For artists and collectors sponsored by Intercal...your mohair supplier and Johnna's Mohair Store
I totally forgot to mention!
I wanted to say that I think 2/3 of my adoptions were paid for via credit card! Wanted to say something in case anyone is wondering.
Thanks so someone on the board (I forgot WHO! ) I was able to get myself a nice merchant account with NO monthly service charge! I only pay a percentage of the sale IF I use their services. NO charges if I just happen NOT to have any charges in a particular month!
I paid $35 for an imprinter with my company name.... I wanted that on their charge slips.
I use Global Payments... thru Discoverbiz. Anyone wants the phone number just let me know!
Most of our sales this weekend in Schaumburg were cash...
The last two shows I did in San Diego were all credit card sales.
Jared, hi!!! So glad you joined us here at Teddy Talk!! For those of you who don't know, Jared Monroe and his mom, Jane, are fantastic bear/hare artists!! Their work was featured on the cover of the June 2005 issue of Teddy Bear Review! Big welcome, Jared!
Welcome Jared - great to have another guy with us ;)
Would lurve to see some of your work!
Congrats Laura Lynn on your show, well done.
Also welcome to Jared
Thanks for the welcome.
Dale told me this weekend that I should hop (he he) on here and talk to everyone.
I might a thing or two... I started helping my mother in 1985 with here bears and started my own company in 1990.
You can view my work on several place on the web.
more recent work at
I know that my rabbits Zig & Zag are on Intercals website somewhere, but don't ask me where.
I have several pictures that I need to send in but I never remember to do it. I need help.
Big congratulations on your show Laura. I had a show at the weekend and had a great time. No more shows this year so I have plenty of time to restock.
Welcome to Teddy Talk Jared! :)
Welcome, Jared! :hug:
I love your bunnies--I've got two live ones to trip over!
Jared welcome too
Hi and Welcome Jared!
Isn't that funny! And your table was at the other end of the same row as mine! Guess it's just nice to be prepared .... just in case!
LOVE your work! One of these days... a Jared Bear (or Hare) will be in my collection! Boy my wish list is getting long!
Thanks for the info Laura. That's good to know. Welcome Jared!
I have a questions Laura. What would you do if the credit card is bad or over the limit? You wouldn't know right away doing doing a card slide.
Welcome Jared!
Hi Judy,
You are right... you'd be out of luck... HOWEVER if you feel more comfortable.. you CAN do the phone authorization right away while your collector is there instead of waiting till after the show. I had 'everyone' tell me that they just took the chance and called in for authorization after the show....
But with bears in your price range... I might go ahead and get authorization (with my cell phone if it worked) right there as part of the check out process.
**forgot to mention in the first place that I just call the cc sales in via the phone anyway. I don't have a card swiper that the stores have.
Hi All & Welcome Jared,
If you have not seen Jared's work you have to look him up. It is marvelous & Jared is my kind of character too.
Most of my sales were check or cash too. It seems like people came with money to spend.
If anyone is interested in doing an ABC show they do offer a credit card service too. They charge yoou a small percentage to run a card for you, well worth it if you don't have a charge established.
Hi Jared Welcome! My wish list is pretty large too Laura!
Hello Jared! I was at Schaumburg as well, but don't think we've met. Mind you, my list of 'people I have not met yet' is gigantic, so maybe next time!
Anyway, wanted to add to the topic that our Schaumburg sales consisted of one each of cash and check and all of the rest were credit cards. Interestingly enough, most of those were Discover cards. I guess Discover has some sort of cash-back offer going on now?
OK, I wasn't at Schaumburg (and am still green by the way!)
But, on average at shows I do about 40% of my business in credit card sales. Some it's more. Rarely less. Those with credit cards often say they can write me a check if I'd prefer. At craft shows its about 80% credit cards. Maybe at teddy bear shows folks aren't sure us little bear makers will have the ability to take credit cards so they come prepared? Or they don't want their hubby's to see large charges on the credit card bill so save cash to bring instead. I dont' know.
Anyway, thought I'd add my two cents!
Congratulations Laura Lynn on your show and welcome Jared.
I totally forgot to mention!
I wanted to say that I think 2/3 of my adoptions were paid for via credit card! Wanted to say something in case anyone is wondering.
Thanks so someone on the board (I forgot WHO!
) I was able to get myself a nice merchant account with NO monthly service charge! I only pay a percentage of the sale IF I use their services. NO charges if I just happen NOT to have any charges in a particular month!
I paid $35 for an imprinter with my company name.... I wanted that on their charge slips.
I use Global Payments... thru Discoverbiz. Anyone wants the phone number just let me know!
Can you post this information?
Hi Jared!
I wasnt' sure if it was OK to post the phone number... but then thinking about it.. it IS a biz phone number... not someone's home :lol:
It's Discoverbiz... thru Global Payments. So you will be able to accept Discover, MC, Visa, American Express & Diners club
Here's the phone number: 800-347-7996
They determine your rate based on what you think your average ticket sale will be. Not sure if the credit report was also a factor. For me the fee was just a teeny bit higher than Paypal... and NO monthly fee or other "extra" fees.
They DO review your sales... so if my average ticket sale is LESS than what I guessed... then my rate would go up. (My average ticket sale on CC orders is above what I estimated though.
And hey, no application fee... just the $35 for the imprinter. I wanted an imprinter to have a hard copy of the card from shows... and then the collector also has a hard copy of the charge slip with "Teddies by Laura Lynn" on it.
Got my $ deposited into my checking account within 48 hours.... I telephone my charges in.
The Discover charges get deposited separately from the other charges. Discover deducts the service charge before depositing into your account. The others deposit the entire amount... then take their percentage at the end of the month. Just had my "end of month" and the service charges came out fine!
I had several questions in the beginning and they were VERY helpful!
Hi Laura
Congratulations on a good show!!! It was great meeting you and Kelly and I don't know how I missed Amy as I meant to make myself known to her. I guess I got so caught up in the show that it totally slipped my mind. So sorry Amy. What a wonderful experience the class with Michelle, the Toby awards banquet and the show and sale on Sat. was. What a difference from a Canadian show!!!! The public was obviously buying as several of the artists I talked with were doing very well. I may have to consider a table at this show in the future
Welcome back Gail! I hope you enjoyed your vacation!!
It was GREAT to meet you in person
They don't have a web site do they. I usually like to check these things out a bit before I talk to someone on the phone.
HI Jared,
The website is and but I didn't really get the answers to what I was looking for there.
I also prefer to check things out via website... but these guys were great on the phone, not pushy and EXACTLY what I was looking for :lol:
Just finished my first full month and everything went as it should :dance: