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Tedsby - Handmade teddy bears and other cute stuffed animals. Hundreds of teddy artists from all over the world and thousands of OOAK creations.
Teddy Bear Academy - Online teddy bear making classes

Jaina Emo Bears
Dudley, West Mids
Posts: 862

You spend £40 on a faux fur coat on eBay to cut it up to make bears  bear_innocent  (in my defence, that includes shipping on the original price of the coat was £89! )

So, what makes you all realise you have a teddy addiction?

BootButtonBears BootButtonBears
Posts: 2,837

When you prick or cut your finger whilst making bears and you are not in the least worried about your finger, only that the fur is alright!!!!

danceswithteddybears Dances With Teddy Bears
Pacific Northwest
Posts: 697

Let's see.  How 'bout not being able to sit anywhere without working on a bear.
I like yours, Christine.  Today as I was sewing I poked a hole in my finger.  I didn't care at all about my poor finger just the fur I was working on. 

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

When you are pet sitting for the neighbors and think what a wonderful bear their cat's fur would make and what wonderfully velvety foot pads the dogs ears would be!
:redface:  :crackup:

Oh, and the pattern in my marble tile floor in the bathroom has bear faces in it.... seriously!!

Melisa Nichols Melisa's Bears
Hazelton, BC
Posts: 5,811

Here's mine... when you can't fall asleep at night because your mind is busy with the next step on your current bear, or the next design!  bear_grin   I agree with the pricked finger thing too... especially when working with white fur!

Us Bears Pennsylvania
Posts: 1,479
Jaina wrote:

You know when you are addicted to Teddy Bears when.....

When your house looks like this:


Jaina Emo Bears
Dudley, West Mids
Posts: 862

bear_wub  Wow. what a lot of happy spoilt bears  bear_grin

EvaJ EJ's Crafts
Fort Mohave, Arizona
Posts: 829

When even the nightgowns you wear have pictures of bears on them.  Or when you go to the store you look at the front of your shirt and there is still fur on you.

bearhug07 Strange Bears
Posts: 444

When your wedding inviataions go out with.....

With a photo of one of your creations and the wording "Mummy and Daddy are finally making us legitimate, you are invited tot the wedding of...."
rather than being invited by the brides parents.......AND......
not one friend is surprised at the style and wording of the invite .....AND ......
a friends 13 year old son seeing the outside photo of a teddy bear and the words "wedding invitation" ..... says......."Aunty Sandra is finally getting married is she?" without looking inside!!!

I don't think I'm addicited at all......

Gemma82 Wakefield
Posts: 177

Haha, I love these!  Daphne, remind me not to let you near my animals  :P!

I'm still working on getting a big collection but I do have to make sure my bears are all comfy before I go to bed, it's a good job my fiance has always known he's marrying a nutcase!

Thea-MillyMe Milly Me®
Posts: 290

When you prick or cut your finger whilst making bears and you are not in the least worried about your finger, only that the fur is alright!!!!

Me too...................!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When I see my dog I see a pattern.......LOL!! After I followed my first teddybear classes I suddenly realized that I see patterns while looking at my dog monokel.gifhuch.gif
Before I took classes I never looked at her like this.

So I guess that our animals are very inspiring!!!

Us Bears Pennsylvania
Posts: 1,479
Jaina wrote:

bear_wub  Wow. what a lot of happy spoilt bears  bear_grin

Yeah, we got a bunch of Bears.  :D

They don't get into trouble too much.  Every once in a while, when you wake up in the morning to get your breakfast, you'll see a little brown streak going by out of the corner of your eye.  We don't ask what they do when we're asleep or away from the house.  We probably don't want to know.   bear_whistle
They are good about cleaning up their messes and they don't eat too much...  Because they are already stuffed!   :dance:

However, there was that one time when I came downstairs and went to the kitchen and I caught them in the act of sneaking a snack:
(Clickable picture)


desertmountainbear desertmountainbear
Bloomsburg, PA
Posts: 5,399

Dear US Bears,  I see not only do they like treats from the kitchen, but I noticed from one of your photos they must also sneak out to Krispy Kremes.  Or are you feeding them junk food?

