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Love Bud Bears Love Bud Bears by Sandy
New Jersey
Posts: 224

Picture-1298_edited.jpgPicture-1312_edited.jpgPicture-1291_edited.jpgHi,  I love your homes- especially all the wide open spaces. Judy you farm is absolutely awesome!
Here's a couple pictures of my under construction house. My Love Bud Ray (the original Love Bud) decided to make all my dreams come true. Our 10 acre property is located in New Jersey & it's a never endless work in progress. We designed this house together- truly a one of a kind. Sooner or later we'll get to the barn. Right now we live in a townhouse & I can't wait to move!
My only wish would be no neighbors for miles away.

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,754

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Wow, Sandy . . . awesome place!!

matilda Matilda Huggington-beare
Posts: 5,551
gotobedbears wrote:

ha ha ha - do you think our American pals at Teddy Talk would wanna travel with those two twits Kate?

I'd prefer to fly in tourist class with the rest of the proletariat.

Can you imagine being in the third seat with Charles and Camilla? "Oh i say Camilla, just look at all the funny people on the plane - Mama did tell me about them but i did'nt think they truly existed" " Oh Charles you are too too funny dahling. I don't mind them at all really one of them comes in every day and cleans the house" Charles aghast " Good Heavens Camilla! Do you mean to say one of them is in the house on a daily basis?

YUK - i don't like the Royal Twits  bear_sad  but i suppose someone has to be the national idiots and they have been nominated by birth

Penny - working class and proud of it  bear_smile  bear_tongue  :lol:

I've just had surgery!!!! Dont make me laugh so hard!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!   
                                                                                                         Matilda bear_cry

matilda Matilda Huggington-beare
Posts: 5,551
Dilu wrote:

Kate, even some of us in the states can laugh at that one! bear_grin bear_grin bear_grin

But since you 'live' there you have the money for servants so stop riding around on the mower and make more bears!!!   bear_grin
boy are you ever a sillikins, you've got your priorities backwards. :hug:

Penny, you certainly got that one right.....The Royal Twits. 

But we all have Clay feet.....alas.....sigh......

Stop Dilu!!!!! Stop making me laugh!!!!!! bear_cry  It hurts!!!!      Matilda bear_cry

Thankyou to you all. What a lovely way to spend an afternoon. Visiting all of you!!!!!!!!  The coffee was good too! bear_grin   But alas must now leave, bye..... bear_flower thanks for having me. bear_flower

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Sandy, your house is incredible.  I can't wait to see how it turns out; I hope you'll post pictures when you get there.  Do you have a date estimated for completion/move in? 

I've never built a house but wow, what an adventure to be able to do so.  Every single choice, yours to make, to your specifications.  It's a control freak's dream come true! bear_original

lapousmor Sophie Z'Ours
Sarthe, France
Posts: 2,770

Sandy, this is not a house but a palace! Your bears will be lost in so much space!
I look forward to see more pictures of your giant house!

Beary hugs,

Laura Lynn Teddy Bear Academy
Nicholasville, KY
Posts: 3,653

Laura Lynn Banner Sponsor

Judi I LOVE your home!  I just love farms bear_original  And your picture is AWESOME!

Estelle what beautiful scenery you have!  I didn't realize you lived on a boat!  How cool bear_original

Penny I LOVE your house!!  Yours looks like what I always pictured I'd love to have if I could!

Fran thank you bear_original  Our home is actually a duplex... it's a 3 bedroom ranch style house.. attached to another of the same.  Our entire neighborhood is duplex ranches and quad townhouses.  Thanks about my garden... I have to keep it small if I want to be sure I keep up with it... learned that the hard way LOL!

Oh my gosh Denise!  I'm green with envy here!  Do you have to water all those lovely flowers?  If you do, they'd never look so good at my house  :whistle:

Dilu LOVE your home!!  Love the "1000 round feet" LOL!  Our home is small also but I didn't know the footage... just looked it up and it's 1300 square feet.  Not too much bigger...  I showed your photo to hubby and he thought it was VERY cool!  Do you have inside photos?  I'll have to check the new "inside of homes" post later...

Oh Terrie!  You home is also just beautiful!!  WOW!!

Julia your apartment looks very nice!!  And so close to the sea... a HUGE plus!!

