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jazzyrags Jazzy Rags
Posts: 1,494

wollongong-show-059.jpgwollongong-show-060.jpgCome on everyone show us where you all live, love to know what its like to live in USA or UK .THis is my house i have lived here for 33 years and dont planing to go any where  bear_whistle bear_grin :lol:soon I live under a big mountain called mount Keira and 5 minutes from the sea it is a quiet place to live and i have good friendly people all around . bear_wub bear_wub bear_wub bear_wub

Laura Lynn Teddy Bear Academy
Nicholasville, KY
Posts: 3,653

Laura Lynn Banner Sponsor

Oh what a neat thread!  We live in the Chicago suburbs... here for the last 8 years.  We do plan on moving to a slightly bigger house with a FENCED yard for the whippet girls... but are in no hurry right now (smaller mortgage is NICE LOL!)



Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

FARM_PIC05.jpgFARM_PIC04.jpgFARM_PIC03.jpgFARM_PIC02.jpgFARM_PIC01.jpgHere's where I live. :)

We live in Wisconsin.  My hubby has lived here allhis life.  We recently added anaddtion to our house and he hand picked the stones from our fields for part of the house.

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,765

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Wow . . . love seeing where you girls live!!  VERY cool - all of you!!  Love that you started this thread, Fran!

Estelle Estelles canal bears and Tod Teddies
Todmorden West Yorkshire
Posts: 370

0h wow it looks just like the movies we dont have places like that over here in the U K, how many head of cattle do you have, is it hot there ?   bear_grin

gotobedbears Posts: 3,177

DAH DAH DAAAH, DAH DAH DAH DAH DAH - cue music from the movie 'Big Country'  :clap:

How superb Judi, may i come and stay with you? do you have lots of hunky 'hands' working there? and how come you're so damn slim?
bear_original  :P

You all have fabulous houses - i like American housing styles - for years i've hankered for a front porch or even a back one but British houses are built like boxes with a bit of retro 'mock victorian' period detailing thrown in.
I like the NSW house style too - you all just have soo much space!!!

I'll post a piccy of our house as soon as i can bothered to drag meself outside in the freezing cold/rain. It's old and in the Pugin style of Victorian mock Gothic which must have seemed like a good idea at the time but big and draughty to live in now. In fact, last year i received a visit from a lady who was 97 years old, her family was the first to live in the house when it was built and her father was one of the first Methodist Ministers. They used to hold Methodist meetings here apparently and her father was the local Justice of the Peace, Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages and also Librarian - this house was used for all three of his offices so....... i'm living in an old Library.

I often wondered why we had doorways where there are no doors and strange little nooks and crannies

Penny  bear_wacko

Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

Estelle, I wish it was a bit hotter/warmer here.  We have nice summers but they tend to be short.  The trees are gorgeous right now in shades of gold and red and purple.

We milk 74 cows but have a total of around 170 head.

That is a photo of me trying to look like a country girl during one of our professional cattle photo shoots. bear_laugh bear_laugh bear_whistle bear_whistle bear_whistle bear_whistle bear_whistle

PS...I don't normally dress like that!!!!  That was the ONLY time I ever wote that outfit! bear_laugh bear_laugh bear_whistle bear_whistle bear_whistle bear_whistle

Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

Penny,   LOL!!!!! I love England.  I was born there.  Debyshire , Spondon to be exact.  I love the history and all the old buildings.  We don't have that kind of history here..castles and all that good stuff!

Estelle Estelles canal bears and Tod Teddies
Todmorden West Yorkshire
Posts: 370

i am just a little further north in west yorkshire this is our marina in the snow you cant quite make out our boat its behind the blue onemarinaandmoor029.jpg
marinaandmoor021.jpgthis is when the canal freezes
marinaandmoor019.jpgthis is above the marina going up to the pennine way

gotobedbears Posts: 3,177

house.jpgOK - it's far too cold to go outside and take piccies so i have cheated and scanned an old image of our house. It was taken about 1930 or possibly earlier, but not a lot has changed since - the hedges are taller and thankfully the telephone pole is a less obvious now thanks to modern technology and the flippin ivy has been taken off although it still threatens to grow back if you don't get out there regularly and yank it off the walls. The house has an inscribed brick which says it was built  in 1857.