Us Bears Pennsylvania
Posts: 1,479

When the Krispy Kreme store had its grand opening we took Giant Snuff with us.  They were giving out free donuts to everybody.  We went up to the Drive-Thru window.  We ordered two glazed donuts, two coffees and when the girl asked "Is that all?" we asked for one for the Bear, too, and he got one!  She gave us the paper hat for a souvenir.

If you look carefully you can see the cash register receipt to prove it, tucked into the back corner of the hat.
That's a "First Day Krispy Kreme Hat"  bear_laugh

The Bear liked his donut!

But we don't feed them donuts too often...  We don't want them to put on too much FLUFF!   bear_laugh

Tami E Tami Eveslage Original Teddy Bears
Milford Ohio
Posts: 2,367
bearhug07 wrote:

When your wedding inviataions go out with.....

With a photo of one of your creations and the wording "Mummy and Daddy are finally making us legitimate, you are invited tot the wedding of...."
rather than being invited by the brides parents.......AND......
not one friend is surprised at the style and wording of the invite .....AND ......
a friends 13 year old son seeing the outside photo of a teddy bear and the words "wedding invitation" ..... says......."Aunty Sandra is finally getting married is she?" without looking inside!!!

I don't think I'm addicited at all......

That's awesome Sandra!!!!

Us Bears your pictures and Teddy Bear's picnic music have made me smile from ear to ear!

BFB-Lyn Brimbin Forest Bears
NSW, Australia
Posts: 3,761

When you go to sleep at night and dream of bears, colours and dying and anything else to do with bears!  bear_grin

Hugs Lyn  bear_original

Us Bears Pennsylvania
Posts: 1,479
Tami E wrote:

Us Bears your pictures and Teddy Bear's picnic music have made me smile from ear to ear!

Thank you!  We try to keep a cheerful house and the Bears help.  If we ever need a Bear hug we never have to go very far.   bear_cool

There are Bears living in every room of the house except the bathroom.  Bears don't like the humidity.  Besides, our Bears collect rubber duckies.  The bathroom is where the rubber duckies live.  (Where else would they live?)

All 1,002 of us are glad we could brighten your day.   bear_flower

puca bears puca bears
Posts: 1,934

I don't know how many times I've woken happy, knowing I've  sorted out design problems for a bear.........and then lain there puzzled...........WHAT bear? Never seen or thought of this one before.......... bear_whistle  bear_whistle
And I do find myself looking at our dog and figuring out seam lines, especially on the head.
US bears(Randy) - your house and bear collection are awesome.........but what happens when it's time to Spring clean? Or are your bears just trained to give themselves a good shake? :crackup:  :crackup:
I particularly love the "tree shelves" in the bears room - a lovely bear home!

Michelle Helen Chaska, Minnesota
Posts: 2,897

When I oggle other peoples coats thinking about what pretty bears they will make.  bear_flower

valewoodbears Valewood Bears
Posts: 6,537

When you have to take your sewing everywhere, even on the bus to sew an odd seam on the way to town or in the car and when you go on holiday you take a few bears cut out ready to sew on the beach/around the pool, before breakfast, before dinner.  Also when you take a bear from your private collection on holiday cos you like to look at him/her every day.  :crackup:  :crackup:


Us Bears Pennsylvania
Posts: 1,479
puca bears wrote:

US bears(Randy) - your house and bear collection are awesome.........but what happens when it's time to Spring clean? Or are your bears just trained to give themselves a good shake? :crackup:  :crackup:
I particularly love the "tree shelves" in the bears room - a lovely bear home!