Sophie love the pictures!  "crowded with bears and clocks" LOL!!

Anne I love your home!  Your "fairy garden" is very cute!!

LOL Kate!!!!

Awww Kim!  Love the bears!!!

Oh wow Kathy... WHAT a view!!

Amy I love your home!!  I'm so sorry to hear you'll be loosing your view though bear_sad  Guess the only way to be sure to keep it is to buy the land... pretty expensive!

Shelli I love your house too!!!  and I LOVE lots of big windows (except when it comes to cleaning them LOL!)

Jane beautiful home!!!  Love it!

Oh Sue Ann!  Another beautiful home!  It makes me feel so cozy to look at your photos!!

Oh Janet... beautiful!!!  My dad used to live in Bayfield, CO (Colorado) and it was also spectacular.... but there's no way I could take all that snow you guys get!

Holy cow Sandy!  Is that all ONE house?!?  That looks huge!!  And so beautiful!  Love the architechure!

doodlebears Doodlebears
Posts: 7,414

doodlebears Celebration Ambassador

Hey Sandie, your new house looks so big that maybe we could all come and stay and have a huge, Teddy Bear convention.
Beautiful house, lucky you! I can't wait to see the pictures of it when it's finished and the garden too!

Jane.  bear_original  bear_original  bear_original

kathytaylor Ruby Mountain Bears
Northern Nevada, USA
Posts: 1,467

You all have such beautiful homes.  :clap:

I am definitely heading for Janets in Colorado, I don't mind the snow. In fact it can snow quite abit here too.  Your cabin looks just lovely.

Lets all go and Hibernate in Janets cabin!!!!!

Jane WOW! That's gorgeous.

I just live in a little house too. 1500 sq ft. but it's cozy and cute. I moved here from a bigger house in the desert where I literally Hated the HEAT. 118 F for five months at a time. TOO HOT.
This is Paradise!!!


lapousmor Sophie Z'Ours
Sarthe, France
Posts: 2,770

Pictures pictures pictures Katty!

Beary hugs,

kathytaylor Ruby Mountain Bears
Northern Nevada, USA
Posts: 1,467

waterfall.JPGglacierslide.JPGI posted some pictures but I 'll post some more.
these are in the Canyon just Two miles from the house. In the spring time the canyon is filled with wild Iris and snap pea flowers and a million others. There are tons of waterfalls every spring. See What I mean Paradise!!! It is Beautiful here.
But There is lots of Snow too!~!!! Last winter I had 6 ft snow in the front yard, more in the back.

WildThyme Wild Thyme Originals
Hudson, Ohio
Posts: 3,115

Kids-Close.jpgHouse.jpgOkay, I finally managed to snap a pic of the house....  That little extension on the right (partitially covered by a big pine tree... is the master bedroom, and the library, but you can only see the first foot or so of it because of the tree!  You get the general idea though.  The little room on the second floor with the arched window is my studio.  Pretty typical home for Hudson, Ohio... they are all either the contemporary style that we have, or Williamsburg Style reproductions.

The two smiling faces are my two youngest.  We were waiting for the bus... Miranda is in Kindergarten (she turned 5 in June... yes, she's a tiny little thing.... a head shorter than her peers.  Looks just like me! )  Ben, who is making a semi goofy face just turned three this weekend.... he picked out his own clothes today!!!  He looks more like Daddy.... has the olive colored Egyptian skin and eyes as dark as night.

Beary truly yours,
Kim Basta
Wild Thyme Originals

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Great house and darling kids, Kim.  But I was just realizing... with all this photo posting, and everyone getting to know one another... I don't remember seeing any photographs of YOU, my dear!

It's time to get cracking on that one, methinks.


WildThyme Wild Thyme Originals
Hudson, Ohio
Posts: 3,115

Shelli... you are right.   :redface: I'm the only one allowed to touch the digital camera!  I haven't figured out how to use the timer, but I do believe that my camera has one.  I will either figure that out or give my oldest a crash course in the camera and have him take one in the next couple of days.  Shame on me huh....?  I am just a 33 year old version of my daughter though!

doodlebears Doodlebears
Posts: 7,414

doodlebears Celebration Ambassador

Lovely house Kim but wow what gorgeous children! So beautiful!

