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All Bear All Bear by Paula
Posts: 5,162

Congratulations to everyone who entered the 2009 TOBY's and commiserations to those of us who didn't quite make the final cut.  Anyone care to join me in publishing their non-nominated 2009 TOBY entry?   bear_thumb  bear_flower



I entered 24" 'Primrose and her duckling' into the 'Large Bears Undressed' category.

samanthapotter Mary Myrtle Miniatures
Cheltenham, UK
Posts: 800

Primrose is gorgeous Paula!!!  She is one of my all-time favourites of your creations!!!   bear_wub

russellbears Russell Bears
Posts: 493

MissLillieWeb.jpgSolomongall.jpgHere are mine Paula, Solomon and Miss Lillie.

All Bear All Bear by Paula
Posts: 5,162

Thanks Samantha and congratulations AGAIN!!!!!!  You'll be needing a separate shelf just for your awards eh?!!

Kim, those entries are magnificent ... such incredible detailing creating fabulous contemporary character - outstanding. :clap:  :clap:  :clap:

wazzabears Wazza Bears Australia
Posts: 623

PetaSmartCat2Timtam1.jpgMy little bear missed out but oh well there is always next year and the year after that LOL. Congrats to everyone though, I am very joyed for all of you. Paula and Kym how gorgeous are your bears. WOW Paula. She is so devine.

Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

Paula, Kim, Peta your bears are stunning!  You know it all boils down to personal preference by a small number of judges....had there been different judges the outcome would be very different.   It must be extremely difficult for them.  I wish the magazines would dedicate and publish ALL of the entires!!!  After all the public and artists would love it  and I think it would increase the value of the magazine a special collectors edition.........look at all the fees they collect they collect from this why not, right?

BEAUTIFUL WORK LADIES :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:

K Pawz Guest

Ohhhh wow!!!! I know I certainly wouldn't want to be a judge and have to choose between them!

Paula, kim, peta your bears are amazing! They are winners in my eyes that's for sure!!! Like Judi said it all boils down to the judges preferences, but I also would love to see all the entrie published!!! 

I think it takes a lot to even enter into competitions, just putting your work out there, striving to make a creation that you deem worthy enough makes you a winner, whether the judges pick them or not!!

I entered a few this year, mostly in the same category since making animals other than bears I don't have much choice, but did enter this little bear who wasn't nominated... Oh well I will keep entering animals but will leave the bears to you guys!!!

Oops can't post pics from iPod


Tami E Tami Eveslage Original Teddy Bears
Milford Ohio
Posts: 2,367

Paula, Kim, and Peta, thank your for posting your wonderful entries!!!! Well done!!I do hope everyone who was nominated will post their pictures in the other thread, and that everyone who was passed over this year will post here so we can see them all. Looking at the fantastic works posted in the Industry's Choice winners thread, I said to myself, "Well no wonder mine didn't get a nod with such incredible competition".

But this thread is like medicine for a bruised ego. (Thanks for starting it Paula!) My bears and I are pleased to  share a thread with Paula Carter's fantastic All Bear (always favorites of mine) and the stunning and original needle felted creations of Kim Russel, and Peta's impressive tiny open mouthed panda!

Here are mine---the first time I've ever entered more than one.
Edward Bear

And Polar Santa

Nancy D Dog Patch Critters
Titusville, FL
Posts: 512

laurelD1072A.jpgWell, seeing the other entries that didn't make it makes me feel better. This is Laurel. She was submitted in the Small dressed bear category.

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,754

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Whoa . . . and these are the creations that didn't get nominated!!!  Wow, ladies, how breathtaking!  Makes me glad I didn't enter again for the second year in a row.  Bravo to you all!  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:

All Bear All Bear by Paula
Posts: 5,162

Judi, Tami you're so right about seeing ALL the entries!  I know I would love to see all the entries in the magazine, whether they have been nominated or not!   bear_thumb Wouldn't it be a great way of helping to promote the standard for this competition ... I often wonder if the magazine readers ever completely realise just how difficult it is to be placed in the TOBYS and what an achievement it is to be nominated in the face of such strong competition.

