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Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Have you or would you submit your application to a juried teddy bear show or does this turn you away?

Why do you think a juried show is a good thing or why is it a bad thing?

Daphne and her Inquiring Mind.....   bear_grin

Jare Hares & Bears Jare Hares & Bears
Polo, IL
Posts: 983

I like the idea of a juried bear show. It lets me know that the show producer cares about the quality of the show. I know that some people out there are making bears for the sake of making bears. But with a juried show I know as a exhibitor that the producer isn't going to olet just everyone in. Plus this can be marketed carefully to the collector to let them know that all of the pieces there are of good quality. It also lets them know that not everyone there is trying to sell someone else's work.
It never hurts to ask for photos.
When mom and I did our Holiday Craft show we asked for photos of current work or a web site with pictures of current work, that was if we did not get to see their items at a craft show. We ran the show out of our home and were very selective as to who we would invite to show. We didn't want crocheted toilet paper covers, kiddie crafts, or the like. Please understand that I know there is a place for those types of items and they are crafts. We chose to focus on high-end hand crafted items. Plus we like to assure our artist that they would be the only one at our show with their type of craft. We only had one basket weaver, one jewerly gal, one spinner/weaver, one candle maker, and so on. We tried as much as possible to avoid duplication. This insured that everyone would sell something. I don't know how well you can apply this to a bear show. We usually had 3 to 4 bear artists, but like we all know everyone makes different types of bears.
I don't think that juring a show is a bad idea.
Good Luck,

kraftyladies Beary Lovely ... Bears by Susan
Posts: 165

The only shows that I have done so far have been juried shows.  I thought all of them were?  Anyway, I like the idea same as Jared said, that they won't let just anyone in there.  I have been in craft shows with my Mom that were not juried, and they had all kind of stuff in there, junk, store bought stuff, etc etc.  So honestly, I think it is a good idea.  I think it (hopefully) will make anyone that wanted to be in put their best foot forward and make the best impression they can.  And I think it helps to have a show with more variety, and have artist tables set up away from other artists that might have similar work.  Hope that made sense.....

Bear hugs,

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Thank you! It is my desire to produce a 'fine arts' fair one day as you and your mom have done and my thought process on jurying is identical. I can see many good reasons to jurying a bear show as well. But there are always two sides so wanted to hear both from others. Your input is greatly appreciated. Thank you!!!!!!  :thumbsup:

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Perfect sense.
Thank you!!

Jare Hares & Bears Jare Hares & Bears
Polo, IL
Posts: 983

I think the juring will help you to avoid some of the things that Susan mentioned. I hate going to a craft show and finding that 50% of the things I am seeing are store bought wooden or plaster items that are painted or other craft items. I prefer to go to a show and know that the majority of the items are hand made. I would rather pay $8.00 for  ahand dipped candle rather than $5.00 for a candle that I can buy at Wal-Mart. Just a thought.

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

There is nothing worse than a craft fair with manufactured items... in my not too humble opinion!

Guess I should clarify the true reason I'm asking questions here.

Though I dream of producing an incredible arts fair one day (No question that one will be juried) I'm starting out small by taking over a Teddy Bear show that has been lacking in recent years. Whether or not to make it a juried show is weighing heavy. I don't want to upset those who have done the show in the past (it's never been juried) but want to improve the show in every way, including quality and variety. It seems a bit of a delicate issue so need input.

This is my first stab at producing a show and I want to do it right!


SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 22,002

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

I have done both juried and non-juried bear shows.  As has been mentioned, the non-juried ones had many manufactured items, Beanie Babies, some not-quite-so-wonderful-even-though-handmade things, etc.  I am definitely in favor of juried shows!

Jare Hares & Bears Jare Hares & Bears
Polo, IL
Posts: 983

Well promoting it as a quality show will help people to understand what it is you are trying to do.
I would make expections for those who have done the show for years. But for any new people they must submitt to the jury process.
But if any of the people who have done the show for years quit or don't show up for a year or two, then when they want to come back you can then subject them to the jury process as well. If they object, you can explain that space is limited and those who attend the show every time are given preference over those who don't or are new. This would be a fair way to handle the situtation, after all you are taking over the show.
The better quality you make the show the better it will be for the exhibitors and collectors alike.
The one thing that you must never do is cut back on the advertising of the show. Mailing lists are great, but you still need to run ads in the local newspapers, and if it is a bear show then you need to makesure to run atleast classified ads in both magazines.  Make sure that you get e-mail addresses from you collectors. E-mail is free, you can send out show reminders at the beginning of the year to list the shows that you are holding. Then 4 weeks before the show you can send out an e-mail reminder of the upcomming show, then 2 weeks out, and the week before. Make sure that you always list in the e-mail that they can unsubscribe to the list and keep your e-mail database up to date. A line like:

To unsubscribe from this mailing list simply reply and type "REMOVE" in the subject line.