Jane  bear_original

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,754

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Gorgeous house, Kim . . . but your little ones are even MORE SO!!!

Love Bud Bears Love Bud Bears by Sandy
New Jersey
Posts: 224

Thanks for the comments about my money pit (as Ray likes to call it) - The teddy convention sounds like a great idea, but we'll have to wait until the pools done. I feel so blessed & so lucky to have found a man that loves me so much. This life is far from the one I knew growing up. Not that I have any complaints, I'm just way more spoiled now. It's difficult at times- the control freak Shelli wrote about can really get to me. But I try not to sweat the small stuff & focus on the future, when I can look out the window & see my animals running around. - The house is about 6 months behind schedule & the move in date has changed a thousand times. Some time in the Summer is the latest guess.  -The top window towards the right will be my craft room aka Bear Den. I'll post more pictures after the stucco is done. - It's 5000 square ft. unless you count the basement then it's 9000- 4 bedrooms, 3 full baths, 3 half- it looked a lot smaller on paper!! will post soon: Help Wanted Full Time House Keeper.  :wacko:

p.s.- All your kids are adorable- do they do yard work?   bear_flower

Densteds Densteds
Posts: 2,056

So many wonderful homes, and all so different, it's just great being able to see where you all live, and thank you Fran for starting this post, I've really enjoyed seeing all these lovely pictures.

Laura Lynn wrote:

Oh my gosh Denise!  I'm green with envy here!  Do you have to water all those lovely flowers?  If you do, they'd never look so good at my house  :whistle:

Laura Lynn, all the flowers in the garden are drought resistant, I learnt the hard way  bear_grin they're the only one's I plant now...I rarely water them as we have been going through a drought and only have tank water..sorry don't know what you call it in US. We live on a farm so we don't have townwater connected.


Terrie Terries Bears
Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 3,614

Wow! There are so many very interesting places and what great views some of you have! Kathy that looks like an awesome place to go hiking!
Janet, I want to come too!!..... but not in the winter, I get to see more snow than I want to  bear_grin bear_grin but your place is gorgeous, I can almost smell the pine and hear the birds :)
Sandy, I love your palace!!!! I can't wait for the Teddy Talk convention!!! bear_grin bear_grin I can come and push a broom around for a couple of weeks or so, I will be there just as soon as the temperature falls to 30 below! bear_grin bear_grin

Irene Irenours-bears
Posts: 508

Thank you all to show us  these marvellous houses and places . I love so much to look at houses and gardens. I have a huge number of related magazines. As i told to my husband, if we were rich, i would love to have many houses in many different places to decorate and live in on different seasons  bear_grin bear_grin Before my discovering of dollmaking and bearmaking, i use to do lot of things to decorate my house (painting ,wallpaper, curtains....) Beary hugs  :hug: :hug: :hug:

Estelle Estelles canal bears and Tod Teddies
Todmorden West Yorkshire
Posts: 370

i turned round this morning after leaving the boat and thought this looked interesting, the sun doesnt hit our side of the valley for three months now but we can allways see it on the other side

jazzyrags Jazzy Rags
Posts: 1,494

Estelle i love the photo you sent in, bear_laugh it looks very cold there .it never get that cold here we never see the snow :(Too close to the sea

Estelle Estelles canal bears and Tod Teddies
Todmorden West Yorkshire
Posts: 370

its colder still this morning  the canal has completely frozen and our boat is stuck fast, in the night you could here the ice creaking against the sides, but it is nice and cosy inside and pretty to look out at. Glad you liked the picture  :dance:

Terrie Terries Bears
Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 3,614

The sun shining on the frost and snow is very pretty. How cold does it get there, Estelle? Won't the ice damage your boat?

Estelle Estelles canal bears and Tod Teddies
Todmorden West Yorkshire
Posts: 370

it doesnt get that cold about - 6 at worst -10 and the boats are thick steel so come to no harm, there are some old boats still around in the canal museum that are over 100 years old. The geese and ducks all have to wear skates though  :dance: the temperature
goes above freezing during the day a lot of the time just not on uor stretch of canal We are in the shadow of the Pennine way so stay frozen, but it is so beautiful round here we dont mind at all  :lol:

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