmmmm

Matilda, hope you feel better  :rose:

Hugs Sarah

Dilu Posts: 8,574

And my hubster thinks vacuuming every day is excessive......It is the fasted way to order.....also I love those swiffer dusters.....they really do work....

I like to collect cleaning tools and supplies that purport to make life easier....yep I'm one of those, will try just about anything.

Love Oxyclean

I believe that part of my constitutional "persuit to happiness" is pre planned left overs, and a hubby who can take care of himself.  Probably because he was in his 40's when I found him and he hadn't any bad habits!

he already knew how to do laundry ( everything he owned was brown....) cook and clean.

granted he doesn't do it as well as I might, but I figured if I complain he might stop all together- so I keep my mouth shut and reap the benefits!
bear_wacko bear_wacko bear_wacko bear_wacko bear_wacko bear_wacko bear_wacko bear_wacko

Matilda, darlin, we will al be rooting for you-hope you wont be in the hospital long,

hope you have well rested doctors and nurses, none with hang-overs,

and all in good mooods,  bear_innocent bear_innocent bear_innocent

and hope if you have to have a roomate she will be deaf and hate talking on the phone or  :thumbsup:

watching the telly so that you can have both to your hearts content,  :rolleyes:

Also hope that the gowns fit  :redface: :redface: :redface:

the food is palatable  :cake: :bday: :cake:

that your friends and family slip you in the real food  :thumbsup:

that if you have surgery you won't have a caffine headache when you wake up (because even a morphine pump won't cure a caffine headache!) :twisted: :twisted:

That your loved ones will wait on you hand and foot  bear_flower and let you have the computer and the remote at the same time to do whatever you like, :D

and I hope you are back on your feet and feeling better in no time....
:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
You will truly be sorely missed! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

bear_wub bear_wub :hug: :hug: bear_wub bear_wub

:pray: for you and send you love


Marie_ Kiprie Bears
Yokohama, Japan
Posts: 2,735

Hello Matilda, you are coming back
to home !  :hug: hope you can came back
soon.  bear_flower :angel:

For me... House cleaning....hmmmmm
Do I have to be honest!?  :whistle:
I wish I was perfect lady who can
cook good and clean the house beautifully .  :redface:
My cooking level is about ..level of kindergarten  bear_sad  and I don't hate cleaning but I just can't " ORGANIZE" the thing...  :doh:
But I know how its feel so good when you clean the house and
cook something taste fabulous.   bear_wub 

By the way... Dilu, how is your bath tub going ??
I'm wishing your bath tub will be white as snow !!  :pray:


jenny Three O'clock Bears
warwickshire uk
Posts: 4,413

I hate shopping...with a passion. There once was  a time when I loved it and went shopping at the drop of a hat...but now I loath and detest it...I  don't know why I hate it so much.
I don't mind strolling round little shops in the Cotswolds ...but big city shopping....aaaaaaaagh!!

I do love bear-making...and talking....which I can't do right now coz I still have laryngitis...and singing...but ...let's say I'd never get a recording contract!!

melissa Honeythorpe Bears
Wellington, New Zealand
Posts: 1,789

Dilu - did someone answer your question about doonas?  It's what aussies call duvets and no, I've never worked out why!!

I absolutely with a passion hate  vaccuming

Love cooking - I am the baking queen and my chocolate cake and louise cake are legendary at my workplace  bear_original  I even got a proposal after someone tried my homemade icecream  :lol:

I am a messy - and i hate being one - heard a really interesting theory about messies which I totally agree with.  At heart we are perfectionists with incredibly high standards  - but we realise that we'll never attain perfection and give up before trying properly.  Hmm this is true of my approach to a lot of things.  I can't remember the name of the woman who wrote the book and I'm not explaining it well but it is true!

Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

bear_cry I think I'm just lazy  bear_cry


kbonsall Kim-Bee Bears
Posts: 5,645
melissa wrote:

Dilu - did someone answer your question about doonas?  It's what aussies call duvets and no, I've never worked out why!!

I think we need at TT dictionary bear_original

matilda Matilda Huggington-beare
Posts: 5,551

Thankyou everyone for your best wishes ,prayers and all round wonderful positive thoughts!!!!! :hug:
A big hug to you all. :hug: DIDNT MEAN TO MAKE YOU WORRY. I forget you cant read my facial expresions. I forget you dont see me wink, I forget you cant hear my wicked laugh. I am going into hospital, it is serious, and it is ok. bear_thumb Hopefully It will only be over night. But for some funny reason, cant explain, I am a wee tad anxious about it all. Maybe it is because it is happening so fast. I mean diagnosed met the surgeon and go in for op all in one week. ENOUGH OF THAT. I'LL BE FINE bear_thumb
Before I forget DILU those cakes you sent my way, they werent by chance chocolate fudge caramel cakes. Like the one I keep forgeting to give you gals the recipe of. bear_grin bear_grin
I dislike raw onions, especially if it is put in mash potatos, brussel sprouts, iceberg lettuce, chinese food the fake stuff. I totally dislike cant stand think is totally a waste of good chewing time......processed foods.........The worst thing ever to happen to man and his best friends the cat and dog.I will not eat prepackaged food that has been put together by a bunch of bored badly paid under achievers who's idea of a prank is to spit in the food. And having said that.... I will eat boutique food. But it has to be Australian.

I love strawberries. :love:mmmmmmmmmyummmmmm

I sound awfully opinionated ,I do eat other stuff, but my everyday food must be spot on. I'm a fussy eater.
ooohhh almost forgot..... I love chilli candy. bear_wub :twisted:  Matilda

Estelle Estelles canal bears and Tod Teddies
Todmorden West Yorkshire
Posts: 370

hate hate hate with a vengance ironing, dislike all house work, i am trying to train bears to do it but they seam  very ressistant to all my coaxing. I do like gardening though  bear_rolleyes

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,754

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Good luck with your hospital stay, Matilda . . . be well!

Delartful Bears Delartful Bears
Posts: 3,518

Yes, good luck Matilda - we'll be thinking of you.  When you are up to it, let us know how you got along, we will want to know!


Jellybelly Bears Jellybelly Bears
Posts: 4,066

Matilda, I hope everything goes okay and you feel better.  :rose:
Hugs Sarah

matilda Matilda Huggington-beare
Posts: 5,551

My goodness we are a soppy bunch arent we!!!!! bear_grin :lol:You wont be getting rid of me so dont worry!!!  I've got better things to think about now. I'm making a bear for S a b i n e .  :dance: bear_grin

This swap has come at a really good time. :hug: to you all

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