You may need to include your mailing address for your production company. I am not sure of all of the regulations that are required, but do your best to cover yourself.

Best of Luck to you,

Deb Upstate New York
Posts: 1,650

Here in town, we have a huge craft fair each year that is juried.  The gal that cuts my hair and her husband were involved for years, and required new pics each year.  It makes for a truly great craft fair in that there just isn't any "junk" there ... you know where people buy a wholesale lot of something and call it a craft.  That's at holiday time.

In the summer, Market Street (didn't you say you'd been here Daphne?) is closed down for three days and there is a juried arts/crafts fair which is just fabulous.

These are my two favorites because I know I don't have to waste time looking at stuff I could buy at WalMart or mail order for 1/4 the price and tie my own ribbon on.

I've only been to one teddy bear show, and I suspect it was juried.  Jared, the more I think of it, the more I'm thinking you may have been there.  I KNOW there was a young man and his mom there with rabbits.  It was in Woburn, MA a few years back.  You would have been on the far right of the room as you enter, and almost to the back, along the wall ... not far from the Intercal table.

Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

I'm with you guys.  Juried is the best way to go.  I have only done two shows, ABC Unlimited Productions and both were juried.

I think more people would attend a juried art show before a non-juried craft show.  Would you want to see a table with $200 + bears next to popsicle stick Christmas decorations for $1.00.  I am exaggerating a bit but I think there is a big difference between ART and Crafts.

jenny Three O'clock Bears
warwickshire uk
Posts: 4,413

I actually think it's the only way forward for shows. There are so many new makers now...and so many folks trying to sell just about anything, it's in everyones interest that the organiser chooses a good, fair mix of exhibitors.

As long as it's done with integrity and common sense then it makes for a successful show that's fair to all. I also think that just because someone always attends that particular show , shouldn't automatically guarantee them a table every year regardless of what they are producing. It may sound harsh but with such stiff competition from some wonderful new artists it keeps shows fresh and interesting for all concerned.

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Jenny, well put!
Jared, thanks for the great advice!
Deb, yes I've been there and hubby has helped me remember Market St..... sounds like a wonderful event.
Sue Ann & Judi, thanks for the reinforcement.

You are all saying what I want to hear!!!  bear_thumb And given me ideas on how to handle the 'old timers'.

I am so excited about doing this show and am enjoying every aspect of it thus far. I'm sure I'll hit a few speed bumps but nothing I can't handle.

Your support and advice is so helpful! I'm sure I'll pick your brains some more on other things!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!  :rose:


PS. More comments on the Juried topic are welcome!!

jenny Three O'clock Bears
warwickshire uk
Posts: 4,413

Hey Daphne...can you come over here and organise a show...sounds like we need you!!!!


Jare Hares & Bears Jare Hares & Bears
Polo, IL
Posts: 983
Deb wrote:

I've only been to one teddy bear show, and I suspect it was juried.  Jared, the more I think of it, the more I'm thinking you may have been there.  I KNOW there was a young man and his mom there with rabbits.  It was in Woburn, MA a few years back.  You would have been on the far right of the room as you enter, and almost to the back, along the wall ... not far from the Intercal table.

Mom and did ABC's show in Woburn, MA a few years back. I think we went the second year that they had the show there and I believe that was the last year that they did the show there. Usually, ABC juries all of its shows. I know that as a repeat exhibitor they don't always require us to send in pictures, but for new people they must. It just makes for a better show for everyone..

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Ooh, cute new avatar, Jared!