Tami, I'm guessing we must have been sharing a category ... your work is so beautiful - I certainly don't mind being cast aside with your fabulous bear!  In fact, it's an honour! :clap:

Rainebears Rainebears
Wellington, New Zealand
Posts: 295

:clap: :clap:  :clap: Lovely bears ladies. :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  I certainly wouldn't want to be a judge and have to choose between them. It would have been a very difficult job for them. Like Judy said.... it would be great if the magazine could publish ALL of the entries.

Hugs :hug:

edie Bears by Edie
Southern Alberta
Posts: 2,068

Wow, WoW, and triple WOW! All of these entrants are just incredible!!! and certainly winners in my books! I wouldn't have wanted to be competing against any of them!

Stellajella Wien
Posts: 1,399

All these beautiful bears!
Kim, your Paula is adooooorable! She reminds me of a poor dog in a Hungarian animal shelter bear_wub  bear_wub
I´d just love to pick him up and cuddle him!

Gaby bear_flower

jenny Three O'clock Bears
warwickshire uk
Posts: 4,413

Wow they are all great...Tami..I just can't believe yours weren't picked...they're superb ...Congrats to those who did make it. I have to say with all the slurry I have been struggling through my heart wasn't in it this year...and though I was delighted with my bears I never thought we'd be lucky ...oh well....c'est la vie, eh girls?

Here are mine...Anna, the big blonde bear and Apple Blossom my small bear entry.



MZemeski Posts: 151

:clap:  :clap: I Love them all!! I really don't think I could be a judge because I would have a hard time picking winners!! They are all winners to me. Everyone has a special unique touch that personalizes each bear.

Bear Hugs,

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

All these truly wonderful, charming, and not-nominated pieces really illustrate the point that it's not the "good" work that receives notice and the "bad" work that goes home empty-handed in these contests.  Any one of these pieces -- heck, all of them -- could proudly call itself "nominee" this year, and no one would be the wiser, based on quality and charm.

These bears are incredible, ladies; thanks so much, really, for sharing them. 

bear_flower  bear_flower  bear_flower  bear_flower  bear_flower

TamiL Dolls N Dreams
Aurora, Colorado
Posts: 6,454

they are all soooooooooooo wonderful  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:

thumperantiques Newcastle, Ontario
Posts: 5,644

     What a wonderful idea - thanks!  I love seeing everyone's entries.  All of them are fabulous and everyone should be incredibly proud.  I certainly wouldn't want the job of judging these competitions.  Judi is absolutely right - "it all boils down to personal preference by a small number of judges....had there been different judges the outcome would be very different".   I also think that viewing the other incredible bears that weren't nominated helps soothe the disappointment, when you see the calibre of the talent in all of the pieces.  I would also love it if they published pics of all the entries.  Fabulous work, everyone!!!



bearsbyTracey BearsbyTracey
Wellington, New Zealand
Posts: 299

hi all
Congrats to all that have been nominated.
Very hard competition with a lot of lovely bears missing out.
I missed out this year but will try again next year.
My good friend Laraine White was lucky enough to be nominated so I took her out for lunch today.
Here is my bear that missed out



Terrie Terries Bears
Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 3,614

Wow! They are all gorgeous!!! I am glad that I am not a judge! bear_grin

karenaus Melbourne
Posts: 694

Here's my two 'non-nominees" First Phoebe, who I just put on Ebay, poor baby lol


and my vignette entry.. I loved this, I want to keep it and was hoping that getting a nomination would justify it :lol


(edited twice because it appears I need more practice at uploading pics lol)

fredbear Fred-i-Bear
Posts: 2,243

bear_thumb  for those nominated
bear_angry  for those who did not

Stunning work by all.


russellbears Russell Bears
Posts: 493
All Bear wrote:

Kim, those entries are magnificent ... such incredible detailing creating fabulous contemporary character - outstanding. :clap:  :clap:  :clap:

Wow, thank you Paula, what a wonderful and inspiring comment :hug:
I too would love to see everyone's entries published, what a great idea :clap:
Too many outstanding pieces to choose from, it really would have been a hard job to pick the final nominees bear_wacko

FenBeary Folk FenBeary Folk
Pointon Fen, Lincolnshire, UK
Posts: 2,234

WOW they are all amazing and too many to comment on all  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:

If that is the standard that didn't get chosen...................double wow

and a  :hug: just in case you are feeling a little blue

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