Creepy old place aint it? The tree is still there too.


Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Looks like it must have a lot of character inside! Very neat looking place. I bet your green thumb has added a lot since this was taken. We'll wait until the rain stops then want colorful pics!!!

jazzyrags Jazzy Rags
Posts: 1,494

Right Judies new name is Elly May. :clap:  real treat to see these great homes you all come from. Penny your home is a dream, love to go in old homes like that it has great character .Laura your home is different again to me it looks very American beautiful, do you do your lovely garden your self :D.Estelle  looks like you live in a lovely part of the world we never get snow here  never gets cold another to close to the the sea . :dance:

Densteds Densteds
Posts: 2,056

Picture-185-Small.jpgPicture-080-Small-Small.jpgPicture-108.jpgPicture-184.jpgGreat Idea, Fran...

wow!! some great homes, girls, such a variety and this thread has only just started, here's mine..I live on 30 acres about 80kms out of Sydney, at a pretty place called The Oaks.  I've lived here for about 23 years and moved out from the suburbs, the strange thing is that I have just found out my great great grandfather actually worked this same farm in 1857, I didn't even know about it, weird ay????
Sorry, I haven't got a full on photo of the front and it's raining at the moment so these are just a few I've taken earlier on...there's little Harry waiting at the gate..


Delartful Bears Delartful Bears
Posts: 3,518

ooooh what gorgeous houses you all live in! Thanks for sharing.

I LOVE your house Penny - just gorgeous!

jazzyrags Jazzy Rags
Posts: 1,494

Denise what a great place you live in and that wonderful garden, do you do all the work in the garden?.I was a bit worried that now one would like this post .

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,765

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Penny . . . your house is WONDERFUL!  Looks soooooooo English with so much history!  Love it!
Denise, your spread is gorgeous, too!  Looks like a ton of work, though. 
Judi, your place is really nice - kinda looks like a dairy farm!  bear_laugh  bear_laugh  You, however, are stunning!
Estelle, your canal home environment looks like a really fun place to live . . . except in the winter!
Love your home, Laura . . . the lights look sooooo festive!  Nice flowers!
Fran, you have a really wonderful looking home and a pretty setting!

Dilu Posts: 8,574

gollyhouse-spring-2.jpgYes, this really is our house, and yes it is on 5 acres in the Siskiyou National forest.  And yes, until the last Supream Court decision re: property rights, we do own the parcel- there are privately owned parcels in National Forests all over the place.  Our agreement is to take care of the treees, and not cut anything down unnecessarily....

It is actually bigger than it looks, but it is still small, less than 1000 round feet.  But so much easier to clean.  We chose it because its different, well yes, the gollies wanted it, and because there are no stairs to get in or out and  no stair cases inside.  I was thinking ahead to when I am 80, Lord willing, I want to be able to clean it myself.  Also because it is made out of rebar and concrete it is unbelievably energy effecient.  Our heat is solely a tiny wood stove from Norway that uses practically no wood, and is very efficient.  Then in the summer the electric bill with airconditioning is $30-40.

When we don't use airconditioning it is $20-30.

We have solar power for our pump, and gate and the big freezer.  The pump is cross wired so that it can run on the grid in the winter or whenever we want to.  In the winter the wood stove dries the clothing on racks at night, in the summer the clothes line. 

That way we can have the spa without any increase in costs to the electric company. 

The guy who built the house, its called a monolithic dome, put ceiling fans in all the rooms, and they are great.  The ceilings are 13 feet tall in the center and gently slope down and out. 