Kirsten So. Cal.
Posts: 302

I'm blonde, sick and pregnant, so bear with me........ Exactly what is the difference between juried and non-juried?  bear_whistle

kbonsall Kim-Bee Bears
Posts: 5,645

There are craft shows locally and they all have things that are more "craft" than art.  And I am trying to have a piece of the show action and the local one had a waiting list of 200 people and that is simply becuase of the popsicle stick idea and selling used "junk" and beanie babies and baseball cards.... The tables are $50.00 each which sounded good but I dont, like Judi said, want to be placed next to beanie babies and such... even though my bears arent at the $400.00 selling price yet, I still think I deserve something a little better than a regular craft show....

So, I guess I will wait for a teddy bear show near me.... Anyone care to share a table ???

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Kirsten... you poor baby... I know those "delighted-to-be-pregnant, but hating-the-physical-experience-of-it" blues all too well, myself.  Hugs your way.

A "juried" show is like cheerleading tryouts; you have to showcase your skill, talent, quality, training, and pretty/pleasing aesthetic appeal to make the cut.  Rah!

On the other hand, a non-juried show would basically accept as exhibitor anyone who applied, and find that person a table space ... either by squishing everyone into the venue space, or on a purely first-come, first-served basis.

A show like TBAI -- the Teddy Bear Artist Invitational, in New York every fall -- is an example of a particularly tightly juried show.  You must provide pictures, upon request and invitation, to even be considered as a possible exhibitor!

Deb Upstate New York
Posts: 1,650

Kirsten ~ With juried shows, you must submit at least photographs of your work and your display, and are approved to be in the show/fair.  Non-juried shows/fairs are less discriminating about the items allowed in.

Kimmy ~ I was thinking the exact same thing about a table!  Daphne, are you there?  That might be a cool thing to offer for us poor folks selling at substantially less per bear and just <trying> to break in to the bear world.  Also Kim, sometimes with juried craft shows/fairs, you could possibly get in to a pretty high end "craft" fair.  That's what they call a couple around here, but honestly, they're really art fairs.  One is called an art festival.  Really really nice stuff.

Here is the link to the 2005 Festival of Art.  Click on download ARTSfest application and there's info on the jury and required statement of authenticity. … stOld.html

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Deb, Have you been to the Letchworth craft fair? Just curious.

Kim & Deb, I hadn't considered booth sharing but I'll give it some thought. I think all sharing one booth would still have to go through the jury process. Probably have a maximum of 2 sharing a table. Offered to those selling bears less than 2 years maybe? Or maybe having a booth for 'Up and Coming Artists'..... 3 tables (as that's the max for a booth space) and up to 6 new artists allowed. They'd only get to be in that booth one time. The following they'd have to have their own booth. See, I'm thinking out loud. I'll keep thinking... quietly.

Kirsten & Shelli - HOW ARE YOU KIRSTEN???? Shelli - I had to laugh at your reference to cheerleaders..... do you associate BLONDE with CHEERLEADER? It just made me chuckle.  :lol:

You guys are so helpful here...... I knew you would be!  THANK YOU!!!!!!  bear_thumb

heartsez Hearts Ease Bears
Posts: 660

Daphne..sharing was the one other thing i meant to bring up..glad there is a discussion here!  i dont like the sound of making a distinction between new/up and coming artists,,
3 of us shared a table at the show we just did.. and while that was ideal for us,,i'd say id be content with at least letting two people share..who ever they are..and juried wouldnt bother me either..the fees and travel are soo expensive,,not to mention rooms..we would do more shows if we could split the expenses,,as it is anyone who sells enough travels and the rest of us stay close to home and do fewer shows..catch 22!! you need the exposure but who has this kind of money?  anyone else feel this way?
id really like to show more,,but this is not a cheap "craft" or begin with! the materials can break you!    its great that people like you are trying to keep these shows alive!  Kennebunk is a lovely little show and i misssed it this year! bear_sad:(:(  deb

Tammy Beckoning Bears
Nova Scotia
Posts: 3,739

Daphne, I think Juried shows might attrack people that are more willing to pay the higher prices for a quality product.   I've only done one juried show and the bears had to be physically judged to join the Guild.  That then allowed participation in the show.

Jare Hares & Bears Jare Hares & Bears
Polo, IL
Posts: 983

Thanks Shelli,
I thought that I might need to get one up soon otherwise you all might be beating down my door or flooding my e-mail with requests that I get an avatar. I put this one together quickly, it is not as nice as someothers out there but it does show some of my work.

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