Melanie and her girlfriend painted the trees on the walls.
I spackled the walls and painted them sky blue.  Then, when the paint was dry, I screwed slotted shelf standards on the walls.  Melanie and her friend painted the trees and the grass.  When all the paint was dry I put slotted the brackets into the standards and attached the shelves.  It took about a week to get ready for all the Bears to move in.  (You have to let the room sit empty with the windows open so you can be sure the paint is 100% dry and the paint fumes have all dissipated before it is safe for Bears.)

You can't really tell from the picture but there is anti-UV film on the windows to prevent the ultraviolet light of the sun from fading their fur.

Spring cleaning!  Oyvay!  :doh:
Yes, this is a problem!  bear_ermm

We usually take the vacuum cleaner hose and cover the end with a piece of doubled-over cheese cloth and secure it with a rubber band.  Then we just gently dust the Bears and suck out any dust.  It takes a lot of time.

I have been trying to think about a better way but, so far, have only come up with theories.
I was thinking of using an air compressor hose (on low pressure) to gently blow the dust out and fluff their fur at the same time.  The question is what happens to all the dust that comes out of their fur?  It has to settle somewhere.  My theory would be to open a window and put a big fan on the sill, blowing outward.  Hopefully, it will blow all the airborne dust out.
But, then, we can only do it when the weather is nice.

Maybe we can start another thread to talk about suggestions?

valewoodbears wrote:

Also when you take a bear from your private collection on holiday cos you like to look at him/her every day.   :crackup:  :crackup:

A Bear ALWAYS travels with us when we go anywhere.  We've always had a hard time picking out which one.  Everybody always wants to go but there's only room for one.

Tami E Tami Eveslage Original Teddy Bears
Milford Ohio
Posts: 2,367

I originally posted this on my blog last July but I think that this proves without a doubt that I am addicted to Teddy Bears.

Teddy Bears or Diet Coke

The icemaker in our freezer broke this weekend which led me to actually make use of a cute Teddy Bear ice cube tray I purchased on an impulse at some point in the past. As I was plunking the little frozen Teddy Bears into my glass, my son Alex remarked. "Two of your favorite things enjoyed together, Teddy Bears, and Diet Coke!"
This comment led to the following amusing exchange.

Alex: Which would your rather give up,Teddy Bears or Diet Coke?

Me: Diet Coke. (No hesitation.Diet Coke is not really good for you, but Teddy Bears are!)

Alex: Would you rather give up, Teddy Bears or TV?

Me: (again without hesitaion) TV!

Alex: Teddy Bears or the Internet?

Me: (With a little hesitation this time, I do enjoy the internet) I'd give up the Internet.

Alex: Teddy Bears or electricity?

Me: (No response.)

Alex: Mom?

Me: I'm thinking!

And I'm still thinking! And laughing at myself for contemplating a question which should be a "no- brainer". Electricity sure does make life easier, but a life without Teddy Bears is hard for me to imagine! Anyone else out there as crazy as me that you might consider giving up electricity before giving up making, collecting,or hugging Teddy Bears?

Nancy D Dog Patch Critters
Titusville, FL
Posts: 512

When you are on the treadmill, facing a stucco wall and you see bears in the textures of the stucco.

Bubble-Up Bears Bubble Up Bears!
Murrieta, California
Posts: 1,804

Oh that's a good one Nancy!!
I use to look for bears in the walls of my hospital rooms. bear_original

wigglesbears Wigglesbears
Posts: 118
Daphne wrote:

When you are pet sitting for the neighbors and think what a wonderful bear their cat's fur would make and what wonderfully velvety foot pads the dogs ears would be!
:redface:  :crackup:

Oh, and the pattern in my marble tile floor in the bathroom has bear faces in it.... seriously!!

All of these have made me hoot with laughter, we were at the zoo yesterday and l saw a camel and thought that would make a lovely bear!!!

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Johnna's Mohair Store - Specializing in hand dyed mohair and alpaca
Past Time Bears - Artist bears designed and handcrafted by Sue Ann Holcomb