Because it is kind of weird it was the market for almost 10 years before we came along.  We found it on the internet.  The builder wanted 133 thou but because there was so much he hadn't finished we got it for 112 thou.  The really great thing about that is we were able to pay cash, and not have a mortgage.  This way I can be a stay at home mom with the Gollies and Teds and the Hubs only works 3 days a week.....

He walks out his door and goes on hikes.....the Kalmiopsis Wilderness area is our back door-which means never ever ever ever any development, and the front door leads to the forest.

It's small, but in the long run we will probably be able to live here for the rest of our lives, without utility bills killing us, and also I believe we will be able to take care of ourselves.

We decided to give up glamor for quality of life....and the quality works for us....Every morning I look out the window and say a gratitude prayer-  I can't believe I get to live here.

My poor Hubby had to get a Garage built and now he is happy even in the rain out there getting greasy - playing with his project cars .

Ok....nuff said


Dilu Posts: 8,574

Estelle love your waterfront area, and isn't it interesting to see the different styles over the world.

Denise love your beautiful yard....

I do believe happy cows come from Wisconsin-  look at our Miss Judi with her friend.....

Penny what a beautiful place- kind of Austin in the City-any Ghosts?  Any secret rooms?  Secret passageways?

Laura Lynn what a sweet home you have....

Well Miss Jazz what an interesting topic you started the style of your home- the windows are cool

I hope more people post.

Had a killer diller HA today-so if I don't make sense forgive me.....the pain is gone but the weird numbness is kind of trippy.  (And to think some people pay good money to feel like this!  Go figure.)

hugs to all

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,765

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

So very neat, Dilu!!  I LOVE the look AND the fact that it is soooo energy efficient!  Plus you get to live in the middle of a forest . . . outstanding!

Terrie Terries Bears
Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 3,614

This is so much fun! It is so interesting to see all of the different homes.
Dilu, speaking of different.....what a cool home you have and what a gorgeous place!
Fran, your house looks very inviting and interesting. I can't believe that it is that old.
Penny, I love your house and I can't wait to see it in color!
Estelle, I love your waterfront area!
Laura-Lynn, your Christmas lights are gorgeous!
Denise, your gardens are beautiful and the pool looks so inviting!!!!!
Judi, do you remember the show Petticoat Junction? You look just like Bobbi-Jo, except she had dark hair bear_grin bear_grin

Terrie Terries Bears
Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 3,614

Breezy-Acres-4.jpegBreezy-Acres-3.jpegBreezy-Acres-2.jpegBreezy-Acres-1.jpegOur home is on 3 & 3/4 acres just out of Edmonton. We have the best of both worlds, the peace & quiet of country living and we are only 2 miles out of the city.

plushkinbear BEAR ME SHOOTKA
Vladivostok, RUSSIA
Posts: 2,139

Wow! I have no words!
Girls, your houses are wonderful! Fran, Laura, Judi, Estelle, Penny, Denise,
- Dilu and Terrie thanks for sharing. :hug:

Dilu your house is unique. So like you to live in a such unusual house! :thumbsup:
Denise, WOW!!!!
Judi, I haven't seen such places like yours here in Russia, only in American movies.  bear_flower

plushkinbear BEAR ME SHOOTKA
Vladivostok, RUSSIA
Posts: 2,139

DSCF2669.jpgPapa_house.jpgI live in apartment on 7th floor. It's 15 minutes away from downtown. We have a nice seaside view.
We also have a small house in a suburbs.

plushkinbear BEAR ME SHOOTKA
Vladivostok, RUSSIA
Posts: 2,139

PA100124.jpgIMGP2243.jpgDSCF3907.jpgIMGP2241.jpgWe have stunning wild seaside we go there every summer. It's 4 hours away from my home. bear_wub

jazzyrags Jazzy Rags
Posts: 1,494

Dilu what a great house i am so excited to see were you all live.Terri you live in wonderland what a beautiful place to live all the open spacers. come on Sue Ann we wont to see your place, and allso plushkinbear we dont care if you live in a flat we still want to see .I think i should have clean my yard up before i took the pics everything is so dry here no rain for some time.

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